*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] "Shelton Benjamin need a push" thread

Ok where to start?

The man obviously oozes talent. We all know that. But lets face facts. He has been in EVERY Money In The Bank match since its inception and has merely been a spot machine for the sake of some entertainment. Is he ever going to amount to anything?

I mean does anyone else remember when he first split from Charlie Haas and went to RAW and BEAT HHH? Anyone?

My question is, will he ever get there or is he doomed to a mid-card settling for the rest of his career?
He is not gonna ever get over the midcarrd ever, he has been tried for pushes, but just never got there, he had a non-memorable us title reign for 240+ days, hardly even defended it.
He will just always be that guy that can extremely entertain us, but will never get to main event status
I agree, he is just full of charisma, and its sad to see him just languishing, like Christian. :shrug: I mean, its an overabundance of wrestlers, and not enough storyline time. Plus, he's got a good singing voice, better than some WWE stars that think they can sing ::cough:: Maria ::cough:: :p . Anywho, He's probably one of the most physically conditioned, and has immense talent.
I agree, he is just full of charisma.


Oh my God, as much as I love new people joining the forum, you immediately shot your credibility, in my eyes, with this post. What are you going to tell me next; The Great Khali has great promo skills? That Kane will ever be World Champion again? That Cena only knowz five movez?

Look, even I'll consent, Benjamin has been better in the past couple months. But the guy has all the charisma of a wet dog turd. He has absolutely no mic skills, and the only time anybody can get interested in him is when he's jumping ass first off a thrity foot ladder, wearing a sombrero, and eating a kielbasa, whilst performing three flips. And believe me, we're closer to seeing that happen than you think. It's reall his next desperate move.

Shelton is going to always be a mid carder, and he's lucky for that. He will never be a main event player, and for that matter, he will probably never have a another significant tile run in the WWE. He's best going to TNA, where he can do the flippy flippy off the ladder as many times as he wants, and TNA marks can rave about how he'll be the next tool in beating the WWE.
Got to say I don't believe Shelton has ever been anything more than a mid carder in my eyes. Sure he's got great in ring talent but come on that's it. That will only get you so far. He's a mid-carder for life in my opinion unless he learns how to cut better promos and refreshes his character it's IC & US title reigns until he leaves or retires.
Figured I'd just post my response to Tenta in this thread itself instead of the Bar Room.

Riddle me this; was he doing a pointless, insane spot in the process?

How the fuck is a spot "pointless" Tenta? Because LITERALLY the point of a ladder match is to do insane spots. Literally. Do you shit on the Hardys and Edge/Christian for doing spots in their ladder matches? No. Shelton does it though, and he sucks. Same old "SPOT MONKEYYY!" argument that gets pulled out time and time again, and it's the biggest bullshit argument in the book, especially with someone like Shelton who can wrestle literally any style of match and does not rely solely on doing spots.

Look, I confess it, Shelton has actually been good recently. Still, he lacks the ability to make the audience care for him for less than a week. He just has no drawing power to him. His stuff in the ring can get him by, but the fact is, he still has plenty of holes in his character.

He's never been given a chance though Tenta. He had some great matches with main eventers like Hunter and HBK, and then the WWE just immediately kicked him back down the card without ever giving him a chance on his own to get over. Next thing you know they stick a fat black woman with him as his "Momma" and completely ruin his entire character and turn him into a comedy role.

Every time that Shelton has been given the ball to run with in an upper-midcard big time feud/match/angle, he' delivered. It's not his fault the WWE just keeps kicking him back down the card and burying him, completely destroying his ability to get over in the process. Its hard to stay over for years at a time when you're switching brands every few months, wrestling dark matches and only coming out once in a blue moon for a ladder match.

Dont blame Shelton, blame the WWE.
Figured I'd just post my response to Tenta in this thread itself instead of the Bar Room.

Sounds good. I'm quite shocked that thread hasn't beemn moved out the bar room

How the fuck is a spot "pointless" Tenta? Because LITERALLY the point of a ladder match is to do insane spots. Literally. Do you shit on the Hardys and Edge/Christian for doing spots in their ladder matches?

