**Merged** Was The Rock A Sellout, Or Just Very Smart?


The Cerebral Assassin
Okay, so we all miss the Rock and wish we he had stayed with the WWE, as he was one of the most successful WWE superstars of all time, and was definitely one of the most, if not the most, charismatic entertainer of all-time. But, to our dismay and protest, the Rock began to fade from the WWE scene in the late 90's early 00's...until... he was gone altogether from the WWE. Yes, thats right, the Rock left the WWE for Hollywood... And its quite sad, cuz this guy could have went down as THE best, not just one of the best, but these are just semanitcs- the main point is: do you think the Rock soldout to Hollywood just to become more successful in the mainstream and make more money simply making movies OR do you think he made the smart decision by getting out of the business at the right time instead of sticking around too long and getting destroyed by it, as many have before in the past in some way or some form (examples: Hogan- his personal life is in shambles; Austin/Hart/& MANY others- sustained injuries that will forever plague them; Flair/Rourke's character from "the wrestler"/& MANY others- taken over by the business, resulting in obsession; Luger/Benoit/Guerrero/& MANY others- suffered from the ill effects of steriod use)?
I am glad someone has brought this topic up. For years I thought the Rock was a sell out, he left his millions (and millions) of Rock fans to go make shit movies, he refused to be associated with wrestling, save for the odd appearance here and there and became Dwayne Johnson once again and not the Rock.

Today I was looking at his stats and they're quite impressive;
Seven WWF/E championships
Two WCW championships
Two IC reigns
Five Time Tag Champ
One Royal Rumble victory
One Slammy
Two PWI MOTY awards
One PWI Wrestler of the year award
Two PWI Most popular Wrestler of the year award
Somw WON awards
* Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards
o Best Box Office Draw (2000)
o Best Gimmick (1999)
o Best on Interviews (1999, 2000)
o Most Charismatic (1999–2002)
o Most Improved (1998)
o Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame (Class of 2007)

It was then that I realised he did what I would do if I were him, he went to the top of the game, and he retired. Imagine it being you, you work for a company, you have all the best awards, there is no way you can go higher, you can stay here for the rest of your life, probably dropping down the pecking order, probably losing faith with your customers...or you go to another company, doing another job, something you enjoy abd work your way up again.

Whilst people may say he was a sellout, I would disagree and say he just had smart business sense, should Hollywood do him over, there'll always be a WWE ring and millions and millions of Rock fans chanting his name.
I also used to think he sold out but come on guys, put yourselves in his position and many would do the same exact thing. The Rock made his decision and I respect him for it. He wanted to do something else and basically, unless he fucks up, he is set for life as movies will really stabalize him and make him a very happy man. I am happy for the man known as Dwayne Johnson and wish him the best and believe that he made the right choice in choosing to leave wrestling for ther business. He did what I believe any one of us would have done.
How people can call The Rock a sellout is beyond me. People claim he doesn't love the business, but on his way out he helped put Over Lesnar, The Hurricane, and i believe Goldberg. He did so much for those three when he really didn't have too but hey, he didn't love the business :rolleyes:.

The Rock was just a smart man, he makes more money while doing less work. he isn't on the road 24/7 and he gets to spend time with his family. Something he could never do when he worked for Vince. The Rock had nothing else to accomplish, he accomplished so much in a short period of time, so i couldn't fault him for leaving. He went on to do bigger things, and prolong his life. What an egotistical jackass :rolleyes:
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The Rock had nothing left to accomplish in WWE anyways. He was already on top of the mountain having won every major title, including having the most World Title reigns at the time of his retirement. Besides, while The Rock was a great ring performer, his real talent was in his mic skills. He was great at acting and captivating the crowd with his promos. If I were him, I would have put my talents to better use as well.
Was The Rock a sellout? I do and I don't. Like Lee above me said, he was at the top of the game and he had no way to go but down. It may not have happened right away but gradually it would happen. Not only was he on top of the wrestling world, but he was a media darling. Everyone wanted him to do this show or make this appearance. I believe this gave him the idea to cash in on his red hot popularity at the time and move to movies where he could arguably make way more money. This is why I don't think he's a sellout.

