**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

yes, when wrestling depended on established wrestlers to carry the world title. back when the title reigns lasted at the least 3 ppvs. now a days you have people that get on a push, start rolling and are given the belt to see what they can do with it. del rio will beat edge and where the hell did he establish himself? Just ans instant straight to WM push since he has been there. who is the last champion to hold it a year? JBL....

now you have the miz as champion on raw and no champions on nitro.... :rolleyes:

Now, here is where we have the exception to the rule. Del Rio is a seasoned wrestler who was in the indies for YEARS....he had an established career before he entered dubbya dubbya eeee. Granted he wore a mask there, but it was still him. He came in with:
1. Great in ring ability. He could ALREADY wrestle with a bevy of move sets. Where as miz is JUST NOW starting to look DECENT in the ring.
2. Great mic work. My NAME...MY NAME is ALBERTO>>>DEL RIO!!!!!...But you already know that!. I'm not a Del rio mark by any stretch of the imagination. When I first saw the promo for him coming in, I thought he was gonna be another weak wrestler. But after he cut his first promo, I was like this guy might have something. He's got an it factor that the Miz is TOTALLY lacking. And he's believable on the mic.

They gave him a huge push, yeah, but all the while all of this is happening, he is making HUGE waves, with awesome matches great mic work getting huge heat and making himself a credible contender.

Comparing the Miz to Del Rio is like comparing David Otunga to Daniel Bryan

they don't compare. Del Rio is relevant.
the miz is an afterthought... wait...
no..... he's after that.
Look, I am pretty sure no one here is claiming the Miz has no talent at all. Do you see anyone here calling for his release, I don't. The fact is nobody had much of an issue with Miz before he won the championship. Granted, and im not trying to hate on him but the guy did virtually nothing with his U.S. title reign. Nobody really gave him a hard time for that so he kind of got a pass. To say Miz was built to be champion just cause he held that title for a few months is laughable. Billy Gunn had the IC and tag-titles as well, along with KOTR. HBK, Rock, Austin, Hogan all won the over the crowd with their performances. The fact is the world champion is a representative of the best the company has to offer. You can not tell me at any point throughout the last year, Miz was the best at anything. Both Barrett and Punk have garnered larger reactions than him. Punk as well consistently delivers better matches and prmos. The fact is though, you dont not have to be the best wrestler but you better deliver good performances and be built to look like a legitimate contender if you expect him to be taken seriously.

Before Miz won MITB he had no great matches or memorable performances. No big wins over any legit stars. So when he won must of the fans were like WTF. It didnt make sense then, it dosent make sense now. In terms of his wrestling skill. Nobody expects him to HBK. Thats not the point. The fact is in terms of being a solid performer who can draw, he just dosent. No one here will say Cena is HBK, but damn Cena can still put on really good matches. Look at title reign in 06 or 07. He had some really good and memorable matches. Edge, HHH, Umaga, HBK, Orton, even Lashley. The Miz has nothing on his resume like that. Miz had two mediocre matches against Orton and one against Lawler. He is not stimulating interest because of who he is as much as because he is champ.

Miz is totally replaceable. The WWE could just start pushing Zack Ryder to the moon and all the hardcore WWE marks would be accepting of it, because they think wwe knows whats best for its fans. All the people bitchin about Miz would be bitchen about Ryder and what a poor job creative has done building him, sending him straight to midcard to champ, with no run in the ME. Add not being fully over on top of that. That sums up Miz push to the top. This idea that Miz is a draw has no basis. The ratings didnt change when he won the title. The PPV buyrates were lower than last year on the two cards he ME. Now they have to insert the Rock to get people to watch his match. He needs his own announcer, manager, and the title yet he is still not over.

