Mick Jagger -- Re: The Deal

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Lying Retarded Crybaby Troll Bitch

Because I whine like an infant
While I have never seen the man on tour & don't expect that to change, I am not posting this about any member of the Stones, or the man himself.

"Mick Jagger" is not just a name to me, but a popular phrase. It is what I often say to friends & family in conversation. What it means is "You can't always get what you want."

This (like much of my recent posting) is mainly drected at Sly. I read his recent postings in the thread that bears his name, where he told me to change the way I am posting, etc. He also said doing so might eventually get me out of The Prison.

However, he then closed the thread, so I could not post at all, or ask any questions. (Also, it appears PMing is out of the question, leaving this public option to be the only one I see.)

So, a few questions (rhetorical or not):

1] How am I supposed to trust that? You said (in the same post) both that doing a certain thing would be a first step in me being released, & also that I wouldn't be released even if I did. Ho =w can I trust what you say if you also say the opposite near-simultaneously?

2] I don't honestly see a way to change how I am posting, or what good it would do if I did. You thought I was posting like a troll, & I believed then (& still do) that I never was. I could change the way I am posting, but to do so would mean (to me) I'd then be posting like a troll, as it would be different than I was before. Regardless, even if my future posts were to be not like those of a troll, & the majority of the members agreed they were not, it would matter not, since you & few others (if any) have the ability to release me. Even if you also were to agree I was no longer psoting like a troll, you could deny it, & keep me in here regardless.

So, I'll await your answers.
You must really love posting here.

Honestly, if I ever got thrown in the "jail" here, I'd probably discontinue from posting on this forum and find a new one. And I like this forum, too.
1) Your words "First step to being released" and "wouldn't be released even if you did" are NOT mutually exclusive things.

Think of a drug addict: the FIRST STEP is admitting they have a problem. There's still 11 more steps. Saying "I have a problem" does not solve the problem instantly, just as you, providing your list does not instantly fix everything. It's the first step to fixing things, but not the only one.

2) What do you have to lose? Slyfox is a lot of things, sardonic, sarcastic, somewhat ego-maniacal and completely 100% in power...he's also fair

You know how I know he's fair, he's letting me argue, check some of my posts, I've argued against his views in several prison threads recently and he hasn't banned me, infracted me, locked me in here with you or anything, and the reason is, I can back up what I say OR if he proves me wrong, I have the ability to admit it.

Here's what I'd advise you to do: start a new thread with the list. Pick 10-15 players that are better than LeBron James, post their names with a sentence or two explaining why you think they're better.

That's the first step, take it.
Kris Humphries is better than LeBron, based solely on the fact that he was smart enough to escape the Kardashian cult before he lost his soul.
Marko Jaric is better than LeBron because he is banging Adriana Lima. That's what's called leading the league in scoring!
Sasha Vujacic is MUCH better than LeBron, because he is engaged to Maria Sharapova. 6 foot tall Russian blonde, SI swimsuit model, number 1 tennis player in the world with a 9 figure net worth=League MVP!! LeBron wishes he was Sasha.
I'm glad you have all named players that are better than Lebron... But since Sly has said even my doing that won't get me out of the Prison (where I never belonged to begin with), it can stop now.
I'm not sure if TJ Crybaby Troll deserved his conviction and sentence, but I think that he has been so throughly violated during his prison stay that he is sufficiently psychologically and anally damaged that he will be unable to function in normal society. This is the best place for him.
I'm glad you have all named players that are better than Lebron... But since Sly has said even my doing that won't get me out of the Prison (where I never belonged to begin with), it can stop now.

Sly very clearly said that the producing a list of players better than LeBron will not get you out of prison but it would be the first step. If you do not produce the list you will not get out. If you do produce the list you may eventually get out. What don't you understand about this?

You are everything Sly says you are. I remember when you first signed up and you literally PMd me all day about what you perceived to be people ganging up on you. I gave you a respectable response and reasonable advice but since I didn't 100% support you the way you hoped you decided to turn against me. You flooded my inbox with your whining and complaining and would not let a simple matter drop.

That was almost two years ago and you have not changed. Right before you were put in prison we were in another PM battle that, much like your Slyfox thread in here, just ended up as both of us saying the same thing because you can never let anything go, you can never back up what you say, and you always have to have the last word.

I normally don't talk about warnings or PMs between myself and other memebers but in this case I don't care. Most of you probably won't care enough to read this so you can simply move on. For those that care enough to judge for themselves TJ complained to me about a spam warning I gave him in the Psych thread in the Movies & Television section. This was his post verbatim

"Been gone a while...Noticed it's been about as long since anyone posted about this show in here."

Anyone that is even slightly familiar with our rules can see that is spam but our friend TJ couldn't handle getting a warning. He just had to respond. At first he said he bumped the thread because he knows that posting in old threads is frowned upon so he posted in it to get a mod's attention in case someone wanted to close it. When I pointed out that posting in an old thread just to bring attention to an old thread that should possilby be closed didn't make much sense he decided to change his argument.

