**MERGED** [OFFICIAL] John Cena has been FIRED Discussion

I could see him ending up on Smackdown and here is why. The Raw GM said that he is fired from the WWE. But last time I checked, the Raw GM has no control over Smackdown. I could see Barrett firing Cena in the ring and then Teddy Long's music hits and he walks out with a contract in hand and says, "The Raw GM has no control over what I do or who I hire so John, I have a contract here with your name on it." Cena smiles and walks over to sign it only to hear the GM sound. Cole reads "Wait John, don't be to hasty, stay on Raw." Cena signs the Smackdown contract.

Let me know what you all think.


Did you not read this?

To anyone that's saying Cena may be headed to Smackdown, you have obviously not listened to what they have been saying on Raw. The stip said that if Barret won, Cena was out of nexus. If Barrett lost, BARRETT would fire Cena, which is a power that the Raw GM even admitted. They also specifically said this doesn't mean he'll be back in a few months, this doesn't mean he's going to Superstars, and this doesn't mean he'll be on Smackdown. THIS MEANS HE'S OUT OF THE COMPANY.

This summed it all up.

Why would the WWE leave such an obvious loophole in their plans?

Come on... I know we're not all rocket scientists but can we please stop acting like we have every solution?!?

Cena is not going to Smackdown. He is not going to find a back door in Barrett's plans. He's not going to be a commentator, a trainer, or mop the floors. This stipulation called for him to be FIRED FROM THE WWE.

Now let's please stop smarking up this thread.

Did you not read this?

This summed it all up.

Why would the WWE leave such an obvious loophole in their plans?

Come on... I know we're not all rocket scientists but can we please stop acting like we have every solution?!?

Cena is not going to Smackdown. He is not going to find a back door in Barrett's plans. He's not going to be a commentator, a trainer, or mop the floors. This stipulation called for him to be FIRED FROM THE WWE.

Now let's please stop smarking up this thread.

I understand what you are saying, but like I said, the Raw GM does not control what goes on on Smackdown. I am not saying this is what is going to happen, just saying I could see it as the way they deal with it. Any other thoughts?
I believe the best way for the WWE to handle this is to take Cena off T.V. for a while, has stated by many with maybe a return around the rumble time. Possibly to throw in a different swerve instead of Cena returning as a surprise entrant at the rumble, which has been done 1,000 times over, have him return as a mystery entrant in the Raw Elimination Chamber match.

Tonights Raw should have a farewell of sorts with Cena coming out to say goodbye. Of course Barrett and Nexus will come down to mock him and all. As he's leaving Cena she turn to Barrett and say to him, "Well you got rid of me but I hope your ready, to play The Game!!!" with that Trips music hits and he comes down and destroys Nexus with Cena.

This will in turn give the Nexus storyline a reason to carry on seeing as they will need someone to feud with as i believe that Orton and Miz are about to start a program with each other and without Cena around it would leave Nexus high and dry so to speak.

Of course the WWE could just have the Raw GM rehire Cena or state that due to Cena shoving Wade into the RKO there would be a rematch on Raw with Cena as the ref again same stipulation and all with Barrett winning and Cena turning heel.....

Many possibilities nonetheless. Makes WWE interesting for the first time in a long time..
First of all im glad cena has been fired is throws a wrench in to everybody plans. But i think that micheal cole has sumthing to do with this. Cena will be fired come back after elimination chamber when The Miz is WWE Champion.
At elimination Chamber wade barrett will win the wwe title
The Miz will have a face turn and take the title off of barrett the same night.
The next night micheal cole (gm) will announce that he has a surprise for barrett (Cena)
And The Miz and Cena Will form A Stable and take out Nexus Ultimately leading to a wrestlemania match
Cena could always show up as a "fan" and cost Barrett matches down the road, setting up a match at Wrestlemania when Barrett gets sick of Cena interfering as a fan...

We've seen this angle before, so I wouldn't be surprised to see WWE recycling it.
This thread shows that there are still people reading about this angle instead of watching it.

I know a lot of people were expecting something 'big,' but come on. People are still questioning the 'higher purpose' of Nexus. Well, the leader Wade Barrett just FIRED John Cena. Some joker who didn't existence in pro wrestling this time last year just FIRED the top guy in the company. If that aint a big angle, then I don't know what to tell ya.

