Mick Foley criticizes John Cena's character and asks for change

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Not change as in, "change, anybody got some spare change?" But actual change in presentation and attitude. While I like Cena and think like most knowledgeable fans who have a clue about wrestling, that he is a great wrestler capable of having great matches, I will say that from time to time his character is irritating. This week on RAW after that creepy Wyatt segment, he shouldn't have made that ass/donkey joke backstage, it was silly and downplayed what Wyatt was trying to achieve with the opening segment.

Anyway, have a read of Foley's opinions.

How good was that ‪#‎BrayWyatt‬/children's choir creepy sing-along last night on ‪#‎RAW‬? So good that I wish I'd thought of it back during my original ‪#‎WWE‬ feud with The Undertaker. I have become a HUGE Bray Wyatt fan, and consider any comparison between Bray and anything I did in my career as a big compliment.

As many of you know, I have also been a vocal supporter of John Cena. I genuinely like John as a person, and have defended him many times as a wrestler. It's easy to defend Cena against the looping haymakers thrown by most detractors: he can't wrestle, he has only three moves, he's been carried by great opponents. But there's this one knock on Cena for which I have no defense. It's not a looping haymaker, that can be seen, countered and sent right back at the claimant. No, it's more like a stiff jab that sneaks through even the best pro-Cena defense. A stiff jab of honesty from which there is no countering, avoiding or evading. A stiff jab that continually states that the Cena character is stale. I agree, It's time for a change.

Bray Wyatt has a chance to be the initiator of that change. A chance to show the world a different Cena; a desperate, dangerous, angry Cena. He's half-way there. Cena's blaming of the WWE Universe for putting him in an impossible situation was a good start. His look of disbelief and defeat as Bray Wyatt gently rocked that mask-wearing child was powerful in its believability and subtlety. But, as good as it was, I could not fully enjoy the brilliant, chilling segment - one of the most memorable things I've seen on Raw in years, because of ...because of...because of those WRISTBANDS! Because of those wristbands...and the HAT! Because of those wristbands, and the hat...and the bright green FLOURESCENT SHIRT!

I LIKE John Cena - but everytime he raised his hand and put it to his head last night, I couldn't help but feel "he's trying to sell me something". Every time he waved his cap, I thought, "he's trying to sell me a hat." Every time he walks through that curtain, I get the feeling he's trying to sell me something. I could not, and can not completely enjoy this amazing groundwork that Bray Wyatt is in the process of laying down, unless I'm convinced that it is bringing out a different side...a change.. in John Cena. In order for John Cena to start completely SELLING ME on a change in his character, he's got to be willing to stop SELLING ME his merchandise every time he raises his hand.

In the short run, it will cost both John Cena and the WWE some money in merchandise. In the long run, its going to give Cena a much needed twist to his character, and more importantly, allow Bray Wyatt to make WWE some serious money by putting butts in seats, and eyeballs in fron of the WWE Network for a long time to come.

That's change I can believe in.

I have no problem with Cena's character I wouldn't object to an update though. I also felt like Foley was reaching with the whole he's trying to sell me something part. I've never gotten that feel from John Cena. That's his attire I just look at it as clothes and I don't see why that wouldn't be the thought process if you thought about it all.
Yeah I'm not so much behind the "selling me something" part of that. It's how he dresses. I guess they could go with "he's so upset he's coming out without his gear on," but that's a stretch.

I have no problem with people saying he needs to update his character though. It's their opinion and it's easily defendable. Hard to say it's going to happen anytime soon while his merchandise flies off the shelf though.
A Cena character change is never going to happen. Once the Wyatt feud is over, Cena will be the exact same as he was before it started.

Edit: I can see where Mick is coming from with the "sell me something" comment. Cena is a walking advertisement with the hat, arm/wrist bands and shirts he wears to the ring. I got no problem with it because Cena's job is to make money for WWE.
Is there a WWE star that isn't trying to sell me something?

Me thinks Mick Foley is trying to sell me Extreme Rules by bringing up the idea that Cena is going to metamorphosize (not a real word).
Cena metamorphosize? That'd be pure Kafka.

Is there a WWE star that isn't trying to sell me something?

Me thinks Mick Foley is trying to sell me Extreme Rules by bringing up the idea that Cena is going to metamorphosize (not a real word).

Sandow was plugging a Magneto costume.
Not change as in, "change, anybody got some spare change?" But actual change in presentation and attitude. While I like Cena and think like most knowledgeable fans who have a clue about wrestling, that he is a great wrestler capable of having great matches, I will say that from time to time his character is irritating. This week on RAW after that creepy Wyatt segment, he shouldn't have made that ass/donkey joke backstage, it was silly and downplayed what Wyatt was trying to achieve with the opening segment.

I actually thought Cena was acting as if he was overcompensating for his reactions earlier in the show by making this (obviously) terrible joke to try and hide his discomfort and insecurities. Likewise, the reason that Mick had to stare at the walking merchandise was due to the fact that he was that 'off' from getting stiffed by the WWe Universe the previous week that he didn't go through the normal distribution of t-shirt and cap into the fans. It was these little things that hint at what Mick is looking. Whether he gets it or not is yet to be seen.

