Missed Opportunity: Scott Steiner/Miss Elizabeth


Pre-Show Stalwart
At any point during the nWo Hollywood v nWo Wolfpack angle in 1998, the B&W camp had Hogan, Bret, Giant, Hall, Bischoff and Steiner as their main players with Henning, Bagwell, Norton, Stevie Ray, Beefcake, Brian Adams, Horace, Rude, Dusty Rhodes and Elizabeth being mere wallpaper fodder.

Over on the Red & Black Attack of the Wolfpac, they were composed of Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Konnan, Lex Luger and Sting. They also had Hennig, Hall, Rude, Hennig, Elizabeth and Dusty for a short brief amount of time before the latter group defected back to NWO Hollywood.

I now think to myself, whoa! If Miss Elizabeth was gonna be in the NWO-NWO feud, either put her in the NWO Wolfpack and have her continue to manage Randy Savage or put her in the NWO Black and White camp and actually have her manage Scott Steiner instead of masquerading Buff Bagwell as Steiner's mouthpiece and mere lackey and also instead of pointlessly having Liz manage Eric Bischoff and subsequently having her do nothing noteworthy for the B&W except for turning her into a WCW carbon copy clone of WWF's Sable or Sunny.

Just have a think about it: a Scott Steiner/Miss Elizabeth pairing would've been better than a Steiner/Bagwell duo, even though the funny comedy gold segments for Steiner/Bagwell were hilarious and more memorable.
Steiner/Liz would've been better than Steiner/Bagwell?!? How?!? You just said Steiner and Bagwell's segments were more funny and memorable. That contradicts your own statement.

Liz was the First Lady of the WWF as Randy Savage's valet. She looked out of place in WCW and even more so the NWO. She didn't have that demeanor that fit into the NWO. The attitude and the outlaw image. Her walking down with Hogan and Bischoff and them being all over her was cringe-worthy. She was a class act. She DEFINITELY would not have fit in with the "Big Booty Daddy" character Steiner was playing. Leave that for the fitness ****s he eventually came down with after the split from Bagwell.
no, Bagwell and Steiner were a perfect matching not only because they were funny and worked well off each other but Bagwell was still on the disabled list and a manager spot was the perfect way for him to remain on TV, I can recall reading the Death of WCW and the author lamented on how they botched a face turn for Bagwell after his injury but really what other choice was there? If you wanted to keep him on TV it had to be as a cowardly heel manager because a babyface had to be much more involved physically and Buff couldn't do that at that time. Liz wasn't the kind of arm candy that suited Big Poppa Pump anyways, she was way to demure and conservative looking for the likes of Steiner. She was definitely no Midajiah
I have to agree with the previous comments in that Elizabeth and Steiner together would have been a horrible mismatch in styles, I do think Elizabeth should have been featured better and not just kind of appearing in the background like she was and prefer your idea of continuing to manage Savage but in no way Steiner, I liked Steiner and Bagwell and thought they were good together and wouldn't have wanted to lose that pairing.
I agree with the sentiment that Elizabeth seemed out of place in WCW and as part of the nWo. When I remember Elizabeth's days in the WWF, she was this classy, elegant valet who Savage often treated like crap as a means of gaining heat as a heel. As part of the nWo and going for the whole leather clad cougar look, it just never really clicked for me.

Buff was someone I never took seriously, he was funny as hell and could be entertaining and he meshed naturally with Steiner. Steiner with Elizabeth just doesn't sound right to me. Steiner, to me, came off as more of a dirty older guy who liked to get it on with strippers and/or college girls while Elizabeth just never fit the mold of Steiner's "freaks" out there.

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