That being said, I think he is a sellout in a way because he wants nothing to do with wrestling anymore unless he gets a big payday or it benefits him in anyway. Case in point the HoF ceremony last year. Had it not been for his family being inducted, he would never consider even showing up for it or inducting someone else. I think part of this is he thinks that if he puts distance between his wrestling career and acting career, people will think less of him as a wrestler turned actor and more of just an actor. Recently he asked to be called Dwayne Johnson rather than The Rock. That in my opinion was the final nail in the coffin for him distancing from wrestling.

Am I angry or hate him that he jumped to movies? No, how can you hate on a man for changing from a career that paid him well, to a career that will make him rich? Because we all are just hustling for that almighty dollar and that's exactly what The Rock did.
I don't believe he's a sellout in any form. The guy accomplished all there was to accomplish and he's been super generous in regards to putting people over. Him going to Hollywood and doing movies does more for WWE As Hollywood-style Entertainment than it would if he stayed behind. I mean, WWE created a bonafide Hollywood star. The Rock being as popular as he was and crossing over does more to give a rub to WWE, really.

However, I did see John Cena having sour grapes over The Rock saying he "loves the business". It's bullshit. The Rock did everything he could to put Lesnar over. He had some shit with Helms, Goldberg and Booker T as well. He tried passing his torch before he fully went off to Hollywood. And just because Rock might love the business, doesn't mean that he has to marry it for the rest of his life. Right now he has financial security for the rest of his life, he's probably got a busy, yet less physically draining schedule. And he's done some pretty fun movies.

And through all that, he's came back every now and then for bit appearances. He did a small promo for the Battle Of The Billionaires. He came back for the Hall of Fame. He came back sometime when Raw was in Orlando and did a segment with Randy Orton to set up Edge getting one over on him. Will he make more appearances? I'm sure. Another match? Maybe if he gets the urge. But I have no ill will to him.

I think if anyone misses him, that's cool. I think he left a bit of a void, but I don't let that cloud my judgment and call the man a sellout. And I really can't call him that when he does come back every now and then to give some love to the WWE and it's fans, even if it's not for an actual match.
I never once saw The Rock as a sell out. He just simply moved onto bigger and better things. He already accomplished so much in the WWE with his short(ish) stay so I think he made the right move. What more could he have achieved? And while he could have stayed and kept winning titles, stayed in the mainevent and could have helped make the company more money, but I think he knew it was the right move to leave.

If the Rock would have stayed he would have by now been hated on like HHH because you know he would have won many more titles. The hate would still be there just for different reasons. There is no reason why he should be labelled a sell-out. People in their careers make transition and advance and that is what The Rock did.

The guy pretty much became bigger then the WWE(in some terms)so he moved on. Now he is a pretty sucessful actor and it seems that he's happy. People move on and that is what The Rock did. So while people can call him a sell-out I think he just moved on and decided to try different things. He did everything he could do in the WWE without over staying his welcome.
I don't think he's necessarily a sell out, he desired the movie scene more than the wrestling scene later in his career, and thats fine. His movies do alright, although I find him to be an annoying actor some people like him so his moderate success enables him to keep doing the movies and if thats what he wants to do with his life then it's his choice.

He was with the WWE for a long time, it's not like he just walked away in the middle of something important, he did it the right way by letting them know and making his slow exit from the company.

The only argument I have, is why no Wrestlemania matches? Or why not show up when they are in his hometown or if he's in the state that the show being taped in is. I think he should do a Wrestlemania, just one more, as a going away present for all us fans. It would be great to see him in a "last match" of The Rock against someone good.
I also used to think he sold out but come on guys, put yourselves in his position and many would do the same exact thing. The Rock made his decision and I respect him for it. He wanted to do something else and basically, unless he fucks up, he is set for life as movies will really stabalize him and make him a very happy man. I am happy for the man known as Dwayne Johnson and wish him the best and believe that he made the right choice in choosing to leave wrestling for ther business. He did what I believe any one of us would have done.