I wanted Wade to win, but look backing, it was the right move. Same with having Wade get his ass kicked. I thought it was a really strong ending for the PPV.
To D-Man: Reading your posts...obviously you seem to have all the answers. I'm sorry, you are wrong. John Cena (or some other on air personality) will find a "loophole" or "backdoor" with Barrett's stipulation...If they didn't...then John Cena would be truly and permanantly gone from the WWE. And we ALL know that Cena is not REALLY gone. Whether or not he takes time off doesn't really matter...what matters is the fact that there WILL be some way around the "stipulation" that will keep John Cena in the WWE.
To D-Man: Reading your posts...obviously you seem to have all the answers. I'm sorry, you are wrong. John Cena (or some other on air personality) will find a "loophole" or "backdoor" with Barrett's stipulation...If they didn't...then John Cena would be truly and permanantly gone from the WWE. And we ALL know that Cena is not REALLY gone. Whether or not he takes time off doesn't really matter...what matters is the fact that there WILL be some way around the "stipulation" that will keep John Cena in the WWE.

Well, I guess I'll just stop making speculations then. Hell, your 6 posts should be enough to prove better than my track record. :rolleyes:

What I'm saying is that Cena will be off television for a while. He'll be brought back eventually but nothing is going to throw a wrench in this stipulation. They worked too hard to block off all detours on this angle.

Expect Cena to be out for a little while and then make a return via the anonamous GM.
Two words:

Mr. America.

For those of you who don't remember, back in 2003, Hulk Hogan was more or less in a similar "fired" state, where he couldn't appear on television. So he debuted as "Mr. America" (Youtube it. It's a classic.) It was blatantly obvious to everyone that it was really Hogan under the mask. He had the same song, similar clothing and everything. But Vince and the other heels couldn't actually prove that it was Hogan under the mask, so they couldn't stop him from showing up.

Sometime soon, perhaps even tonight, Cena could start wearing a mask and calling himself "The Unknown Soldier". And it wouldn't be a secret; all the fans would know it was really Cena, even the youngest and most gullible of fans. But there would be no proof. Barrett would be furious but wouldn't be able to stop him. He could slowly start taking out Nexus members one by one. This is how the good guys can take back the momentum that Nexus has had over the last few months.
I wouldn't be shocked in things go down in a similar way as they did after Judgement day 98 when the stipulation was if Austin(special guest ref) didn't count to 3 and raise the hand of the winner between taker and kane, he would be fired. They played up him getting fired. If i remember correctly, he saluted the fans with a beer, kinda how Cena said his good byes to the fans last night. Austin was back on raw right away.
i was actually looking forward to barrett being champion, but i suppose it is too soon for him (barrett;morrison feud coming up?) anyway, its just more apart of a storyline, you know cena wouldnt leave unless something happened or he has to be somewhere for a while. i think this will involve the GM revealing him/herself to bring cena back.
The number of times somebody posts on here has absolutely nothing to do with their knowledge of wrestling, all it means to me is that I know how to pick the subject that I'd like to comment on....and other times (most of the time) I enjoy just reading others opinions and don't always need to put in my two cents.....What I was saying is that in order for Cena to be back in WWE (whether it's tonight or 2 months from now)...a wrench WILL have to be thrown into the mix just because the stipulation was FREE OR FIRED.
I do like GideonGodsend's theory with Cena being fired somehow causing the GM to reveal him/herself.
Hi long time reader first time poster.

Wasn't there talk of Vince wanting to make smackdown the number one brand?

If that is his intentions then Cena as the face of wwe would logicically have to be on smackdown and although Cena has been fired it was by the anonymous RAW GM which in WWE world i doubt teddy long has to answer to.

I think this whole thing was just a way to help make smackdown the number one show as Vince has been planning.
Am I the only one who thinks WWE botched this whole thing by not turning John Cena heel last night? You had the perfect setup for it. Everyone felt sorry for him, was trying to console him, trying to help him, the fans were all over it. It was perfect. You talk about the shock of how it ended last night, how shocking would a heel turn have been? As shocking as the Hogan heel turn to N.W.O, you say? Exactly. It's about the only angle that can't be done ad nauseum like most of the other angles in WWE have been simply because stars as big as Hogan, Austin, Cena don't come around very often. This would have been monumental.