Actually, yes, sometimes I praise the spots, and sometimes I shit on them. I praise nEdge for spearing Jeff Hardy off the ladder, because it fits in with his character of waiting for an opportune moment to take out an opponent, and steal a victory. I praise Matt for his twist of fates off ladders, because he again supposedly takes his opponents out of the match for a while. I do, however, shit all over Jeff's spots, such as the one in Wrestlemania 2000, for the same reason I shit on Shelton's. It takes him out of the match, just for that one spot. To that extent, many of Shelton's spot, especially his recent ones, rarely make sense.

No. Shelton does it though, and he sucks. Same old "SPOT MONKEYYY!" argument that gets pulled out time and time again, and it's the biggest bullshit argument in the book, especially with someone like Shelton who can wrestle literally any style of match and does not rely solely on doing spots.

Again, I really don't care much for his spots; that's all well and good. However, X, even you acknowledge he has very little mic skills, and very little charisma to get the fans on his side.

He's never been given a chance though Tenta. He had some great matches with main eventers like Hunter and HBK, and then the WWE just immediately kicked him back down the card without ever giving him a chance on his own to get over. Next thing you know they stick a fat black woman with him as his "Momma" and completely ruin his entire character and turn him into a comedy role.

Every time that Shelton has been given the ball to run with in an upper-midcard big time feud/match/angle, he' delivered. It's not his fault the WWE just keeps kicking him back down the card and burying him, completely destroying his ability to get over in the process. Its hard to stay over for years at a time when you're switching brands every few months, wrestling dark matches and only coming out once in a blue moon for a ladder match.

Dont blame Shelton, blame the WWE.

Again, X, the matches are all well and great. But he's given me no reason to care for him as a person, or a wrestler. His promos typically suck, and his work in the ring just don't make people care. At all.

Look, I get why people like X, but when it comes to making me care for him as a wrestler, he doesn't have any type of personality. He's bland as Hell, and while I agree he can wrestle great matches, my main complaint is his personality. Not so much his spots, but for his inability to make the crowd care for him for an extended period
Again, X, the matches are all well and great. But he's given me no reason to care for him as a person, or a wrestler. His promos typically suck, and his work in the ring just don't make people care. At all.

And here is where I'm going to disagree with you.

Were you watching Shelton when he was chasing Christian's ECW Championship? Or his promo on the Abraham Washington Show when he first turned face? You can hardly say his promos sucked or that he had no charisma then. He once got a whole crowd riled up to see Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov fight each other.

Shelton has the ability to be extremely good when he tries. And that's where his problem lies: He doesn't seem to care. After losing to Christian at TLC, he has settled into being his normal, uncaring self. He doesn't even give the fans some half-assed high fives to show he's a face. He phones it in.
Shelton is a great in-ring competitor, But he doesn't have any charisma at all. You know why im saying that? because he sucks in the mic, If Shelton would've been great in the mic I could've said that he has charisma but I just can't right now.

Shelton had a great run about a year ago, But were did he end up? In the same place that he has always been in the mid card level. He's only amazing on certain kind of matches. Matches like MITB, TLC, Hardcore matches and thats it. Like I said he's a great in ring competitor, But other then that, That's it. As for Shelton getting a push, Now the WWE has a lot of young talent in the roster, I'm pretty sure that his time might be over soon and he will not get a push at all.
Shelton really needs a push. hes been with the WWE for many years and imo hes very underrated. hes probably the best pure athlete in wresling period. his mic skills arent terrible but also not the best. he just needs to improve and hell be well on his way
I'm not a Shelton mark or whatsoever but I think this Shelton hate comes from the same reason IWC love Shelton and hate Cena. Even though I've always thought that it's really hard for Benjamin to become main event player but some of you people really have prejudi over Benjamin. No one is saying that he has great promo skills or he has tons of charisma. What some of you can't understand is in wrestling sometimes charisma and mic skills are not important to get over. Everyone is criticising Shelton Benjamin for being a spot monkey but by doing all those crazy spots he have a chance to get over. You want some examples: Jeff Hardy,John Morrison,Mick Foley etc.

