**Merged** Any Miz & Morrison comparisons, correlation, speculations, or discussion

We've seen The Miz & John Morrison go up against one another in several matches of the course of a year or so with The Miz almost always coming out on top, whether it be in a tag team or singles bout. Their last match took place on NXT a few weeks back with The Miz getting the clean pinfall.

I don't look for these two to have a real, consolidated feud anytime in the near future. As you pointed out, The Miz's career is really taking off while John Morrison seems to be fading and descending into mid-card hell. Last Monday on Raw, John Morrison jobbed clean to Skip Sheffield so I don't particularly see being things happening for JoMo right now. The next feud for The Miz will almost certainly be against Daniel Bryan, the end result will probably be The Miz dropping the United States Championship to Bryan before moving more fully into the main event picture.

Right now, The Miz vs. JoMo isn't even on WWE's radar.
Hmmm....Listen, I think JoMo is incredibly talented in the ring, but right now, he just can't hold a candle to the Miz as an overall performer. I hate calling anybody the "Marty Janetty" of the their respective former teams, because I actually really like Janetty, but to me, that is what Morrison is in danger of becoming. We've seen some pretty good wrestlers fade into (as Mike Tyson would say) Bolivian, because they just can't hack it on the Mic. I fear this may be JoMo's future. He will never be anything but a midcarder, and while the Miz may not be quit as good as JoMo on the mat, or in the air, he is ahead by leaps and bounds on the stick. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a life long mid carder. Many have had quite the career being just that, but I can't see a Morisson v. Miz headlined Mania. Miz...Def JoMo.....not so much. I honestly hope he proves me wrong!!
The Miz vs. John Morrison will be the next Rock vs. Austin...the next John Cena vs. Randy Orton, in my opnion.

Ever since the Miz and JoMo split up, it looked like JoMo would be the Shawn Michaels compared to the Miz being Marty Jennetty. But now, the tables have turned. It looks as if the Miz has become the Shawn Michales and John Morrison has become the Marty Jennetty.

But I am positive a fued between the two will happen in the coming future. It would be nice to see it happen leading up to WM 27. But I think that is a little too soon. The Miz is still in the process of jumping to main event stream and John Morrison hasn't really done anything worth while as of late. And I certainly don't think the WWE will want to have the main event or in the very least a championship match between a freshy vs. a guy who hasn't done much.

Nevertheless, in my opinion, the fued will happen eventually. Hopefully, it happens for Wrestlemania 28 or 29 possibly 30. I can definately picture Miz and JoMo being in a championship fued in two or three years. By then, the Miz will have been established as a main eventer and hopefully John Morrison will at least be in the upper mid-card level.
It's clear Miz is currently the more successful of the two, but to compare Morrison to Jannetty is completely misunderstanding what Jannetty did with his career and using a Miz promo as a talking point. Outside of the Rockers, Jannetty was basically nothing. Sure he had a week long tag title reign and won the Intercontinental Title, but that run was simply built off feuding with Shawn Michaels, as part of the Rocker break up story. Morrison has already done more than Jannetty ever did.
The only thing Miz has done that Morrison hasn't is win MITB and that's it.

Random Person: But MITB guarantees that you win the world title and become one of the top guys in the company

Me: Swagger won MITB and look how his reign want. He got more heat when he didn't have the championship. Swagger is busy losing to MVP now.

All Miz can do great is talk on the mic. If he can have one singles match that I can remember that was good, then maybe I'll change my mind. He still needs a lot more work before he will be considered a great champion.

I'm tempted to say that Morrison will become a world champion before Miz but that's a heavy guarantee. What the hell. Morrison will.

I can see a Miz/Morrison feud culminating in a match at WM 28. Doesn't matter who is champion. Hopefully they will keep the breakup fresh in our minds so we won't forget. Morrison could be on the fast track to stardom while Miz went the Swagger route and Miz could get jealous because he feels he is the better of the two. Something like that or they could fight over a woman. Whatever floats their boat.
Hopefully it isn't any time soon. I think a feud with them a couple years down the road will be awesome. That way it wouldn't have been done already. If they wait till they are both established, and it hadn't already been done by then, it could be HUGE. Especially if it is for one of The World Championships.