It's time to turn Cena heel. He gets half of arenas everywhere booing him anyway because his character has been the same for half a decade and people are tiring of it. Hogan was the same way in WCW and look what the heel turn did for him. It's been almost 15 years since Hogan turned and for cryin out loud he still puts asses in arena seats all over the country. You think he would have that kind of drawing power if he'd have donned the red and yellow his ENTIRE career? Pro wrestling is a soap opera for men ages 18-34 and the majority of us love the bad guy.

The big reason Vinny Mac didn't want to turn him was because of merchandise sales and the lack of top faces in the company. WCW had only a couple top faces when NWO was implemented and that's what made the storyline so hot. Rogue group of baddies that no one could take down so everyone got hot for the next guy in line to try. Bill Goldberg was a badass but so vanilla that if he didn't have that faction to run up against he would barely have been half as popular as he turned out to be. The only way to do the NWO type angle is to turn the top guy, plain and simple. You don't have an invading force like the NWO without a name. Does anyone think the Nexus stable stands a chance at drawing 10's in the ratings like NWO did? Not even Vince thinks that. So you throw the top guy in with em and all of a sudden they are credible. As far as merchandise goes, does anyone remember the top selling merch in WCW in the late 90's? You guessed it, the NWO merch. Nexus shirts would be flying off the shelves if Cena wore one every night.

It's not too late to turn Cena heel if he aligns with Nexus soon but even the Rock and Stone Cold enjoyed success in the biz with their heel turns. Austin not as much but damn people loved to hate the Rock. Cena has that ability to pull an entire crowd against him too so it's about time to use it. As my grandpa used to say, don't let the bread get moldy before you use it to make a sandwich.
Holy FUCK, does this not go into people's heads???

Cena's not going to smackdown.
He's not.
He will not be going to smackdown.
Not a chance.
No friggin' way.
No way.
Not a chance.

There, D-Man, or whoever else wants to answer there posts, quote me.
Okay, let's try this AGAIN.

JOHN CENA CANNOT GO TO SMACKDOWN. HE CANNOT WORK FOR THE COMPANY. THE STIPULATION STATED THAT HE WAS FIRED. PERIOD.That's not to say that the WWE wouldn't toss what they've SAID ON LIVE TV aside (they have before), but think logically. They specified that Cena was down with the COMPANY if Barrett lost the match. The GM, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Cena, R. Truth, etc all brought this up... NO SMACKDOWN. It's not like one person said it and it was a mistake. Multiple on-air character said it ON AIR. If Cena does end up on Smackdown within the next couple months, then the storyline of him getting fired AND what has been said about the stipulation will have been for nothing.

Yes, the WWE has "discussed" making Smackdown the number 1 show. THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS!

The only reason Cena will go to Smackdown is to feud with 'Taker. If John ever, EVER goes to that show in the future, it will have to be a very complex story, such as Vince is letting him back into the company but he's not allowed on Raw, blah blah blah. I don't trust that the company will have a good enough comeback story for Cena. (Personally, I hope Cena becomes a heel whenever he comes back. It's time for a change-up. That's just my opinion though).

However, just because someone is released, "fired" or FIRED doesn't mean that they won't come back to the company.

Hulk Hogan
Steve Austin
Matt Hardy
(More recently) DANIEL BRYAN

I could put alot more names on this list, but for the sake of the length of this post, I won't.

Look, we're all getting a little to analytical here. Maybe some of our theories are right, maybe they're wrong. But please people, LOOK AT THE FACTS. Perhaps there shouldn't be theories for this one, because who knows what's really going to happen?
How about havin Cena do somethin like the Miz did awhile back, where he wore the mask. Although it may be predicting, it will give WWE a reason to put Cena back in the company easier. Although there is easier ways then this. I actually suggest WWE doing a Cm Punk/Jeff Hardy impersonation, where Wade Barret dresses up as Cena, or The Miz could do it as well. This will bring more heat from Cena fans, and would show how careless Barret's character is.

Has there been any messages on WWE.com? You know? The usual future endevored page, and where the wish John Cena all the best luck. I would be quite disappointed if not, as this would take away from the reality. I beleive they did this with Chris Jericho, right?
Also, a bigger picture just popped into my head. Follow me on this...

