*MERGED* Undertaker's POTENTIAL Wrestlemania Opponents Thread


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Please stop creating new threads on all of the Undertaker's potential opponents and place all of the discussion in here from now on.

it is being reported that the wwe wants shawn michaels to referee the undertakers wrestlemania match, with the theory of him screwing taker out of the streak due to the consecutive losses at wrestlemania 25 and 26 and undertaker costing shawn his career
wrestleview.com for source


Shawn will come back a few weeks before mania and reunite DX with Triple H
Undertaker will challenge triple H saying he wants the world title (say HHH has the title) at wrestlemania, HHH says on one condition i choose the referee, out come HBK

i think you need to calm down..lol jeez it says they want him in the wwe...HBK is adament about his retirement.seem to remember the wwe wanted brock lesnar too...hmmm how did that go fr them..oh and what about the long awaited return of the rock?? ahahah just caus its on wrestlezone..doesnt make it true
I think the title of this thread is missing a couple things, like the words "Rumor: WWE wants..."

Other than that, even if the rumor is true (big if), I think it's highly unlikely he does this. He seems to be done with wrestling altogether(not just as a wrestler, but the business as a whole), he's already turned down multiple offers from the WWE to return in a non-wrestling capacity. It's not like this would be a one time appearance, he'd have to be on WWE television regularly to build up the match. And they wouldn't do this unless he was going to stick around afterwards to follow up on whatever happens during the match. It's not like they're going to have Undertaker lose his streak because he gets screwed by the ref(if he loses, it's going to be clean), and if Taker wins then his opponent is going to be pissed at HBK...

In a nutshell, no. Just...no. No to the rumors being true, no to it actually happening, no to even talking about it.
I just don't think this works out in the long run.

Even if it happened, they'd have to hope The Undertaker's body lasts until 2011. That's a gamble in and of itself. They'd have to hope Triple H and Shawn Michaels would want to kick around until then as well. Not to mention that Taker would have to lose his streak. On a gamble like this? I don't think it's worth it.

Not to mention.. Taker isn't losing at WrestleMania. I think WWE starts rumors like this in hopes of getting people to think they might let him lose, but then keep the streak in tact. Smart, but I wouldn't buy it.
That would be great but. Triple H and Undertaker won't happen at Wrestlemania. WWE officals are deciding whether to have Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Kane, A Heel John Cena or Brock Lesnar (If UFC allow's it to happen but it won't) and Shawn Michaels is serious about being retired.
I agree with the general consensus. HBK is retired. He wasn't at old school RAW, he's not coming back. After their match at WM26 HBK accepted his losses and Undertaker paid his respect. That was the end of it. HBK might come back in a few years for a special appearance, but he wont be another Bret Hart comoiing back WAY past his prime making a fool of himself trying to wrestle with the young stars. I'm not knocking the hitman im just saying he has no business COMPETING in the ring. When i read the article i thought it was a joke. HBK is done and I applaud his decision to not ruin his legacy.
It would be great to have HBK back for a guest stint. But he will never wrestle again. And I dont think he would screw the UT either. HBK may come back one day but I agree with Cleavo77, he wont bastardise his legacy by wrestling again when incompetant. No offense Bret, but now all anyone is going to remember is his "comeback", not the Hitman.
Originally posted by Cleavo77

I agree with the general consensus. HBK is retired. He wasn't at old school RAW, he's not coming back. After their match at WM26 HBK accepted his losses and Undertaker paid his respect. That was the end of it.

Ill give you this. HBK seems genuine about his retirement and he wants to honor the "condition" that was placed on it. I dont see him coming back to reform DX, guest referee, or be the "Anonymous GM". Just isn't happening. Wrestling isn't his life anymore, he enjoys his family life and his outside ventures. I agree he's done. However....

HBK might come back in a few years for a special appearance, but he wont be another Bret Hart comoiing back WAY past his prime making a fool of himself trying to wrestle with the young stars. I'm not knocking the hitman im just saying he has no business COMPETING in the ring. When i read the article i thought it was a joke. HBK is done and I applaud his decision to not ruin his legacy.