I think people are a little hard on Morrison. Clearly he is a work in progress and just has had less success than Miz lately. Morrison is a multiple time tag champ, with more than one partner and also multiple time mid card champ... The IC Title, ECW Title...

I think soon he will be ready. I think Miz still has a little work to do. But I think he is further along, and closer to being ready than Morrison is.

I think a few year wait on this feud will make it more epic and mean much more. Though I can't say I would mind it in the next year. But I think a separate rise to the top and then a clash would be smart!
They already feuded when they split up, what show were you watching if you didn't see that?

As a team they were good
As singles
The current John Morrison character is hopeless as an entertainer, he has some flashy moves and has a look but that's it.

How times change when they were running together and then split it seemed JoMo was head and shoulders above or on the same level as The Miz at the very least

Miz is clearly the HBK of the group now and has everything going for him, running with the ball and taking it to the end zone, while JoMo just sits back and rests on his midcard status stuck in lame grouping with R-Truth who is just as bad.

I personally don't want to seem them having a huge feud like Austin/Rock, but they can still have a short ongoing one like Janetty/Michaels did and eventually kiss and make up.

a few PPV, just not at a WrestleMania or Royal Rumble
Do I think a feud could happen? Probably. Do I want a feud to happen? FUCK NO.

Anyone can say what they must of JoMo but they're clearly delusional, he has no talent. Now.. look.. I realize wrestling is "fake" but it's still for entertainment, yes? I'm not entertained by watching a guy flip around like a gymnist (ie Jack Evans lolwut) and CLEARLY see he doesn't even hit the guy (finisher wise). Starship pain is flashy, nothing more nothing less.

Miz vs. Morrison could be the next Austin vs. The Rock?!?! There must be a different John Morrison than I'm aware of because The John Morrison on Raw is a joke to me. I can't believe people would diss Cena and then support this guy. Morrison is slightly above Ted Diabiase in the overness rating with me. Which is why Morrison and Diabiase were feuding briefly. They're on the same mid-card level. Could Morrison be successful one day? Sure, I suppose. But his character doesn't even make sense to me. When I see him wearing his fur coat and doing all those cocky poses, I can't figure out why he's a face. Honestly, his character reminds me of a 1992/1993 Shawn Michaels. But again, as a face. And without the charisma of Shawn Michaels. He can even keep the same gimmick if he wants to, I just think Morrison is in desperate need of some character development.
The Miz vs Morrison feud will rekindle just give it time. Yes, The Miz is gettin a push now but the just stalling on JoMo. I see JoMo reuniting w/ Melina I hope in the near future 'cause when the were a pair it was perfect like Shawn and Sherri they feeded off each other perfectly. So WWE put them back 2gether on screen. I see The former Dirt Sheet duo headlining a WrestleMania in a few years as they are currently keepin Morrison in the Mid-Card as Shawn was for amost his whole career. When Orton gets injured again which he will then it'll be the Shaman's time. The Miz on the other hand his getting his time in the sun and not w/ the R-tarded Boogeyman. You can't technically call neither one the Jannetty as Morrison was in a Tag Team before he was w/ the Miz. Does everybody forget the team of Mercury and Nitro/Morrison 3x Tag Champs, If anybodies the Jannetty it's Joey Mercury not JoMo.
Hmmm....Listen, I think JoMo is incredibly talented in the ring, but right now, he just can't hold a candle to the Miz as an overall performer. I hate calling anybody the "Marty Janetty" of the their respective former teams, because I actually really like Janetty, but to me, that is what Morrison is in danger of becoming. We've seen some pretty good wrestlers fade into (as Mike Tyson would say) Bolivian, because they just can't hack it on the Mic. I fear this may be JoMo's future. He will never be anything but a midcarder

