**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania


Occasional Pre-Show
I like the miz. I really do. But when's the last time you saw the WWE champion heading in to Mania with no momentum at all? The Del Rio vs Edge match is fresh and new, Orton and Punk has been done before but the storyline has us intrigued, and the HHH and Taker bout is letting us see that their career's are almost up which only makes their match that much more special.

But the Cena, Miz, and Rock storyline was suppose to be a dream come true. We would finally get to see Cena and The Rock go at it, and see if the Miz can hold his own. But omg I cringe every time he starts to come on the mic. With the passionate and electrifying promos cena and the rock delivered, the miz hasn't even been able to give us a fraction of that yet. I defended the Miz when people said he wasn't ready or didn't deserve the wwe championship, but it looks like I'll have to eat my words. With every promo The Rock and Cena does the Miz looks more and more like an amateur. Someone needs to hurry up and put this guy out of his misery and put the strap on Punk already, cause Miz looks like he's out of his league.
Miz has alway's been 5 steps behind the rest of the roaster in terms of talent. Other than Rock and Cena, the rest of guys spent years bettering themselves in the indie-circuit, hoping to get noticed. Miz was lucky of his reality show spots got him on Tough Enough. Only later to train for a few months at OVW.

Sure Miz has improved, but is he a real champion? No, can he be in the same level with Rock and Cena? No.
Two weeks ago, The Rock cuts a fantastic promo.
Last week, Cena cuts one of the best promos he's cut in years.
Last week, The Miz cuts a boring, mediocre, promo.

This week, The Rock cuts another great promo. Cena cuts a pretty good promo on The Miz. The Miz cuts a whiny, boring, average promo.

To say that I'm disappointed in The Miz would be an understatement. When he first won the WWE Championship, I was happy for him. He was entertaining. Lately, he's been boring, and average, and has been completely overshadowed by The Rock and John Cena.
The WWE really messed up putting The Miz in the middle of The Rock and John Cena. I like The Miz as WWE champion and usually he is entertaining on the mic. But latley, with all the hype for The Rock and John Cena, he became their shadow and is really just there. It's really sad becasue The Miz has the mic skills and the determination to be great like The Rock and John Cena are. Sure, he needs to improve his wrestling skills but he is not that bad. He can hold his own in the ring at most times but he is not horrible.
The WWE really messed up putting The Miz in the middle of The Rock and John Cena. I like The Miz as WWE champion and usually he is entertaining on the mic. But latley, with all the hype for The Rock and John Cena, he became their shadow and is really just there. It's really sad becasue The Miz has the mic skills and the determination to be great like The Rock and John Cena are. Sure, he needs to improve his wrestling skills but he is not that bad. He can hold his own in the ring at most times but he is not horrible.

Sure, The Miz can hold his own in the ring. Nobody doubts that. It's the microphone that where he can't hold his own. He's getting completely owned. No, worse than that, he's getting ignored almost. Treated like someone that doesn't even belong in the discussion. And he's the Champ. That's not good.
Come on are u guys serious, that boring ass promo john cena cut tonight, that crap was corny and cena is not funny, seriously, yall are calling his "doctors note" promo a classic? what was the miz suppose to say to dat "Dude u really are corny as all hell" No, u cant say dat to superman!!!! Miz is fine but wait for it....maybe the WWE is doing this on purpose, to make it seem like its all about cena/rock and i guarntee miz walks out wit the championship at wrestlemania. U guys are so quick to turn on the miz, yall must be secretly purchasing john cena tshirts and going to sleep in them or something!

And on a sidenote, the rap was ok, i got a gud laugh, but cena cant even hang wit the rock on the mic, rock is rock point blank, cena is corny!!!
oh my god the miz will never be in the same league as the rock he cant even wrestle ya he has mic skills but those skills are limited thats about it just like cena has mic skill and he still cant even wrestle
it was a mistake to put the belt on miz wade would of been a better champ, looks like the miz will be going down hill from here on
Well, his problem was when he took a lesson out of the 2009/2010 Jericho book and started speaking very monotone. It's not getting him over. He went from annoying to god awful. However, I do think he has potential. He's in the middle of this "feud", because they want it to be "past, present, future". Is the Miz the future? Maybe. Idk, you don't know, WWE doesn't know. The future is the only thing uncertain.

But he is not on par with Cena and Rock on the mic. However, their passion lately has been legit. They've said shit about each other in the past. They are bringing reality into wrestling. I don't think this is 100% kayfabe.

Also, remember that the IWC was the one pushing for a Miz push. "His song is too cool for him not to be in the main event!" I remember that on a forum, I'm not sure if it was here though. We pushed for him, then turned against him.

