MITB - missed opportunity in Rock/Cena/Miz


Pre-Show Stalwart
this isn't the typical MITB post about whether it should or should not be part of tonight...but how it should have been used for an EPIC "Mania Moment with The Rock, Cena, Miz, and getting everyone else over.

The Rock is the guest. He was brought in to get buys for the event and i have to imagine he will be featured in great capacity tonight. MITB has become a staple of the event for putting over young talent and mid-carders to get them right to that Main Event scene in a logical way. I'll cut some of my ramble about how this idea could have built every character WWE has, but in short - Rock shoulda came out to start the show grab a head set, add commentary to an opening MITB match (I'm suggesting it be held), and put over how great the young talent is and that he doesn't have a problem with WWE wrestlers now, JUST CENA (recall, he hasn't even directly insulted the MIZ until MIZ provoked him). As the commentator, he would be in a position to quickly to decide as special host - its time to lay whoop ass as he has promised us he will and and quickly just enters the match after ridiculous spots that showcase talent and claims the case.

Crowd pops crazy - he grabs the mic, and he tells Cena and Miz he will see them later tonight. NOBODY expecting this because after all the Rock is just a gig on Mania, not a wrestler - hence EPIC turn in events.

Fast forward the show MIZ-CENA, CENA Wins..crowd of children go crazy. Cue the "Do You Smell..." and out comes Rock to cash his case - and after Cena spent so much effort beating Miz (which puts Miz over as a legit ME and guy who can wrestle in the spotlight - The ROCK wins the title.

I get this is hypothetical and clearly not booked in any resembling way. But Rock is suppose to be on Raw tmrw. Rock and come out as champ, declare "He Brings It" - make it known he can come in and win any night he wants as The Great One (You Still Got IT chants)...and then vacate the title to a Miz-Cena rematch...or let Miz come at him for the title and have Cena cost Rock the Title and that gives us Cena-Rock at Summer Slam with all new storyline and material to build on.

It coulda happen this way and all of the ideas are not things WWE has not done before at past Mania's or next nights on Raw.

Please give me feedback on the creative and on the overal concept - likes dislikes, tweaks...I think this was a good creative pitch and wonder if anyone at WWE comes up with creative like this anymore?
I like the idea actually. I'm surprised I haven't thought of it hehe... However a lof of us are looking for Cena to have his WrestleMania moment, and this would be the Cena/Rock everyone was looking for at WrestleMania... I don't really care whether they have the match at Summerslam at this point. I care way more about WrestleMania. That being said, since Cena is currently the face of the WWE, I would have Cena overcome the odds, and the millions, go one on one with the great one and beat him. And then the next night on Raw Rock shakes hand, buries the hatchet, and puts Cena over in the best way... Kinda like Rock and Hogan.
I think this is a horrible idea for several reasons:

1. That would totally bury all of the talent in the MITB by having The Rock, who isn't even a part of the roster and doesn't need the win at all, to come out of nowhere and win it like that. Isn't MITB supposed to create new main-eventers?

2. Such a win wouldn't even be legal as Rock wasn't part of the match to begin. He's the host, not a GM so there's no way he could just enter himself into the match.

3. He should not beat Cena for the title. Rock should be putting over Cena, not beating him. Cena's the face of the company and the one who'll be sticking around so Rock doesn't need to beat him at anything.

4. What's the point of having Rock win the belt if he's just going to vacate it? That totally defeats the purpose of everything that happened at 'Mania.

5. A match does need to take place with these two, but it doesn't need to be surrounded by the clusterfuck of circumstances you presented. It's John Cena vs The Rock. That alone is enough to sell the match. Not to mention that they already have a reason to feud so they don't need any of this extra stuff.

Sorry, but this is a terrible idea that seems to serve no purpose other than using The Rock to bury the current talent.
I understand that it is a bit unorthodox, but it is something completely fresh and new and creative (IMO)

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