Misunderstood Connections


[This Space for Rent]
Often times I see weird connections to people, or subjects, and I just don't get why the two are offensively connected. Let's discuss.

Black People & Fried Chicken: I'm white and I love chicken. Why is being black and loving chicken seen as such an offensive thing?

Gays and the Rainbow: I'm completely straight and I find the colors of a rainbow enjoyable. Why is this such a horrible connection to gays?

Lesbians and butch cuts: I know plenty of girls who look just as ugly with short, spikey hair, that love cock. So why are Lesbians connected to short, spikey haircuts?

Irish People & Drinking: IrishCanadian excluded, I don't understand how people can hold Irish people in this catagory - when every ethnicity drinks. You can't tell me Irish people drink MORE when often times its White trailer-park trash hicks that end up in drunken bar room brawls.

Black People & Crime: Some of the best criminals are white guys. So why are Black people connected more to crime?

Have any others? Talk about them here.

Also, if anyone has the answers to why these are offensive - I'd seriously like to know.
I'm with you for the most par. Except the black people and crime part. We all know the darkies are responsible for all crime.

Na I'm Just kidding. Could you imagine>>
Englishmen and bad teeth.

Scotts and kilts (I'm not sure, but I'm pretty convinced it's not too common wear anymore)

Teenagers and drinking (I get weird looks when I say I don't drink, smoke or do drugs)
It's insulting for the Gays to be linked to the rainbow? Better tell the Gay/Straight Alliance or whatever they call themselves. Isn't their logo rainbow colored?

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