Anybody that would be in his same position could get his level of heat, which really if you actually watch the reaction he gets is very average. If he was such a big heel, he would be getting the heat Cole or Vickie gets. His Mic skills are also seemed elevated next to his peers because so many in bizz right now like Jomo, Kofi, Ziggler are terrible on the mic but that dosent make him great. He is only going to be taken seriously when he performs at a championship level.
this doesnt make any sense, the reason people dont like the miz isnt because he hasnt viciously attacked enough people. people dont like him because he hasnt been there that long (same reason im not a fan of del rio) and he cant work a match that well, i havent liked miz since i first saw him wrestle and that hasnt changed he's still that guy that is not a believeable tough guy. how many people on the roster can you say that you think you can beat up? (john cena would wreck you, randy orton would destroy you, cm punk would kick your head off, edge will kick your ass) basically everyone on the roster could 'beat up' anyone in the 'normal' world. but i feel like with the miz, if i ran in to him in a dark alley that i could kick his ass and take his money.

and im not saying del rio isnt good, im saying he doesnt deserve what he's getting
You pointed out the BIGGEST problem that anyone with a level head has with guys like the Miz, and you didn't even realize it...

He is only improving? Are you freaking kidding me!!! A world champion should NEVER be "improving". Being a world champion means that you are the best. Being a world champion means that you are the top dog. A world title should be reserved for guys who are not "improving". What a joke! The WWE should have taken the time to build these guys up instead of "giving" unprepared rookies world title reigns to try to make "instant" superstars. Miz is not ready for being a world champion. Neither are half the guys on the roster...

THIS right here has been my entire point. He wasn't ready...HE AIN'T ready...and he's a non factor in WM no matter how hard they are trying to make him one.
Why should I be impressed by The Miz? Because he LOOKED strong? I'll tell you something, I don't find him great at all. I look at his mic work, and all he does is put himself over and insults his opponent. Doesn't the most common heel do that all the time? At least CM Punk tells stories with his promos, Miz overacts. His character is so fucking stupid, I can't believe he's even a wrestler. The way he smiles is ******ed, it makes no sense at all. Did The Rock smile every time he made an impact as a heel? HELL NO, he just got to the fucking point and didn't waste our time with staring at the crowd for one hour while smiling. And what's up with his slow talk? He's ripping off Chris Jericho, and that pisses me off. He thinks he's the next Jericho or something, but he's not even close to being as talented. And when Chris Jericho always talked slow, he said meaningful, funny, and even intelligent things. He had a reason for everything. All Miz can say is how great he is and it sucks.

And an important downfall of The Miz is that he fucking sucks at wrestling. His matches are all terrible. His matches with JoMo, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, and ESPECIALLY Randy Orton. He made decent matches with Daniel Bryan, but guessed who carried the match? I'm hoping Miz can prove me wrong at WM 27, because right now he's not impressing me the least bit.

And for the promos he cut tonight, THEY WERE THE EXACT SAME AS HIS OTHER ONES. It wasted everybody's time. I don't know why WWE can't have Khali lose. WWE wants to make The Miz look strong? Let him beat The Great Khali for christ sakes!!! His Rock dress up was kind of stupid. He only beat up John Cena and used Rocks finisher... AGAIN.

What annoys me is that his gimmick is not actually a gimmick. He actually thinks he's that great. At autograph signings, talk shows, interviews at events, he actually thinks he's the next face of the WWE. I met Chris Jericho, Edge, John Cena and The Rock. They were all humble and they NEVER bragged about being Champion in WWE. Pathetic Miz, pathetic.
Yes, I will grant that you want your WC to be further along in their development, but you always want them to be improving and not remaining stagnant.............


REALLY???? REALLY???????

You think we'd like our WC to be further along in development?


How about we'd like our champion to be DEVELOPED!!!!!!!
How about we'd like our champion to be a legit main eventer?????
How about how we'd like our champion to not seem to be sitting in the backseat by himself while The Rock and Cena are driving along the road to wrestlemania.

How about we stop making excuses as to what is happening with the Miz and call it like it is. They pushed the dude to the top TOO soon and they're paying for it. He's not getting legit heat. PEOPLE ACTUALLY HATE HIM.
He's not getting credible in ring time to cultivate what he has, HE'S BEING PUSHED TO DESTROY CENA WEEKLY so that he can LOOK credible going into wrestlemania.
He talked about the Rock for dang near 3 weeks before the ROCK EVEN ADDRESSED him and that ONLY happened because he mentioned his family.