Here's an example from sports: Tim Tebow was a monster in the NCAA at Florida. One of the best in college football history, if not the best. But then you put him up against Tom Brady, Drew Brees, and Peyton Manning and he looks like shit. It's not fair to compare an up-and-comer against veterans.

Let's not forget WM24. Cena vs Triple H vs Orton. WWE had a text vote before the match to see who'd win. 52% for Cena. 40% for HHH. 8% for Orton. To everybody, the match was mainly about Cena vs HHH. Nobody gave two shits about Orton. But he won. It was a shocker. Keep your eyes on the Miz, he's lurking in the shadows.
Miz has always been 5 steps behind the rest of the roster in terms of talent. Other than Rock and Cena, the rest of guys spent years bettering themselves in the indie-circuit, hoping to get noticed. Miz was lucky of his reality show spots got him on Tough Enough. Only later to train for a few months at OVW.

Sure Miz has improved, but is he a real champion? No, can he be in the same level with Rock and Cena? No.

Well said! I agree with everything you said, ESPECIALLY the part about how the Jizz lucked up on a reality show which landed him on Tough Enough. The WWE saw the potential to cash in the Real World franchise with the WWE name which is the ONLY reason he made it that far. This entire WrestleMania angle is being built around John Cena and The Rock. The Miz is a footnote, an asterisk. No one cares about his involvement AT ALL! He's virtually made the WWE championship insignificant.
What in the world are ya'll smoking!?!?!?

I think The Miz is doing a Great job!!! Heck, that dude is hilarious and fun to watch, VERY REFRESHING!!!

Plus, The Miz is clean - I am NOT a fan of the dirty language, and to be honest...THINK ABOUT THIS....

Could The Rock really still be funny if he did not curse? Sounds corny, I know, but really, everyone Cheered when the rock said the word *Bit--#...seriously???

The Miz will hold his own and overcome and receive a VERY strong push after Wrestlemania (Given that The Miz does not loose to Cena)...If The Miz looses to Cena, you might as well forget about The Miz in my opinion as The Miz will probably become very over shadowed.

The Miz looks great and if The Miz succeeds then you will see a very Strong Side of The Miz begin to shine to everyone's Liking!

God Bless!
Come on are u guys serious, that boring ass promo john cena cut tonight, that crap was corny and cena is not funny, seriously, yall are calling his "doctors note" promo a classic? what was the miz suppose to say to dat "Dude u really are corny as all hell" No, u cant say dat to superman!!!! Miz is fine but wait for it....maybe the WWE is doing this on purpose, to make it seem like its all about cena/rock and i guarntee miz walks out wit the championship at wrestlemania. U guys are so quick to turn on the miz, yall must be secretly purchasing john cena tshirts and going to sleep in them or something!

And on a sidenote, the rap was ok, i got a gud laugh, but cena cant even hang wit the rock on the mic, rock is rock point blank, cena is corny!!!

I laughed at the "doctors note" because it's so stupid. And I doubt there gonna end Cena's 1v1 WM streak (you ever noticed Cena's never lost a 1v1 match at WM?) "Superman" can't lose when it counts the most you know.

PS. I'm not a hater.
I hate Cena so very much but I do acknowledge that he is the biggest thing that the modern era has seen.
The Rock in my opinion, is the biggest thing wrestling has ever seen.
The Miz is in his first championship reign and I think people should cut him a little slack. I'm not a massive fan, but at least he's not doing a Rikishi:
'I did it... for the Rock. I did it... for the people'
I mean, really? Really!?
Miz is just boring to listen to. He's got that same boring I'M WEARING A SUIT AND I'M FULL OF MYSELF boring gimmick Jericho had right before he left.

He looks way out of place being involved with ROCK/CENA.

When he attacked Danielson, that seemed like where he really belonged.
I told the world.
I told you all when he won the title that he was not ready to hang in the title picture. Yeah he cleaned up started wearing suits and got tolerable on the mic. Ring work is decent as well. When no one was there he looked like a shining star that had the potential to go all the way (mind you all of this from someone who absolutely loathes the Miz). But when you put him in the middle of a feud between the Rock and Cena, he gets completely lost. Mind you, did you notice how during Rocks promo he didn't even MENTION the miz? Didn't even mention him. He IS an afterthought. The way their booking this Alex Riley could be the champion and it would have the same EXACT effect on the main event picture at wrestlemania. I loved how during his promo he said that he'd beat Cena and on the very same night beat the Rock, and then...cricket cricket cricket from the Rock about him. Sure it may have been pretaped.....maybe it was or maybe he was live from his home but the miz as he so stated tonight, ALSO called out the Rock last week giving the Rock a chance to respond to him also. But he didn't. Not a word.
The only reason why the miz was on our minds when he won the title is because we were all saying, "i can't believe this dork won the title!"
Now that I think about it, everyone knows that the Miz/Cena headlining wrestlemania was gonna be a wash, but now because of the fact that the Rock is in the middle of this war of words with Cena, its gonna make EVERYONE wanna watch why? Not because of what will happen with the Miz. Even if he actually does win the match against Cena...EVEN IF THAT HAPPENS what will be the effect? None. Because win or lose at wrestlemania, the world will only care to see one thing, whats gonna happen between The Rock and John Cena. Period.
the Miz is a byproduct and champion or not, wrestlemania is not about him.