Michael Cole is the Raw GM and string puller for NEXUS with the Miz (not yet revealed) being the chosen leader by Cole. Miz, from his connection on NXT, was chosen by Cole to start NEXUS but remain hidden. Michael Cole (as the Raw GM) instructed Wade to initiate the whole Free or Fired stipulation. Cole's thought process was that Cena would for sure make Wade the champion because he would never willingly give up his career. Then Cole could make Wade lie down for Miz as he is such a Miz mark.

WWE has been working SUPER hard to turn the fans against Cole. And if it is true that Vince wants Smackdown to be the new flagship, putting my plan in place to have Cena jump ship to Smackdown because the Raw GM has no influence on Smackdown (no matter what he says).

With all due respect to D-Man and the couple of other new guys who are saying there's no way John Cena is going to Smackdown, I have to diagree with you. Because that is exactly what is going to happen. Not this week. Not next month. But they have to re-introduce him into the company in some manner as I think it's safe to say there's pretty much 100% agreement on the forums that Cena is not truly fired and that he's coming back somehow, somewhere, sometime. Whatever mechanism they use to make it happen will definitely be flawed and will not stand up to the nitpicking that the marks like ourselves in the IWC will subject it to. But bringing him back as a SD superstar at the Royal Rumble certainly makes as much sense as anything else I've read on here or can think of on my own.

Let's remember one thing. It's professional wrestling so it doesn't have to make sense. You don't think that bringing back the fired Miz as the Calgary Kid was a major loophole to bring the guy back to RAW one week after he lost a "leaves RAW forever" match one week prior? How about TNA bringing Tara back after she lost a match to Rayne resulting in her firing, having her return in association with Rayne? It doesn't have to make sense and in all likelihood it won't. Let's not be too analytical. He's coming back in some way, shape or form. Hell, maybe the anonymous GM will reinstate him tonight and that's that; that would certainly make a lot less sense than bringing him back to SD.

He wins the RR and gets a title shot at the WHC at WM27, possibly setting up the much-speculated Undertaker/Cena match in Atlanta.
This is my very first entry so go easy on me please.....a few weeks ago, i read something on here how VinnyMac wanted to make SD their #1 show..so, with Cena being "fired", do you think they would try to big their face to SD?
This is my very first entry so go easy on me please.....a few weeks ago, i read something on here how VinnyMac wanted to make SD their #1 show..so, with Cena being "fired", do you think they would try to big their face to SD?

Excellent point, I was thinking the exact same thing. How better to do it than to send the face of the company over there for a couple of months. Now I doubt SD will ever become their #1 show, this will always be RAW. But it could be a big boost for the ratings for SD. And as I said earlier, could set up a John Cena versus the Undertaker program to culminate at WM27.
Well as many people have pointed out Vince wants Smackdown to be the number 1 show. So what better way to do it then to get the face of the company over there. I don't think we'll see him for some time though, perhaps he returns with some sort of a mask at the royal rumble and wins it. Then faces taker at WM like everyone is saying. That would not be a bad idea.
i have always made it aparent that i am not a cena fan, ever since 2003 when he was getting pushed with his slim shady gimmick, i havent liked him. And I haven't enjoyed the nexus angle since summerslam. So I was happy when this whole conclomeret was over. And Cena leaving only leaves more space for other who are more talented.
I just don't hope wwe do the fan angle with cena, where he "buys" a ticket and sits in the front row, that angle has been done to death so many times over the years.

How I would have booked it where to have a guy in the new season of nxt being secertly trained by cena without nexus knowing about it and this guy where so good that nexus just would have him and then have that guy destroy nexus from inside the group by having them hiring his trainer as the leader of nexus which would be cena or something like that.

But don't do the fan angle where cena will be on every raw in the stands untill wade demands wwe to take cena back
The mask idea seems stupid and illogical to me for one main reason. Say that Cena dons a mask and wins the Royal Rumble and all that jazz. When he reveals himself, wouldn't he just get fired again for being there illegally? People are looking way too much into this. Cena will be off TV for a while hopefully and then either return somehow at the Royal Rumble or near Wrestlemania. Him going to Smackdown nullifies months of buildup.

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