**MERGED** John Cena- Taking time off?


Dark Match Jobber
Well as you probably heard tonight, John Cena is taking time off. Probably to make a movie as rumor has it.

I'm interested in Raw tomorrow night, that's for sure.

Sorry, Monday night Raw. Staring Brock Lesnar.
After Cenas victory over Lesnar tonight at Extreme Rules, Cena grabbed the mic and made mention of taking a vacation. What are your thoughts on this? Is this the last we have seen of Cena for the time being?
I'm really glad Cena decided to take time off. He has too many injuries, and if he didn't take off time now it would have been terrible for him later. Smart move by Cena.
I wont miss him and the ratings wont either.

Merchandise will still sell while he is away buts its a good time to for the 'E' to push someone else to the main event spectrum.
Who will fill the gap if Cena leaves ? The man totally deserves the break, but who will fill that hole? Lesnar could but can WWE rely on a Part Timer? i doubt it!

Cena should of saved the Promo for Monday imo. He could of announced it on Raw clutching his arm, limping, patches on his wounds etc. Unless his well deserved break begins after ER, we may not see Cena at Raw later today.
Alot of good could come from Cena's taking time off. Assuming he's gone for more than a month or 2, when he does come back, it could be like a fresh new start for him and for the fans watching.
Who will fill the gap if Cena leaves ? The man totally deserves the break, but who will fill that hole? Lesnar could but can WWE rely on a Part Timer? i doubt it!

Cena should of saved the Promo for Monday imo. He could of announced it on Raw clutching his arm, limping, patches on his wounds etc. Unless his well deserved break begins after ER, we may not see Cena at Raw later today.

I disagree. I think he'll still be at Raw tomorrow. I'm sure that he's been advertised and if he's a no-show they'll have a bunch of people clamoring for refunds. I think he gets written out tomorrow. Brock will do something crazy and put him out indefinitely. Gives Brock his revenge for losing.

Between Brock and Punk, they have enough star power to maintain the show for a while and give Cena the vacation he so badly deserves.
he will show up tomorrow and be put out of commission indefinitely by Brock Lesnar. I mean, whats the point in him just straight up taking some R & R if he beats Brock, then splits? then again maybe Brock and cena aren't going to have another match. Who knows, I know i can't wait for tomorrow nights raw.
Now we'll get to know how important Cena really is for WWE and if WWE can still hold up ratings with Cena gone for vacation. Punk's true test starts now, and it is an opportunity for him to really cement his place in the minds of WWE universe as the poster boy of WWE.
guys cena is not taking a vacation there r early reports that cena tore his tricep he didnt get on the mic just to say im taking a vacation he is injured u can here him tell the ref i cant move my left arm and he tells the ref my left arm is f*cked he also told lesner he had it in to deep and after he got out of it he says to lesner wtf man do u listen so no guys it will be breaking news soon that he tore his tricep and will be out awhile #brockthisisnottheufc

early reports are torn bicep or possibly torn rotator cuff i knoew he was injured u could see how swollen his arm got
I disagree. I think he'll still be at Raw tomorrow. I'm sure that he's been advertised and if he's a no-show they'll have a bunch of people clamoring for refunds. I think he gets written out tomorrow. Brock will do something crazy and put him out indefinitely. Gives Brock his revenge for losing.

Between Brock and Punk, they have enough star power to maintain the show for a while and give Cena the vacation he so badly deserves.

I mostly agree with this. He said that he'll probably be "fired" on-screen on Raw. Even without Punk, the amount of heat that Brock draws is enough to elevate more than one superstar to the top of the mountain as a face if everything is done well. I'm hoping that Brock does something to put Cena out, which will give him credibility back (not that I think he needs it, because Cena looked to have won on a fluke, which I think was a fair finish for both parties).

The WWE will be fine for a few months without Cena if Brock makes his presence felt.
Tbh, look's like Triple H is coming back to hog some of the limelight again, now that Raw is without a Top Babyface, here's come the game...

same old, same old...

