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Michael McGillicuty wants a name change!


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
First off if this thread has been done then feel free to merge it or whatever.

Now, there was an article on the WZ front page saying that McGillicuty wants to go back to being called Joe Henning and take his father's ("Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning) name. Personally I think this is awesome and the WWE should definately do this.

If they do, I would have him team up with Ted Dibiase on Smackdown to form "The Fortunate Sons" or a new "Legacy".

What aree your thoughts?
Huh... haven't read it yet, but if it does happen I suppose he'll start feuding with Zigler? It would make the most sense to me at least. I don't know whatever possessed him to use that name... a lot of guys do stuff like that though, Goldust was probably the only successful spinoff name, but even Rocky Maivia just doesn't work IMO. I mean Dwayne isn't exactly a stellar name but it certainly makes sense that his character would have the last name 'Johnson'. I'll never think of Joe Hennig as McGillicuty. I'd like to see him go back to the trunks he used to wear back in his FCW days that were blue and yellow and looked just like those his dad used to wear except without the tank top portion.
I'm releaved he wants to change his name. Such a stupid name for a wrestler with A LOT of potential.

Couldn't agree more. I was hoping they'd make him more of a force in the midcard. I think fans could really get behind a guy like Hennig instead of the "cookie cutter" guys from FCW because of his father's legacy. It made me buy into Dibiase and Hennig on NXT. The only thing I couldn't stand was that ridiculous name.
Who the hells idea was it to call him Michael Mcguilicuty any way? Did anybody really think that would catch on? Joe Hennig isn't the most exciting sounding name but it sounds a hell of a lot better than the one he's using now. and the Hennig name has alot of meaning to it and deserves to be carried on through Joe
Who the hells idea was it to call him Michael Mcguilicuty any way? Did anybody really think that would catch on?
I have been wondering the same thing from the very beginning. I mean, I get it, they want him to have a name that the WWE owns so that should he someday go work for the competition he can't use his WWE name. Also, as I recall, another reason for the namechange was because he was one of the NXT rookies and they didn't want him to have an edge over the other guys by pointing out his heritage.

But McGillicutty??!?!?! Did they want him to have an Irish fisherman gimmick or something? It's as if they intentionally set him up to fail. That name borders on sabotage. And so freakin' random as if they used some online name creator. Might as well call him Samuel Camchadahoodablah.

I only fear that speaking out on the subject might get him in hot waters. Let's hope not.
Well he was on the same season (If I am not mistaken) as another generational star. Husky HArris, or Rotundo (Forget his first name), so he wouldn't have had that much of an advantage.

I would say keep him off TV for a little while change his coloring of his hair, have him grow it out a little more, shave off the beard, and start stalking Dolph saying, "Your not perfection, I am. Or team him with Dibiase and form a legit tag team.
I have been wondering the same thing from the very beginning. I mean, I get it, they want him to have a name that the WWE owns so that should he someday go work for the competition he can't use his WWE name. Also, as I recall, another reason for the namechange was because he was one of the NXT rookies and they didn't want him to have an edge over the other guys by pointing out his heritage.

But McGillicutty??!?!?! Did they want him to have an Irish fisherman gimmick or something? It's as if they intentionally set him up to fail. That name borders on sabotage. And so freakin' random as if they used some online name creator. Might as well call him Samuel Camchadahoodablah.

I only fear that speaking out on the subject might get him in hot waters. Let's hope not.
McGillicutty never heard anyone in ireland with that second name and im irish so dont no why u would say that anyway he used the mcgillicutty name because that was his mothers name ive read that somewere before but i hope he changes it
Yes i am all for his name change mcguillicutty or however its spelled i am relieved he wants his dads name!! Henning means something in the business not some stupid name mike mcgillicutty!! He has loads of potential he just needs to have a proper program maybe against ziggles or something!! I see Joe Henning as a future IC champion us champion come one guys dont mess this up!!! Hes a stud
I'm not sure why they refer to him as a 3rd generation superstar, only to not have him use his real name.

