*Merged* Diva search/Diva matches


(please, go ahead and move this if you see the need, not sure where this thread belongs my beloved moderators)

Okay, so the Diva search, is it worth it??? i mean the last 2 winners have been so fail, its unreal.....=\ gah i hope they dont have one in 2009 like, honestly, it seems like a waste of time...just let the women start at fcw like the women, if they are good, pull them in....=\ the only good talent the diva search has ever gotten was candice....and im not sure if id call her the best...christy was pathetic too imo......=\ i hated her promos.....^_^ im just waiting for the next trish stratus/lita to come along (while were on the divas, can i ask everyones opinion on mickie?? =\ is it just me, or should she start wearing the skirts again, as well as, stop trying to be trish, no one can replace her, ever, so she needs to stop trying!!!) ^_^ that is all.
You're kind of all over the place, so I'm not really sure what all you are trying to say.

However, the diva search I think payed off enormously, time and again. For one, it was a very good ratings getter. The Diva Search generally pulled in some of the best ratings on the show. Part of it may have to do with the appeal of "reality tv" at the time, but the fact remains the same that it did good ratings. Additionally, if you look at a lot of women in the WWE right now, many of them got their start in the Diva search.

And even before that, women came in because they were good looking. I was watching an old Summerslam today, and saw Victoria come out as a "ho". I wasn't aware of that, but it definitely proves the point that you can be a pretty face and a good wrestler.

I noticed you mentioned Trish Stratus. Do you know how the WWE signed her? She was a former fitness model. She had zero amount of wrestling experience coming in, and now people beg for her to come back, and she was regarded as one of the better women wrestlers around (well, that is by everyone who isn't too stuck up on themselves because they watch bingo hall women wrestlers...but I digress).

What's the point? It doesn't matter where you find talent, as long as you find it. And the WWE has found plenty of talent from the Diva Search. I say it was/is worth it.
The one thing that's good about the Divas search is that they have more than one person that ends up "winning". Yeah, only one is declared the official winner, but it rarely occurs that the others don't find some place to fit.

This year, Eve won (...I haven't the foggiest how the hell that happened), but WWE eventually signed Taryn, Lena, and uh.....idk, probably someone else. Who cares? Lol.

Is it worth doing? Yeah. You never know who might end up coming up through the ranks.

Does it automatically create stars? No.

Still, the Diva's Search has more of a point to it than a lot of other things the WWE does.
While it can be fun, most of the time it can get old. And I think Lena Yada who got like 3rd or something last year, has gotten more actual exposure than the actual winner, Eve or whatever her name was. Having the weekly segments recapped on both Raw, ECW and SmackDown was a bit too much though...

The Diva Search "blessed" us with the presence of Ashley Massaro, so I can't say I'm too enamored of it. Just like with most other reality shows, while they can be the breakthrough for actual talented performers, nothing beats actually working hard to get a contract. The ones who simply win contracts don't have that experience and quite frankly, less wrestling training, hence, they tend to look very bad against female wrestlers who have actually worked hard to get their jobs.

I really don't care much either way if they bring it back this year...but it would be nice to get a winner who looks hot and can wrestle for once, instead of just someone who either looks hot and cannot wrestle, or are hot and do not wrestle at all, but instead get interview jobs or something.
Yeah what are you trying to say? The Diva's Search is a waste of time, maybe? Would most like it to be done away with, yes. But I dont really see the big deal. The Diva Search now is mostly all online exclusive anyways, so it doesn't bother he tv viewers much anyways. The diva search is pretty pointless but has made some "stars" Candice Michelle, Ashley, Maria, Leyla, Kristal, Michelle have all been used and or pushed. Maybe it wasn't wrestling but all got a shot and they all suceeded in whatever role they had. People have to realize the WWE doesn't care for actual wrestling "talent". As long as they have a good luck, personality, charisma, or something the WWE will hire them. They dont care if they can pull off a moonsault, power bomb, ect. as long as they have the right "look". Diva Search can stay mostly on the internet, where fans of it can watch it, but it wont affect regular viewers.
Of course it's worth it. The Diva Search as produced/highlighed about half of the WWE Divas roster. Some of them have worked to effect, others not so much. The ones that didn't work, they were released, but all of the Divas that are still there from the search show that it works, because they must be doing something right. Let's face it, while the division is still rubbish, it's much better than it was, cause the Divas are now being used properly, kind of. Kelly Kelly can now wrestle, A LOT better than she could before.

So, the Diva Search is worth it because it produces Divas, and they all end up learning how to wrestle. It will take a while, but eventually the division will own the Knockouts. They just need to up the training.
I'm interested to see what people think of all the diva matches on WWE at the moment , this isn't a thread about the divas title just on the matches, do you find them entertaining to you see them as a chance to go and make a sandwich without missing anything?