"The most obvious injury was the laceration to his head, which caused a substantial amount of bleeding," said WWE locker room physician Dr. Chris Amann. "He also has suffered a shoulder injury. Initial testing in the training room leads me to believe there may be torn muscles, possibly a torn rotator cuff or a biceps muscle."

Unfortunately, there are no specifics available as to the extent of Cena’s condition, although he is still scheduled to appear on tomorrow's Raw SuperShow.

Looks like it's confirmed, Brock screwed Cena's shoulder tonight, I would estimate cena' to be out atleast 6 months, but heck I'm not a doctor, he could be back next week.

Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, they also said Beth's injury was legit and quoted the doctors too but they turned out to be a work as well. Never take the word for it see what happens. Could be legit injury or could just be that he is taking time off.
I suspect it's legit you could see where cena is telling the ref his arm is fucked and bitching at Lesnar he had the Kamora in to deep. I think Lesnar was having a hard time switching between styles and honestly just didn't gave a fuck he is cashing his check. Probably might see Cena tomorrow with a Dr. Andrews video package.
There are 2 things I find funny about all this:

1st thing is WWE came down on Brodus becuz he has endangering talent with his moves now lets watch how they turn a black eye on Lesnar lol. While this could all be apart of a huge work if Lesnar truly did tear Cena's arm the would be instantly fined if he were a regular but Brock mite just get a "not so tight next time" comment.

2nd thing is those who actually think WWE can afford to have Cena miss an extended amount of time out. Im sorry for those who hate the guy but there's no way WWE can go 2wks let alone 6months without the top dog of the company. Unless ur getting The Rock to work every week there's nobody else our there who gets more crowd reaction, sells more merch, or is a better face for the company than John. There's no way WWE can replace him. As much as the haters refuse to admit it Cena has moved in to the Class with The Rock, Taker, and other legends, while the parts around them change they will always be the constant.
Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, they also said Beth's injury was legit and quoted the doctors too but they turned out to be a work as well. Never take the word for it see what happens. Could be legit injury or could just be that he is taking time off.

Who said Beth's injury was a work? Consider the source. Remember, these are the same people that said Daniel Bryan's firing was legit, too. I don't know if her injury was legit or not, but it's ridiculous to assume it was a work just because a few websites said so.

Either way, John Cena's arm injury is clearly legit. It might turn out to be something minor, but it's definitely not a complete work.
I thought tonight's match was great. One of the stiffest matches I've seen in a long time

A few minutes in, directly after the second stoppage, Cena elbowed Brock so hard I coudln't believe he wasn't spitting out teeth. It was in a split screen so you had to pay attention, but it looked absolutely brutal.

Cena has been on the road a long time, and has been on top even longer. I think it would be good for him to take some months off to heal, and it will also force the WWE to push a new superstar.
Who said Beth's injury was a work? Consider the source. Remember, these are the same people that said Daniel Bryan's firing was legit, too. I don't know if her injury was legit or not, but it's ridiculous to assume it was a work just because a few websites said so.

Excellent points. Wrestling is a show where the owners, creative, bookers, writers and talent have a job in mind in order to bring a story to the audience. They occassionally will go as far as using what seems like underhanded or deceptive means like creating injuries in order to further the story.

Either way, John Cena's arm injury is clearly legit. It might turn out to be something minor, but it's definitely not a complete work.

You should talk to the guy who wrote the first paragraph. His skepticism shows that he's not going to just roll over and believe everything he sees on TV and on social media. He's not just going to assume something is "legit", especially during the Reality Era and when it comes to the dedication of biggest wrestling star in the world who happens to continously talk about:

- how hard he works
- how there is nothing else he wants to do
- how The Rock was some type of phony for making movies
- how much the fans mean to him

Maybe this is why the Cena/Lesnar feud happened so soon and fast. Maybe Cena had this time off planned a lot longer than you think but in order to not make Cena look like a hypocrit they conjured up an injury and made it look "legit". And while they were at it make Baby Huey look like a careless, dangerous monster who has no respect for the business the rest of us love or others guys in the ring who are just trying to entertain and earn a paycheck.