Same thing with IRS' son. He could go by his real name or take Shyster [sp] as his last name. They could even put him with Ted Dibiase Jr for a little bit.
McGillicutty never heard anyone in ireland with that second name and im irish so dont no why u would say that
You can't see where a non-Irish person would consider a name that begins with Mc to be of Irish origin? It may be a simplistic view, but when you meet someone with a name like McMahon, McAuley, MacCauley, MacGawley, McCarthy, McLaughlin, McDonnell, McNamara, McKenzie chances are the person has Irish roots. Granted, Ireland has no monopoly on names starting with Mac, but come on. If someone had assumed that Heidenreich must have German roots I wouldn't be offended, either (even if it was wrong). Does one really have to be so sensitive these days? Someone is named Goldberg, you assume he is probably jewish. That's not insensitive, it's just statistically likely. So no one in Ireland is named McGillicutty. That's fortunate. No one should have to live with that name anyway. The point I was making had nothing to do with this anyway. My point was that the name seemed incredibly random.

Anyway, I'm definitely in favor of the name change. If the WWE insists he has a name that they can own, give him a different first name and maybe a nickname (something reminiscent maybe of Mr. Perfect). The WWE can own those names and not worry that he could one day take it elsewhere. As long as they give him a name that can be taken seriously I'm cool with it.

Same thing with IRS' son. He could go by his real name or take Shyster [sp] as his last name.
LOL, that's an unfortunate name to have when the WWE is touring Germany. Shyster sounds very similar to "Scheisse" (shit). In fact it sounds like the question "Scheisst er?" (is he shitting?). Just sayin' ;) Fortunately for the IRS back in the day, they don't tour Germany all that often...
He needs a gimmick. This is the same reason Morrison can't get over on the mic. Give him a character to portray. Sometimes it's easier for a guy to come out and play a character rather than just talking.

I like an idea I read on here a while ago where he was, essentially, the anti Kurt Hennig. He would re-debut as Joe Hennig and proclaim "I'm not perfect". I can really see him using that gimmick along with his ruthless in ring style to become a major player in the WWE.

FYI, his name is Hennig, not Henning
Anything is better than Michael McGillicutty. Sounds like the name of the neighbor boy in a 50s' sitcom.

I wouldn't mind if they use his real name Hennig. I just don't want him to become a really watered-down, sad attempt to recapture "Mr. Perfect." They tried that strategy with DiBiase and it's been more hindrance than help. I'd much prefer he break out and be his own character, like Randy Orton did.
In all fairness, Randy's dad really wasn't ever anything really special. At least not compared to a Ted DiBiase or a Curt Hennig (Mr. Perfect). Idealistically if those two were wrestling in the more modern era they would have had much more success, especially if they were still with the E' in the late 90s. Bob O had some decent rivalries, but to be honest his real claim to fame is his son. Thus, why it is my opinion that Cody and Randy have had an easier time becoming more, because honestly they have both overshadowed their fathers' "legacy" in the WW(F)E.
In all fairness, Randy's dad really wasn't ever anything really special. At least not compared to a Ted DiBiase or a Curt Hennig (Mr. Perfect). Idealistically if those two were wrestling in the more modern era they would have had much more success, especially if they were still with the E' in the late 90s. Bob O had some decent rivalries, but to be honest his real claim to fame is his son. Thus, why it is my opinion that Cody and Randy have had an easier time becoming more, because honestly they have both overshadowed their fathers' "legacy" in the WW(F)E.

I think it's all about what you make of it. I disagree: Bob Orton was a very big name back in the 80's. He even main evented the first WrestleMania. Mr. Perfect was great, and a legend in every sense of the word, but he truly wasn't more than a successful mid-carder. I don't want to sound insulting, but it's true. Also, Dusty Rhodes was huge in the territories. Based on that alone, Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton don't necessarily have it easier. The difference between Rhodes/Orton and McGillicutty/DiBiase is that the former are much better. The latter, you give them a mic, and it's like watching paint dry....

They can be great, I think, but right now, they're boring and stale.
Mr. Perfect was great, and a legend in every sense of the word, but he truly wasn't more than a successful mid-carder. I don't want to sound insulting, but it's true. Also, Dusty Rhodes was huge in the territories. Based on that alone, Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton don't necessarily have it easier. The difference between Rhodes/Orton and McGillicutty/DiBiase is that the former are much better. The latter, you give them a mic, and it's like watching paint dry....