Honestly I think this is going to be the worst Wrestlemania Main Event since Bam Bam and LT. I do like how Miz is laying out Cena each week because they are trying to make him look stronger than he really is and he did gain a small ounce of credibility by beating Orton. But look at who is so called toughest challenge was before that Jerry Lawler, don't get me wrong King is still good for his age but do you really think people can take Miz seriously because he can beat Jerry Lawler? NO
Honestly its the same thing when Miz was calling out Cena he had called him out and punked him for months, and only to come out as leaving WWE and having them reinvent himself to give him more credibility by getting him out those stupid clothes and make him look like a star and not a ****** who couldn't dress himself.
So he is probably going to Punk out Cena until Wrestlemania and then squashed like a Hulk Hogan match, or Rock will punk out Miz or something but I don't think he's going to gain any more notoriety because they don't want their biggest superstar to lose at the biggest stage of them all, but hey you never know...
How can anyone take the Miz serious?? He only gets one over on Cena when he in someway can attack him from behind or has the numbers advantage. How am I supposed to take him serious I dont find the Miz to be even remotely decent in the ring he sucks actually. Morrison would have been a much better champion in my eyes than the Miz will ever be holding the title. I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME!!!! Really... People are supposed to get excited about that lame ass catchphrase and take him serious. The Miz SUCKS i dont care what anyone says. People bash Cena and praise Miz as if Miz can do something in the ring that Cena can't. I'm not a Cena fan but i'd rather watch him than the Miz. I'd rather watch Orton than the Miz. Morrison than the Miz. Alberto del Rio than the Miz. I put miz in the same catagory i put Sheamus and Barrett into. Guys who get pushed and end up dropping the ball cause they simply can't handle it and aren't as good as their fans think they are.
[cL];2937557 said:
on my nerves? yeah.

its cute what you're trying to do here....i get it.
not working
but i get it.

thanks for the laugh.

No, you don't get it. You hate Miz therefore he's working on you. Hating him, in any way, means he's working.

This is a thread filled to the brim with people b*tching about Miz. Some of these people hate him so badly that the smile on his face is enough to set them off. If the "smart" (stupid beyond belief from my experience) IWC hates him this much, just imagine how bad the "normal" fans hate him...
There are some obsolutley delusional people on these boards to say that the Miz cuts great promo's. I can't sit thru one of his drab boring pathetic attempts at a promo. Every promo is about how he is the Miz and because of that he is better. He is the Miz and he can do what he wants. He sucks on the mic he sucks in the ring he sucks in general. He has gotten the better of cena the last few weeks and none of those times has he dont on his own merrit. That alone should tell you that at Mania when he faces Cena one on one he is going to lose the belt. He simply can't hold a candle to guys like Cena or the Rock on the Mic. Cena can't touch the Rock either but he is better than Miz.

WWE is going out of there way to try to get Miz over and it really isnt working cause he doesn't fit the look nor does he have the talent to be a credable World champion. His in ring skill is nothing to write home about he isn't a technical master,high flyer or brawler. He is somewhere in the middle and not really good at any of them.What does Miz have that would make him a credable champion. Cena has that super strength that he displays at time. sheamus who i hate has a stiff brutal like style I just find him boring and his moveset so limited. Edge has that rated R attitude and crazed mentality. Orton has that unpredicdabilty and strike at any time going for him. Miz has what...? Being AWESOME is that supposed to put him on the same level as champion that have been successful. HHH was the game the cerebral assain master of head games and could back it up in the ring. The Miz is lacking on soooo many levels the WWE needs to get the belt off of him just for some credibility.
I'd say that most of the Miz haters are still going to hate him no matter what. The Miz isn't a darling of probably a good sized majority of the internet wrestling crowd and it's unlikely that he ever will be. But that's how the mop flops, it's the same with any other wrestler. Some like the guy and some don't.

I'm a fan of the guy and I've liked him for quite a while. Personally, I find a lot of the reasons for not liking him laughable. The whole "he can't wrestle" argument is a tired cliche` that's become as much of a crutch for Miz haters as Cena's "Five Moves of Doom" is for Cena haters. He doesn't flip and flop around all over the ring like a coked up squirrel so if that's what you have to have in order to say a guy can't wrestle, then maybe Miz isn't the problem. As for the "he can't talk" arguments, they're even weaker and more hackneyed than the wrestling argument. I mean sure, he doesn't scream out the world asshole every 10 seconds but why should he? He's over with fans and you'd have to be both blind and deaf not to see it.