And yes my grammar does suck in this post.
If you take a look at the last ~30 seconds of footage from the PPV, when Cena is walking out, someone asks him something, but it's drowned out by Michael Cole. Cena can then be seen and heard saying "I can't move it", there's a brief pause and then he says something to the effect of "(mumble mumble) but it's not torn." My lip-reading skills are teh suckz0r, so I couldn't tell if or what he said before the last part, though.

Could just be temporary ligament damage or it could be a broken fucking arm for all we know.

The taking-time-off-speech was kind of out of left field for me, though. I had no idea what he was talking about. If he needs time off to heal, though, all the power to him. Respect the man, roll eyes at the character. <shrug>

Lesnar looked like a fuckin' beast though. Well played, WWE.
Tbh, look's like Triple H is coming back to hog some of the limelight again, now that Raw is without a Top Babyface, here's come the game...

same old, same old...

Looks like it's confirmed, Brock screwed Cena's shoulder tonight, I would estimate cena' to be out atleast 6 months, but heck I'm not a doctor, he could be back next week.


Cena had a torn rotator cuff back in late 2007, he was gone like 2 months as he rehabbed the hell out of it. Also have to remember, it there is some tearing, it depends how bad it is.
First off last night Lesnar appaeared to really be trying to beat up on Cena and he did a pretty good job of it. Those Elbows he hit Cena with looked pretty stiff I don't know if any of them really cut Cena or not. It was obvious that Lesnar bladed last night from the loaded fist with the chain from Cena. But that shoulder injury is there really is one didn't come from Brock if anything it came from Cena standing up while Brock had it in and slamming Brock down on the Steps. Last night it was obvious they got lesnar over as simply being able to dominate Cena. Lesnar was way more than Cena could and Cena's way way with a lucky shot with his fist wrapped in a chain the STFU on the steps and Cena gets the win but he certainly didn't come out of that match looking like anything but like he got beat up.
I don't think the injury occurred via the hands of Brock Lesnar last night. How would Cena know that he was going to miss time (he got on the microphone and announced it) post match if it wasn't a previous injury? No one knows how badly they are hurt in the heat of the moment and it could have easily just have been a minor separation that felt like it was torn. This time off has obviously been planned for a long time.

The WWE will be fine without him. HHH will come in and feud with Lesnar, which we have never seen. That will hold it over for either a Cena rematch or a Orton feud. Hell, they could even have Orton feud with Brock now and make HHH the long-term goal for SummerSlam or Survivor Series. That doesn't even take into account a program with CM Punk, but to me that seems less appealing than the others.

Anyone who thinks that Cena being out for an extended period of time is going to hurt the WWE greatly hasn't paid much attention to wrestling over the years. Wrestlers get hurt and are out for an extended period of time all the time. It's how the business works.
Hey everybody first post here. Long time lurker but I just wanted to chime in on the subject.

I honestly think that in the long run this will be good for the WWE. If you remember back to 99 when Stone Cold first went down, everyone was wondering how things would be with the #1 moneymaker out. But then in 2000, Rock was given full reigns as the #1 guy after being second banana for so long, and it absolutely catapulted him into superstardom, even outside of wrestling.

But from a WWE standpoint it gave them almost an entire year to build someone up to Austin levels of popularity which eventually made their rivalry in 2001 that much more legendary as it was like Star #1A vs. Star #1B. When they feuded in 1999 before Austin went down, it was clearly Star #1 vs. Star #2.

My point is that while Cena is out, it could be good for all parties involved. It gives WWE time to build another star up as their #1 guy which will help them survive, and when Cena finally DOES return, he will finally have an equal that he can feud with. Right now anyone who goes against Cena is seen as #2, but this can give him a chance to have that TRULY epic feud of 1A vs. 1B that we've never really gotten to see him in.

WWE needs to use this time wisely and actually build someone new up as their #1 guy, which means not mentioning every week how much they miss Cena. They have to make the fans believe that during John's absence, there really is a new top guy in town.
I think we may see a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to steal the spotlight in John's absence. They can even make a creative storyline out of it, where multiple midcarders (likely heels) are all lobbying to make a name for themselves and capitalize on the opportunity.

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