*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] "Shelton Benjamin need a push" thread


Dark Match Jobber
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First thread :lol: But ok hear me out

Did you hear the pop that Shelton Benjamin got this week on SD when he faced and beat Cm Punk to earn a spot in this years MITB? Well i heard it and it had to have been one of the biggest pops ive heard shelton get.
Now my question is could this be Shelton's year? not just to win MITB but to also win his first world title?

I know alot of you are gonna say he lacks "Charisma" but so what! Does Batista have "Charisma"? NO and hes the wwe champ and main eventing mania! But this thread isn't to bash Batista... I am simply trying to say that many superstars have main evented without having what alot of you call "Charisma"

Benjamin is ok on the mic, definitely improving. His in ring skills are tremendous! He is on of the best athletes in the company if not THE best and the announcers say it everytime they see this man in the ring.
So what if this is Benjamin's year? Could people get behind him? Actually see him as a threat to guys like HHH (whom Shelton has beat twice) Cena, Orton, Batista, Taker?

I think the answer is yes! I think if this man was finally pushed just for his in ring talents alone, and given a world title i think he could become a huge face in the business and a huge part of the future because he is still alot younger then most of the Es top guys.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Shelton good enough? Is he ready? Could the crowd get behind him? Could he be a successful world champion?
I really, really hope so. I'm an utter, blind, 12-year old mark for Shelton, and have been since he beat Trips. I even followed him during that abysmal Shelton's Momma feud with Flair. That being said, Shelton HAS improved on the mic, albeit slightly. I think it's enough for another US/IC title feud, but give him a GOOD one this time. Make him look strong and not drop the title to MVP. Let him win some high-caliber matches against guys like Morrison, cleanly.

Shelton as a main eventer, though? Not likely to happen soon. Shelton got a pop against Punk because Punk is a MONSTER, MONSTER heel right now. Like, throw cups at monster heel. If he got that pop wrestling against Ziggler, that'd be something. But people would cheer for Jericho beating Punk at this point.
I don't think so. I think Shelton is just to bland to be a main event player at the moment. For me to really consider Shelton a possible threat to the World Title, he has to do several things. First, he needs to develop a character. All he is right now is a guy who jumps really high and beats up the bad guys. Next, he needs a new finisher. The Pay Dirt just doesn't cut it for me. Most of the time, it is botched on the finish. He can hit it out of no where but it just looks like he is jumping and pulls his opponents off balance and they fall. Lastly, he needs more mic skills. Someone stated that Batista doesn't have charisma but he has something that Shelton doesn't have...a character to draw from. If Shelton had a character to play from then that would improve him in my eyes by leaps and bounds. I seem to recall when Shelton was feuding with Sheamus his major insult was something along the lines of "If you are gonna step up to me then you better pack a lunch because you are going to limp back." That is just terrible mic work as it doesn't even make sense.
Honestly, I doubt it. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't mind it. Shelton showed me something last year when he was chasing the ECW Championship, and that was if he started to put a little emotion and care into his work, he could be great. He showed a ton of personality during his face turn, which I had never seen before. He was interesting both in-ring and on-mic, and the match with Christian at TLC was a ton of fun.

I believe Christian is going to win MITB, but if Shelton wins...let's just say I won't be upset. As long as he continues to show some passion and be as good as he was when he was chasing the ECW Championship, I think that finally this could be His Year.
I think Shelton has given himself half a chance of getting a push on Smackdown this year. World champion? No, I don't think thats ever going to happen, but he could get himself into a title challenger role at sometime this year and I personally would welcome that. I think his work in the last five months or so has shown he is starting to take his work more seriously.

His mic work inparticular has significantly improved and some people care about him again. This is partly because he suits the man on a mission role quite well. When he was chasing the ECW, I took notice of him for the first time since 2005. Also, the face turn was needed as he is simply more entertaining as a face, both in terms of his character and in ring style. As long as he is pulling of athletic spots in the ring, he'll get a positive crowd reaction, like in 2005.

So, this year could be his best in quite some time, but will 2010 be the year of Benjamin? No, because he just doesn't have that special something to go right to the top. He is a fine ring worker and he is improving on the mic but he just doesn't come off as a credible top draw in the company.
Let's face it for the most part is safe to say that most of us feel sorry for him because he can't seem to get his mic work together. In all reality that's all he's lacking, he's got the looks, the moves and you can tell that he's trying to improve it doesn't come across as lack of effort. I think he would benefit tremendously from having a manager/valet by his side and reduce his mic time.
Barring some major changes, no.