It's one thing to just not be into The Miz, every wrestler can't be "liked" by everyone. But to try and say the guy has no talent is a completely baseless stance as is criticism of his title reign. The Miz has generated interest in the WWE Championship scene at a level that hasn't been there in quite a long time. He has fans interested in what he does, whether they like him or dislike him, and what he's involved in. That's exactly what a World Champion is supposed to do and Miz has done it extremely well.

Well said. I personally like the Miz. I do feel he is over matched right now because he is having to deal with the Rock and Cena playing against each other. That being said, just because you may not like him, doesn't mean he's not taletned. He's playing his character very well IMO :an egotistical coward.
[cL];2937525 said:

REALLY???? REALLY???????

You think we'd like our WC to be further along in development?


How about we'd like our champion to be DEVELOPED!!!!!!!
How about we'd like our champion to be a legit main eventer?????
How about how we'd like our champion to not seem to be sitting in the backseat by himself while The Rock and Cena are driving along the road to wrestlemania.

How about we stop making excuses as to what is happening with the Miz and call it like it is. They pushed the dude to the top TOO soon and they're paying for it. He's not getting legit heat. PEOPLE ACTUALLY HATE HIM.
He's not getting credible in ring time to cultivate what he has, HE'S BEING PUSHED TO DESTROY CENA WEEKLY so that he can LOOK credible going into wrestlemania.
He talked about the Rock for dang near 3 weeks before the ROCK EVEN ADDRESSED him and that ONLY happened because he mentioned his family.







You're missing the point and didn't see what I was responding to. I was responding to the thought that you don't want your world champion, regardless of who it is, to continue to improve.

Listen up, Captain Capslock, because I'm only going to say this one more time. You always want your talent to improve. You always want them improving on their skills regardless of where they are on the card. Bret Hart was always improving when he was champion. Michaels was always improving when he was champion. Untertaker was always improving when he was champion. You do not want people to sit back and rest once they become champion.

All of these people were much further along than the Miz is now when they first got the strap. Yes. I will never say the Miz is in that category. He may never make it into that category. Miz is fighting one hell of an uphill battle but I refer you back to HHH, Cena and Orton at Wrestlemania 2 years ago was it? All the focus was on HHH, and Cena and who would walk out of Mania the champ. And Orton won. I see the same scenario right now in process. I won't be shocked if Cena and Rock completely ignore miz at Wrestlemania and the miz can scamper away with the title and cause you to have a conniption fit.

Long and short of it, is Miz the champion of champions? No. Of course not. Is he the future face of the company? Probably not. But he's still working to get himself into a better place while he's on top. And the fact that you fault him for trying to improve after the company decided to make him champion is actually pretty naive. If you want to blame someone for Miz being champ, don't blame him. Blame the bookers who made him champ. It's not like this is a legit sporting competition where Miz beat Orton for the title on his own. He's doing what he can to make himself better given the circumstances.
yes, when wrestling depended on established wrestlers to carry the world title. back when the title reigns lasted at the least 3 ppvs. now a days you have people that get on a push, start rolling and are given the belt to see what they can do with it. del rio will beat edge and where the hell did he establish himself? Just ans instant straight to WM push since he has been there. who is the last champion to hold it a year? JBL....

now you have the miz as champion on raw and no champions on nitro.... :rolleyes:
WWE understands Del Rios Heritage, he has a great athletic Back Ground just like Kurt angle did medals at the pan-am games son of a great wrestler he has the tools. So lets leave Del Rio out of this times have changed and i unlike most of everyone in these forums have changed with it because what i say in here will no get anything done for i don't have a say in what goes on. Anyways Miz had improved greatly, sometimes his promos are flat but thats expected in these over scripted times. His ring work isn't the magnificent but he does his job hes young and will improve.
Some good conversation on here guys. Now I didn't expect the Miz haters to all of a sudden love him by any means but I'm hearing some really, REALLY, (Really!? haha) stupid reasons for not liking him that I'd like to address.