This is truly a hideous comparison. Hart had a stroke and concussion issues. His body couldn't take the punishment and he physically couldn't go. HBK retired still at an ELITE level, when he competed. He showed he could still go long matches and still pull out the same moves of the HBK of old. If he were to ever come back, he wouldn't "tarnish his legacy." That's an asinine statement. HBK didn't retire over the hill or past his prime the way Ric Flair did. He retired having a five star match. How in the hell could him returning tarnish his legacy?
Now HBK himself never said that he wouldn't return. Come on now, if he's being a special ref, or something like that in a non-wrestling role, then I am sure he is all up for it. He just hung up the boots, doesn't mean he can't come back in a different role ya know? HBK has said himself that WWE is his home and that he'll eventually get tired of killing animals in a tree.

Now, onto the topic. This is actually really interesting and would put a lot more emphasis on Takers streak being ended, and a real swerve where HBK could be the one to count Takers shoulders to the mat would be interesting as all hell. I could see it happening. You guys just have to remember that this is wrestling, and in wrestling you have to expect the unexpected.
Ok this thread just put something in my head...Now call me stupid but what if HBK is the "Bigger Picture" of Nexus? Think about it, Nexus has attacked Undertaker TWICE and one of those times it was to help Kane bury him! Let's say HBK secretly approached the NXT Season 1 guys and told them that they would start a group to take over the WWE and ultimately destroy the Undertaker for costing him his career! So now let's say Undertaker returns at Elimination Chamber and tombstones Barrett suring one of the Chamber matches or something. Then the next night on RAW Nexus is in the ring and said that it is finally time to reveal the "Bigger Picture".....SHAWN MICHAELS music plays and out comes HBK in Nexus Gear. He then explains why he started Nexus and then says that at WM, Barret will face The Undertaker with himself in Barret's Corner. It COULD work...
it is being reported that the wwe wants shawn michaels to referee the undertakers wrestlemania match, with the theory of him screwing taker out of the streak due to the consecutive losses at wrestlemania 25 and 26 and undertaker costing shawn his career
wrestleview.com for source


Shawn will come back a few weeks before mania and reunite DX with Triple H
Undertaker will challenge triple H saying he wants the world title (say HHH has the title) at wrestlemania, HHH says on one condition i choose the referee, out come HBK


This wouldn't have massive potential. Undertaker just had surgery. As some previous posters said your thread is missing the following:

Rumor has it WWE wants HBK. HBK is in no way, shape or form confirmed for WM, as THE UNDERTAKER HIMSELF ISN'T EVEN CONFIRMED!!!

And if you are talking about WM 28...Calm down we've still gotta go thru WM 27...

Your second flaw...

WHC match... Full Face vs. Full Face with a Full Face Referee!? HA Laughable concept! There's no way to turn Undertaker heel. They tried that. Doesn't work. The Fans love Undertaker too much. So then the obvious idea is turn HHH heel. But then you have a Face vs. a Heel with a Face referee.

This whole HHH/Undertaker thing is so unlikely to happen I honestly see this thread hitting the trash bin before i even finish this rambling.

HHH vs Undertaker at WM will be the most boring rematch in WM history. Their WM match years ago was great because both men could perform. Undertaker can't leap off of mini stages anymore (especially after this most recent surgery and age). And to throw HHH back into the Championship picture again. God no PLEASE no save us from that boredom!
I'm sorry I don't mean to offend but this is garbage. Nobody in the WWE wants the streak to end. Each year this is debated, each year the IWC storms with stupid ideas as to how the streak should end, and each year the same conclusion is made by the WWE that the streak should not end. The build-up to the match is always done in a way that the streak seems like it is in dire jeopardy, and then the Undertaker finally overcomes all the odds to prove his critics wrong and retains the streak. Despite this becoming a routine over so many years, I am surprised how people still don't learn and still expect the streak to break.

