Missing RAW-- Is it a big deal anymore?


Dark Match Jobber
Back during the Monday Night Wars, I would very much look forward to Raw and Nitro. If, for some reason, I couldn't watch either or both, I would feel like I really missed out or fell behind. Yes, we could tape it on our VCRs, much like today's fans can DVR it; but, it wasn't the same. The feeling of a live Raw or Nitro was amazing. Actually, Nitro was often replayed right after the live broadcast and even that felt different than the live show, at least to me. Maybe it was directly related to the legit competition between the two companies, but it was also the content of each show--which was great BECAUSE there was competition between the two companies--so there was an indirect effect on the product itself as well.

Admittedly, I am not what I would call a wrestling "fan" anymore. In fact, ironically, given the point of this post, I lost my love for wrestling right around the time Raw first came on the air. The Monday Night Wars brought my attention back, if only for one day a week--I never got into SmackDown or Thunder--but I wasn't a fan the rest of the week. And, like I said, it was an exciting night each Monday. "If you're not a fan, why are you on this forum?" Yeah, yeah...I get it. Some argue simply posting on a forum or site makes you part of the IWC, while others know darn well who is in the IWC and who isn't. That isn't my point. (By the way, I visit the site to hopefully read posts about my favorite era of 1985-1992. Great memories that I like to revisit.)

Back to the point, do you actual fans today get excited for Monday Night Raw? To me, and like I said I'm not a "fan" anymore--just an occasional viewer, but it SEEMS to be a lot of the same stuff whenever I tune in. Don't get me wrong, I get it. They have to fill 3 hours every single week...they can't all be great shows and there is bound to be repetition. BUT, there doesn't ever seem to be that "Did you see what happened on Raw last night!?" reaction anymore.

Attitude, PG, blah blah. WWF/E has been pretty PG for all but a handful of years.

But that feeling of needing to see Raw live along with the feelings of "glad I watched" and "can't wait for next week"...are they gone? Or are they still there to today's true fans?
I found this last Raw to be bloody fantastic, to be honest. It's obvious the company is starting to shake things up, and there seems to be a different 'feel' to how the last two shows have been run. For one, more wrestling. We had a hell of a lot of matches yesterday, and they were all pretty fantastic quality as well.

Everything from Neville's spectacular entrance and early-career (great) match with the champ (WWE is obviously really high on this guy), to Sheamus' new entrance and persona, to the tag team division getting a bit of a kick with the addition of the Lucha Dragons, signifies that change is happening right now. And this is just a hunch, so it's probably wrong, but I have a feeling that HHH has had a lot more influence over the last couple of shows.

I'm expecting pretty damn cool things over the next year or so.
I agree with you OP.

That feeling "holy shit, what's gonna happen next monday!!!?" is pretty much gone.

When JR went crazy at the end, or Schivanoe saying "we are out of time"

I was like "no no, not yet, 1 more minute" Never wanted WCW episodes or RAW to end.

It was just crazy time to be a fan, absolutly fantastic.
I also agree with the OP, but Just Zay'n isn't wrong either. There are some great elements circling the product these days and the renewed focus on actual wrestling is one of them. Neville vs Rollins was incredible, but I think it's overshadowed by the authority standing tall once again inducing yawns.

Last week was similar as well. Excellent segments with Lesnar, good matches for the IC and US title, the ending featured Big Show and Kane again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming them for the product, but the Authority angle and the heel authority figure have really run their course.

It's all in the presentation. JR and Schiavone really sold the product. They reacted in a way that made the viewer believe that what we were watching was insane. Austin could have defied Vince for the millionth time, Hogan could have screwed someone for the billionth time, but they sold it like we shouldn't miss it.

The announcers aren't fully to blame. They're instructed to react the way they do by the people in charge. There are some great things coming out of certain performers. Rollins is doing his best to make the Authority angle watchable, but he's caring a lot of stale weight with him.

We're staring down the barrel of several weeks with no Triple H and Stephanie, which means any new threat to the Authority is weeks away. I'm also tired or the heels not getting along. Heels should be pals, Rollins should have faith in Kane, and that there's already a plan to keep him on top.

Here's what I would do. The Authority needs a face counter balance, someone to keep them in check and some kind of power struggle in order to create must see TV. WCW had NWO, WWF had Austin, and at times DX. Right now we have a bunch of disenfranchised guys running into a stale brick wall every week. There needs to be a chink in the Authority's power, or they need to end the angle.

I'm not sure who this person should be. They'd have to carry some weight. I doubt Sting comes in full time, but he could record promos from home. WWE could send a crew to him every week, he could appear sporadically. Trips and Steph could split onscreen, with one going face. I doubt it though. Kane turning face and retaining his power though a contract could be interesting. Heyman could gain power in the company, this especially works if Lesnar is babyface.

My other wild idea is put a wrestler in a position of power. Definitely an older guy or a legend. Someone who could still take a bump, possibly even go. A random idea would be Christian. He could form a Christian Coalition of babyfaces to counterbalance the power. He can talk, and the foundation is already laid for him to assume power. The assault on Edge that lead to the reestablishment of the Authority's power. We never did hear the result of E&C's lawsuit did we? Correct me if I'm wrong.

