**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
They are not EV2.

They are not Fourtune.

Abyss said it himself – "they" are (finally) coming. They're coming at Bound For Glory, and they're coming to systematically take out TNA President Dixie Carter, as well as her managing partners in Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff.

There's been theories left and right as to who "they" really are, and what "they" really means, but this much is true – they're not EV2, and they're not Fourtune, so who are they?
wouldnt it be great if it were shane mcmahon and this is what dixie carter has been teasing us with this big surprise for?

slim chance but it could be anybody really or maybe its just hogan and bischoffs heel turn
Hogan and Bischoff that's who I believe they are. I think we all see Hogan and Bischoff turn heel at Bound For Glory. As for my reasoning why. Well I don't really know who else "They" could be?
What if they are actually The Wolfpac: Nash and Sting? They've been using Abyss as their inside man in order to take out people involved in the deception. But come 10.10.10 for whatever reason they'll be ready to reveal themselves. Sure it doesn't make any sense but what does in TNA really.
I have NO idea either and I love it!!!!!

If it is at BFG, it has to be big! I'm glad Abyss stated who THEY are NOT to make it crystal clear.

Now we just have to wait for 10...10...10....
The RADICALS.....what do I mean well seeing the popes recent cryptic message "thats cool". I think the group is going to be a WWE invasion group Carlito, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamen, Shane Helms, and maybe Paul Burchall. They are going to be what the Radicals were to the WWE. Think about it TNA is setting up for it Team TNA (Hogan) v. Team ECW (Foley) v. Team WCW (Sting) v. Team WWE (Carlito)
THEY had better not be anyone currently in TNA, this thing has been hyped up too much and if it is anyone on the current roster it would fall flat... you know who I would like "they" to be, a contingent of TNA originals who have been gone from the company, guys like petey williams and monty brown and BG James etc. ... THAT would be amazing and shocking a good way to continue with the TNA originals getting rid of EV2!
I read all of the post and I think one of them would actually entertain us.

I like the WWE guys idea since all the no compete clauses are done. I think Benjamin,Haas,Helms amd Carlito with Abyss as enforcer could work quite well. Think about the possible feuds this could open up.

Haas and Benjamin could feud with Beer Money after this is done they could have entertaining matches with Gen Me and MCMG.

Helms could go heel and say he was tired of Jeff getting the spotlight in the past and now its his time. Hardy could say he doesnt wanna fight his friend then Helms could take out Shannon Moore to piss Hardy off and there you go.

Carlito I like him but I have no clue who he could have a fun/entertaining feud with in TNA maybe the Pope and Anderson?
I honestly have no clue who "they" could be and I think that its very interesting and hopefully who ever they turns out to be is not disappointing and it was worth all of this build up from Abyss. I'm very intrigued to see how this plays out at BFG 10.10.10
THEY!need to be someone out of TNA right now. If its Sting and Nash or Eric and Hogan it will be a complete bust to the angle and once again another let down. If it is the Group of former WWE guys that would be pretty cool. They could say they came to take over TNA and do things that Vince never gave them the chance too. But after they brought on EV2 which in my opinion was basically an invasion angle , do we really wanna see another?

I don't know who they is but i have a lot of crappy ideas in my head and a lot of great ones that will probably never happen. In the end, maybe this is will be one of the first times that dixies twitter hyped surprises will actually be entertaining and well. . . . ugh . . . .surprising!!!
I thoght bout it and i think it MIGHT be............................Judas mesias and james mithell
hogan and bichoff can be them it can be them and sting and nash causeing a wcw takeover:wcw::wcw::wcw::wcw::wcw::wcw:
"They" will end up being Bischoff, Hogan, Jarrett, and Foley.

They all have on screen or real life stock in the company and it would make the most sense. This will also be how EV2 is let go from the company. These men will fire them and everyone will then hate Foley for turning on his friends.

These men plus Abyss and Joe will decide who wins the title at BFG. If I had to take a guess....."they" will help Anderson win the title and "retire" Kurt Angle. So if the next Impact "they" come out and fire EV2 then within a week they would have gotten rid of EV2 and Angle. How is that for some heat? Not to mention they would have one of the best heel talkers as their champion. Who would mess with them when Abyss and Joe are the muscle. Then the only way to stop this would be for Dixie Carter to go to Fourtune since they have just been built up as dominant faction and help her get rid of Hogan. Then in the end you have a WAR of TNA vs Hogans vision of TNA and they will both have TNA originals/young wrestlers involved.