I preferred it when women were used as managers and occasionally had fueds with other female matches and that was pretty much it as far as i remember (with the odd exception such as chyna). and now they're is often 2 seperate diva matches on the same show, and the crowd seems dead for them!

I'm all for equal opportunities but the women in wwe are dull their hired because of looks not talent.

please tell me what you think, I may be wrong and everyone love the divas
Well, Divas matches in WWE can be very "unbalanced" to use a proper wording. For instance, the Candice vs. Jillian match on Monday Night Raw was basically a boring botchfest of a "match." Jillian seriously looked better than the #1 contender for the Women's Championship. That doesn't help anyone.

I usually have enough respect for the athletes in the ring and what they do to watch their entire matches, but that match is the closest I've gotten to skipping a match in a long time. Basically, in my opinion, doing such is an insult to the performers in question. But sometimes, there's just nothing else to do.

Right now, the WWE's female division is at a high point not seen in a long time. I'm not saying it's outstanding but it's fair to say that some divas matches can easily hold their own to the worst of male matches. Not that I'm saying that women are inherently worse wrestlers than men, but WWE have only 3-4 great female performers. And neither of them are #1 contenders for the two female championships right now...

I like hot women getting the chance to get time in the ring and sometimes they're impressive, I'm just not as enthusiastic about watching another performance like Monday's "match." At the level WWE women's wrestling is now, I personally say that it's grown to be much more entertaining in recent times. But then again, there are the obvious pitfalls...so just like the entire Raw programming right now, women's wrestling in WWE has always been "uneven" in quality, because you have the good lookin' gals who can't really wrestle that well (Kelly, Candice, Maryse) and the (at least in certain people's opinions) less attractive women (Victoria, Beth, Natalya) who can wrestle well. WWE's attitude towards women's wrestling has always been sort of defamatory to the performers and been more about looks than talent, but then again, what isn't these days?
I think the thing is that when trish had fueds with lita and mickie and others and the fans were booin and cheerin like they were the top male wrestlers is because they carried real and interesting fueds.. They had great promos and some good matches... Now if u look at when candice and beth started their fued no one really cared about beth cause no one knew her.. Now everyone knows who she is and u hear the crow when she is coming down to the ring.. Its all about building ur character towards the crowd first cause they may not giveu a chance if they have no idea who you are
There is no point in the Diva search. Who applies? Slags who have just had a boob job and want praise for them. If the WWE wants a new female wrestler there are plenty of indy feds, and female wrestlers who would love a shot at the big time.

I'd have no problem with the search is the criteria was different, but it isn't. The most talented never wins and it turns into a modelling contest - something i do NOT watch the WWE to see.
There is no point in the Diva search. Who applies? Slags who have just had a boob job and want praise for them. If the WWE wants a new female wrestler there are plenty of indy feds, and female wrestlers who would love a shot at the big time.

I'd have no problem with the search is the criteria was different, but it isn't. The most talented never wins and it turns into a modelling contest - something i do NOT watch the WWE to see.
Good point. Except that nobody cares about those indy wrestlers.

The Diva Search got better ratings by itself than the TNA Knockouts ever have. The Diva Search was a proven ratings draw. The Diva Search also is what gave us many of the current WWE divas. Ever heard of Trish Stratus? She was just a beautiful exercise model. And turned into a probable Hall of Fame wrestler.

The Diva Search is a chance to get women a chance in front of a large audience to see which one of them connect with the audience. The WWE can train women to do a bunch of moves and flop around the ring. That's easy. What they CAN'T do is teach women how to connect with the crowd. If someone can connect with the crowd, the hard part is done.

Being a wrestler isn't about moves or how long you've been in the business, it's about understand how to make the audience care about your character. And, the Diva Search is a great way to audition several girls to see which one is cared about most.
That's a great theory Sly. The problem is people DON'T care. The Diva searches test none of the things that make a great wrestler, however many differing opinions on what makes one. The diva search is about the look of the women, nothing more. I know the expectations of males and females are different, but not to a huge extent. Can you imagine a guy being champion with the same amount of talent as someone like McCool?
That's a great theory Sly. The problem is people DON'T care.
Obviously SOMEONE did, seeing how the Diva Search was a good ratings getter for the WWE.

The Diva searches test none of the things that make a great wrestler
It tests the most important thing of all. Who has enough showmanship to make the audience care about them, even when doing really stupid things?

I mean, those Diva contests play no part in deciding a winner, but the way they are performed is central to whether or not I vote for them. If someone just goes through it dull and boring, they're not getting my vote. But, if one plays to the audience, gets us excited and interested in what she's doing, she'll get my vote, even if she doesn't win the contest.

The diva search is about the look of the women, nothing more.
False. And I just said this.

It's not about the look of the women. It's about the entertainment value of the women. If it was simply about looks, then there is no way Christy Hemme wins. Because the other girl (Carmella?) was FAR more beautiful than Hemme ever was. But, Christy Hemme was MUCH more over with the crowd, which is why she won.