Benjamin is just not someone that I can take seriously. He's jobbed for so long that he needs a change of pace. First thing, dye his hair black. The gold thing is just damn stupid looking. Second, get him back to what he was before. Let him just go otu there and be awesome. That's all you have to do. Shelton was at his best when he was inconspicuous and stealing the show. Get him doing that again. Finally, get him in main event matches if they insist on pushing him. You can't get over fighting Ryder and Archer.

The thing is though, none of it matters as that's WAY too much. Shelton will never be a legit main event guy and that's all there is to it. In other words, no this is not the year of Benjamin for all those reasons I listed.
Imo, No I do not think this is the year about the Benjamin nor do I think it will ever be. I give Shelton a lot of credit though. He's a heck of a performer and I definitely enjoy watching him in the M.I.T.B. ladder match every year at WM. Unfortunately his mic skills are just not up to par and he doesn't have an ounce of charisma in him. And honestly I dont see it ever changing. Atleast not for a while if anything. He seriously needs to be atleast decent on the mic, continue to have great matches, and possibly change up his gimmick. Then, maybe then....we can possibly have a year about the Benjamin!
If this were to happen it would probably be my biggest mark out in modern history. Shelton has long been my favorite superstar since his Team Angle days. The guy is an absolute don in the ring and is fun and exciting to watch. With that being said Shelton will probably never hit the main event scene. But he will be a prominent name in the midcard scene again. Shelton since December has actually shown emotion and looks like he is finally trying to make something of himself. I just hadn't seen that from him in a long time. I'm hoping he is finally putting it all together and trying to make something of his rather inconsistent career. I for one see another IC title run or two in Shelton's future if he keeps up with his recent work ethic.
No, people always pop when someone beats CM Punk because they hate him. He is only going to the MITB to add some athleticism to the match and make it look more spectacular. He beat Triple H twice in an attempt to make him look good and elevate his level, but as with many other wrestlers FAIL. His look is not exactly that of a main eventer IMO. Gold hair, really? come on. He is good in the ring, I won't deny that but so is Swagger and many others that the IWC loves. Does that mean he is main event level? NO.

Yo say Batista has no charisma, well he does not need it. He is an animal, he is big a power house. Are you saying that just because Goldberg had no charisma he wasn't main event level. Plus he also has the looks, he is ripped, has a nearly bald head which is becoming to popular in WWE.

So no he won't. His mic skills suck and people are not buying into him.
I think the benjamin boat has sailed, he was given a good ol' WWE try (which means they slapped a stupid gimmick on him and expected him to get it over) and he flopped. It is painful to see someone so talented having missed the train so to speak but I feel that time is done.

If they work to rebuild him they could have a midcard star on their hands, someone who is a constant in the IC and US title pictures but I don't think there is much hope other than that.

Just My Opinion
On the past few Smackdowns and on ECW, Shelton picked up some decent wins. He faced Christian in a ladder match for the ECW Title. He won his feud with Vance Archer(where is he now?). He beat CM Punk to qualify for MitB. He beat Ziggler in a regular match. Now what I'm getting at is Shelton is on a roll. But, we've seen this before for Shelton. Is this time finally going to be the time Shelton actually gets to the top, or is this just another false alarm?
No as much as I want him to he won't. He has no connection no feel with the crowd he put on a hell of a ladder match with christian at tlc but I believe the only reason he's in the match is for high spots. He's not good on the mic. If wwe really was going to push him they should done when he beat triple h 3 straight times at that time he was super over with the crowd. He's 35 now and he will only be a mid-carder for life.
Sadly I don't see it happening. Benjamin is a work horse a go to guy when you need a mid card blockbuster (which is why he is ALWAYS in Money IN The Bank but never wins it). He's great for the spots but honestly unless it's a PPV, I do/t know many people who acually watch his matches with intent. I sure as hell don;t.
Hey, SCHIZOPHRENIC, it's good to see you back.

I agree wtih you, I don't see a main event push coming for Shelton Benjamin anytime soon. An excellent upper-mid-carder at best.

Like Carlito, Benjamin just doesn't appear to have the passion for the business that is required to be carrying the main hardware of the company. Whether it's true or not, he comes across as unmotivated, uninspired, and lazy. He seems content in the midcard, which is fine, but if he feels that way, why should they reward him with a big time push?

Plus, he botches a lot of moves. While he pulls off many "Holy S**t" moments, he screws up a lot of moves as well and that's not an ideal feature in one of your main eventers.
In my opinion he wont. Once you are in midcard hell you will never leave it. Examples of this are Matt Hardy, Carlito, Masterpiece, Primo, etc.

