**MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!


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Ok, so they just finally debuted Brodus Clay...again...and seriously...what the hell was that? The Funkasaurus? What happened to the monster they were advertising? What happened to the beast? I won't lie, I think this is ridiculous, and I can not picture this being a gimmick that will last. What does everybody else think?
i was just gonna start a thread on this. seriously i agree wtf. lol. he looks like P.N. News part deux. nothing screams dominant monster whatsoever. im very disappointed. maybe itll work but i dont seem him bein taken too seriously unless they make him squash everyone.
I don't know what to think. I'm not going to be face to judge. I'm going to try and watch this and see what they do with it. Very strange but this did get my attention. It's not what anyone was expecting but i can guarantee that everyone is going to be talking about this that's for sure. I was expecting a goldberg type appearance where he would just be some big monster but we got the exact opposit.
I'm just waiting for Funkasaurus to be trending world wide.
i think this is amazing! i mean how many big guys just come out and do the whole monster gimmick thing, this is totally different from everyone at the moment and you can tell brodus clay is having fun with it. as long as brodus keeps up his enthusiasm for the gimmick i can really see it working.
i wanna be from planet funk.
Wasn't the same song the Earnest "The Cat" Miller came out to for a while? Best part of the match was some guy in the crowd yelling "Brodus you suck!" So much for his push...
I was just about to start a thread but agreed, WTF was that...I was expecting a beast to come out, although I wasnt too bothered it did make me think wtf were they thinking....VERY VERY poor gimmick, Im guessing it is for kids to like him because most people over the age of 12 wont be appealed to that. Even the crowd were like WTF hardly any reaction at all
Am I the only one who enjoyed it? I loved the way he was moving during the match. He isnt a monster now but I was actually entertained by it lol
So about 5 minutes ago, after months and months of buildup, we get the "Funkasaurus" Brodus Clay in a squash match with Hawkins...

What are your thoughts?? Who will he feud with (Besides either a buffet line or a dance instructor)

Will he be relevant?
i am gonna hold off on judging too much cuz it did look like he was havin fun and as long as he does and can make it work and people dig it thats all that matters. i stand by the pn news resemblance though lol.
Yeah fuck you guys. That was probably the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen. I know a lot of people are going to hate it, 90% of you have no sense of humor whatsoever, but I thought it was awesome. Instead of debuting ANOTHER monster heel type to just run through everybody and have absolutely nobody care, they went in a completely different direction. He has a chance to get over with this, that's for sure.
Exactly. Who the hell greenlighted this piece of shit. I dont care how much he wins, how dominant he is, this gimmick is absolutely terrible. Before anyone says that the Ringmaster and Rocky Mavia characters eventually evolved..they both sucked too.
I thought Mark Madden was going to get his which with disco inferno coming back, but when the announcer guy (I forgot his name) said 375 I was just thinking.... maybe he just gained ALOT of weight. But I mean I like gimmicks but lol I dont know what to say... uhh somebody better call his momma.? Yeah that's exactly what we need to do.
It just seems weird, since they promoted him as a monster, and then did a total change to a dancing face. It's very superficial gimmick change, and yet, the crowd actually seemed into it for a debuting character. And the only thing you can ask for about a guy with a ridiculous gimmick, is that the guy commits to it. And Brodus definitely seemed all in to the gimmick.
i actually didnt mind it, better than having him come out as some lame typical generic monster heel

he actually showed a tiny bit of charisma, who knows where lt leads, but i actually applaud WWE for atleast attempting a gimmick with someone for once. Been awhile

Was sort of a Dude Love, GodFather, GoldDust, monster rolled into one
To be honest, he looked like he was enjoying himself. I was liking the talking throughout. It definitely wasn't what I was expected, nor what I would have 100% liked, but I'm willing to give it time and see where it goes.
Awesome. I really enjoyed it. The WWE needs more "characters" with enthusiasm and charisma, and Brodus had both. That's what made them great to begin with.

I didn't give a sh!t about him before, but now I'm a Broadus Clay fan.
That was so left-field that even though I wasn't comfortable watching it, I did actually feel as if I was rewarded something for the wait. For weeks we all questioned how they'll be able to give us a payoff worth the forced anticipation of Brodus Clay. Turns out that it came in the form of an over-the-top retooling that oddly gave me memories of Too Cool.
I thought it was a blast! He obviously has a ton of charisma and he will get over with the crowd. All while still being a monster, he's just a fun, face monster. Remember Rikishi? This reminded me of him and Rikishi was the shit. The WWE is finally starting to let people show some character and I think its refreshing. Plus this was a pretty sweet twist, which is what ********s on here bitch about all the time.
It's almost like they kept pushing back his debut until they could come up with a gimmick... And this is the best they could come up with? Is he just gonna squash Superstars guys each week?

That being said, I did enjoy his theme song and the big booty hoes. Kinda reminded me of the Godfather and his ho train.
I thought it was great. Like Rikishi I don't think he will be world champ with that but he will make the show more fun. Trust me if he is booked right 3 months from now the fans will love this. He can be a big part of the show.
My emotions are quite mixed. On one hand, I'm pissed as hell I had to wait for Brodus Clay to debut. And when he does, he's a complete joke. The anticipation, the wait, wondering who he'll squash and contemplating what he'll do; everything built up to this moment then he debuts with a lackluster recycled gimmick. But on the other hand, it was quite fun. His in ring mannerisms were hilarious and made that segment worth the wait. It seemed a bit gimmicky for my liking but wrestlers like John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, and others have all began their successful careers with incredibly gimmicky characters; Brodus could easily fit that bill. Although I could care less about the character, I see bright things in Brodus' future.
I will be the one to make the Brodus Clay thread. When I saw that the "Funk Master" was going to be his gimmick I cringed. He is a huge monster. You wanna damage some one with so much potential as a big man (which are hard to come by) by making him a comedy jobber. I don't know, I feel disapointed.

So, what did you guys think?
WHen the announcer said "From Planet Funk" I was like WTF? Then he comes out and is announced as The Funkosaurus I smiled at the sheer absurdity. It was one of those cheesy gimmicks straight out of the early 90s late 80s that I grew up with. He still squashed Hawkins, he still looked like a monster.

After the initial shock it got better. It was one of those WTF?!?! were they thnking moments that I think can turn out decently. Brodus never had great charisma but when you let people do something fun and silly it really helps hide that
It's better than him returning as the boring, generic and uninteresting monster he was playing on Superstars. At least now he isn't boring and can be a comedy character that is actually funny (unlike Santino and Hornswoggle).
I will be the one to make the Brodus Clay thread. When I saw that the "Funk Master" was going to be his gimmick I cringed. He is a huge monster. You wanna damage some one with so much potential as a big man (which are hard to come by) by making him a comedy jobber. I don't know, I feel disapointed.

So, what did you guys think?

They just brought back Kane and they have Mark Henry on standby. Not to mention that Big Show is just a swerve away from a heel turn. So it makes a good amount of sense to do something different with Brodus Clay. The reveal was surprising and mildly entertaining. I can see the crowd getting behind him and even selling a lot of merchandise.

How can you say that he is a comedy jobber whenever he won a squash match and have not even seen his gimmick play out? Quit knee jerking and watch a few weeks before you start downing the idea.

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