Personally, I'd have only made one eany teany alteration - I'd have had all the choir dressed in full Cenation merchandise.
We all want his character to change, but it's just not going to happen. Not until they can find a new legit star that will move merch like Cena does. Punk, Orton, Bryan, they're all nice, but none of 'em do the numbers Cena does and as long as his merch keeps selling like it does, he will continue to be the babyface that panders to the kids. It's certainly stagnant from a creative standpoint, but money is the bottom line and all they really care about.

Maybe one day we can dream of a Cena heel turn. When he's 40.
We all want his character to change, but it's just not going to happen. Not until they can find a new legit star that will move merch like Cena does. Punk, Orton, Bryan, they're all nice, but none of 'em do the numbers Cena does and as long as his merch keeps selling like it does, he will continue to be the babyface that panders to the kids. It's certainly stagnant from a creative standpoint, but money is the bottom line and all they really care about.

Maybe one day we can dream of a Cena heel turn. When he's 40.

Rumors that you change when you're 40 are greatly exaggerated...
I actually thought Cena was acting as if he was overcompensating for his reactions earlier in the show by making this (obviously) terrible joke to try and hide his discomfort and insecurities. Likewise, the reason that Mick had to stare at the walking merchandise was due to the fact that he was that 'off' from getting stiffed by the WWe Universe the previous week that he didn't go through the normal distribution of t-shirt and cap into the fans. It was these little things that hint at what Mick is looking. Whether he gets it or not is yet to be seen.

Personally, I'd have only made one eany teany alteration - I'd have had all the choir dressed in full Cenation merchandise.

I thought they all should have been dressed like Magnum PI.
I see what Mick is getting at. Unlike a lot of other guys, you never see Cena in street clothes, because for the most part his ring gear and his merch are street clothes. He has a new shirt every feud, he has the wristbands, he usually has the hat. Its very in your face. Outside of special occasions like the HoF ceremony, you always see John in his licensed attire. He is a walking billboard, his merch in your face. Even when Cena is supposed to be down, we see Hustle Loyalty Respect, or whatever slogan he is pitching for that particular feud.

The promo Bray cut where he wore all of Cena's gear a few weeks back was pretty good though, for those very reasons.
The promo Bray cut where he wore all of Cena's gear a few weeks back was pretty good though, for those very reasons.

That was great. The Rock's "tea party" was the best commentary on John Cena merch to date.


"What fourth dimension of Hell did this come from? There's a man right now in his 30s or 40s who actually has this in his garden. And he's a virgin."
How would heel Cena dress different? Black & Grey? Add a wifebeater? on. rn the cap backwards?

I forgot to mention that this weekend my wife and I were in Banana Republic. She picked out a pair of shorts that she wanted me to try on. I didn't like them and told her they looked like "Jorts". She asked me what jorts were. I told her jean shorts. She said jorts were back in style. I rolled my eyes and said that is impossible. Two hours later we were in H&M because my wife thinks I must be 17 or a TNA wrestler and should wear a graphic T. What did I find there on display? A whole shelf of jorts.

Moral of the story: John Cena is too popular for civilization's future existence and I need to shop by myself.

Lord help us.
I also like to think that we insult the intelligence of the kids. Disney movies in the 90s that I grew up on contained some very difficult and adult themes but it only added to the ambiance of the films and it never proved too much for a child to handle. Keeping Cena as a face but evolving the character isn't going to alienate the kids, it'll involve them and unite their reaction with the older fans to hit the widest audience possible.

The most successful programme of all time is probably The Simpsons which contains jokes that both adults and kids can laugh at together, it hits the widest demographic. Some jokes are more adult and you don't get as a kid, some as an adult will seem childish, but it hits more people than any other programme. They could do that with Cena. I used to watch The 'Attitude Era' when I was less than 10 years old and I identified with the tweener faces that could do some of the most callous things. It's not about PG or TV-14, it's about being a realistic character. Not a real character, a realistic character.
I forgot to mention that this weekend my wife and I were in Banana Republic. She picked out a pair of shorts that she wanted me to try on. I didn't like them and told her they looked like "Jorts". She asked me what jorts were. I told her jean shorts. She said jorts were back in style. I rolled my eyes and said that is impossible. Two hours later we were in H&M because my wife thinks I must be 17 or a TNA wrestler and should wear a graphic T. What did I find there on display? A whole shelf of jorts.

Moral of the story: John Cena is too popular for civilization's future existence and I need to shop by myself.

Lord help us.

Its all basic thuganomics. I am surprised you didnt know.

Also, of course your lady knows what jorts are. She was just trying to trick you & unless you bought a power tool or some fancy electronic - she succeeded in her distraction.

Quick get some beef jerky & a paintball gun- defend yourself before she tries to put you in a sweater vest or skinny jeans.

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