**Merged** All Undertaker Future Streak and Match Discussion


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For the last 3-4 Years The Undertaker has only wrestled each year at WrestleMania, each ear he has won the match and extended his undefeated streak.

Undertaker is close approaching 50 and many believe he will retire within the next couple of years.

now Undertakers career revolves around wrestlemania and his undefeated streak so if he was to lose were would he go with his charcter.

so I have a few questions

Do you think Undertaker will lose at WrestleMania before he retires?

What will happen to The Undertaker if the streak did end?

Will he fight at WrestleMania again if he were to lose?
Well 1 I don't think he will get defeated at mania 2 I think he will still be inducted into the hall of fame even if he were to lose at mania and 3 I think he will retire and not compete at mania again if he were to lose he won't wrestle again at mania but it will not happen trust me taker will win and win again until he is ready to retire simple as
1) Yes, I think Undertaker will lose at Wrestlemania eventually.

2 & 3) A loss will signal the end of his career as a wrestler.

Undertaker strikes me as the last of the old school wrestlers. I feel his last match will be a loss in the tradition of putting over the next generation. That's also why I don't think it will be this year. Didn't Punk say he only plans on wrestling a few more years? I believe Taker may lose next year at Werstlemania 30 to someone young like Ziggler, Ryback or Sheamus, pushing them to the top main event level.
If he does lose, it should be to propel someone's career forward. Losing to a guy like john Cena, who has seemingly done it all (after this Wrestlemania should he win) doesn't need it.
Alright, not to sound like a dick or anything, however, all of this has already been discussed and been discussed thoroughly in a thread called The Streak: How Will You Feel If It Ends.

I have a feeling, a very strong feeling, that this thread will either be closed or merged.

Just saying.

However, to the point of the thread so this isn't a spam post.....

Yes I think 'Taker will lose eventually at 'Mania. If he does, he will retire. No because he will have retired.
Perhaps somewhat similar to the way Ric Flair retired from WWE? That was a well done angle with a timeless memory.
Do you think Undertaker will lose at WrestleMania before he retires?

I don't think he will but I want to. For me, I don't see the need in the streak dying with Taker. Why not use it to further someone else's career. A heel could use it for bragging rights for the rest of his career.

What will happen to The Undertaker if the streak did end?

To the Undertaker. He will retire. Simply. Nothing else for him to do. He doesn't have the character to do manager or to be a backstage personal.

Will he fight at WrestleMania again if he were to lose?

As I mentioned above, no. He will retire.
Not sure if the thread has been done before, don't think it has.

Taker only appears during the midpoint of 'Mania season to build up his match against his opponent for that years 'Mania. Now let's face it, Taker doesn't really have many more years left in him. So it's simple...

Who should Undertakers last opponent be?

I would personally like to see John Cena as his last opponent. Their may be a slight and i mean slight chance that Cena will turn heel in the next few years and when he does, he could face Taker at the next years Mania so it gives Cena time to build up his heel character. During Mania season, Cena cuts a promo saying that he has achieved everything that their is to in WWE except one thing, defeating Undertaker and ending the streak. He challenges Taker to a match at Mania and then they feud from their.
If the Undertaker is going out with a win then I agree with you that at WM30 it should be John Cena, But if he's going out with a loss I would have to say Kane. Let the "Brother of Destruction" have one last match to end both of their careers. I still think that Kane is the best person to end the streak or if not end it just be the one to face Taker in his last match.
to me is last match at mania should be sting. more or likely wont happen but to see taker vs sting would be the main event for maina. Or for something diffrent have past mania oppents in a royal rumble over top robe match. where at maina all past say they can beat maina and up to that say u have no clue. then who ever does win will fight him at for main event.
I'd say that it should NOT be Mania. I'd go with a last man standing match against Kane in which neither answers the ten count, the lights go out, we hear a Paul Bearer laugh, and they both disappear as characters forever.
I think next years WM will be Takers last one! For that reason it should be against Cena. I cant think of anyone else that it should be against. Sting is not going to happen as that ship has sailed along time ago. The Face of the WWE for the past 10 years versus arguably the top three wrestler of all-time.

Yah Taker will go over no doubt and i think it should be for the WWE title. Takers deserves to go out on top i dont think anyone deserves that honor more so than Taker.
For old-school reasons I'd love for Taker's last opponent to be SCSA. I think it would just be a fitting end. And Austin could definitely come back as a heel if they chose to go that route.