Take a deep breath, and let this sink in - the streak will never break. Yes, face it, the world won't end it Taker retires with his streak intact. Nothing will be lost if he does so. Why will the streak not break? Simple - 1) Taker deserves it, 2) It cannot be recreated.

1) Why does Taker deserve it? Because he has been most loyal to the WWE, he has been the backstage locker room leader and judge of the wrestlers' court, he has handled a lot of issues backstage between wrestlers, he has amassed more respect from his peers than any other wrestler and many other wrestlers including Kurt Angle called him the greatest of all time, clearly stating that is what the WWE wrestlers themselves consider. Taker elevated the bar of performance for big guys and earned/ lived up to the name of the "Phenom" by doing things which nobody else (especially with such a huge body) had done in the WWE earlier, like walking the top rope, flying over it (suicide dive), introducing the tombstone, the casket/ body-bag/ Hell in a cell/ last ride/ inferno matches. He killed Hulkamania, he threw Mankind from the top of the cell to the announce desk below, he flew over the top rope when the ring was surrounded by fire in the Inferno match against Kane, he carried and evolved the greatest gimmick of all time (that too a supernatural one and made it look believable to the fans), he still gives match-of-the-year-worthy performances at Wrestlemania, he crucified Stone Cold, he retired Shawn Michaels, he stayed 18-0 undefeated at Wrestlemania - nobody and I mean NOBODY has had a career like Undertaker in the WWE and that is a damn fact. He never had long title reigns and always gave up the title when it was time for other guys to shine in the limelight like Austin/ Rock/ Lesnar.... feuds with Taker have pushed many guys like Kane, Mankind, Austin, Lesnar, Angle, Orton, Kennedy, Batista, Edge.... nobody and I mean nobody in the WWE has a resume like Undertaker's and so nobody is qualified to end his streak. Shawn deservingly came the closest, and nobody else will get closer. Taker never had long title reigns like his peers had, so the streak will make up for that by being the best "statistic" in his career. If Flair says he is a 16-time champion, HHH says he is a 13-time champion, Edge says he is a 9-time champion, Shawn says he is the show-stopper, then Taker can say that they all fell to him at Wrestlemania. That will be his claim, and he deserves it - let it be.

2) Why can the streak not be created? Because there is no guarantee whether the wrestler who breaks the streak will actually gain enough from it and become as big as the Undertaker did in this business. What is the guarantee that the wrestler who breaks the streak will last as long as Undertaker did, do the kinds of things which Undertaker did, become as big a legend and fan-favourite as Undertaker did, garner as much respect in the locker-room as Taker did, and perform at the level that Undertaker does at this age? What if the wrestler who breaks the streak soon has a career threatening injury and his career ends or shortens so that he is never able to make it as big as Taker? What if he decides to switch companies and joins TNA and brags there about ending the streak? Where will that leave the WWE? The streak is listed as the WWE's greatest record on their records page and it has visibility outside the world of pro-wrestling by being the only streak from this sport to be ranked in the Mirror's list of sports' greatest winning streaks. Surely, the board of directors of the WWE will be angry if the streak ended and the WWE will lose money - the streak won't end, its also business. Its the only untarnished thing left in the WWE right now - why end it? The WWE need a name to quote in history which remained the most dominant and which always delivered at the grandest stage of them all, and there is no better character for it than the dead-man who can't be hurt. Why break something you spent 2 decades to create and when it cannot be recreated? The streak will forever remain a benchmark of greatness and career-accomplishment for young superstars to try and achive something similar to.