Your forgetting that Bret Hart has never been very good on mic, yet somehow he made into the main-event scene and is now regarded as one of the greatest of All-time. I agree that at this point it look's like Miz's career will Sky-rocket before Morrisons, but these guy's are still young and are in they're prime, Morrison can still have his shot one day.
In my opinion I have always like John Morrison better and thought he was the better half between The Miz and John Morrison. He has had some memorable matches in his career, and I forget who said it, but I can hardly remember any singles match that The Miz has been in that "WOW'd" me. Let's not forget either that the main reason The Miz is getting this push is because he has a work ethic like John Cena who dedicates his life to the WWE. If it was based off of ring performance it would definitely be John Morrison who can pull off just about ANY move and can put on a five star match on any night if he wanted. I don't care what anybody says John Morrison is the "Shawn Michaels" between the two. The Miz just got lucky...

And about a match between the two I could see it and it would be an interesting fued leading up to WrestleMania, but if it happens the World Title won't be on the line.
guys, YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE GOOD ON THE MIC TO GO FAR, just the person your feuding with does, look at evan bourne, i haven't even heard the guy talk before but he was in a feud with jericho, do you remember that feud, he didn't say a thing the entire time but he was still looking legit, wwe is obviously not high off jomo but all he needs is one HHH or cena to like him and hes in
Morrison can work, and he gets pops, but I don't think he draws that much money. I don't see much Morrison merchandise out there. Teaming him with R-Truth is terrible on so many fronts. With all due respect, Morrison is NOT on the upper card. Miz isn't yet either, but he will be soon.

I'm not gonna say that if Miz wins the title that he won't ever have a title match vs. Morrison at a PPV, but it won't be very meaningful if it does happen, nor do I think it will draw a ton of PPV buys, no more than the average (insert no-name PPV) PPV. Nowadays, the champions wrestle everybody at some point.

They don't even belong on the same show. Morrison should be back on Smackdown, and stay there. I wanna ask this: Does anybody buy Morrison as the WHC on Smackdown? Because if you don't, there is two problems:

1.) if Morrison can't draw enough money and crowd to support the "B" show, why the hell would you assume one day he could main eventing PPV's?

2.) Smackdown is made for guys like Morrison. All the best guys should be on RAW. All the mid-carders should be on Smackdown. And if the mid-carders can't draw enough to be somewhere between TNA and RAW, what's the point of having Smackdown, other than to run two shows in two different cities on a Saturday night?
I mean a feud could work for them in the future, but not at the current moment. Certain things would need to happen. Firstly Miz needs to be a face, whether that happens in a Cena led WWE remains to be seen and having a growing career. Whereas Morrison needs to be a heel and hard on his luck. In a way this would role reverse the whole Michaels/Jannetty plot, making the Jannetty the heel.
Have Morrison cost The Miz the championship, leading to the feud and somewhere down that line Morrison captures the gold. Then either gap it off at Wrestlemania or a 5/7 match series.

Either way, Morrison is going in the wrong direction
I know Miz cuts a better promo than Morrison, but thats all he does better. His promos are not exactly gold either, albeit good at times. When Miz did his promos on NXT he talked over Kofi and Morrison, making them look weak. In fact Regal put him in his place in series 1, wonder why he wasn't on series 2? Didn't want to over shadow the Vince Lombardi of NXT now do we Vince?

All you people who think Miz can main event are deluding yourselves. The guy hasn't had one match where I went...WOW! He's had a few US title runs and he hardly ever defends it....cause he can't wrestle. He was put in a tag team with Show.....because he can't wrestle. He has improved, but one good clothesline in the corner doesn't make you the main event.

I hope he is the first to lose after cashing in MITB. I think it would be better for his character in the long run. It will give him time to improve more. WWE are keeping him from wrestling for a reason, because he sucks. He can't take bumps. This is why he's been stalking Seamus but not defending his title. This is why he didn't wrestle at SS. If he can't have a good match with Danielson (which seems like the next logical step) then there is no hope for him. Danielson has already made Otunga and Tarver look like studs.