He doesn't have the "look" of a champion.
Look not everyone out there can look like Batista. Miz is roughly the same size as Bret Hart and HBK, if not bigger, and nobody complained that they were too small. This is just a cliche IWC stupid excuse to dis a guy. His HAIR for christ's sake is brought up several times. What are we, a bunch of women in a coffee shop talking about every other woman we see? Come on. And no you or your wife cannot beat up the Miz...by normal standards this guy is a beast so stop kidding yourself.

He can't win on his own.
He's a HEEL. He's supposed to have help. This kind of stuff happens with heel champs all the time. HHH always had help when he was a heel champ. Whether it was from DX, Stephanie, Evolution etc. Same goes for The Rock when he was with the Corporation. And almost any other heel champ over the last 20 years. This one needs to get a rest.

His mic skills are terrible.
Why because he's a cocky asshole and kind of irritating? THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE"S TRYING TO DO. He doesn't want you to like him or what he's saying. He comes off as an arrogant hypocrite and that's the point! He is top 5 in the WWE in terms of mic skill right now whether you like it or not. He's no Rocky, but no one is. But he's certaintly no Jeff Hardy either.

He can't wrestle.
Now this one is just funny. He's put on some good matches lately and he gets better everytime. Even his matches with Lawler, where he had to carry a 60 yr old man, watchable and pretty enjoyable. Just go back and watch his recent matches with Morrison and Daniel Bryan (two matches he won cleanly btw). He's much improved in the ring and he's better and more creative than Cena and Orton combined.

Theres more but this is pretty much the gist of the arguments against the Miz in this thread (not going to even address the Real World stuff because you're just stupid if you think that has any relevance). Now all I've heard are the same tired, IWC complaints from all the Miz haters without any real reasoning behind them. Its pretty funny actually.
I think the only thing that really hurts Miz is the Real World Stigma , if people could overlook that , they would see one of the hardest workers on the roster . Miz is improving almost weekly all around , he's not the best wrestler ever sure , he's not the best talker ever sure , but he is entertaining , creative , and always improving . Compared to the same boring main eventers we've had to deal with for years I think the Miz is a breath of fresh air.
How can anyone take the Miz serious?? He only gets one over on Cena when he in someway can attack him from behind or has the numbers advantage. How am I supposed to take him serious I dont find the Miz to be even remotely decent in the ring he sucks actually. Morrison would have been a much better champion in my eyes than the Miz will ever be holding the title. I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME!!!! Really... People are supposed to get excited about that lame ass catchphrase and take him serious. The Miz SUCKS i dont care what anyone says. People bash Cena and praise Miz as if Miz can do something in the ring that Cena can't. I'm not a Cena fan but i'd rather watch him than the Miz. I'd rather watch Orton than the Miz. Morrison than the Miz. Alberto del Rio than the Miz. I put miz in the same catagory i put Sheamus and Barrett into. Guys who get pushed and end up dropping the ball cause they simply can't handle it and aren't as good as their fans think they are.
are you serious the guy is a heel is he supposed come face to face like a kofi Kingston or a Rey Misterio, why even when triple h was heel he attacked others from behind. the guys does his jobs we all know he needs to improve but its his choice if he wants to or not.
I think what we have here is a case of haters gonna hate. It's highly unlikely that no matter how much Miz improves, his haters will always find some fault within him. Which is fine. There isn't one wrestler that every single person is gonna love. Personally, Miz has grown on me. His promos are solid and yes, he is very over with the crowd. The guy is a heat magnet and even the the biggest Miz hater can't deny that. The guy isn't as horrible in the ring as a lot of people are painting him to be. No, he's no Chris Benoit but he's can hold his own and I find his matches to be watchable.

I do like how WWE has been booking Miz with all the momentum going into Wrestlemania because as stated earlier, usually the challenger(s) for the title is the one(s) going into the PPV looking unstoppable, especially when the challenger is one John Cena. That said, Miz can still improve and there's nothing wrong with that considering that he's still fairly new to the main event scene. Miz can only keep getting better in my view.
The Miz has actually somehow won me over in the last few weeks. He's doing a great job at provoking Cena and Rock to get the ass whooping of his life (which hopefully comes at WM) and I think Randy Orton still has unfinished business with him since that beating a couple of weeks before RR.