At all.
The WWE really messed up putting The Miz in the middle of The Rock and John Cena. I like The Miz as WWE champion and usually he is entertaining on the mic. But latley, with all the hype for The Rock and John Cena, he became their shadow and is really just there. It's really sad becasue The Miz has the mic skills and the determination to be great like The Rock and John Cena are.

Miz has the same problem he's always had; his delivery.

He's saying all of the right things, but he's as monotone as they some. He has two speeds; screaming or talking in a very slow fashion. People were annointing him the new Rock, and I've always found that laughable.

He's not a bad mic worker, not at all. But for a long time, I've had to listen to how great of a talker he is, and I don't see it. WWE has taken the path of Cena/Rock being the main attraction, and I suppose I trust them to do what's best with this angle.
Miz isn't good on the mic to be WWE champion, yet I hear people saying Morrison should be champion? "You're a bully!"

Miz isn't horrible, I do think he did a fine job on Raw on Monday.

The WWE saw the potential to cash in the Real World franchise with the WWE name which is the ONLY reason he made it that far.

No one gave a damn about the million dollar tough enough when it was going on. Miz didn't win it either. But he did work his ass off going up through the ranks to where he is now.

People wanted Miz to have more clean wins over people even though on here they say his mic skills aren't good enough so it would pretty much make how he wins null and void.

Oh but Morrison should be champion because he can do fancy spots in a gimmick match?
This night's main event proved that Alex Riley is better than the Miz in every single aspect of wrestler. He's taller, has the better look, is better on the mic (watch NXT season 2) is much better in the ring that Miz (once again, NXT if you don't believe me) and even has a better more solid gimmick. I'm not saying that Riley should be WWE Champion, I'm saying that Miz should NOT be WWE Champion.

Sheamus, Barrett, Punk, and Ziggler would all thrive in this situation that Miz is getting overshadowed in but WWE loves the reality star story so look who's champion and look who doesn't even have a match on the card.
Well said! I agree with everything you said, ESPECIALLY the part about how the Jizz lucked up on a reality show which landed him on Tough Enough. The WWE saw the potential to cash in the Real World franchise with the WWE name which is the ONLY reason he made it that far. This entire WrestleMania angle is being built around John Cena and The Rock. The Miz is a footnote, an asterisk. No one cares about his involvement AT ALL! He's virtually made the WWE championship insignificant.

You know, i said that exact same thing when he won the title and EVERYBODY jumped down my throat about it. the miz is great! the miz is the future. he worked hard. the miz this and the miz that and everything that has happened within the last 3 weeks did nothing but prove the point I made when he won the title in the first place. He's not ready. He is NOT ready. He may be willing but he is unable and the ROCK MEANS UNABLE to hold his own where it counts. His promo's are lack luster and its not like he makes up for it in size like Brock Lesnar or that he makes up for it with in ring ability like Chris Benoit. Neither of these guys could hold a mic and talk if you taped it to their hands. The Miz doesn't have size, and he doesn't have extraordinary in ring talent. He's not Hercules who was more than a man yet less than a god. He's the Miz. More than a jobber, but way less than a main eventer. (now THAT was awesome)
Miz has alway's been 5 steps behind the rest of the roaster in terms of talent. Other than Rock and Cena, the rest of guys spent years bettering themselves in the indie-circuit, hoping to get noticed. Miz was lucky of his reality show spots got him on Tough Enough. Only later to train for a few months at OVW.

Sure Miz has improved, but is he a real champion? No, can he be in the same level with Rock and Cena? No.
Hey "smart" guy
You are aware the Miz wrestled Indys for 3 years right?

How the hell does Miz look bad again? HE'S THE CHAMP! and he became the first to post in show pics on twitter....he's a trailblazer
Miz is just boring to listen to. He's got that same boring I'M WEARING A SUIT AND I'M FULL OF MYSELF boring gimmick Jericho had right before he left.

He looks way out of place being involved with ROCK/CENA.

When he attacked Danielson, that seemed like where he really belonged.

