Raw is a HABIT

Well I still enjoy watching RAW each week because I am a Wrestling Fan and it is my Entertainment. Whenever I go to work on Monday Mournings I always think about RAW and what will happen on that night. So I still enjoy it like I do Smackdown & ECW. I can't ever see myself not tuning into WWE anytime soon. I will always enjoy it I think.
I will admit it for about the past year or so I've been watching raw just out of habit. It was very interesting when I first saw it in late 90's but now it is gotten pretty stale and I just watch it just because it's there.
My big brother and me watched raw every week in the early/mid 90s. We switched to WCW during the attitude era. He got me back into wrestling a year ago. Raw gets worse every week. Maryse is the only thing they have, as far as I'm concerned. If not for her, I would have zero interest. I still watch every week, but half the time I either don't pay attention or go online and listen to it. I find SD and ECW to be way more interesting and I actually genuinely look forward to those shows.
Well, I've been a wrestling fan since way back in the days of the WWWF (no age jokes, please!). I enjoyed the whole Hulkamania era, and while I did think that some of the things in the Attitude era may have pushed the envelope a bit too far, I thought it was the most entertaining time for any wrestling company in history, and never missed an episode of RAW or SmackDown. However, I can say that RAW is certainly no longer a habit for me. Unlike apparently most of the people on here, when RAW ceased to be entertaining for me about a year ago (for many of the reasons that have been repeated ad nauseum in this and many other threads), I simply gradually stopped watching, to the point now where I basically don't watch at all. Depending on the season, I'll turn on a baseball, football, or hockey game instead. I am a bit more tuned to SmackDown, but not much, and could never get into ECW (mainly because of my fond memories of what those letters used to stand for). And it has nothing to do with me outgrowing being a wrestling fan, because I do have one current wrestling "habit": TNA Impact. I just find it more entertaining, and I have a friend who is on their roster, so I want to give them all the support I can.

So for me, the answer is a big no as far as RAW being a habit. But that doesn't mean I won't ever watch again if I hear that things are improving.

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