He then insisted that the same rules do not apply to everyone and other members were allowed to spam in non spam sections without having their posts deleted. I asked him to provide a link to give me an example. He said these spam posts were everywhere and I could easily find them if I looked. I told him they don't exist and again asked him to provide a link for an example. This went back and forth a few times and each time I responded to him he refused to provide an example for me. If the spam posts are so easy to find why not just give me a link to one? If there are so many players better than LeBron why not list a few?

You're full of shit TJ and everyone sees it. You like to attempt to sound intelligent in your posts but no one is buying it. I don't believe anyone on this forum respects you and I doubt you are going to be willing to do anything to change that. I suggest you log out and never return. Unless you enjoy trolling too much to do that.
Sly very clearly said that the producing a list of players better than LeBron will not get you out of prison but it would be the first step.

He said at one time, it might've been a first step. He also very clearly said I now wouldn't get out even if I did it.

[Quoted Directly from #316 in the thread named for him:

Now, you won't be getting out if you DO answer the question,

If you do produce the list you may eventually get out. What don't you understand about this?

I understand it fine, but that it also goes against what he said. [Now, you won't be getting out if you DO answer the question,]

You are everything Sly says you are.

Well, I guess it's a case of "all or nothing", & I am nothing he says I am (or that is said in the names he has given me).

I remember when you first signed up and you literally PMd me all day about what you perceived to be people ganging up on you.

Do you also remember Andre the Giant beating Cena for the Divas Chamionship? They both happened the same number of times: 0.

I gave you a respectable response and reasonable advice but since I didn't 100% support you the way you hoped you decided to turn against me.

You attacked me in PM more times than I care to count. I still have many of the PMs saved in my Inbox. (Would not be surprised to see them disappear now that I mentioned that fact, after which someone will ask me to quote them, which I can do now but not after they are removed.)

You flooded my inbox with your whining and complaining and would not let a simple matter drop.

I let things drop all the time. In fact, I spent over a year not coming to these forums at all, or contacting any staff or members.

That was almost two years ago and you have not changed. Right before you were put in prison we were in another PM battle that, much like your Slyfox thread in here, just ended up as both of us saying the same thing because you can never let anything go, you can never back up what you say, and you always have to have the last word.

Except in situations like this pre-Prison PM scenario, which you have the only word, that you apparently wrote but I never got.

I normally don't talk about warnings or PMs between myself and other memebers but in this case I don't care.

I care... But only because I don't know what a memeber is.

Most of you probably won't care enough to read this so you can simply move on. For those that care enough to judge for themselves TJ complained to me about a spam warning I gave him in the Psych thread in the Movies & Television section.

You skipped the warning, & went right to an Infraction, which I get all the time here, sometimes years after the post the infraction-PM references.

This was his post verbatim

"Been gone a while...Noticed it's been about as long since anyone posted about this show in here."

Anyone that is even slightly familiar with our rules can see that is spam but our friend TJ couldn't handle getting a warning. He just had to respond.

I have no problem with one of my posts being called spam or getting a warning... But I have had many posts (even posts that get positive rep & comments like "Best post ever" from others) that are called spam & get infractions.

At first he said he bumped the thread because he knows that posting in old threads is frowned upon so he posted in it to get a mod's attention in case someone wanted to close it. When I pointed out that posting in an old thread just to bring attention to an old thread that should possilby be closed didn't make much sense he decided to change his argument.

You want to "point out" The Great Khali is a woman, too? Neither is true.

He then insisted that the same rules do not apply to everyone and other members were allowed to spam in non spam sections without having their posts deleted. I asked him to provide a link to give me an example. He said these spam posts were everywhere and I could easily find them if I looked. I told him they don't exist and again asked him to provide a link for an example. This went back and forth a few times and each time I responded to him he refused to provide an example for me. If the spam posts are so easy to find why not just give me a link to one?

I was never a staffer here (don't want to be), so it's not my job to point-out spam, etc... If you're going to give warnings & infractions to one person for posting what you call "spam", why not do the same to other posters when they post something that is such by any definition?

If there are so many players better than LeBron why not list a few?

Then, you/Sly/someone else would respond asking, "What about (fill in player's name here)", & say that I left them out. What I have tried to make public in the past is that you both (& many others) seem to enjoy arguing with me, etc. more than you do (not just more than you enjoy it, but more than you do it) to/with other posters.

You're full of shit TJ and everyone sees it.

You can't see something that isn't the case.

You like to attempt to sound intelligent in your posts but no one is buying it.

As I have posted many times, the top reason people here don't think my posts sound intelligent is because they do not understand my posts, & the natural thought for anyone is the problem(s) is/are with others, not themselves.

I don't believe anyone on this forum respects you and I doubt you are going to be willing to do anything to change that.