Man you know what, i thought that exact same thing. Danielson isn't really fueding with anyone at the moment. They'll probably throw him in with someone for mania, but I really think WWE has seen what it is to put the title on someone who wasn't really ready and is getting ready to throw him into the mid card. At least thats what I'm hoping for.
I agree with the poster. Miz is about two years too early for a WWE title. He has no charisma, and no one loves to hate him because he is just not good enough. For instance, HHH in his prime years was the ultimate heel, mic work, in-ring skill , and people wanted to see him get his comeuppance. Miz=no one cares
First off, I'd like to state that I like The Miz and see the potential...But holy shit is this a "baptism by fire" moment for him. He not only looks bad...he looks terrible on TV in any capacity. First off the situation he's in is not enviable for a young wrestler...he's in his first run as champion, getting ready to headline his first Wrestlemania, he's facing Cena arguably the Face of WWE, and in addition to Cena he also has the greatest entertainer the business has ever seen, The Rock, cutting promos every which way but loose.

Unfortunately, I think this has exposed Miz as being extremely one dimensional on the mic. Granted, that dimension that he possesses is one he's spent a lot of time perfecting...but eventually the crowd is going to grow stale on you if your one dimensional. Want proof? Look at John Cena! Cena's past two promos on Raw sum up what made his character great and what has made it completely stale. Cena as the heel/antihero that rapped his promos, acted thuggish, and pumped up his kicks for a legdrop was fantastic and it got him over with the fans. Then this "Face Cena" took over, remained fresh for a bit, quit pumping the kicks, started quoting old Will Ferrell bits, and does the infamous "fan kiss-ass" moves that has grown so stale with the crowd. Miz is going through the same thing. Sure as the scathing asshole heel with the "really?" and "I'm awesome" was good and got him over with the IWC but it seems like thats all he knows. Not being multi-dimensional with your character KILLS superstars.

The worst thing the WWE did to Miz was put him in the vicinity of The Rock. No one, No one, No one will EVER compare to The Rock's promos and ability to read the crowd...he's a natural at it. The Rock is so good that he's made Cena's promos better!!! That's no small feat. Now, you have The Rock who is always on and cutting GREAT promos on top of Cena returning to the promo style that made him great. Thats a lot of pressure on The Miz and maybe WWE is evaluating how he handles it.
The thing is...you all wanted the Miz. A few summers ago when Cena beat the Miz at whatever PPV it was...everyone cried.

Everyone said:
ZOMG!?!? What in teh hellz is da dubya dubya eeeee doing? Miz needs teh rub more dan Seenuh. Czena sux.

I'm not saying that the Miz isn't the odd man out in the Rock-Cena-Miz triangle. I'm just saying...you all wanted this two years ago. You have it, and now you cry. It's sad, really.
The Miz was a guy who I enjoyed as a mid card act, his "Mouth writing cheques that his ass can't cash" style mic work was fun, I didn't even mind him getting the title, but the fact they have pushed him all the way to Mania has seen him become one of the wrestlers I find the most irritating.

The fact is he is in a no win situation here, I think he will actually sneak out with the title but no one cares, from the moment The Rock name dropped Cena and ripped him, all the fanbase has cared about is seeing a match between two of the biggest stars in the history of the business, The Miz became even more irrelevant and nothing he says or does will change that while Rock and Cena continue their war of words.
It goes to show at mania it should have been

Miz vs Morrison


Cena vs Rock
o wait the rock wont wrestle, Just like Cena pointed out in his promo, which is why the miz looks horrible(to some people) because this is really about rock and cena, Cena in a interview went at the rock with truth that rock doesn't car about the fans and what they want, then you have the rock at the end of raw basically shooting on John Cena for that comment.

It gives it a "real" feel but the fact is The Rock will not wrestle and I get what WWE is doing but it is complete garbage that the Rock and Cena is being hyped for Mania more then Miz vs Cena for mania and a title is on the line.

Perfect example my girlfriend who knows very little about WWE, got out of work early and came home while i was watching raw and sat with me as the rock/cena recap,then rock promo was on, as she watches the promo she says

"wow the rock is coming back to wrestle John Cena at wrestlemania you must be excited" I sat their and laughed because the whole program looks like its about Rock vs Cena.

The Miz looks horrible(to some people) because WWE is making it look that way, by letting the rock have a open mic with pg no leash, and letting Cena be brutally honest about the rock, their is no promo the Miz could have cut to make him gain steam when the Rock and Cena are taking personal shots.

However the Miz is champion he has not gotten stomped in the ground or beaten as of late he has been over shadowed a by the rock vs cena but he does not look horrible he is the champion.

And to be honest he has no need to be in some huge program with the rock they have no prior beef and the rock is not wrestling, the rock is not going to wrestle he mights throw a couple of punches and a rock bottom but he is not going to wrestle in a match at wrestlemania so i think WWE is letting Miz lurk in the shadows, i would not be surprised to see miz hit the rock with a skull crushing finale before mania, then see everyone post Miz red heat going into mania

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