The only wild card in this is Sting and Nash.
I do think that hogan is involved. Sting has become a heel, but it still seems that its for a purpose. This reminds me of wcw, when sting kept silent for a long time wanting hogan. Not exactly the same thing since he was a face at that time, but notice how sting never mocks the fans. he is doing what he is doing for tna and only he and now nash know about it.

as to who they are. i think it would be awsome if it was shane mcmahon. he could bring in some wwe guys as people have said to make tna the new wwe. he could say hogan has been mixing the pot to get everything ready. as to who he would bring, i dont know. do i really think this would happen, probably not, but tna has been getting better. if this angle works out correctly, ill have new respect for tna. the angle has been going on since freaking january so it had better be good.
I also think it's James Mitchell it's the person when Abyss was at his most "monster" form. He is a great manager for him and I believe they go well together
wouldnt it be great if it were shane mcmahon and this is what dixie carter has been teasing us with this big surprise for?

slim chance but it could be anybody really or maybe its just hogan and bischoffs heel turn

Shane McMahon..hmmmm Interesting!

But it will have to be more than one("they") but see if Abyss has re-embraced his dark side, shouldn't it be a Legendary Old School dark character and his lackeys?

I mean really if you look at this from a fantasy booking style, the best fruition of this would be if The Undertaker debuted with the Ministry of Darkness.

I have pondered as to who is out there who can come into TNA and really live upto the hype.
I got nothing...

So I'm intrigued, but if it's a within TNA talent, like a Hogan turn, ughhhh!
Nothing special and just a major letdown.
I know it has ZERO chance of happening but i'd love it if "THEY" were Paul Heyman, Dana White, Brock Lesnar and maybe Shane McMahon!!!

But i feel it's gonna be Jarrett & Foley
I really have no idea in hell who they could be. I mean there are so many possibilities and the one that pops up the most is they being Hogan and Bischoff. This is very likely, but in my eyes they are people that have never been in TNA. And believe me they are not voices or thoughts in Abyss' head because why would they have all this build up only to let people down? They will probably be something huge and all we can do is wait until my birthday of course lol 10/10/10.
It'll probably just be something lame, like a couple of indie guys that they book as being in a stable with Abyss as his "evil henchmen". Dixie will then say that the group will change wrestling history forever. Two weeks later, they'll turn face. Two weeks after that, they'll be demoted to the midcard. Two weeks later, you won't really see them again. Rinse, repeat.
How long has Batista been gone from the WWE?
To be honest it has to be someone from outside TNA and that causes a problem, because who is actually big enough? No-one off the top of my head. The only way this won't disappoint is if it's HBK :lmao:
I'd quite like to see the ex WWE guys mentioned earlier.

I think that Christopher Daniels is going to be involved in some shape or form, as all the chess analogys would fit with his usual shtick.
to be frankly honest I have no idea who "they" are referring to. I agree with a majority of the post on here, a Hogan & Bischoff heel turn would be the worse explanation for all this. Looking into the pool of free agents out there right now, Batista seems to be the only one with enough star power to live up to the hype.

One post that really intrigued me was the one that involved Dana White. It would be interesting to see him lead a group of UFC fighters into the Impact zone

For a company who's so predictably bad and who's product is so stale and ridden with rehashes and rekindling of fires that have long since burned cold, TNA sure seems to have a number of you stumped as to what could happen in what is arguably their biggest story line running right now. Weird, that doesn't seem possible if all the things you say are true of TNA are in fact true...

Or maybe, just maybe, your pessimistic conjecture hasn't earned you jack shit as far as knowing a damn thing about what TNA is capable of, yeah? ;)

So here's to a round of applause to the writers at TNA—most notably Vince Russo—for thus far being able to build one of the most intriguing and quixotic story lines TNA has seen since the rise of the MEM/Frontline (Millionares Club/New Blood), nothing of which anyone here or anyone at home has truly been able to predict a god damn thing about!
The way Abyss mentioned Dixie Carter and Them taking her out really seemed like a new Management type Group trying to really take over TNA...