I agree with you fully. I was thinking about the same thing. Everyone would had done the same as The Rock. It was a smart decision. Just like everyone else The Rock and people in this world look at what benefits them the most. I miss the Rock yea but sometimes you have to do what you got to do to survive in this world
I dont blame the Rock for going to make movies, but why cant he just make a few apperances a year, like Stone Cold. This is a big reason why i cant stand the Rock
I agree with you fully. I was thinking about the same thing. Everyone would had done the same as The Rock. It was a smart decision. Just like everyone else The Rock and people in this world look at what benefits them the most. I miss the Rock yea but sometimes you have to do what you got to do to survive in this world

That really all depends on what you love doing. If I loved wrestling, I wouldn't leave for a movie career, it's not like he's at a shortage for cash in the WWE so left for movies to make more money.

I think he was just worn out and tired from wrestling, he did pretty much everything there was to do in the business and probably wanted to do something else, maybe he wanted a movie career and always dreamed of being a star in that area and when he was given the chance he took it.
I was also torn with The "Sell Out" debate. The thing i don't like is how he dis associates him self with WWE. It would'nt kill him to come to a Mania or a Raw or an apperance every now and then. I have no problem with him moving on to acting and staying healthy. But also don't forget what gave you the platform to become the star that you are and that is and will always be WWE. If not for WWE nobody would know or care about Dwayne Johnson,"unless your a Miami Hurricane fan". Which is why i think its funny he does'nt go buy "The Rock" anymore, because im sure there are alot of people that still dont know who Dwayne Johnson is. But i bet they know The Rock is. Thats why i thought it was a slight wrestling and its fans when he said he did'nt wanna be called The Rock anymore. I understand wanting to make a name for yourself but again , you would'nt have that opportunity if it were'nt for The Rock.
I dont blame the Rock for going to make movies, but why cant he just make a few apperances a year, like Stone Cold. This is a big reason why i cant stand the Rock

This is exactly what I was saying earlier, thats what I don't understand too.

But maybe he see's all these older guys coming back all the time, and just doesn't want to be like that. He has made a couple appearances, none recently, but since he left he showed up for a promo a couple times.

I do believe he'll be in a Wrestlemania match at some point down the road, just one more, but thats probably it. He might also think coming back to wrestling would hurt his movie career as well, isn't that why Rourke decided not to go to Wrestlemania because his agent or someone got in his ear and said it'd be a bad business decision?
Actually, The Rock always wanted to be in Hollywood as an actor and went into the WWE to elevate his level of acting skills. His plan was to go into the WWE then go to Hollywood so that he would be more famous due to his time in the WWF/E, the most famous wrestling business in the world.
Was The Rock a sellout? I do and I don't. Like Lee above me said, he was at the top of the game and he had no way to go but down. It may not have happened right away but gradually it would happen. Not only was he on top of the wrestling world, but he was a media darling. Everyone wanted him to do this show or make this appearance. I believe this gave him the idea to cash in on his red hot popularity at the time and move to movies where he could arguably make way more money. This is why I don't think he's a sellout.

That being said, I think he is a sellout in a way because he wants nothing to do with wrestling anymore unless he gets a big payday or it benefits him in anyway. Case in point the HoF ceremony last year. Had it not been for his family being inducted, he would never consider even showing up for it or inducting someone else. I think part of this is he thinks that if he puts distance between his wrestling career and acting career, people will think less of him as a wrestler turned actor and more of just an actor. Recently he asked to be called Dwayne Johnson rather than The Rock. That in my opinion was the final nail in the coffin for him distancing from wrestling.

Am I angry or hate him that he jumped to movies? No, how can you hate on a man for changing from a career that paid him well, to a career that will make him rich? Because we all are just hustling for that almighty dollar and that's exactly what The Rock did.

I heard that Dwanye Johnson no longer used the name "The Rock" because "the Rock" actually belongs to the WWE, and since he is not signed to WWE anymore, he can't use the name legally. Part of the reason the Rock won't wrestle is because the WWE won't work a contract which allows him wrestling dates, but flexibility to do movies as well i.e. being a actor/wrestler. Vince is apparently annoyed because, when "The Scorpion King" , whihc WWE Films produced, came out, propelling the Rock to mainstream superstardom, Vince naively wanted the Rock to do only movies produced by WWE Films. When Fox, Universal and other studios came knocking with offers, Vince was annoyed because the Rock would get publicity, not WWE. So, the Rock is out of contract, and can only work for WWE when called upon.