All of those wrestlers that I listed above got over with their crazy spots. Yes Mick Foley can be one of the best promo cutters in this business but when you think about Mick Foley's career which is more memorable, falling down from the roof of the cage or his promo with Edge two years ago. So yes he can be over with his spots and in today's wrestling it's a common thing to try to get over. I'm not saying Shelton Benjamin can be a main eventer by being a spot monkey but it's just not right to criticise Benjamin for not making people care about him then criticising him for being a spot monkey.

Even though I'm not a fan of Benjamin I think sometimes people judge Benjamin unfairly. Yes he does not have any charisma or character but at least he's trying with passion. People like Jeff Hardy who had shitty mic skills could do it with a good push why not Benjamin. It's really hard for him to be a main event player but like one of the posters in this forum said you can't blame only Benjamin for failed push attempts when was the last time Benjamin got a push as much as Hardy or RVD.
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I'm not a Shelton mark or whatsoever but I think this Shelton hate comes from the same reason IWC love Shelton and hate Cena. Even though I've always thought that it's really hard for Benjamin to become main event player but some of you people really have prejudi over Benjamin. No one is saying that he has great promo skills or he has tons of charisma. What some of you can't understand is in wrestling sometimes charisma and mic skills are not important to get over. Everyone is criticising Shelton Benjamin for being a spot monkey but by doing all those crazy spots he have a chance to get over. You want some examples: Jeff Hardy,John Morrison,Mick Foley etc.


NO ONE is claiming Shelton is some god of charisma, but the shit you guys are spewing about how much Shelton sucks is absolutely nothing short of the same anti-smark rhetoric that leads people to say "Oh Jeff Hardy can't wrestle hez a spot monkey!" Sorry, but if you haven't realized by now that a wrestling match by definition is a transition from spot-to-spot, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Is Shelton Benjamin great on the mic? No. To claim he's awful however is fucking ludicrous, and to claim that you can't get over without any mic skills is doubly ludicrous considering the wildly successful careers guys like Bret Hart and Chris Benoit had with mediocre mic skills.

Tenta, you know how people hate those idiotic smarky-smarks who say "CENA SUX HE ONLY KNOEZ FIVE MOVES!"? Well the whole "SHELTON SUX HE CANT MAKE DA CROWD CARE ABOOT HIM!" argument is the anti-smark equivalent. It's a bullshit argument that every anti-smark who thinks he's "cool" by going against the IWC majority, like he knows something everyone else doesn't.

Shelton Benjamin is a god damn good wrestler, and if you're going to sit here and tell me he can't make a crowd care about him, you're fucking wrong, plain and simple, and I can give you a nice long list of matches to proves that to you. You don't have to be the fucking Rock on the mic to get people interested in your matches.
I like Benjamin and think it's the right time for him to be given a serious push. In order for that to happen he needs to engage in a serious, and perhaps lenghtly, feud. He needs to be given the chance to cut some promos and get some mic time because he is just not as bad on the mic as what haters make out. Also, he does have charisma. He doesn't exactly ooze charisma because he doesn't really have a character to connect with fans. We have WWE creative to thank for that. What he does have though is an exciting wrestling style which makes the fans cheer for him, and that is charismatic.

He is an accomplished amateur wrestler and he is capaple of wrestling a great technical match. On the other side to that, he is hugely athletic and is capable of pulling off lots of great spots. I'm pretty sue pulling off crowd pleasing spots and having good matches is what helped Jeff Hardy get over, as well as having an extreme character. This is where I go back to the point I made earlier about him needing a character and a purpose. Shelton doesn't need great mic skills to get over, he needs to connect with the fans on a regular basis. Charisma in wrestling is all about having the fans care about you, and Shelton has the potential to do that. Whilst the fans clearly do care about him during his better matches, he needs that responce all the time. I think the sooner creative are able to come up with something for him the better because this guy has been a big thing waiting to happen for a long time now. It might just take one good feud or one big promo to start him on the road to the top.
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Shelton is a great in-ring competitor, But he doesn't have any charisma at all. You know why im saying that? because he sucks in the mic, If Shelton would've been great in the mic I could've said that he has charisma but I just can't right now.

