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Michelle McCool

The Man They Call WMD

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Is she returning?

Michelle McCool wrote the following on Twitter yesterday: "Enough laziness...after 4 mos "off," tomorrow I will once again become..... FLAWLESS!!! Not that I lost it - (@ExcuseMeWWE inspires me!)"

Diva Dirt wrote to McCool and told her not to play with their emotions. She replied: "whatsoever would you be talking about?!? I'd nevvvvver play with yalls emotions...REAL TALK!!!"

Would you like to see her return?
Do you think she will?
General thoughts?

I dont think she will be returning, maybe just making a appearence. If she wanted to comeback, I see no reason for her not to. If she did comeback I'd prefer for her not to do the Flawless gimmick again.
The Divas division is hot right now with the whole Divas of Destruction going down with Nattie and Beth. McCool herself plays that bully role rather well as we saw from Laycool. I think McCool would fit well into this storyline. Sure she doesn't have that dominating, powerful look that Beth and Nattie have, but she could still fit in with the DoD. McCool had a great run atop the divas division.

However I do not believe she is coming back of yet. Maybe she just relaxed and let things go and she is going to hit the gym and get back into shape for an eventual return. I'm all for her coming back, but right now I don't think she will be. Not until at least Taker returns.
I think its great.. She has been one of the best, if not THE BEST women's wrestler in WWE for awhile.. she isn't big but she is more athletic then Beth or that big chunky chick Natayla..

It just gets old seeing girls run clothesline and choke slam smaller girls and win the match.. McCool has actually learned how to wrestle in recent years. she has come a long way.
I'm with Theo. Currently the Diva's are actually entertaining me somewhat, they are actually in the position now where if they work the angle right and build it into something it could be a serious resurgance of the Diva's Division. Beth Phoenix and Natalya I think are doing a good job of playing their demeening, dominating role; even though Kelly Kelly beat Natalya, which was bullshit but I digress.

Michelle McCool would fit into the angle either way. She could return and stand-up to the Divas of Doom, or she could side with them; I think the former would be most plausable, think about how long Michelle McCool was the top Diva, for like two years. She represented the image that Beth and Nattie are against. I could see Michelle coming back for a small bit, I doubt she has anything long term in mind. I heard her and 'Taker were looking at having children so unless they've put that on hold, I'd say she could return for a month maybe? You never know. I'd be happy if she did though.
Probably her twitter account go hacked or something.. Seriously I just don't see her returning after all the farewell stuff and reasons she gave for her leaving.. But if that's really her who tweeted it..

No. I don't want to see her return. Michelle was like the Triple H(2003 - 2004) of the Divas division. She always had the title and when she loses it she always regains it shortly after. She was seriously getting pushed and going over every Diva she faced why? Probably because of her marriage with The Undertaker. Whether McCool really loves 'Taker or not there's no denying the fact that she slept her way to the top. I was seriously getting sick of LayCool getting shoved down my throat. Maybe if she returns as a babyface it would be ok as long as Kelly stays the top face. But if she returns and continues hogging the title then I definitely wouldn't want to see that.
If this is true, I would be delighted. I've always been a Michelle McCool fan. She can do it all, including putting on entertaining matches. She's definitely one of the best modern Divas, dare I say one of the best Divas ever. A lot of people claim that she "slept her way to the top". Bullshit. She held the Women's Title so often because she was one of the few Divas who was actually over.

As for what she'd do if she were to return, I have no idea. She doesn't fit into the Divas of Doom mould. I could see her return as a face (as so many returning wrestlers do) and lead the charge against Beth and Natalya. I'm hoping this will happen because it will mean that Kelly Kelly is on my TV screen less.
I don't think she's making her return, but I'd probably kill to be wrong... Michelle went from being one of my least favorite, to one of the best divas in the WWE, and I am not at all happy she took time off after WrestleMania. Indefinite time off, to make matters worse...

From what I gathered, she's been talking to Vickie Guerrero on Twitter about getting back and shape and such. Obviously Vickie has lost a TON of weight and has been doing a lot of training. I'm pretty sure Michelle just meant that after so much time off, she's going to get back in the gym again, or something like that. Maybe that's for a future return to the ring, who knows?