Morrison isn't ready yet either. He needs some high profile feuds. The girls love him and scream for him like they did Jeff Hardy. Don't act like he's not getting pops. WWE writing isn't making him relevant. He sucks as a face on the mic, but his heel promos were very good. I must be the only person who likes Starship Pain. It doesn't always come off perfect, but then neither did the Swanton Bomb. He does an awesome standing shooting star press as well. Awesome kicks. The new flip move (don't know what its called but remember it being a move on SD2 on the Playstation) by the way is not a C4 exploder suplex, nor does it look like one. I've seen Burchill do it in FWA (UK promotion). It's like a fisherman suplex roll through into a 2nd fisherman suplex. Awesome move, why didn't WWE let him use it?

To conclude The Miz is awful, but then Cena and Orton don't get my blood pumping either....and neither does sports entertainment.
I think the best time for them to feud is when Morrison's a heel and Miz is a face. I don't think that'll happen for a few years ago, but that's a good thing because Morrion's only good as a heel and if Miz really is the future then they'll turn him face. Plus, he's already getting pops, so it makes sense.

Saying that, I don't really wanna see it. I've said it other threads, I hate the fucking Miz. He is so boring in the ring its unbelievable. People give Cena a hard for a limited move set, but I don't even think Miz has 5 moves. I only ever see him do that closeline in the turnbuckle and his finisher. Sure, he does some basic submissions and things, but so does everyone else. I'm in no way a Cena mark btw, it justs seems like a double standard to me. Both are good on the mic and both can't wrestle, but people stick up for Miz and not Cena.

Obviously, I'm a Morrison mark. I also agree with a previous poster in that someone higher up needs to like Morrison to allow him to reach the main event. Oh, and someone said he doesn't have much merchandise. If you go on their shpping site he actually has quite a few things for sale because I looked a few weeks ago. He has his own DVD and I think that right there should speak for itself.

I think they will have a big feud one day, as I've said, but unless Miz steps his game I don't wanna see it. Id rather see Morrison give me some good matches with someone else, then be mildly entertained by the Miz talking to him.
Your forgetting that Bret Hart has never been very good on mic, yet somehow he made into the main-event scene and is now regarded as one of the greatest of All-time. I agree that at this point it look's like Miz's career will Sky-rocket before Morrisons, but these guy's are still young and are in they're prime, Morrison can still have his shot one day.

I woudn't say I'm forgetting about Hart. Think of it this way, Bret Hart succeeded DESPITE his inability to really be captivating on the Mic. Now, this is only true b/c of his unmatched in-ring ability. Not for one single second would anybody confuse JoMo w/Bret on the mat. Bret is the exception to the rule. You can give me one or two examples of GREAT technical wrestlers that got tremendously over, despite their lack of mic skils, and I give can give you many more examples that failed. Plus, like I said, it takes someone with rare technical ability (ie: Bret Hart), not someone barely above average (ie: Morrison).
This is why they moved Miz and JoMo to different brands; so they wouldn't get caught up in the surefire money-making feud after they broke up.

Long term this was the right decision. You can't have them together without fans asking for the matchup until they don't know they're sick of it. Short term, they missed out big. It's a feud that's a much tougher sell than it was at this time last year.

