**Merged** Was The Rock A Sellout, Or Just Very Smart?

He is very smart. He entered this buisness, Kicked arse and left on top. and thats the way he should of left. Imagine the Rock as ric flair... What would you rather be known as, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, or a washed up wrestler that is only still wrestling because he can't afford to retire? Acting might of been his life long dream. It would explain why he became a wrestler wouldn't it? because that is all acting.

I don't care what anybody says, the rock is not a sell out. He never signed a waiver saying he refused to do anything for the rest of his life but wrestle. do you want to spend the rest of your life doing whatever it is you do?
He made a smart business decision, there's nothing more to it. I wish he'd stayed in the WWE because I think he was really talented - he has millions of fans. but the amount of money and success he has now is so much higher, the WWE probably seems like nothing.

Of course, the argument can be made that he's only successful as an actor because of his fanbase from WWE. There's no way we can prove that either way, but people shouldn't think badly of him doing it, it's what was best for him.
Obviously at the time, the WWE was so big and the Rock was such an iconic figure that everyone was thinking forget you Rock you sold out. I remember everyone, including myself just begging him to comeback in the worst way. And why?The WWE was losing many huge stars and losing the Rock was the worst thing that could have happened at the time. The business needed him.

But, as time has gone by, were all a little older and a little wiser and we all see that the WWE is just fine and what he made was a personal choice to move onto a new chapter of his life. He accomplished everything in the wrestling business and has said he was very grateful for everything the business gave him. Now he can make more money and most importantly spend more time with his family. So, I say good for him.
He did what was most lucarative for him, as a wrestling fanatic you could defeinately call him a sellout since he used us as a stepping stone then basically said wrestling is not part of him,

But on the flip side did he say wrestling didn't do anything for him Like Brock Lesnar did?

No he purely said that wrestling fans are a drop in the pond as far as being able to entertain and do movies which is what he always wanted to do.

he gave us countelss memories in the 7 yrs or so he was around and more than put his body on the line. Now he's making movies that doesn't take a tole on him physically. And as much as i don't think he's a great Movie Actor it's his life and I thank him for the memories.

maybe the reason he doesn't want to do appearance is cause he may get homesick and want to return to a life that is so obviously a detriment mentally and physically for a shit load less money than he's getting for a few months a yr shooting movies
The term sellout is always funny to me; but if you were ever offered the opportunity, anyone that isn't a complete idiot would take it. So, for the Rock doing less work and making much more money, he's very smart for doing that.
The people who mainly called him a sell out were hurt fans that Rocky left without any real explanation, and it's fair to be hurt when your fave superstar leaves his fans to do something else. Hell, I was one of those hurt fans who hated him for a while

But it wasn't selling out. It was him switching from a career where he'd done everything to a career where he'd barely explored and was excited by that prospect.
Truth be told, if The Rock was still around in the WWE today, he would've probably feuded with everyone there is to feud with. Here's the main people that he didn't have a feud with during his WWE career that he would feud with if he was still around; Cena, Batista, HBK, Edge, Christian, the Hardys, JBL maybe CM Punk. And then we'd be complaining that he's already feuded with everyone.

He did everything he could do in the WWE and had to move on for his own sake. I guess that's the problem with wrestlers who develop so quickly, it means their careers are usually pretty quick too...
Yes I know why he left, he left for Hollywood, but why? Just to be in some B graded movies that no-one cares about? Seriously when is the last time the Rock came in a Critically acclaimed movie? Actually let me rephrase that: Has the Rock ever even been in a big Blockbuster? The answer is no, not yet and probably not in the forseeable future. Whereas in the WWE he was high flying and getting championship runs left, right and center. He is already 36 and going to be 37 in 3 months. He doesn't have a whole load of time to be in a big blockbuster to prove that his move from wrestling to Hollywood was actually worth it.
He left as the movie industry was appealing for him. Do you have to be the best at something for it to be worthwhile? No. If he enjoys it that's all that matters.

Sure, I'd love him back in Wrestling. He would still be the greatest in the business, but he has moved on and good luck to the guy. He achieved more in his few years than most have in a lifetime in the business, there isn't much more that could have been done with him anyway.
Say what you want about his crappy movies, he's making a heck of a lot more money right now, and prolly more relaxed than happier that remaining in the WWE. Running around 365 days a year doing live shows, house shows, ppvs, and busting your ass is a lot of work. Secondly, if any other wrestler was given such an opportunity, they too would leavethe business..try explaining that to Cena, who still doesnt get why he left to begin with. Then again, Cena will never be a true actor. He has little to no mic skills compared to the rock and will probably do shitty WWE movies...