I would love to see her return as a face to help Kelly Kelly combat the Divas of Doom, Beth Phoenix and Natalya. She is the blonde stereotype they were talking about, and with the whole "flawless" thing I bet she'd fit in perfectly. It would have to lead to her inevitable turn back to evil though, because nobody stays interesting as a face in the divas division these days...
I don't think she's returning, but I would like to see her come back. Michelle would fit in great with Beth and Natalya because she actually has some in-ring skills and working with them would help her improve further. The division was a little better when she was at the top of it. If she does return I could see her coming back as a heel to feud with Kelly for the title. McCool would probably end up putting Kelly over, as she already has multiple title reigns and there is really not much else for her to do.
Ew. Can't stand her, never will. However, I wouldn't take her seriously if she ever returned, WWE needs to focus on Layla with better appeal.

I do think they should use McCool as a Divas Commentator for each and every match which would actually give it a little more meaning and utilize her as well...Problem is McCool is boring on the mic, so great idea but wrong person. I think she should just work with backstage talent because there really isn't anything left for her to do.
Michelle McCool has no business coming back before Layla El. Layla is a superior wrestler, in my opinion, and was the face in the very short Lay-Cool feud. It would make no sense to bring back the woman that quit WWE before the woman who shoved her out came back from injury. Also, if McCool comes back, any other Divas can kiss their air-time goodbye
Michelle McCool has no business coming back before Layla El. Layla is a superior wrestler, in my opinion, and was the face in the very short Lay-Cool feud. It would make no sense to bring back the woman that quit WWE before the woman who shoved her out came back from injury. Also, if McCool comes back, any other Divas can kiss their air-time goodbye

Did you get hit in the head with a chair or something? I mean...its fine if you want to think Layla is better, everyone is entitled to their opinions.

However, before I get to that, McCool did not "quit" WWE...she took some much needed time off. Everyone is entitled to that when you're traveling around the world some 230 days a year. Take into account jet lag all those times, early morning and constantly keeping up on your appearance and craft...it takes a toll on you. Im not just talking about the physical ring stuff either. Especially when LayCool was on both RAW and Smackdown towards the end.

Layla is in no way superior to McCool. I'd say they are pretty much at the same level. WWE is smart enough to know that you cant bring them both back at the same time. Layla is recovering from injury, she might not be able to come back just yet...hell she is probably rehabbing it still.
id LOVE to see michelle mccool come back for another run in the wwe i hope she does come back shes awesome in the ring,great on the mic and can be a great heel or face she needs to come back as right now the divas divison needs more talent sense right now Layla is out with a injury and khrama is out via being prego so i feel mccool needs to come back and help improve the divas divison shes awesome really hope shes back soon
One of the main reasons she left the WWE is so that she could take more time to spend with her husband, The Undertaker. I doubt we will see McCool back, at all, in any way. She needs to just sit back out of this one. The Diva's of Doom are actually providing us with an interesting Diva's Story here, which is strange. I say that McCool doesn't need to come back, and I don't believe she will either and that is for the benefit of everything right now.
However, before I get to that, McCool did not "quit" WWE...she took some much needed time off. Everyone is entitled to that when you're traveling around the world some 230 days a year. Take into account jet lag all those times, early morning and constantly keeping up on your appearance and craft...it takes a toll on you. Im not just talking about the physical ring stuff either. Especially when LayCool was on both RAW and Smackdown towards the end.

I know that! But the storyline was that she was in a Loser Leaves WWE Match, so it would make no sense for her to be back before the wrestler that forced her to leave... Geesh lol And no, I didn't get hit in the head with a chair; That's illegal ^_~

With that being said, neither of them need to be back just yet, because it would interfere with the current Divas storyline... And I hate unfinished storylines
Nope I don't want to see her return. Her voice is beyond annoying when she opens her mouth and her wrestling was always sub par at best. Always hated her.

Personally I think Layla has much more charisma and is a better wrestler. She does things over the top and puts so much expression into everything, especially when she's acting like she's upset or scared etc. It makes her very entertaining. Plus she's smoking hot. JMO.
Her voice always gave me a headache.. Seriously everytime she would go "FLAWESSSSS..(to no end..)" I would mute the volume. That's one of the reasons I don't want her back on my TV again I guess. It was always funny to me when she screams "Flawless" when I consider her voice a flaw.
Her returning soon is not out of the relm of possibility.

Keep in mind that the reason why she was written out of the programme was because Undertaker requested it so they can spend more time together.

Now I recall not too long ago that Undertaker was set to return on or sometime after Vengeance which is an Oct PPV. Perhaps this means she will return also.

Now as for McCool's return to the WWE, I think she should return as a face. I'm sorry Kell Kelly isn't working for me. She is cute and pretty but she can't carry the Diva's Division by herself. McCool could actually work and use her heelish personality to become a face and feud with Beth and maybe a returning Kharma.

