Having people cheer for you, and getting people to pay money for you are two completely different things. If the WWE thought Miz vs. Morrison would sell, then the match would have happened at the Royal Rumble, like it was supposed to, instead of on Raw.
Potential and drawing ability are completely different. The WWE saw a lot of potential in Shelton Benjamin, but he just never panned out. In fact, Morrison and Benjamin's career basically are shadows of one another. Perhaps Morrison can get over where Benjamin couldn't, but he hasn't been able to yet.
I would consider both the Miz and Morrison characters to be divas.
An opinion supported by the fact Morrison has yet to become any kind of a reliable draw, and an opinion supported by the fact the Miz is currently feuding with Jerry Lawler, and his best way of getting over is Michael Cole on the headset.
I'm sure you can see how I'm far from convinced of the drawing power of these two together.
Of course, my opinion is currently supported by facts and by the way the show has been booked for the last several years. Yours is supported by...what exactly?
Morrison wins at TLC. Supposed to get a title match at Royal Rumble. WWE didn't think they'd sell, so they moved it to Raw.
There's your proof.
Uhh...exactly my point?
But matches which contain guys who draw. HHH, Cena, Orton, Taker...those are the biggest draws in the WWE. Neither Miz or Morrison even rank in the Top 10.
I believe the WWE can make me believe Morrison can beat the Miz, but I don't think they can make the millions of their fans pay to watch the match. Which is the point of the thread, after all.