I think that, if they had the money, TNA should pull off a massive cue and sign the Rock. Think about it. The TNA shooting schedule makes it easier to work a movie schedule around. The Rock comes from Florida, where TNA is filmed, and this would especially be feasible if the Rock is shooting a movie for Disney on the Disneyworld lot, since TNA Impact films there too. Money may be an issue, but if TNA pulled that off, it could set them up as a big-time player.
The Rck made the best choice available. It doesn't matter if it is selling out or not. He did a ton for the WWE, and left to do something for himself. Why would someone want to get hurt in the ring, when they can have a long career in movies and make way more money and still be able to walk at 50? The WWE should continue to praise him for the hard work he put into the company and respect his wishes never to come back. If the Rock did come back, great for him, he will make millions happy. But if he doesn't then that is fine as well, because he doesn't have to.
I was a huge fan and still am. The guy was such a remarkable performer. Do i think he sold out? yes plain and simple. he went from being one of the greatest ever to a second rate movie actor cashing in on his success in wrestling. lets face it the rock had not been in wrestling that long when he left. chances are that he was yet to peak as a performer. instead he goes to Hollywood and makes a couple of OK movies and a bunch of shit. i understand that he cashed in on his fame. it was probably a smart move financially to do so. here is my prediction. he will be dropped from movies because his fan base has dissipated. then he will come back to wrestling to fans who are not so eager to welcome him back as a merchandise babyface, and never get as white hot as he was. i do sincerely miss him as a fan. he was a prodigy.
Very smart.

The Rock is one of the rarities in that he can actually transition from being a "top of the wrestling food chain" guy to an actual actor that has a career. You always come across these guys and girls that say they want to act or sing if they're from other professions and how often does it work out? We've seen tons of muscle-bound big guys from the business try to become an actor and they just keep getting cast as football players and bouncers in supporting roles and such. Shit, Big Daddy V wants to become an actor. What's he going to play? A minor villain in some crappy action flick that has no plot and is based around the crowd that will love it due to the sheer number of explosions and whatnot.

The Rock did all he basically could in the WWE. What more is there to do? Sure, he could've had some amazing feuds with some people, like Rock/HBK, Rock/Cena, Rock/Orton...but from his point of view, he hit the top and there was nowhere else to go. If you factor in that he's now making much more money, he doesn't have to travel as much, he doesn't risk severe injury, and he is getting bigger mainstream attention, you mean to tell me you wouldn't do what he did? C'mon.

Now, I will give the sellout opinion this credit: the Rock COULD show a little bit more praise for the business that made him who he is today. If the Rock went immediately into acting and not the WWE, he wouldn't have had any career at all. He'd be working the same slots that I was criticizing earlier. Johnson's shown up since his departure only once, right, at the HOF? I wouldn't expect the guy to show up as often as Piper does, but he could make a rare appearance now and then. 15th Anniversary special of Raw could've used him having a quick little promo on the screen. Hell, Bret Hart did it, why couldn't the Rock? If his career ends up fizzling out though, he could return at any point most likely. So who knows what the future holds for him.

Sellout? No. Very smart? Definitely. He's just depriving the wrestling fans of his entertainment and converting that into the stupid little kids movies he's been doing instead lol.
He is no sell out. He is indeed very Smart. If I were him, I would have made the same decision. Wrestling over the years takes A LOT out of someone as proven by many former superstars. Wear and tear exist more than ever in this business. Now the Rock had the opportunity to establish a legacy in sports entertainment and leave for a promising Hollywood career while still fit physically (i mean he is luckier than many others), that`s the smart thing to do.
HOWEVER. I do think that some of his recent movie signings are not very good moves for his acting career.
The man has accomplished great things in life, and I can't blame him for that. When you are multi-talented it would be a mistake to not capitalize on all opportunities that present themselves..especially when you are still young. He did what any of us would have done in the same situation. He accomplished all he needed to in WWE; while he might not go down as one of the best ever, he is up there in my book. He was a great wrestler, had a great character, plus charisma and mic skills that are untouchable.
I like to think of it in sort of a boxing term...people compare Sugar Ray Robinson to Muhammad Ali as probably the 2 best ever, but of course Robinson would be no match for Ali since they are in totally different weight classes..but pound-for-pound Robinson might well be better.
Similarly, if you look at the Rock's relative short time against say Hogan's it doesn't compare..but "year-for-year" he might not be as good and over but he damn sure was better than most.