His mic work is whack though. All he ever does is talk about how awesome he is, how most seen he is and then how he doesn't care about the crowd when he gets a negative response. His Rock imitation yesterday was kinda funny though.
This thread was started by a miz mark so its biased to begin with, i like miz in midcard, but he does not look, talk, act like a main eventer he screams mid card, his "main events" are boring, i cant take him seriously, the only reason ppl like him is because he is a heel and against cena so all the cena haters jump on his bandwagon, also no one liked miz when he first came into the wwe thats why he almost got fired, ppl started "liking" him because no one else did and they like to piss ppl off by cheering for him, like trolls, miz is awful in the main event, needs to be midcard, enough said
Some good conversation on here guys. Now I didn't expect the Miz haters to all of a sudden love him by any means but I'm hearing some really, REALLY, (Really!? haha) stupid reasons for not liking him that I'd like to address.

He doesn't have the "look" of a champion.
Look not everyone out there can look like Batista. Miz is roughly the same size as Bret Hart and HBK, if not bigger, and nobody complained that they were too small. This is just a cliche IWC stupid excuse to dis a guy. His HAIR for christ's sake is brought up several times. What are we, a bunch of women in a coffee shop talking about every other woman we see? Come on. And no you or your wife cannot beat up the Miz...by normal standards this guy is a beast so stop kidding yourself.

He can't win on his own.
He's a HEEL. He's supposed to have help. This kind of stuff happens with heel champs all the time. HHH always had help when he was a heel champ. Whether it was from DX, Stephanie, Evolution etc. Same goes for The Rock when he was with the Corporation. And almost any other heel champ over the last 20 years. This one needs to get a rest.

His mic skills are terrible.
Why because he's a cocky asshole and kind of irritating? THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE"S TRYING TO DO. He doesn't want you to like him or what he's saying. He comes off as an arrogant hypocrite and that's the point! He is top 5 in the WWE in terms of mic skill right now whether you like it or not. He's no Rocky, but no one is. But he's certaintly no Jeff Hardy either.

He can't wrestle.
Now this one is just funny. He's put on some good matches lately and he gets better everytime. Even his matches with Lawler, where he had to carry a 60 yr old man, watchable and pretty enjoyable. Just go back and watch his recent matches with Morrison and Daniel Bryan (two matches he won cleanly btw). He's much improved in the ring and he's better and more creative than Cena and Orton combined.

Theres more but this is pretty much the gist of the arguments against the Miz in this thread (not going to even address the Real World stuff because you're just stupid if you think that has any relevance). Now all I've heard are the same tired, IWC complaints from all the Miz haters without any real reasoning behind them. Its pretty funny actually.

From reading you comment I can tell you pretty much miss the point that alot of ppl where making about the Miz. So here let me try & explain it to so you can maybe better understand that ppl are not hating on him just to be hating on him.

He doesn't have the "look" of a champion.

When ppl say this there talking about the way he carries himself, it's the way he walks & talks sometime. He is getting better, but its so obvious that he is out of place. His like a fish on land cause WWE put the belt on him to fast. It doesn't have anything to do w/his size HBK proved years ago that you don't have to be The Rock's size to win the belt. Ric Flair is small, but he had the look, he carry himself w/a certain kind of Confidence that made you feel like he was worthy of being a champion.

He can't win on his own.

Yes every1 is not stupid we all know that heel 101 states that heels are cowards & they cheat, but heels don't cheat all the time, & they don't sneak around & attack from behind w/every opponent. The Miz hasn't proved that he can really beat Cena cause he has just been attacking him from behind, shit any of us can do that. Now if WWE had it where Miz went heads up w/Cena once at least & got the best of Cena then that would make Miz look better. Oh, but you say Miz has beat King & John M. w/out any help!!! Sure we suppose to believe that Miz can beat Cena at Mania cause he had a successful title defense against a legend that's twice his is age & retired from the ring most of the time & a midcarder in John. Now if they would have had him beat Orton clean at least once then that would have made him look good, but no he has to cheat to beat the real Main Eventers which makes him seem less like one.

