Missed Opportunity

Somebody probably brought this up already, but the biggest fuck up ever was bringing back ECW.

They had great momentum going into this idea. They had Cena drop the title to RVD for his first WWE title reign, and the idea that the belt would go to ECW was even better. The fact that the company actually resigned sandman, sabu, Dreamer, and Al Snow to atleast have some originals in there made it look good too, on top of sending Angle, Show, and RVD there too.

Looking at the wrestlers they brought in not to mention the Title storyline, I actually thought they were gonna pull off a pretty good C show. But then RVD smokes a joint, Sabu starts fucking up, Angle quits, and Show quits, and they give the title to lashley at probably the worst PPV they've ever put on, ever.

Trying to recreate an ECW i thought was interesting plan, and if they actually pulled it off I actually could have seen them running it against TNA on thursdays. But it didn't pan out, and now everyone ever affiliated with ECW is ashamed by what they see on TV...
At wrestlemania 19 wwe should have had hogan vs austin the biggest name in wwf history vs the man who made the most money for the company the match could have been ratshit but it wouldve significantly increased buyrates, it is the ultimate dream match
Yeah Hulk Hogan vs. Stone Cold would of been good, but I wish there was The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels at WM19 aswell, but didnt happen.

WWE have actually done something good now though, making Randy Orton champ.
One of the biggest screwups was making the Triple H/Orton program for No Mercy. What I would have done is have two battle royals for No Mercy, one filled with legends, one filled with all the top stars of today. Carlito would win the top stars battle royal, Mick Foley would win the other. the two of them would wrestle in a #1 contendership match, with Foley winning. Foley and Orton would wrestle, Foley would win clean and become a four time champion. Foley would then defend the title each week until Cyber Sunday,against Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, and Carlito respectivly. Then Orton would face Foley at Cyber Sunday with the choices of Hardcore, Ironman or Submission as choices for stips. Orton would take it and makes him a legend.
the most obvious one is the ionvasion angle.

vince should of built wcw/ecw up into more of a threat.should of paid whatever it took at the time to bring in hogan/goldberg/steiner and sting and then have them come in at the suvivor series match and screw the wwe out of the win.change raw to monday nitro and so on.

then for a few months have wwe stars try and chase them for the name of wwe until eventually wiining the name back at mania the next year.
Dropped balls...two immediately come to mind. The first one was Kane's sole WWF Title run in 1998. 24 hours later, StoneCold tagged him on Raw for the title. Come on...seriously, having Austin chase him for a few months for the belt would've given Austin great momentum going into like SummerSlam or Survivor Series that year.

The other one is the one that irks me every time I think about it. Can someone explain to me as to WHY in some time perioud between WrestleMania X and the steel cage math at SummerSlam 94, did Owen Hart NOT get the WWF Championship? In a family rivalry that is one of the legit best feuds in history, how different would it have been if Owen would've walked out of the cage match with the belt, or better yet...remember the Submission Match at Survivor Series between Bret Hart and Bob Backlund where Helen Hart threw in the towel? What if Owen had the Sharpshooter locked in on Bret when Helen threw in that towel, making Owen the WWF Champion? Talk about a MAJOR missed oppurtunity there!
Really enjoyable thread to read. The usual suspects are there, Kane, Jeff Hardy in 2002, Matt Hardy now.

But what about guys like Cryme Tyme, who were white hot with the crowd getting fired over a petty squabble with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. yes they attacked the ref, but it was sticking to thier character and the crowd loved them for it.

Another one is Shelton, he looks like a twat now with his hair, but before, when he beat Triple H not once but 3 times, he could have least got a title shot.

Rey Mysterios title reign was a joke, he just jobbed to other stars till he finally lost the belt, which really sucks. Hopefully, second time round (on Raw) he could finally get a decent run.

Punk on ECW, he has been a great champion but the WWe want to put the belt back on Nitro or even Big Daddy V, which is a bit crap considering the steroid scandal and Viscera's Heat status the past few years.

This was evident at No mercy, the WWe could have put anyone in that match(Val venis won the poll, for christs sake), yet they stuck Triple H in for a meaningless title run(but hey, he is closer to beaten Ric Flair, right?)
alot come to mind

Christians move from mid carder to heavyweight contender on raw, the wwe drafts him to smackdown where he jobs out and totally lose his hot heel status, Christian moves to tna and gets the world strap making the wwe creative look like fools in the fans eyes.

rey mysterio title reign, sucked ass till he lost it he was a world title jobber simple as.

Sheltons career after his first IC run, terrible, terrible, the wwe knows what they have with benjamin and arent using him right, move him to ecw and finally give him a world title run.

Kane not even coming close to a world title is a sham and missed opportunity they could have built him as a monster heel on smackdown but no they let him job to all up and comers then job them to whomever gets pushed next.

TNA with samoa joes run at the top, no world title for joe and i think they should have at least give him one credible run

TNA and the black machismo, man they are making him the x divisions ray mysterio, he pinned angle clean and they job him to everyone.

Val Venis, the guy has mic skills, has ability yet no push, they jobbed him out to snitsky for heavens sake.

Stevie, they used stevie to further thorn as a credible world champion contender, i dont buy it, id rather see stevie and thorn feud over the cruiser title
Another missed oppurtunity that just happended recently was a Mr Kennedy-Edge fued, that could have possibly been happening at this Survivor series or after that, but insted they move mr kennedy to raw and have yet to put him in a good fued, while if he was on smackdown he could start to have a fued with edge that i think would be great for both men, it could help make kennedy a huge star and turn him face, but the wwe messes up once again

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