What ever happens they need a shake up at the top because the under card is pretty damn exciting, but the show will continue to close with an angle which ran out of steam months ago. The show needs to end with you wanting more. That will only lead to more people tuning in, and more network subscriptions.
Raw has not been "must-see" television for a while. Part of the problem is how many recaps there are on Smackdown of the events that took place on Raw, let alone having more than one recap on the same edition of Raw. We get it. That was important. Stop showing it so many times. That and seeing so many of the same match-ups over and over again gets really old too. Big Show VS Roman Reigns comes to mind immediately. Seriously, if those two NEVER face each other in a singles match ever again, that would be great. Despite things I disagree with about the product, I still look forward to it each monday. While our co-workers, classmates, and/or other peers have the weekly case of monday blues, we as WWE fans have anticipation of Raw each monday to help get through the day. The quality of the show may have decreased yes, but Raw is still a big deal to me. The week is incomplete without it. I admit part of it is out of tradition, but I do still enjoy the product and look forward to seeing what will happen each week.
Wrestlemania was must see - so on some level WWE is still capable of producing must see programming.

But yeah, RAW isn't must see anymore and hasn't been in a long time. Part of the reason is 3 hours, its kind of hard to get amped to sit down and watch a 3 hour show. I'll watch RAW and genuinely enjoy parts of it but always anticipating the drop off and it always comes. I don't know if they'll ever find that consistency again. I try to take the good with the bad and try not to get too high or too low on the product.

It all comes down to overexposure. In a 3 hour RAW , by the time I'm towards the end I've forgotten the 2nd segment. A lot is forgettable, a lot is repetitive.

Having said all that I haven't been more excited in 15 years watching the product. Wrestlemania 31 was one of the best, this roster is deep. There's guys who haven't even debuted on NXT I'm anxious to see what potential they hold. I wanna see Dylan Miley, I wanna see Shoot Nation debut.

I have a lot of dream matches involving guys who haven't been on the main roster 3 years yet.

I want to see what Cena as US Champ can do for new guys. I want to see Rollins continue to carry the show as World Heavyweight Champion. I wanna see what Daniel Bryan can make out of the IC division.

I just wish I could get a little less on my plate in terms of hours spent watching. RAW isn't must see week-to-week (I watch everyweek however) but WWE is must see year-to-year.
I watch if I'm home and dvr it if I have to work that night. The only reason I keep watching is to stay involved with the storylines. Not that I care about all of them to tell you the truth. When a match or segment is on that for me isn't worth watching, I go put laundry in the washer, or start the dishwasher, something like that. So for me some of it is must see, the rest well meh. Besides my son will yell if something interesting happens.
I just read KB's review after the show ends. I usually don't even watch unless Lesnar, Sting or something big is planned for the show. Otherwise it's the same old thing week after week. Something involving the authority, meaningless tag and divas matches, a main event that's designed for either the face or heel to one up each other etc. Seriously it gets pretty damn old for Rollins to curb stomp somebody or the face cleans house and has a staredown to end the show.

Is that entirely their fault? Maybe not as i'm sure 3 hours of live television with Vince screaming in your ear every week to do something nobody but him wants to see is pretty chaotic, but most segments or matches I just look at and go "Really? There was absolutely NOTHING else that could have been put in this spot?" But week after week it's just 20 minute promos to set up a damn match that would take all of 1 minute to make and we have to make sure Stephanie gets as much talking time as possible along with showing anything resembling the Authority every 2 minutes because we must not forget their greatness.

So yeah I don't watch Raw but rather just read results and see if a match got a good rating or a segment sounds interesting then I Youtube it.
I hate I missed the RAW after WM. I was at a NBA game. I'm a big WWE fan. It's always exciting to see live WWE programming. I hate the last RAWs before the PPVs, they usually suck.
I haven't watched a full episode of Raw in well over a year. In fact, I can't say for sure that I've ever watched a full three hour episode of Raw. If I hear there's been a good match or an impressive promo or a big surprise, I'll track it down. Sometimes I'll watch the highlights.

I'll catch NXT every week.

Raw is just shite telly.
Although I prefer to watch Raw in one continuous viewing, I don't have the time or patience to sit still for 3 hours.....so, I tape it and watch in sections. True, it's hard to get fully into it when viewing in that manner, but at least I get to see it.

The storylines themselves are easy enough to follow even if you miss a show or two; they replay the key moments so often that you're bound to catch them sooner or later....i.e., if I saw the segment in which Stephanie McMahon slapped Brie Bella in the face one more time, I was gonna scream.
I don't even have Sky Sports, so I don't watch Raw live anymore. I'll try and catch the highlights online if possible and always check the results and read the reviews. Also, once the episode is added to the WWE Network, I'll often go back and watch the bits that I haven't seen if they are interesting.

I just watched a classic episode of Raw from 2002- the one where Hogan was challenged to the match at WM18 by The Rock, who got savagely beaten by the nWo and Hogan smashes a truck into the side of the ambulance carrying The Rock. So much action, the crowd going crazy and with a packed roster...compare that to these days and the difference is frightening.

Back then if you missed 5 minutes of Raw, you were missing something important and crucial to the story, now there's likely to only be 5 minutes worth watching on the whole show!

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