His mic skills are terrible.

Now the only problem I have w/his mic skills is that sometimes he overacts so he doesn't seem believeable, he doesn't sound competely confident in what he is saying so he overacts to get his point across, which is hurting him more then helping. He is improving, so at least you can tell he is tryn to get better.

He can't wrestle.

Now what ppl mean is he can't wrestle at the main event level. When you are a main eventer damn near every match you put on should be great no matter how many moves you use. Rock, Austin, Taker, & others put on high level matches most of the time when there at the top level. Cena has shown us many of times that he can perform at a Main Event level, his problem now is just that he is Hogan 2.0 so all his matches pretty much start & end the same smh. Miz has only showed he has enough skill to put on a great midcard match, which is fine, but the problem is that a midcarder shouldn't be in the M.E. at Mania. It just bad business

To end this I'm no Miz hater I believe the guy can be a real Main Eventer one day, but right now he doesn't show that. BTW I don't give a damn about what tv show he was on before being in the WWE that doesn't have anything to do w/him being the champ & main eventing Mania before he should.
This thread was started by a miz mark so its biased to begin with, i like miz in midcard, but he does not look, talk, act like a main eventer he screams mid card, his "main events" are boring, i cant take him seriously, the only reason ppl like him is because he is a heel and against cena so all the cena haters jump on his bandwagon, also no one liked miz when he first came into the wwe thats why he almost got fired, ppl started "liking" him because no one else did and they like to piss ppl off by cheering for him, like trolls, miz is awful in the main event, needs to be midcard, enough said

I'm not a Miz mark by any means. I really didn't like him much at all until he won the MITB. But I can respect a guy who is obviously a hard worker and for the past couple of years I've been looking for improvement out of the WWE as a whole. I've seen huge improvements from the Miz lately and it's going hand in hand with the improvement of the quality of shows that the WWE has been putting on the past 6-7 months or so.
No, you don't get it. You hate Miz therefore he's working on you. Hating him, in any way, means he's working.

This is a thread filled to the brim with people b*tching about Miz. Some of these people hate him so badly that the smile on his face is enough to set them off. If the "smart" (stupid beyond belief from my experience) IWC hates him this much, just imagine how bad the "normal" fans hate him...

you say tomato...

this is the thing. he sucks. and whether or not I hate him for the same reasons a casual fans hates him or not, he STILL sucks.
Casual fans hate him because of his character. I am not a casual fan.
I hate him him because:
I could go on, but my pizza's getting cold

The Casual fan hates him cause he sucks...the IWC hates him because he's unworthy.
Listen up, Captain Capslock,
Good one.

because I'm only going to say this one more time. You always want your talent to improve.
I do. I DO want my talent to improve.

You always want them improving on their skills regardless of where they are on the card. Bret Hart was always improving when he was champion. Michaels was always improving when he was champion. Untertaker was always improving when he was champion. You do not want people to sit back and rest once they become champion.
You are CORRECT sir. I do NOT want them to stop improving once they become champion. You are CORRECT! TELL ME MORE!

All of these people were much further along than the Miz is now when they first got the strap. Yes. I will never say the Miz is in that category.
aaaaaaaaaand STOP.

You needn't say another word. This is my ENTIRE point. These people were MUCH further along. They built a fanbase around a character they created and cultivated WAAAY before they became champion. When they became champion they kept changing and evolving and becoming. But within the character they created. How many transformations has Taker gone through? How many nicknames does Triple H have? The Rock wasn't the great on as Rocky Maivia AND NEITHER ONE OF THESE PEOPLE WERE CHAMPION TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT. Sure there were things they learned as they grew along the way. But before the Shawn Michaels was champion he was the Heart Break Kid FIRST. The Dwayne Johnson was the Rock FIRST. Mark Callous was The Undertaker FIRST. Their in ring persona's were developed and being groomed for championship CONTENDERSHIP. Not the other way around. You can mark out for the Miz till you're blue in the face and come back and say whatever you want. THE FACTS are the FACTS. The Miz has gone into this entire thing backwards. I don't blame him, I said it from the beginning that its creatives blunder. But that don't mean I can't say how I feel about whatever character he is up until THIS point.
But ok, they did it. So its on them to make him look credible. And they are NOT doing it. He doesn't look credible. He doesnt' look strong. He doesn't sound better. He doesn't give off the idea that he's going to win at WM. And the reality is, whether you want to admit it or not, Without the Rock's interjection into this main event, No one...and the ROCK MEANS NO ONE....would even care. He's not in the Rocks lane...not even in Cenas Category.