Hmmm a triple threat between Beth, Kharma, and McCool? Sound like something that can actually work.
I wouldn't mind having Michelle back. Anything's better than having to watch nothing but Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres and the Bella Twins. The "Divas Of Doom" storyline is not going the way I hoped. They seem more interested in getting Kelly ring credibility than in pushing Beth and Natalya.

As for who was better between Michelle and Layla, I remember reading a blog someone wrote recently about Michelle's career, and in it they said prior to Lay-Cool, Michelle was a decent wrestler who lacked personality and had a series of bad gimmicks, while Layla had personality and charisma to spare, but couldn't wrestle. Each of them helped the other with their weaknesses. Michelle helped Layla improve her wrestling, while Layla helped Michelle 'come out of her shell' on the mic.
However, before I get to that, McCool did not "quit" WWE...she took some much needed time off.

Are you sure? I thought she had retired, as evidenced by her saying: "Hopefully I’ll see you around – not in the ring – but maybe someday.”

If she is coming back for good, it reminds me of Vickie Guerrero "quitting" the company. At the time she left, Vickie was talking about "pursuing other opportunities," and garbage like that. I was just as happy to see her gone, but when Autumn came around, she was back. Personally, I don't think she ever intended to leave for good. Essentially, she took the Summer off, probably to be with her daughters while they're out of school.

If Michelle is doing the same thing, she probably used the same tactic as Vickie. Since WWE doesn't like giving months off to a performer who intends to come back, Michelle said she was retiring. Now, she'll claim to have had second thoughts.

So, all you gotta do is say you're not coming back......then, change your mind.

Well, a lady is entitled to do that, right?
If she was to return I would mark out like there was no tommorow, however now isn't the right time for her to return. Layla retired Michelle and for Michelle to return before layla wouldn't be right. As people have said the divas division is rolling quite well at the moment, It doesn't need Michelle to return desperately right now. If Michelle could sit out just a little longer until Layla returned, it would work better rather than if Michelle returned sooner.

Still whenever Michelle decided to return she would always be welcomed back with open arms, because she would be the greatest female wrestler on the roster. Would Mark Out for her return and for a Michelle McCool v Kharma feud.
Are you sure? I thought she had retired, as evidenced by her saying: "Hopefully I’ll see you around – not in the ring – but maybe someday.”

If she is coming back for good, it reminds me of Vickie Guerrero "quitting" the company. At the time she left, Vickie was talking about "pursuing other opportunities," and garbage like that. I was just as happy to see her gone, but when Autumn came around, she was back. Personally, I don't think she ever intended to leave for good. Essentially, she took the Summer off, probably to be with her daughters while they're out of school.

If Michelle is doing the same thing, she probably used the same tactic as Vickie. Since WWE doesn't like giving months off to a performer who intends to come back, Michelle said she was retiring. Now, she'll claim to have had second thoughts.

So, all you gotta do is say you're not coming back......then, change your mind.

Well, a lady is entitled to do that, right?

Think about the match that Taker went through at WM. She probably wanted to be home with him and he has the pull to get her some time off. After all...they had just gotten married not long before that and probably wanted to spend some time together alone instead of on the road all the time.

You also have to remember, this is twitter and not everything is kosher with everything they the superstars say. Most of them are in character. Look at Natalya...she is usually in character with twitter. Same with cena.

Besides, how many times have we seen someone take some time off and come back. The top stars are given more time off than the lower cards, its just rare to see. It may be only for a week or it may be a month tops. Hell CM Punk took a week off (storyline or not).

All Im saying is its not out of the question for someone to take some time off, especially when your married to one of the top guys in the company.
Someone compared Michelle to Triple H, sleeping their way to the top and being champion via association. While I disagree with sleeping their way to the top, I do believe they used their position to achieve title reigns. Michelle is very pretty and somewhat athletic but the DIVAS divison is going better with out her. Honestly while the WWE had McCool they missed the train again on Gail Kim. Gail is or was the most talented on the Divas roster but because Michelle had the title she never got to shine. The current crop of Divas, is doing just fine with out Michelle McCool. Kelly Kelly is progressing into a servicable Diva, Eve is somewhat talented, The Bellas are good looking and working on their wrestling and by far Beth and Natty are ready to dominate the Division, until Kharma comes back to bite them on the butt. Layla El will soon come back, more than likely hotter and better than ever. Michelle McCool, is just not needed.

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