After accomplishing that, what more is there? He moved on to bigger and better things and more money. People take him more seriously now as he's not just a wrestler, he's an entertainer. His first few movies weren't the best, but I can definitely see he's getting better. He might never compare with some of Hollywood's best, but I think 10 years from now he will be a pretty big star and have a different but even bigger fanbase, which could ultimately help the sport and bring fans in just to see what he was like when he was younger, and they could get hooked.
And as was said, if that doesn't work out, he still has legions of fans in WWE that would love for him to lace em back up for a couple more years. My biggest problem is that he wants to completely dissociate himself from the sport that made him and the fans who loved him when he came from relative nothingness. I think he could easily give back by just making 1-2 appearances per year. You can make an argument for him, but he's not working every damn day, he has some off time where he could make an appearance just to show he's appreciative. Don't get me wrong, I'll always be one of the millions but that's just my opinion on what he should be doing and it's likely feasible for him to.
The Rock was smart. Hell he is getting paid more money to NOT risk his body for 300 days a year. I think that I would do the same thing. In this day and age you have to do whats best for you and your family. The Rock is no different. He could put his body at risk on the road. Or work for a month on a movie and make ten times more money than he would in one year with the WWE. Very smart business move. Although I would like to see the Rock in the ring again. I'm just not pissed about it like most fans are.
We all agree we would love for the Rock to wrestle; but he made the smart decision by having options if Vince wants to erase the Rock from our memorry IE *Randy Savage* would it matter to him no because he had a fallback. Hulk Hogan is a perfect example at the height of Hulkamania we was the most popular wrestler ever but he didn't have a follow up plan and even thoigh him and Vince really don't like each other he has to crawl back to Vince when he needs money; and I think the Rock didn' want to be in that position I'm but Stone Cold is in that position.
Alright.. While I don't think sellout is anywhere near the right word, I also don't agree, or at least can't say myself that what he did was the "right" decision. And as far as what a few people said, I definetly don't agree what other people said "We would've all done this same thing if we were in his position". Now, it may be a little different now that i'm in the wrestling business in New England, But I definetly beleive i would've had the same opinion before, I LOVE the business, and If I could have or could ever have gotten the success he had (or even half of the success he had) I would never want to leave, now maybe its stupid because of beating up your body or injuries, or whatever, I do definetly think there is a certain time physically when to hang it up. ie.. Hogan a long time ago, like HBK, I still think he out performs many people on the roster and its not time for him to hang it up.. I love the Rock, he was a fantastic worker, and an incredibly charismatic talent, Not a sellout IMO, but i'm not going to lie and say there isn't a little part of me that dislikes him for leaving so soon, and another part is not that he left so soon, But the fact that he won't/hasn't come back for a short run here and there.. I would love to see him back full time, but I think it would reaaaallyy soften the blow for me, If he could just do a month or two (or three) deal every now and then.. that would definitely satisfy my Rock-need ha..

**Laaast But not least, One more thing that I DO disagree with, no hate meant to anyone here, but many people in this Topic have said, he "Moved on to bigger and Better things" I LOVE the wrestling business, and you guys love wrestling too, how are Movies Bigger and Better than the sports entertainment we all know and love!! haha.. just figured i'd add that, don't mean to step on anyones toes, i just love wrestling :)
I have NO problem with what the Rock did. He thought he made a better decision for himself, movies. Can't fault that. I, on the other hand, would NEVER leave wrestling for anything, especially movies. I love it that much.

But the minute the Rock acted like he was ashamed he was a pro wrestler, is the day he lost my respect. Its fine you want a acting career. Ok dude great. But to sit there and act like we are nobodies, peons beneath him, and his acting gig is his life long dream? Give me a break. WRESTLING is what made you Dwayne, not movies. Somewhere along the line he forgot that.

So the Rock, yeah, fuck you

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