Shelton had a great run about a year ago, But were did he end up? In the same place that he has always been in the mid card level. He's only amazing on certain kind of matches. Matches like MITB, TLC, Hardcore matches and thats it. Like I said he's a great in ring competitor, But other then that, That's it. As for Shelton getting a push, Now the WWE has a lot of young talent in the roster, I'm pretty sure that his time might be over soon and he will not get a push at all.

Sorry Gen but this time around I will have to disagree, Shelton is by far one of the best workers in the WWE, he may not draw shawn michaels heat but he does well.

A prime example was his feud with Zack Ryder, Shelton played the face role rather well and people went ape to see his in ring work, the only reason Benjamin gets trashed is because people think that hes a spot monkey.

The guy has more talent then just working ladder matches does anyone actually remember the initial draft match when shelton started a feud with Triple H beating him three straight weeks in a row?, does anyone remember his IC title reign that nearly lasted a year feuding with the cream of the crop in terms of talent including Chris Jericho?.

Shelton has had some amazing matches with the WWE's midcard all the way up to the main event, but the problem is that he hasnt been given the push to excel to the main event, they go to guys like CM Punk or even Jack Swagger who now has the MITB case tell me why did they even give him the case without pushing him to the upper midcard spot?, they spent nearly a year burying the guy and suddenly moved him up to the upper midcard by winning the MITB ladder match?.

There is no logic in WWE's booking, no logical in regards to who and why certain individuals should be pushed, but with the fact that the WWE needs more upper midcard talent and more approachable stars they will be looking more at shelton to deliver i guarantee it.

as i said in my curious case of shelton benjamin thread i believe he will get his chance sooner then later, it may not be with the MITB case but he will get a strong push like another guy who was considered a bland spot monkey with no mic skills whatsoever, doesnt sound familiar?, well he is former WWE and World champion, TNA'S own Jeff Hardy!.

if the WWE has faith in Hardy, shelton will get his shot believe me.
If all it took was pure wrestling ability to be a Main Eventer in WWE, Shelton Benjamin would've held the world title more times than HHH. I admired his most recent work in ECW as I feel it rejuvenated him to an extent. While I was able to take him seriously as a contender for the ECW Championship, I can't take him seriously as a contender for a world title. Had he won MITB, he more than likely would've been the first to lose when he cashed in.

If WWE ever decides to get serious about pushing Benjamin, the guy needs to get a gimmick or SOME sort of character. Right now, he's just a bland, generic spotmonkey. All he does is jump around and while that's impressive and all, that's all he really has going for him. You could argue that doing spots worked for Jeff Hardy but he had the charisma to get the fans behind him. Shelton does not have that charisma. The guy gets his pops but they're hardly something to get all excited about. He needs some serious repackaging and a character for me to give a shit about him because I don't right now.

He also needs to improve his mic skills. Again, Jeff Hardy didn't have them but he didn't need them because the fans loved him anyway. The fans aren't buying into Benjamin and haven't since he picked up wins against HHH all those years ago.

So in a nutshell, Shelton needs to work on mic skills and character development. This "gold standard" gimmick is just stupid. I don't even know if it is a gimmick. But he needs to get a new character soon. Then I MIGHT be able to take him seriously as a world title contender.
Sorry Gen but this time around I will have to disagree, Shelton is by far one of the best workers in the WWE, he may not draw shawn michaels heat but he does well.

Deexter in my post I never said that shelton wasn't a good worker in the WWE. I said that IMO Shelton Is a great in-ring wrestler, I never stated the he wasn't. what I did said was that he doesn't have any mic skills, And in order to be charismatic you need some mic skills.