Which in my eyes only really leaves a few options...

Heyman... What if Paul signed with TNA and all the crap he's been saying about TNA was been a shoot/work... He's been bashing all the old guys in TNA and was against the EV2 and the Hardcore Justice PPV... He demanded full control... What if that was the set up for him to come in and try to take control... Maybe he went above Dixie's head to her Dad and is trying to get rid of her, Hogan and Bischoff... I know that is probably wishful thinking, but it would be a pretty great angle...

Jeff Jarrett and maybe Vince Russo himself... I know it would be pretty crappy to see Russo back on TV again, but it looks like a possibility... Stings's Deception angle would be that Jarrett has been Decieving Hogan, Bischoff, Joe, and the fans... When in reality, him and Russo have a plan to try and take "Their" company back... Not sure how Nash and Sting would know that, but it seemed weird when Sting told Joe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... Even when Sting is "heel" he always has a noble cause... So, in the end, I see Sting and Nash coming out as the Faces in the end... Not sure what other payoff they could have for that angle...

The Hogan and Bischoff turn... I think they have seeds planted to where it could be them... but, damn... I think that one would be a let down...

Raven is another possibility in my mind... Where has he been? He seemed to have an alliance with Abyss before the Hardcore Justice PpV... Why hasn't he been a bigger part in EV2? He was one of the original four, now he hasn't been with them in two weeks and last time he was, him and Dreamer still seemed to not get along... I personally would like to see Raven bring back a stable with guys like Daniels, Kevin Thorn (who recently had a try out match), Mike Knox (Who Dreamer has gone on record saying he wants him in TNA) and Abyss... I know a lot of people would see it as a let down because of all the hype, but I think it would be pretty cool...

I think the Heyman idea would be the best, but the least likely...

It's a great storyline... It just puts a lot of pressure on them to make it work... They are making it sound so great, that anything less than great will be a let down...
its all coming together now. live impacts, bfg, 'they', fortune, ev2. tna is making a good run & going live b4 bound for glory, things are looking up!

ok 'they'. this has alot of people fooled. here are some ideas that might work well or be complete shots in the dark.

1) judas mesias & james mithcell. -this would rock based on the history they have w\ the monster abyss. a true team of destruction. dark, scary, intimidating. its what old school tna fans would love. truly evil.

2) the 'wwe' invasion. -dosent make sense. throwing carlito, knox, helms & burchill together like a makeshift 'radicalz' would be strange. they have no ties to abyss. yes tna would welcome the guys to the impact zone, but together as 'they' makes no fucking sense.

3) wilpon group or roh. -now this would be interesting indeed. another promotion joining forces w\ tna behind the scenes, sharing talent, mixing up feuds\storylines, the ability to make more dates across the states. that would make vince a little nervous if some of the little federations started joining up against the wwe. i kno its wishful thinking but i would fucking scream for days if roh\tna teamed up. the possible matchups alone would be amazing.

and for the most logical choice....

4) the wolfpac. -nash\sting have laid the groundwork against hogan\bischoff. both have made their intentions clear on taking down the 2 for a while now. sting laid out rvd originally & stole the belt. 'deception'. sting has made it clear hogan\eric are using dixie& tna as sheep. sting is seeking to cut the head off the problem & has been vocal about it. now with nash joining up & the red facepaint..... old wcw fans remember the sting\hogan fued. they remember sting joining nash in the wolfpac to take out the 'black& white'. we all know the similarities between (10.10.10 @ bfg) & bash @ the beach\ daytona. now abyss attacks the same man sting did? 'deception', taking out dixie\hogan\bischoff. get ready cuz here 'they' come.

i think the question is, if it is nash\sting, are 'they' coming alone? could we see some old faces return to help in the fight? mayb some ex wcw guys still with a hatred for hulk& eric? could we see the return of some tna talent who feel jilted by dixie & her recent management choices? (ahem, daniels).....

who knows for sure?.... 'they' do. & 'they' will be here in a few weeks. this is all coming together for tna & as a fan, im excited.
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