It is perfectly fine for Shawn Michaels to lose twice in a row to Undertaker because Undertaker lost twice to Shawn Michaels in '97/ '98 in their hell in a cell and casket confrontations due to interference from Kane. All that Shawn wanted and cared about at Wrestlemania 25/ 26 was to have a good match. So both matches had the right decision. Every wrestler has to retire one day.... similarly Shawn had to, as well. He wanted to retire at Taker's hands rather than some other like cena, not even at the hands of his best friend HHH.... so Taker willingly dropped the title to Jericho at EC and gave Shawn his last match. That itself speaks for the respect that Taker has in the locker room and how much mutual respect Taker/ Shawn have for each other. While Taker defeated Michaels and ended his career, he did not kill Shawn's legacy of being the showstopper and of giving the best match of the night. Wrestlers can beat each others for the title, they can end each other's careers, but they can't kill each other's legacies. Taker ended Shawn's career, not his legacy. Similarly, if the streak is Taker's legacy, nobody will end it. Taker can even retire on a winning note - if Trish Stratus can do it, why can't he?

Shawn will definitely not screw Taker out of the streak, and it is also very doubtful if Taker will face HHH at Mania. HHH has been talking retirement for a while now and it doesn't look like he will go for more than a year, especially with his new executive role backstage as advisor to Vince. HHH has nothing to gain by ending the streak. Taker has better things to do at Mania than retire each and every one of his peers - I hope HHH doesn't face Taker but faces somebody else at Mania. Moreover, the streak should get some fresh names to it rather than repeats of the old ones. I doubt it if HHH will be able to give a better match than he did at Mania 17 with Taker, so there is no point in doing a rematch now.

Instead the WWE can benefit a lot by doing a much bigger match at Mania which will draw much more, like Taker vs cena. It has never happened at Mania before, they are definitely the 2 biggest stars of the company right now, and it will sell like crazy. While cena is a part of Nexus, the WWE has the perfect opportunity to do a gradual heel turn for him and book this match for Mania, revealing him to be the secret leader of the Nexus who orchestrated the attack on Taker at Bragging Rights. The platform is set, the entire story is laid and staring at the face for the WWE to grab this chance, and do it. While it won't be technically as good a match as Taker/ HBK was, it will still be a good match and will fetch a lot of money to the WWE.
Look, HBK has said he does not want to break his retirement. Now in wrestling, somebody's word doesn't really mean anything, but I still doubt the man will come back. Especially to be a guest referee!

I hear Lesnar and Cena being thrown around as possible opponents, but if this Wrestlemania is going to be the last match of the Undertaker, these guys don't seem like the logical choice. The logical choice would be Kane.

They brought Bearer back, they rekindled the feud up. What better way to end the Taker's career than to have Kane kill him at Wrestlemania? They can find a way to have the Taker win the match, but die that would be perfect.

But I hear WWE "creative" doesn't seem too keen on a taker/kane match. So, who knows. But I'd rather throw out $50 to see Kane/Taker than Taker/Cena.
But I'd rather throw out $50 to see Kane/Taker than Taker/Cena.

You would be in a club of one then.

A dominant heel cena v taker at wrestlemania would be huge.

Kane v Taker would be boring, done before and pretty pointless given that Kane is talking about retirement as well.
This doesn't make sense. If HBK screws Undertaker that would start a new feud & that isn't needed.
I'm going with science and saying dominant heel John Cena vs Undertaker would be great.

I don't need to see Undertaker vs Kane 3 Wrestlemania. Let Cena join the elite list of people to loe to undertaker at mania.
Yeah, no thanks. While it might be cool to see Shawn back I really don't think they need to turn it in a direction of him returning to screw Undertaker over. Especially not considering he's retired and gains NOTHING from screwing Undertaker over, rather than insane heat. Heat which he wouldn't need unless he returns.

No, if he does return to referee the match I want it to be fair and square for the sake of being back for one night. If the streak is to be ended, or screwed to an end it really should be of someone who's actually still active and can gain heat for it. Someone like one from Nexus, John Cena, whomever WWE wants to make a big shot, not Shawn Michaels.
I could see this happening, HHH V Undertaker at Mania if Taker is back by then. HBK as a ref would work, and I think he would be open to doing something like this as a one off, he wont be back wrestling however.