A prime example was his feud with Zack Ryder, Shelton played the face role rather well and people went ape to see his in ring work, the only reason Benjamin gets trashed is because people think that hes a spot monkey.

I honestly think that Shelton is not a spot monkey. Shot Shelton was one of the wrestlers that keep me wanting to watch ECW. Shelton had was having an awesome feud with Zack but all of the sudden the yjust dropped the storyline.

The guy has more talent then just working ladder matches does anyone actually remember the initial draft match when shelton started a feud with Triple H beating him three straight weeks in a row?, does anyone remember his IC title reign that nearly lasted a year feuding with the cream of the crop in terms of talent including Chris Jericho?.

I said that he is amazing in certain matches, matches like TLC, MITB. I never said that he wasn't amazing on single match just because I didn't mention that.

Shelton has had some amazing matches with the WWE's midcard all the way up to the main event, but the problem is that he hasnt been given the push to excel to the main event, they go to guys like CM Punk or even Jack Swagger who now has the MITB case tell me why did they even give him the case without pushing him to the upper midcard spot?, they spent nearly a year burying the guy and suddenly moved him up to the upper midcard by winning the MITB ladder match?.

I totally agree with you, Shelton had some great mid card matches last year, But he always ends up in the same place that he was before. I never said that he doesn't deserve I push, I just said that there's a lot of young talent now and the young talent is now getting that push.

There is no logic in WWE's booking, no logical in regards to who and why certain individuals should be pushed, but with the fact that the WWE needs more upper midcard talent and more approachable stars they will be looking more at shelton to deliver i guarantee it.

I really hope they do. Shelton will be the guy that might save the mid card level right now If they decide to give him a push.

as i said in my curious case of shelton benjamin thread i believe he will get his chance sooner then later, it may not be with the MITB case but he will get a strong push like another guy who was considered a bland spot monkey with no mic skills whatsoever, doesnt sound familiar?, well he is former WWE and World champion, TNA'S own Jeff Hardy!.

if the WWE has faith in Hardy, shelton will get his shot believe me.

I agree with you, Jeff had the same problem no mic skill but good in ring worker.
Deexter in my post I never said that shelton wasn't a good worker in the WWE. I said that IMO Shelton Is a great in-ring wrestler, I never stated the he wasn't. what I did said was that he doesn't have any mic skills, And in order to be charismatic you need some mic skills.

Being a good worker doesnt necessarily mean you have to be great in the ring, in terms of a worker you need to know how to work the crowd, being a former wrestler myself and someone who managed to work an english crowd into a frenzy i know what it takes but also know that shelton has something that most young wrestlers dont, he can tell a story, if you look at his ring work and the way he moves around that ring you can tell that benjamin has the tools and physical ability to move to the upper midcard, he just hasnt because there is no belief in him in terms of character.

I honestly think that Shelton is not a spot monkey. Shot Shelton was one of the wrestlers that keep me wanting to watch ECW. Shelton had was having an awesome feud with Zack but all of the sudden the yjust dropped the storyline.

Shelton was given a new leace of life on ECW, but i also agree with EKO on the matter that he shouldnt have continued to keep switching brands in order to find a place on the card, look at Miz he has good mic skills and an ok repertoire, but if you look down to the nitty gritty of his character youd seen that Miz has been pushed to the moon in his current incarnation, with a little push anyone can move up the card and that includes shelton, He has the ability but needs more main event feuds to put him over, it did wonder for Kofi but again was someone who was underused when it came to pulling the trigger on the push, he was demolished before his initial win over kozlov which has braught Kofi down, the same has been done with Shelton.

I said that he is amazing in certain matches, matches like TLC, MITB. I never said that he wasn't amazing on single match just because I didn't mention that.

Shelton puts on a great showing weather it is a squash match, a technical clinic or even a spot match like the MITB or TLC matches, he practically stole the show with Christian for the ECW championship.

I totally agree with you, Shelton had some great mid card matches last year, But he always ends up in the same place that he was before. I never said that he doesn't deserve I push, I just said that there's a lot of young talent now and the young talent is now getting that push.