Course, I'll miss him, incredible amount of charisma. I still watch him on youtube, I cant tell you how many times I've seen that HOF video last year.
The Rock left because he found a new passion. That, was to make movies. He'll work damn hard at acting to ensure he is as successful as he can be, and that won't happen over night. The Rock lost his passion for wrestling, and found something he enjoys. Why blame him? Sure, we'd love to have him back. But just accept it and move on. He is making way more money doing films than he could have in the WWE, and 36 I'm sure he could do without multiple injuries. This way, there is a lighter travelling schedule, and he can see his family more. Making movies is still demanding, but less so than the WWE.
You do not know your facts at all. The Rock has been in 7 movies that have grossed over 45 million dollars, 2 over 100 million dollars and one at 220 million. To say the guy has not been in a blockbuster is stupid. He will be in another movie in which the movie will easily gross over 100 million with Escape from Witch Mountain. And he has 2 others that he is working on now as well. The man draws in Hollywood and he is making a lot more money now then he ever was in the WWE. Learn your facts or don't say anything at all.
There's no way he was a sell-out. Even after his movie career had taken off, he made several appearances to wrestle and entertain (his "Rock Concerts"). He kept his hand in it and slowly weaned himself from the wrestling business.

I compare this to Stacy Keiber who, as soon as she experienced some main media success, never again set foot in a WWE ring, even though she was still under contract.

Both Rock and Stacy should realize that without WWE, there would have been no "Walking Tall" or "Dancing With the Stars."

It seems that Rock did realize, while Stacy didn't.

Go get 'em, Rock!
I class The Rock as being smart, entertaining WWE after having acting school was a clever way to get himself up, a third generation superstar, a former football player and great on the mike, combination of those three got himself a ticket into WWE and into fame, he knew he would go far with what he had.

Once he reached the pinnacle and went beyond, his calling came because Hollywood saw potential and used him in The Mummy Returns. After continuing to go from strength to strength in WWE and making a world record $55million in his film debut (highest paid debut), he knew he could leave on a high. Because he has millions (and millions) of fans, he knew he would have the necessary film support as people would see his films. Once he was firmly established on his own, he seperated himself from WWE and became Dwayne Johnson. He had the stragety and skills to do it and he's made it his own. I read that he was very popular at the Grammies this year when he presented an award, he's very over in the entertainment industry (outside WWE).

He will probably come back for last match, but that is IF his film career winds down, but at the age of 37/38, he's got a good long way to go in films. He left at the perfect time for him. If I had to be honest, the WWE is a very different place to what we once knew when Rock and Stone Cold were around dominating the leagues, Wrestlemania 20 was really the period where it literally all began again - the rising of Orton, Cena, Batista, the relaunch of Undertaker, that was truly where Rock's time had past. Although his return at the HoF last year was legendary!

I heard that Dwanye Johnson no longer used the name "The Rock" because "the Rock" actually belongs to the WWE, and since he is not signed to WWE anymore, he can't use the name legally. Part of the reason the Rock won't wrestle is because the WWE won't work a contract which allows him wrestling dates, but flexibility to do movies as well i.e. being a actor/wrestler. Vince is apparently annoyed because, when "The Scorpion King" , whihc WWE Films produced, came out, propelling the Rock to mainstream superstardom, Vince naively wanted the Rock to do only movies produced by WWE Films. When Fox, Universal and other studios came knocking with offers, Vince was annoyed because the Rock would get publicity, not WWE. So, the Rock is out of contract, and can only work for WWE when called upon.

I read that Dwayne Johnson was one of the so few superstars who had joint copyright over his wrestling name with WWE, given he was an icon that was made through his own methods and it happened to be through the WWE, I think that if WWE had sole copyright, he would have walked out a long time ago. The reason he dropped The Rock title is because he wants to seperate himself from wrestling. But if you think about it, if WWE had the copyright, they would want him to still be called The Rock, because they would turn to WWE through that name much like Hogan or Austin (though Steve did legally change his name to Austin). To be called Dwayne Johnson is simply saying "I'm not a product or advertisement of WWE".
I compare this to Stacy Keiber who, as soon as she experienced some main media success, never again set foot in a WWE ring, even though she was still under contract.

Both Rock and Stacy should realize that without WWE, there would have been no "Walking Tall" or "Dancing With the Stars."

It seems that Rock did realize, while Stacy didn't.

Go get 'em, Rock!