Yes the guy is good and it looks like he is receiving some sort of push, but really the same thing was said about him late last year when he was in the run for the ECW Championship. Being in the MITB is not a way to give someone a push unless that person wins it. The only people I see that are in the MITB that seem like they are getting some sort of push are Christian and Dolph Ziggler. Yes I know Ziggler lost to Benjamin but at least he is getting some matches and it doesn't look like WWE is over pushing him.

Shelton missed his chance by not having good mic skills. Ability alone does not count and his finisher is shit.
Well glass ceiling means the guy (or gal) in question is being held back due to something like sexism or racism etc. even though they are qualified and should be advanced, here I don't see that being the case. He's "held back" because he just isn't good enough. Flat out he can execute moves exceptionally well in the ring but it doesn't make you a good pro-wrestler. There is so much too it than technical ability. IMO, no one is holding him back but himself. If and when he works on his weaknesses then he'll advance past where he is now.
Benjamin's character has always been rather plain and recently he's been looking a bit sloppy in the ring. His bridging German suplex looks like ass anymore. He doesn't even do a back bridge but rather just lies there. His T-Bone suplex finisher was much better than Pay Dirt as well. I think he's earned himself a reputation as a spot monkey will to do stuff off ladders and that's about it. I wanna like that because I still that deep down he's a good wrestler, but he needs to show me more.
I think that he will be able to mainevent in the WWE one day, soon. It's just all about how the writing staff uses him, and how much effort they put into pushing Shelton. Yes, he is a great wrestler, but for him to someday be a top card player, he will need to improve on his microphone skills, first.
As many I believe Shelton is great but won't go much higher than where he is right now, mostly due to lack of charisma and mic skills.

Just to get to upper-midcard he needs something new to his character, let alone to be in the main-event scene.

I was thinking about this earlier and remembered that some announcers have often mentioned that he seems to have a counter for everything. Perhaps that would be an interesting way to put him slightly over...The Master Of Counters or something. Just the fact that he could counter any move could really make him shine, specially in the ocasional match with main-event stars that he gets.

By the way, now that he is back on Smackdown I hope he will get to be in the ring with Taker at some point :p
Every year I think the winner is going to be really obvious, and then the person who I thought least likely to win ends up winning, so I'm not going to say no, because anything is possible in sports entertainment. Honestly I see Christian winning because he seems to be the only guy WWE would want to push.

This is Shelton Benjamin's fifth MITB match, more than any other superstar. He's an attraction in the match because he's an intense high-flyer in the ring, but I have never called him to win it. I don't see him winning, and if he manages to somehow, I really don't see him cashing it in successfully. I don't know what he's like in the back these days, but I know he's been charged with a lot of laziness in the past. If this is still true, he probably won't ever be world champion.

The love the guy. I still think he's the best pure athlete in the business, but he just doesn't try hard enough to convince anybody that he should be world champion. Sure, we WANT him to get the push, but does he really deserve it? There's no rule that says after you've been in the company for 10 years, you must get a world title shot. Look at Matt Hardy.

No I dont' see this being the Year of Benjamin, primarily because he's never been pushed that hard. Why would they start now when all the other upper-mid card guys are starting to get pushed? And secondly because he's always in MITB.
i cant believe so many people think that shelton has a chance to make it big.

no one cares about him or has ever cared about him. i have never seen him get decent cheers or heat. the only time he got good heat was when his mom was there (that should tell you something right there.)

its great you guys like him, but you should let it go. shelton never has a chance to get bigger and i honestly think if he ever got another title again, it would be a shock. he is good for being a spot monkey, thats it. he has no charisma at all, none. he has such a bland look and horrible mic skills.

i honestly think hornswoggle will be world champion before shelton. thats no joke. i think shelton is at the very bottom of the list for people that are going to get higher pushes since he has the least amount of charisma in the wwe.
Shelton is so athletic, his character should just be a cocky, yet face guy who puts all the trash talking heels in place. Then, he needs to change his finisher. Go back to the T-Bone suplex or a super kick or something. Pay Dirt just looks weak as hell IMO. Aside from that, yeah this could be a very good year for Shelton at long last.

He got a HUGE pop after beating CM Punk last Friday and is in the Money In The Bank. Now I see Christian winning that, but Shelton will look strong in the match this year and not just because he has super spots in the match, but it'll be because he put on a hell of a fight or something in the match. We'll see after Wrestle Mania just how much of a push Shelton Benjamin will get.
I hope Benjamin gets a decent push this year. He's got so much of an upside. I really wish he'd learn to cut promos. Thats the only thing holding him back.

Chris Jericho is living proof that with the right training and hard work you can go from being a dud to a stud on the mic.

I really thing Shelton should get a full time manager to speak for him, but thats just my opinion.

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