Just a rumour now, but definately something that the fans would like to see, thats for sure. A Sweet Chin Music to HHH allowing Undertaker to get the 3-count and keep his streak, I like
All of these things could be possible, I like some of the ideas even though I don't really love the guest referee in as big a match as this one. Just means the chances of a clean finish are greatly diminished.

A little off topic but I believe that the current plan could be to try to have Triple H face off against Goldberg at Wrestlemania. Just seems to convenient that Triple H would make comments about Goldberg's legacy with all of this swirling.
I read the article and thought it was a cool idea because then Michaels could come back to Wrestlemania but he wouldn't have to wrestle. He gave us his word that he's not wrestling again. This is about all he can do unless he becomes a GM or an announcer or something. It doesn't matter to me who the opponent is if they go this route, although I'd prefer if it's someone like Cena who's a main eventer and hasn't faced Taker yet. Trips and Kane have already faced him so they don't need another Taker match at Wrestlemania. I'd be all for seeing Michaels as the special guest ref in Taker's match though it would be awesome no matter who tries to end the streak this time around.
I doubt they would make undertaker loose unclean, Its just a rumor. HBK has stated that he will not return to WWE in any way
And taker will not lose by getting screwed by the ref. he is gonna lose clean.
and IF HBK really does come back to WWE to be a guest ref for a WM match. it just couldnt stop there. i mean taker would so really pissed of at HBK that he would seek revenge. which leads to a conclusion that HBK would have to wrestle. and thats not gonna happen
HBK will not comback to screw undertaker however there are rumors that he might come back to be gm of the new smackdown since to be on smackdown he dont need to be at every event and can spend more time with his kids and wife witch is what he wants. shawn has always want to work in the back. i can see hunter working back stage raw HBK backstage smackdown
Have to agree with mostly everybody else, the best thing for him is to stay retired. He deserves it, and is happy with his life outside of wrestling. Plus the way he retired was great after the best match at 'Mania and a ceremony at Raw, why ruin it with a comeback?
1. HBK isn't coming back, he doesn't need to.
2. HHH isn't going to end the Undertakers winning streak, he already has more title reigns and if the Undertaker was going to loose his winning streak, why would it be to HHH who is also retiring. That would be the biggest bump to give to an up and coming wrestler, there is no point to having HHH end the streak, it would be dumb and a waste.
3. The Undertaker is NEVER going to loose at Wrestlemainia. It's not going to happen unless HE wanted to give some new wrestler a big push. WWE makes billions of dollars off of the Undertaker and a big part of why is because he is always at Wrestlemainia, he always draws and people love and cheer for him more than ANYONE ELSE!

Don't be dumb.
In black and white, this sounds good. Having the return of HBK at Mania only to end the streak by screwing Taker. That sounds something I will buy.....to watch it. However there are big holes to fill there. Who could be the "one" to end the streak? HHH? No, too little too late. Kane? Pfff please, since the last two Manias, the E knows that the match for the streak has to steal the show, and any match with Kane has never done that. Cena? That could work only if he becomes a big time heel. However not quiet sure yet about that one. Finally the biggest mistake is the fact that if Shawn indeeed becomes ref and screws Taker he would gain absolutely nothing from it. Nothing! Granted, that could be the biggest heat since I don't know what else to compare. But what's the point? He IS retired you know.

The only way I see this happening would be if Cena is the special referee in the match Taker vs Wade Barrett, but that ain't going to happen either... :shrug:
I don't want to see this happen. Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker have been the highlight of Wrestlemania for the past two years, and I think it's time to move on. The focus should be on Undertaker, his streak, and his new opponent. Having HBK anywhere near the ring will be a HUGE distraction. All eyes would be on HBK and Taker, and I'm sure there would be many tense moments throughout the match between these two. Taker and HBK had a great closing chapter to their rivalry at this year's Wrestlemania. There's no need to stir things up again. It's time to move on.

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