Sadly, what you say is true. Though in Perfect's defense I will say that's hardly his fault. He could have been right there with Bret Hart & HBK had he stayed healthy. It was his injuries that held him back, not his talent, or even his popularity with fans, until after his injury.

I think pretty much everyone wants to see Joe Hennig BE Joe Hennig and not someone else. There's just too much love and respect for his father not to see Joe step up and be his father's son, however it may play out. Right now Joe is someone who still needs a manager to be his mouthpeice and work with him on promo's Hennig has the in ring ability to get by in this day and age, and as he gets more high profile experience he'll get better in the ring too. But he needs to loosen up and pull the stick out of his ass before he's gonna go anywhere on the mic. He really looks uncomfortable and nervous. That too is something that will go away with time and experience, he just needs to do his thing and level up. ;)
I can see your point TCBT, but when you look at their careers in the the WWE, Dusty Rhodes wasn't particularly memorable and Bob did Main Event the First WrestleMania true, but what much was done outside of that? Perfect was a very sound wrestler, and a very solid character, and those were the days of Bret Hart still in the midcard. Even as a midcard talent Perfect was surrounded by a ton of great and talented individuals which in turn overshadowed him. Ted DiBiase also Main Evented a WM against Macho Man in the finals of the WWF Championship tournament. Both Ted and Perfect have long lasting legacies and some real serious rivalries. Perhaps what I meant by it was that both Cody and Randy have far overshadowed their parents, which in my estimation is much easier to do, then trying to overshadow Ted or Perfect because of their longer lasting impression. But, you did bring up a good point about the territories. I also have to agree with an earlier post that was made, in that perhaps Joe and Ted Jr. could make a phenomenal tag team, and would easily give them a division to be remembered in. Though I do believe the Fortunate Sons were Brett D and Joe however.

Another small point on my original matter, is that the MDM and MrP are much more recent in memory for the average fan of today then Dusty/Bob. On a side note, I am still looking forward to an eventual Cody/Orton feud for the title, as I think that could be truly epic. I hoped we'd see Rhodes move into the scene after his feud with Rey, as I personally believe Cody is ready to start competing at that level. His mini program with D-Bryan was quite nice too IMHO.
I can't blame him. It would only make sense for him to use the family name. Casual fans may draw a blank when they hear he's a second generation superstar. To get over as McGillicutty he needed Nexus but if he used his family name he could be a singles superstar and have more credibility in the process.
Even if they don't associate him with Mr. Perfect, anything is better than his current goofy-ass name. You can't put "THE ERA OF THE GENESIS OF THE BEGINNING OF THE START OF THE ERA OF THE GENESIS OF THE MCGILLICUTY" on a T-shirt.

If they finally end up changing his name, I'd be happy.
believe it or not but the mcgillicutty name was all his choice, he wrote a blog before debuting about it and said something like he wants to make his own name and people will just think of his dad if he used Hennig. If i remember correctly i think he said McGillicutty was his mothers maiden name. So quit bashing wwe about the name because like i said...his choice.

But yeah it is a horrible name for a wrestler and he needs to start using hennig...if he is good enough people will acknowledge him on his own merits and not compare him to his father
How about having him be called "Joe Perfect"? Afterall he is the son of Mr Perfect. I say take him off tv for awhile and bring him back with a gimmick similar to his dad.

On a side note, if any second generation star should have been given another name it's Ted Dibiase. I mean they don't even call him "Ted Dibiase Jr", but the same exact name his dad had. I mean if I were mention the name Ted Dibiase to someone who hasn't watched wrestling in a long time, they'd be like "didn't he wrestle a long time ago"?
it appears O&M are done with the tag titles and moving on to a fued with lawler. lawler will beat otunga but i would like to see hennig tell the audience that he is mr perfect jr and hit lawler with the perfect plex for the win.

O&M are a boring tag team but have gotten a little better. if they stay together they will face the usos or whatever new tag teams the WWE brings in.
I don't know who's idea it was to make his name what it is, but I don't have any interest in him either way. The fact that he is the son of Mr. Perfect only makes it worse for him. Unless you are equipped to handle to pressure that comes with being a 2d/3rd Gen superstar, it's sometimes best that you don't carry the name of those who come before you. It's cool that he wants to honor his family, but he probably needs to do more in the company before he begans moaning about a name change.

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