I'd work to change it if I cared what anyone here thought of me.

1] That first assumes they think at all.

2] I don't really care. (I have posted several times that if I got my original name back to post comments on WZ articles, I would never post here again.

I suggest you log out and never return.

I've posted many times what it would take for that to happen... My name did change again, but not properly.

Unless you enjoy trolling too much to do that.

I feel about trolling the same way I feel about skydiving: Can't tell you my opinion, as I've never experienced it.
He said at one time, it might've been a first step. He also very clearly said I now wouldn't get out even if I did it.

[Quoted Directly from #316 in the thread named for him:

Now, you won't be getting out if you DO answer the question,

I understand it fine, but that it also goes against what he said. [Now, you won't be getting out if you DO answer the question,]

I forgot another one of your many flaws. You can only fixate on one point and completely ignore everything else. Either that or you are incapable of reading more than a few sentences. Here is what Sly said at the end of the very same post you referenced.

On the contrary, it's not pointless. This could be a stepping stone for you getting out of the Prison. Like I said, it won't be the full jump, but it's a step in the right direction. So it's most certainly not pointless.

So what's your excuse now?

Do you also remember Andre the Giant beating Cena for the Divas Chamionship? They both happened the same number of times: 0.

Now I can call you a liar. Actually I'll give you a small benefit of the doubt. Since this was nearly two years ago maybe you forgot. It's possible since you've probably had long and pointless arguments with countless others since then. Since I haven't experienced anyone quite as annoying as you on this forum you left an impression on me. Let's just say you forgot even though it's far more likely that you're a liar. Either way it did happen.

You attacked me in PM more times than I care to count. I still have many of the PMs saved in my Inbox. (Would not be surprised to see them disappear now that I mentioned that fact, after which someone will ask me to quote them, which I can do now but not after they are removed.)

I attacked you? I only responded to you. Too bad if you didn't like the response. I would love to see the messages you have saved although you're already laying the groundwork for your next lie and will simply say an admin deleted them.

I let things drop all the time. In fact, I spent over a year not coming to these forums at all, or contacting any staff or members.

You should have kept it that way.

I care... But only because I don't know what a memeber is.

Congratulations, you scoured my entire post and found one small typo. I guess that means something to you although I'm not sure why.

You skipped the warning, & went right to an Infraction, which I get all the time here, sometimes years after the post the infraction-PM references.

Nope it was a warning. I can now confirm you are a liar. You do realize I have access to see exactly how many times you've been warned and infracted, don't you? I can see what posts and when they took place. You didn't receive any infractions years after a post was made. Liar.

I have no problem with one of my posts being called spam or getting a warning... But I have had many posts (even posts that get positive rep & comments like "Best post ever" from others) that are called spam & get infractions.

I already know you're a liar but even if this is true it is irrelevant. Just because someone gives you positive rep doesn't mean the post is not spam. For example, I could go into a WWE thread right now and post one sentence saying TJ Church is a moron. I'm sure I would get positive rep but it would still be spam.

You want to "point out" The Great Khali is a woman, too? Neither is true.


I was never a staffer here (don't want to be), so it's not my job to point-out spam, etc... If you're going to give warnings & infractions to one person for posting what you call "spam", why not do the same to other posters when they post something that is such by any definition?

You are the one that made the accusation. I told you I was unaware of any such posts and asked you to provide an example. Since you claimed they were so easy to find this should not have been a difficult task for you. If you're going to accuse someone of something you should have some evidence to back it up.

Then, you/Sly/someone else would respond asking, "What about (fill in player's name here)", & say that I left them out. What I have tried to make public in the past is that you both (& many others) seem to enjoy arguing with me, etc. more than you do (not just more than you enjoy it, but more than you do it) to/with other posters.

Instead of assuming what we will say why not just support YOUR claim. You claim there are many players better than LeBron but you won't give examples. Why wouldn't you want to defend your opinion? Maybe that would have gotten you some respect instead of just surrendering without even admitting it.

As I have posted many times, the top reason people here don't think my posts sound intelligent is because they do not understand my posts, & the natural thought for anyone is the problem(s) is/are with others, not themselves.

As Sly would say, :lmao:

I'd work to change it if I cared what anyone here thought of me.

You seemed to care that your opinion was respected the first time your name was changed.

2] I don't really care. (I have posted several times that if I got my original name back to post comments on WZ articles, I would never post here again.

I've posted many times what it would take for that to happen... My name did change again, but not properly.

What difference does it make? Why does getting your name changed back matter if you never plan to visit the forum again? Just log out and forget about it. Are you unable to sleep at night because of your name on a wrestling forum? None of us know who you really are anyway so just move on.

I feel about trolling the same way I feel about skydiving: Can't tell you my opinion, as I've never experienced it.

My God this type of response is getting old. At least it is consistent with your personality.
Proof that TJ is a liar about his recent "infraction" from me and infractions for posts years later.

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