Can you imagine a guy being champion with the same amount of talent as someone like McCool?
Yes. We call him Shawn Michaels. ;)

Or, more seriously, we call him Matt Hardy.
I think in a lot of ways the Diva Search was pointless because most of the women who got eliminated still got a contract with the WWE. To me that is stupid, as the whole point of the Diva Search was to find one diva, not 4 or 5. It also doesn't help when you have people like Carmella audtion when she was only interested in the money and not winning a contract and the chance of a lifetime.

Onto the actual matches, and I think that most of the matches have botched moves and over the top grunting whenever a moves is executed. What saddens me is that I used to watch wrestlers like Chyna, Lita, Trish, Ivory, Jaqueline and Molly Holly who were all excellent female wrestlers and made the women's division look full of talent, whereas now it seems that only bimbos or gorgeous women seem to get pushed instead of decent wrestlers
Obviously SOMEONE did, seeing how the Diva Search was a good ratings getter for the WWE.

I can't be bothered finding the ratings. I'll just trust you on it.

It tests the most important thing of all. Who has enough showmanship to make the audience care about them, even when doing really stupid things?

I mean, those Diva contests play no part in deciding a winner, but the way they are performed is central to whether or not I vote for them. If someone just goes through it dull and boring, they're not getting my vote. But, if one plays to the audience, gets us excited and interested in what she's doing, she'll get my vote, even if she doesn't win the contest.

Yet none of the divas are really 'over' at all. To say so many people care about them, their matches get the least reaction.

False. And I just said this.

It's not about the look of the women. It's about the entertainment value of the women. If it was simply about looks, then there is no way Christy Hemme wins. Because the other girl (Carmella?) was FAR more beautiful than Hemme ever was. But, Christy Hemme was MUCH more over with the crowd, which is why she won.

Carmella was meh. And who cares about Christy Hemme really? No one.

Yes. We call him Shawn Michaels. ;)

Ouch. Slyfox 1.

Or, more seriously, we call him Matt Hardy.

Hardy has more talent than every single one of the divas involved in the Diva searches, and most of the others too.
Good point. Except that nobody cares about those indy wrestlers.

The Diva Search got better ratings by itself than the TNA Knockouts ever have. The Diva Search was a proven ratings draw. The Diva Search also is what gave us many of the current WWE divas. Ever heard of Trish Stratus? She was just a beautiful exercise model. And turned into a probable Hall of Fame wrestler.

The Diva Search is a chance to get women a chance in front of a large audience to see which one of them connect with the audience. The WWE can train women to do a bunch of moves and flop around the ring. That's easy. What they CAN'T do is teach women how to connect with the crowd. If someone can connect with the crowd, the hard part is done.

Being a wrestler isn't about moves or how long you've been in the business, it's about understand how to make the audience care about your character. And, the Diva Search is a great way to audition several girls to see which one is cared about most.

That's a bad analogy though Sly, and I doubt you'd say the same thing if TNA were the same size of company as the WWE. The fact that the Diva search draws higher ratings than the Knockouts suddenly becomes less impressive when you take into consideration how much larger a company the WWE is to TNA. I bet if you did the math, the ratings of the Divas search alone probably weren't that much higher (if any higher) than the TNA knockouts of an inferior company.

I agree on the concepts surrounding the Diva search, although I hate the way the WWE pushes the contest, as they often set it out to be more of a joke than a serious competition. And its hard to invest in something, a character, if don't take that person seriously because the contest isn't being made to look serious.
There is no point in the Diva search. Who applies? Slags who have just had a boob job and want praise for them. If the WWE wants a new female wrestler there are plenty of indy feds, and female wrestlers who would love a shot at the big time.

I used to have the same attitude about the DS, and I realize now that it was stupid of me to be so harsh towards the DS girls without even knowing them. It's very easy to call them ****s, but that's very judgmental. Many people find it hard to understand that what these girls are doing by applying is taking an opportunity that was presented to them, a good opportunity. Even if they didn't enter the DS for wrestling, if they just wanted publicity, it's still a smart choice, no matter how you look at it.

For all the complaints about the DS it really has turned out some great women, with a lot of potential. Layla, Michelle, Maryse, Lena, Eve (who I'm hearing such great things about from houseshows!), and of course Candice. In comparison there was something like Tough Enough, that did include females along with males, and focused on "wrestling criteria," yet none of the women really were very successful from that, except for Melina, but she never made it past the first week into the actual competition so that doesn't really count.

Flames Out
Maryse looks like she'll turn into something really special. She's still awful. But she's also still a novice. But she looks like she has the makings to become a great heel, and her matches with McCool haren't that bad. Certainly when you take into account that neither has a great deal of experience. At the rate she's improving she should be great in a year or so.

But the hair is awful, and the tan is ridiculous.

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