But whose fault is that Sheltons or the writing team for throwing him into sqaush matches after pushing him to the moon?:shrug:

I really hope they do. Shelton will be the guy that might save the mid card level right now If they decide to give him a push.

He needs to be more upper midcard, there is a wealth of young stars ready for the challenge, just look at the guys on NXT they are practically being built for the midcard.

I agree with you, Jeff had the same problem no mic skill but good in ring worker.

But they kept pushing him, he never even cut a great promo, he was bland as marmit but he managed to make his push mean something, fans respected his work which translated into chants which made the WWE take notice.:)
I'm not a Shelton mark or whatsoever but I think this Shelton hate comes from the same reason IWC love Shelton and hate Cena. Even though I've always thought that it's really hard for Benjamin to become main event player but some of you people really have prejudi over Benjamin. No one is saying that he has great promo skills or he has tons of charisma. What some of you can't understand is in wrestling sometimes charisma and mic skills are not important to get over. Everyone is criticising Shelton Benjamin for being a spot monkey but by doing all those crazy spots he have a chance to get over. You want some examples: Jeff Hardy,John Morrison,Mick Foley etc.

All of those wrestlers that I listed above got over with their crazy spots. Yes Mick Foley can be one of the best promo cutters in this business but when you think about Mick Foley's career which is more memorable, falling down from the roof of the cage or his promo with Edge two years ago. So yes he can be over with his spots and in today's wrestling it's a common thing to try to get over. I'm not saying Shelton Benjamin can be a main eventer by being a spot monkey but it's just not right to criticise Benjamin for not making people care about him then criticising him for being a spot monkey.

Even though I'm not a fan of Benjamin I think sometimes people judge Benjamin unfairly. Yes he does not have any charisma or character but at least he's trying with passion. People like Jeff Hardy who had shitty mic skills could do it with a good push why not Benjamin. It's really hard for him to be a main event player but like one of the posters in this forum said you can't blame only Benjamin for failed push attempts when was the last time Benjamin got a push as much as Hardy or RVD.

Problem with that is you don't find many guys that can get over without mic skills or charisma. Chris Benoit didn't have great mic skills and got over but do you really believe Benjamin is anywhere near the level of a Benoit? He doesn't have the build of a Lesnar or Batista that he doesn't have to say much and just let his wrestling do the talking. Benjamin is a decent wrestler but he just can't get the crowd to care to save his life. He's been in the WWE for damn near eight years and hasn't made a dent in it. Of course people would say that it took Hardy a long time to reach the top so maybe Benjamin could. The difference is that Hardy was damn over from the beginning. Shelton wasn't.
Problem with that is you don't find many guys that can get over without mic skills or charisma. Chris Benoit didn't have great mic skills and got over but do you really believe Benjamin is anywhere near the level of a Benoit? He doesn't have the build of a Lesnar or Batista that he doesn't have to say much and just let his wrestling do the talking. Benjamin is a decent wrestler but he just can't get the crowd to care to save his life. He's been in the WWE for damn near eight years and hasn't made a dent in it. Of course people would say that it took Hardy a long time to reach the top so maybe Benjamin could. The difference is that Hardy was damn over from the beginning. Shelton wasn't.
I'm not saying I'm %100 sure that he'll be a main eventer in the future but some of you talk like without promo and charisma people can't be a main eventer but they can. You gave a great example about Jeff Hardy but you're missing something. Shelton has never gotten a push like Jeff Hardy in his life. The closest time was in 2004 and remember what happened after that. They gave him a stupid gimmick and killed all of his momentum. You can't be over by beating people like Vance Archer on ECW. But when we look at Jeff Hardy it doesn't matter how many times he suspended WWE believed in him and continued pushing him. But they never had this passion for Benjamin. I'm not even a Benjamin mark but all this Benjamin hate that comes from some people is really unfair. As long as WWE don't believe in there is no way that he can get over. It's the biggest different between both guys WWE's support.

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