Stacy wanted to quit the WWE anyway. She hated the schedule, and it was catching up with her. After stepping into the world of wrestling at 18, and never having a break, she needed to try something different. I don't blame her for that. She said that while she wouldn't mind a return, she's happy as she is now. Always that one apperance that she would do ect..

But, you say The Rock realised that without the WWE, he wouldn't be who he is. While on some level he knows this, he hasn't done much to thank the WWE. A few apperances here & there would be lovely. Live ones too, maybe one match at WrestleMania? Instead we got ONE Rock promo for WrestleMania 23, and an appearance at the Hall of Fame. You're telling me he couldn't do one match? Or make one shocking appearance at RAW?
After reading most of these post most people actually understand why he 'sold out' and so do I but what was the point leaving all his fans, fanbase and his successful character in the WWE behind just to be in movies that nobody actually, honestly cares about? If he was to be coming in movies like The Dark Knight or James Bond films etc then I could understand his decision. Its 5 years since he has been acting in movies and if he hasn't made a big impact in those years, I'll doubt he will anymore.
I respect the rock in the terms that he left the business at his prime however he is forgetting the fact that it was the wwe/f that made him what he is today and really can't seem to respect the fact that he doesn't even make small appearances unless it benefits him in some way for example when he turned up to the hall of fame ceremony last year to induct his grandfather. I understand where cena is coming from when he critisized the rock, how can you completely walk away from something that brought you up and made you what you are today. It's like walking away from your mother for good. If it wasn't for Vince's idea to ask dwayne to play the role as the scorpion king in the mummy returns, then we might not have been having this discussion as the rock might still have been on the wwe today. It's a real shame. When the wwe needs someone like the rock the most at the moment, he is nowhere to be found unless, like I said, it benefits him in some way.
Stacy wanted to quit the WWE anyway. She hated the schedule, and it was catching up with her. After stepping into the world of wrestling at 18, and never having a break, she needed to try something different. I don't blame her for that. She said that while she wouldn't mind a return, she's happy as she is now. Always that one apperance that she would do ect..

But, you say The Rock realised that without the WWE, he wouldn't be who he is. While on some level he knows this, he hasn't done much to thank the WWE. A few apperances here & there would be lovely. Live ones too, maybe one match at WrestleMania? Instead we got ONE Rock promo for WrestleMania 23, and an appearance at the Hall of Fame. You're telling me he couldn't do one match? Or make one shocking appearance at RAW?

Did anyone read that report. At the HoF the Rock just came, did the speech and got the hell out of the place. apprently he didn't even talk to anyone and was in a rush to get out. Many wrestling stars were not impressed with his behaviour.
Did anyone read that report. At the HoF the Rock just came, did the speech and got the hell out of the place. apprently he didn't even talk to anyone and was in a rush to get out. Many wrestling stars were not impressed with his behaviour.

But he was on a tight schedule at the time, he did pitch it to Vince before going ahead with it and Vince supported it. I knew Austin and Triple H weren't big fans of it, but I think Austin got over it and Triple H...well he won two more world titles to get past Rock's record of 7 time WWE Champion, so that's his revenge
Did anyone read that report. At the HoF the Rock just came, did the speech and got the hell out of the place. apprently he didn't even talk to anyone and was in a rush to get out. Many wrestling stars were not impressed with his behaviour.

Honestly besides Ric's speech, what else did the HOF of 2008 had? That was amazing, from the massive pop he had coming in to all the "1 more match" and "rocky austin" chants, that's clearly the best thing I've seen in the hall of fame! Exactly, which wrestling stars were not impressed? Until we know who actually said that, theres no way we can believe it.
Did anyone read that report. At the HoF the Rock just came, did the speech and got the hell out of the place. apprently he didn't even talk to anyone and was in a rush to get out. Many wrestling stars were not impressed with his behaviour.

The Rock was in the middle of shooting a film, and needed to get out of there quickly to return to the set of his film. You can't blame him for leaving quickly because he had a reason. If he didn't get that on time then he would have been in trouble. The stars might not have been impressed because he spent about an hour roasting the other superstars, meaning they had to cut Ric Flair's speech because of it. HHH had to tell Flair to hurry it up, and the fans didn't like it.
I gotta agree with the majority of the opinions here... The Rock definitely didn't sell out. I know I would have done much the same in his position if I had been given the chance, and I believe so would have about 99% of all those people who called him a sell-out back in the day.

