Metallica concert a couple of days ago.

Reload...well, nevermind...

Funny, because I like ReLoad more than Load.

Fuel - One of my favorite adrenaline songs.

Devil's Dance - Amazed it hasn't been used in a stripper scene for a movie.

Unforgiven II - The song that first drew me to Metallica (maybe why I have a biased affection for this album).

Fixxer - One of their most underrated songs. "Can you heal what father's done? Or fix this hole in a mother's son?" Some of James' best lyrics.
Funny, because I like ReLoad more than Load.

Fuel - One of my favorite adrenaline songs.
Used to hate the song, but I've grown to merely dislike it.

Unforgiven II - The song that first drew me to Metallica (maybe why I have a biased affection for this album).
It's not bad the first time you listen to it, but gets progressively worse every time, in my own not-so-humble opinion.

Devil's Dance - Amazed it hasn't been used in a stripper scene for a movie.
Fixxer - One of their most underrated songs. "Can you heal what father's done? Or fix this hole in a mother's son?" Some of James' best lyrics.
I probably wouldn't even recognize these songs if I were listening to the album.
Oh come on, there are a couple good songs on Ride the Lightning (Fade to Black, Bell Tolls... that's about it)

Ride came out in 1984, 7 years before the black album. Also only a couple of good songs? Ride The Lightning, Creeping Death, Bellz, Fade and basically the whole album, it is a classic and I would venture to say better than MOP.

Onto the topic at hand, I myself saw Metallica in Brisbane a little over a month ago and they were fucking fantastic. Even though it was an incredibly safe stylist lacking in the likes of Battery, Sanitarium and Creeping Death.

I agree with X though post Black Album has been horrendous bar the odd song (Fuel, That Was Just Your Like, Broken Beat and Scarred come to mind) although S&M was pretty awesome.

EDIT: X, what Death magnetic songs did you think were good?
Don't get me wrong, 80s 'Tallica can not be rivaled in sheer metal fury. Their work literally defines the entire genre of thrash metal.

Umm... Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax would have something to say about that, hence the term "The Big Four". While the other three may not reached anywhere near the same level of commercial success or global recognition as Metallica doesn't mean they didn't have just as much to do with the creation and success of thrash metal.
Oh this should be good:lmao:

*eagerly awaits X's repsonse*

Yeah, I won't be surprised if X torches me for it, but I still think Megadeth should have something to say about it. They have been just as consistent as Metallica has in the business, but in my personal opinion Megadeth was putting out better music than Metallica post-Black Album.
The fuck? I've never said anything about Megadeth on here to my knowledge. Early work is great, everything post-90s was shit. Peace Sells is a genre classic though.

Also, yes, I'm well aware of the big four. Metallica, by far, was the most successful of those four groups, which is why their work comes to mind first when thinking of thrash metal.

I've never liked Anthrax though.
Was fucking horrendous. The sound was shit, they didn't play anything from St.Anger and mostly stuck to "Master of puppets" which no one cared about honestly, you could hear people talking a couple of rows down, music wasn't loud, and I'd even say more people interacted/sung along with Lamb Of God who supported them.

They looked like they didn't want to do an encore which drew a 5-10 minute's worth of deafning boos. They came out and talked for a bit without playing a song and the music section in the paper the next day said that Metallica disappointed nobody with their great live shows....:disappointed:

What a fucking waste of $130.00.

Which concert did you go to dude? I went to the one on the 15th of November and I thought it was fucken awesome. Im guessing you didnt go to that one as the music was loud and my normal hearing didnt return until Wednesday.

Wish they played a couple of songs but Turn the Page, bu in the end didnt really care as the rest was just so good.

As for the Encore they did it at the show I went to. All it was was them playing up for the crowd, nothing more, nothing less. They were always, always, playing a couple of songs for an Encore.

The paper was dead on, it was awesome.
Umm... Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax would have something to say about that, hence the term "The Big Four". While the other three may not reached anywhere near the same level of commercial success or global recognition as Metallica doesn't mean they didn't have just as much to do with the creation and success of thrash metal.

You do realize that this past summer when the "Big 4" all played together for the first time ever, that Metallica was teh headliner for a reason right, Megadeth would likely have never existed if it wern't for Mustaine getting the boot the the rest of the 'tallica boys, Anthrax never came close to the mainstream success as Metallica, and really outiside of Scott Ian, didn't offer up much to the world of trash, Anthrax is easily the least talented of the "big 4", and Slayer, as awesome as they are, were never going to be a band that got much if any radio play, which really effects the amount of success this band acheived, all that being said without Metallica nobody would even care about the genre as it would have died out a long long time ago
The fuck? I've never said anything about Megadeth on here to my knowledge. Early work is great, everything post-90s was shit. Peace Sells is a genre classic though.

Also, yes, I'm well aware of the big four. Metallica, by far, was the most successful of those four groups, which is why their work comes to mind first when thinking of thrash metal.

I've never liked Anthrax though.

Fair enough then, obviously I didn't quite understand what you were saying the first time. I agree with Anthrax, outside of Caught in a Mosh and Madhouse nothing of theirs interests me.
You do realize that this past summer when the "Big 4" all played together for the first time ever, that Metallica was teh headliner for a reason right, Megadeth would likely have never existed if it wern't for Mustaine getting the boot the the rest of the 'tallica boys, Anthrax never came close to the mainstream success as Metallica, and really outiside of Scott Ian, didn't offer up much to the world of trash, Anthrax is easily the least talented of the "big 4", and Slayer, as awesome as they are, were never going to be a band that got much if any radio play, which really effects the amount of success this band acheived, all that being said without Metallica nobody would even care about the genre as it would have died out a long long time ago

Most of that is spot on, I can't say I agree with no one caring about the genre without Metallica though. The other three bands all have a very loyal fan base that would likely exist with or without Metallica. I also really don't think that mainstream sucess should come into discussion when talking about thrash as for the most part it isn't a mainstream genre.

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