He may never make it into that category.
NOW you're right.

Captain Capslock (that really was a good one...lol)
Ever since I first saw the Miz facing Festus and Jesse, he has been my favorite wrestler. Whatever IT is, he's got it. The mic skills, to me, at least he HAS ring skills at all. I admit, I was getting pissed when he seemingly got forgotten in the beginning of the "War of Words" between Rock and Cena. Then, two weeks ago, BOOM. He attacks Cena from behind when supposedly, he was boycotting Raw. Creative really knows how to book this man, further more his gimmick. Then last night, dressed up as Rock in a bald cap was genius! Even I thought it was Rock, I foolishly admit. :/. So going into Wrestlemania, Miz still had two weeks to had to his building momentum. I pray Miz wins at WM and we can avoid another Cena title reign.I like Cena, but how he was fired and just came back? The E could of done without him for at least half a year. Off note, sorry.
[cL];2938961 said:
You needn't say another word. This is my ENTIRE point. These people were MUCH further along. They built a fanbase around a character they created and cultivated WAAAY before they became champion. When they became champion they kept changing and evolving and becoming. But within the character they created. How many transformations has Taker gone through? How many nicknames does Triple H have? The Rock wasn't the great on as Rocky Maivia AND NEITHER ONE OF THESE PEOPLE WERE CHAMPION TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT. Sure there were things they learned as they grew along the way. But before the Shawn Michaels was champion he was the Heart Break Kid FIRST. The Dwayne Johnson was the Rock FIRST. Mark Callous was The Undertaker FIRST. Their in ring persona's were developed and being groomed for championship CONTENDERSHIP. Not the other way around. You can mark out for the Miz till you're blue in the face and come back and say whatever you want. THE FACTS are the FACTS. The Miz has gone into this entire thing backwards. I don't blame him, I said it from the beginning that its creatives blunder. But that don't mean I can't say how I feel about whatever character he is up until THIS point.
But ok, they did it. So its on them to make him look credible. And they are NOT doing it. He doesn't look credible. He doesnt' look strong. He doesn't sound better. He doesn't give off the idea that he's going to win at WM. And the reality is, whether you want to admit it or not, Without the Rock's interjection into this main event, No one...and the ROCK MEANS NO ONE....would even care. He's not in the Rocks lane...not even in Cenas Category.

Ok. So ultimately, we agree. My only contention against your initial response was not wanting any of the talent to improve. I will say I thought Miz started off doing Ok (just ok) when he started his run. But once the Royal Rumble came and went, it's been pretty much downhill. He was already booked to be a weak champion. He's got Cole winning matches for him for christ's sake. He is not nearly as talented on the stick as Cena is (and thus by no means can handle the Rock), and while his in ring skills are coming along, they aren't up to par to what his position is. And while its hard to say what kind of angle they would create between Miz and Cena without the Rock being there.....yeah....the Rock is selling the angle right now.

All said and done: I still like the Miz. I do. He's got a great story (in my opinion) and I think it's great he's been able to follow his dream and has made it in this business. I know that's not exactly a popular opinion, but he got me a year ago in Minneapolis (Tyson's hosting gig) and I've been pulling for him ever since. I hope he can do great things. But I think he needs to drop the title for a while and go back to the mid card....where he is gonna have a really hard time building himself up as a credible main eventer because there isn't a strong mid card talent right now that he hasn't already beaten once (or more). It's one hell of a corner creative has painted themselves into for those that flirt with the main event (Miz, Sheamus, Morrison...)...

Captain Capslock (that really was a good one...lol)

Couldn't help myself. Glad you found it amusing ;)

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