**MERGED** RAW's 1000th Episode (Keep it in here: No Austin, Punk/Cena, DX, etc.)

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Since we MUST keep all the discussion here...

John Cena has accomplished so much in his career, he has beaten just about everyone that he has had to wrestle. (Yes, Cena used 5 moves of doom to win them but...) If John Cena were to lose tonight...would he be hurt by it? Would the first ever unsuccessful cash-in by Cena really destroy all he has done? I believe that if John Cena lost tonight his career would still be just as strong standing as it is right now.

Do you think John Cena NEEDS to win tonight? Would it hurt John Cena if he lost?

I think WWE and SCSA have both learned from Austins last heel turn. I can't see this happening in anyway shape fashion or form.

You can't have a 100th raw without the biggest superstar in the history of Monday Night Raw. Stone Cold will be there in some way

I don't think that makes Austin a heel frankly. We all know about CM Punk saying over and over how he wants Austin and that would be Austin just giving Punk what he wants in his own way. Besides, how could face Austin turn heel by costing face Punk a match against face Cena? There practically has to be a heel involved. It'd be fantastic. I'd rather see that than Austin/McMahon again.
I very rarely watch Raw live. Tonight will be one of those nights. I hope it doesn't disappoint, but I am not holding my breath. 30 some-odd legends returning as well as Rock, Lesnar, Undertaker, DX plus a wedding angle... where the hell is there going to be room for anything more than a 5 minute match?

Also, if Cena/Punk ends in a DQ I give up. The DQ's have been awful lately. Every match.
Big Show will probably interfere and there is a triple threat at Summerslam for the belt. Which will annoy me. Cena's cash in is ruined but it wont be because Punk beats him clean.
I am extremely disappointed and angry that Steve Austin was not at Raw's 1000th episode! What the hell? This man almost single handedly saved Raw from the ratings grip of WCW Nitro. Its like having a Guns N' Roses reunion without Axl Rose! What the fuck?
I am stunned, no pun intended, by the whole thing as well. I REALLY enjoyed Raw, however, without Austin there was a big hole in the entire thing.
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