On that note, Miz getting over with the IWC makes me laugh- hard. One week, Morrison/Miz break up and there were people here starting the countdown for when Miz was released. Then, he cuts a few funny promos on John Cena, and suddenly, he's an internet darling. It gives you something to think about when people expound on their expert opinions on stardom around here.
JoMo is no Jannetty.... but certainly isn't main event caliber yet. But on that note, IMO Miz isn't either. Raw is so star studded with Edge, Jericho, Cena, Sheamus, and Orton. JoMo will be a major star when the time comes, and Miz is well on his way to becoming a main event main stayer within the end of the year. Both these guys should have solid careers
In theory it would work because you have everything you need to play off of, the former tag team friends violently splitting up, the one guy that is more successful than the other, and the ability to make it appear to the fans that they legitimately despise one another. However if it were to play out I believe that it would just be another lackluster Morrison feud and would only be a speedbump in The Miz's career that just wouldn't fit the main event push that he has been receiving lately. Sure they were always interesting and fun to watch when they worked together but that was with a heel JoMo and even back then Miz severely carried him on that mic and that was a time where we saw the best mic work that JoMo could do. If JoMo were to turn back into the guy that he used to be and somehow keep his face status then and only then would it have a chance of succeeding and cause the crowd to care about JoMo again. There could be some well wrestled matches between the two and they could be over the MITB briefcase/US Title but they are both in conflicting feuds that make infinitely more sense than this one would at this stage in the game. Also it would probably end the exact same way as the other feud between the two ended, with The Miz winning and looking like gold and Morrison would wrestle a fairly entertaining match with a bunch of kicks, flips, and shit but it would be just another notch in the belt of the miz on his way to achieving greatness and leaving John in the midcard indefinitely.
Talk about a step down for the Miz if this feud happens. I really don't see the point considering their careers are so far a point at this point, only one of them is making a splash on Raw.. And I don't mean the way his body goes splat when he misses his finisher.

Sorry, but "JoMo" has been around for 5 years on TV and has yet to make the next step. The guy looks the same, moves the same, cuts the same promos, and is overall the same guy he was when he debut. Flashy moves are cool, but they can't cover up the fact that Morrison doesn't have the "it" factor. About the only thing different is that Melina ain't around to play the charisma end of his act. But Melina's career has progressed since being AWAY from Morrison, so yeah...
I've been thinking about this for a while now, but what if Morrison and Miz switched roles when they split, with JoMo staying heel and Miz becoming a face? Would they still be in the same spots they are now, or would things be radically different?

I think it was almost an universal belief that Morrison would be the one to go onto the main event after he and Miz split up, with Miz staying in the midcard and maybe getting a title reign or two before getting released. However, just the opposite has happened - Miz immediately began a mini-feud with Cena after splitting up, which only started his path to the main event, and since then, he has basically held the United States title for a year and won MitB. It looks like he's on the verge of cashing in his MitB contract and becoming a fully fledged main eventer. All the while he's been given time to get on the mic and develop his character, and because of this, draws good heat every time he walks out.

Morrison, on the other hand, hasn't really been given the opportunity to develop his character since splitting up. Sure, he's had several great matches involving the I.C title on Smackdown, but after that, he's sort of floundered in the "Shelton Benjamin" position before being drafted over to Raw. And even then, he's only been a bit player in the majority of his matches over there, such as the MitB match and the 7v7 against Nexus. I personally believe that if Morrison was given the time that went to the Miz to develop a cocky Rick Rude-esque persona, he would be miles ahead of the Miz right now.

What do you think?
Miz would've been dead in the water. What really made him shine is his mouth, and heels get to pop off better words than faces. Until Miz's walk matches his talk, he's sticking heel. Yes, I am admitting Miz is going to turn face and I am going to hate that so much.
I'll start by saying, I'm not a subscriber to the JoMo fan club. That being said, the idea is ludacris. I've yet to hear ONE SINGLE Morrison promo I've been impressed with. Yet every single time the Miz picks up the stick, he gets better. I mean really he just does. I've not been as impressed with anyone on the mic since the days of Austin, Rock and DX. I know there will be people that blast me for saying that, but I've been thinking it for quite some time, and decided to just fuckin' sack up and post it. I would not be defending JoMo the same way I'm sure I'm going to have to defend the Miz after this post.

I don't hate Morrison, not to any extent, but I do think he is a perenial (sp?) mid-carder, and I've said it in similiar posts (last week), there is not a damn thing wrong with that. Yes, the guy is pretty good in the ring, in fact he's better in the ring than the Miz is right now. Though he is getting better week by week. That being said, the guy lacks that star quality. He can't get me, or many others to give a rat's ass about him. I just don't give a shit. Honestly, I think the Internet community has given JoMo waaay more credit than he deserves. You say he hasn't been given the oppurtunities the Miz has. Ok, granted, but I say, he hasn't done SHIT with the oppurtunities he HAS been given.

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