It was a tremendously smart move for him - he was as big a star as you can be at the time; sure he could've stayed, and would have had other great feuds and moments, with other guys... but even The Rock might've become a little stale some day. The way he did it, he went out at the pinnacle of his career, without any "bad" times to look back at, nothing that would mar his tenure... if anything, that was THE perfect career any wrestler could ever imagine. This is a career not even Austin, not even Hogan had. Both these guys still live off their huge popularity of course, but their most recent appearances were nothing of significance, and their last "serious" runs happened for both after their prime was behind them; at least for Hogan that holds true (as much as I am a Hogan-guy, I have to admit that), but also Austin was suffering from his health issues.

Rock on the other hand skyrocketed to the top, stayed there, and then left without losing any of his momentum due to injuries, health issues, or anything of the like. Plus, he went out to pursue a different career where is also doing quite well - even if most of his movies aren't exactly Academy-Award-Worthy, he still makes a lot more money off those than he did with wrestling while having to work and especially risk less... anyone who would do it differently would have to be a complete and utter moron; seriously lol.

The only thing I don't like about the path he's taken that he basically doesn't show up at all anymore in WWE, and has almost completely turned his back to his wrestling fans. Sure, he doesn't need to prove anything inside the ring anymore... but it sure would've been nice for him to pop in for two or three months every couple of years and work a program with someone, just to freshen up the scene. Anyone he would've worked with would've benefitted big time from that; and the fans would definitely be entertained. But I guess if you want to keep getting work in Hollywood, a relation to wrestling isn't the best thing for you (see Mickey Rourke).

But all in all, I guess The Rock's decision was the right one to make, and the smartest thing he could've done. And while I really miss him as he was by a long shot my favorite guy from the Attitude era, and definitely one of my absolute top guys ever... it is a most respectable decision, and he has made a lot of it.
After reading most of these post most people actually understand why he 'sold out' and so do I but what was the point leaving all his fans, fanbase and his successful character in the WWE behind just to be in movies that nobody actually, honestly cares about? If he was to be coming in movies like The Dark Knight or James Bond films etc then I could understand his decision. Its 5 years since he has been acting in movies and if he hasn't made a big impact in those years, I'll doubt he will anymore.

Who said he left all his fans? Sure there's countless that watch wrestling
and still go to see his movies, no matter how crap he is as a serious actor

Anyway i'm sure he could care less what we thought, His bank balance and not needingg to take pain killers and or seeing medical eprsonall on a regular basis, not to mention not having the pressure of travelling day in and day out 50 weeks a yr without your family would more than compensate for any feelings of guilt
People can say all that they want but Rocky wasn't a sell out. I think most people tend to use this phrase because they want him back, as a wrestling fan I understand how they feel when their favorite superstars goes away to do other stuff. But you can't controll people's lives. This man did everything he posibly could in the WWE, there was nothing more left for him to do. His body was in pain as well, so he decided to do what he wanted.

Nobody can blame him for doing what he wants. The guy is now probably earning twice as much for something that doesn't involve sacrificing you're body. And besides who ever said that the guy will never come back. He could always get tired of acting or just want to get back in the ring. Vince definitely wants him back. You can compare rock's situation like sting's. If he ever wants a job he can always come to the WWE.

The man is smart and just because he won't show up for a couple of years in the WWE doesn't mean he forgot about it. This man grew up with this artform and i'm 100% percent sure that Rock will come back someday as an active wrestler, maybe in 3-4 years or so you can NEVER know. The world changes a lot and anything can happen. So get over yourself and respect what the man is wanting to do.
For everyone that's saying The Rock is a sellout and a turncoat and whatever else, I want to paint a work picture for you.

Picture your family. Think about how often you see them and how much you love them. Think of your friends and how much fun it is to sit back and have a beer with your buddies. Now Think about for 90% of the year you don't see any of them, but instead you get dropped on your head almost every night. And the nights where you don't do that you're in a car or a plane traveling to the next place where that's going to happen. Now think about the time you do go home. You get maybe 3 or 4 days. In that time you don't have enough to time to see your entire family or most of your friends. And the whole time you're there all you really want to do is relax because you haven't slept in your own bed or sat in your own chair in months.

Does that sound like a life you want to keep leading, especially after knowing you've already accomplished all that anybody can accomplish in a particular line of work?

Of course I want the rock to FINALLY COME BACK TO......anywhere the WWE is. But I'm more than OK with the man living a life he enjoys. He deserves it after entertaining me and the millions....AND MILLIONS of fans over the years.
If a sellout is someone who makes decisions for the betterment of their lives then we are all sellouts. Sellout has just become an insult to use against someone who doesnt end up doing exactly what you think they should. So no, hes not a sellout.

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