Michelle mccool

future admin

Getting Noticed By Management
Is gettimng hotter and hotter every week I think. before Laycool, I couldn't stand her, now she is with layla, who is another extremely hot diva. Mccool is fucking hot. IMO, Laycool and Maryse= hottest trio in WWE atm
I don't exactly know if she's getting hotter and hotter, but I must admit I certainly wouldn't say no if she asked.. although I would probably reconsider it if Taker was around.

Natalya > Mickie's ass > Beth = Mickie > Layla > Melina > Maryse > The rest.

Beth is fucking gorgeous for a toned woman.
Beth, Mickie, Maryse, Tiffany and Natalya..are all hot, McCool isn't that hot but Taker obviously see's and does alot with her so im sure he isn't complaining.
Laycool and Maryse= hottest trio in WWE atm

They probably are, but I think it would be better to keep McCool on Smackdown and let Maryse go back to RAW. We've recently seen them on the same team on a couple of occasions. Maybe it's just me, but it seemed as if Maryse was overshadowed by McCool's presence. They play the same type of (obnoxious blonde) character and I thought Maryse was coming off as second best.

Keep 'em apart and let 'em do what they do best.
Keep McCool and Maryse apart right now, because we already have an overabundance of overly blond, over tanned divas that can't wrestle worth a damn as it is. You never see McCool defend her title, with the exception of probably playing "Hide the sausage with Taker":lmao: In and out in and out, the last one to scream is the champ. What do ya know...its McCool again!! :lol:
Y'all didn't know? They been together a while now. Check out pwpix.net under Michelle's profile, there are TONS of pics of them together. Dude, they're like EVERYWHERE.

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