If it were to be someone from the current roster, I'd want it to be a true future star that can make use of saying he beat Taker's streak. No idea who that would be on this current roster, though.
His last WrestleMania opponent? I agree that John Cena works. While in a perfect world, Punk would be his last opponent after beating him this year, I think Undertaker is going to want to be at WrestleMania 30 and John Cena is the only one left.

His last opponent, though, should be Kane. Not at WrestleMania - that's already been done twice, and Kane's not a believable enough threat anymore - but at Survivor Series. WrestleMania is obviously significant to the Undertaker because of the streak, but Survivor Series is also a big deal for him. He debuted there, he won his first WWF title there, he's had multiple Casket Matches there(including his first one ever), and he's had several other significant matches there over the years, including the Buried Alive match that lead to his return as the dead man. That should be the last match for both of them. Somebody else said Undertaker vs. Kane in a last man standing match that ends in a draw, and then both disappear forever, and that'd work just fine.

Or, alternatively, it could be a tag team match with the Brothers of Destruction against...well, anybody, really. But preferably a young, up and coming tag team with a very bright future. For example, if that match was happening right now, their opponents could be The Shield. But obviously things will be very different by next year's Survivor Series.

It's just a shame Paul Bearer won't be there for his last match.
to me is last match at mania should be sting. more or likely wont happen but to see taker vs sting would be the main event for maina. Or for something diffrent have past mania oppents in a royal rumble over top robe match. where at maina all past say they can beat maina and up to that say u have no clue. then who ever does win will fight him at for main event.

sting?! why? and hell no this will never happen.Sting is a tna bum for life!KANE 100% should end it or they could fight till both don`t get up then it would be no loss on takers part 20-1-0 book it.Thats the only thing i could see.I hope anyway if creative would get the nit eating monkeys out of their brains..or actually get real wrestling writers instead of hollywood mooks!
Undertaker has more say over this than the rest of the people behind the scenes. He has a huge amount of respect for Punk. Undertaker is 48 now, and he didn't even know if he was going to make it this year. If Punk doesn't beat him this year, going by the last four WM he will face Punk again and Punk will come out on top. Cena should not beat the Undertaker. The WWE sadly won't turn him heel, no matter how bad the IWC wants it. The WWE need a babyface for the kiddies, and that is the same ole' stale Super-Cena.

Streak is marketable, keeping it in tact is worth more over the long run than the rub someone would get breaking it.

I think the last match should either be a throwback (Someone said SCSA, who said he could work another match) or some form of pass the torch event (I wish there was some kind of dark and twisted character that's in the Taker/Kane style to do this with).

Cena vs Taker would draw well for that Mania, but I don't think it'd be worth using the taker match for, Cena already has a million and one ways he can headline Wrestlemania, that I don't think the 1 event draw outweighs the opportunity cost of someone else getting a rub.

Punk vs Taker? similar boat to the Cena match, as I don't think it creates enough hype past the actual match.

Rock vs Taker? I could get behind this, I usually bash on the Rock for the part timing, but I'd legitimately see Rock vs Taker 2014 being a legendary match worthy of retiring Taker (And possibly Rocky) for good.

I'd also love Foley Taker, but I don't think Mick's health would allow him to put on a good enough match with Taker, you need someone that can work with Taker because his healths not in the best of shape either.

Kane vs Taker? Seen it, Kane's diverted too far from the original brother storyline, I could see this being a way to retire Kane though.

There's not many more I could see in the position, I honestly like the idea of Stone Cold or The Rock, as it could potentially bring back a lot of oldschool fans, and really spike ratings, and I would have no issue with either one of those 2 men being the nail in the coffin.

The fact that Taker isn't in shape to carry a match takes a lot of options off my list, as I'd actually love to see some storyline involving Ted Dibiase Sr. trying to pay off someone to end the streak, as it brings Cain the Undertaker's story full circle (I'd still have him win and fade... there's still a lot of ways Undertaker could be used in a non wrestling fashion into retirement, almost like a ghost)
To most fans the logical choice for his last WM opponent is the one who defeats him. Whether that be CM Punk this year or Kane next year.

I have always had a few ideas of how to let the Undertaker remain undefeated while not making his opponent look weak.

I wouldn't be opposed to a match playing out in this fashion:
Punk hits the GTS 3-4x on Taker and clearly has him defeated. But Punk out of "respect" lays down and drapes Undertakers arm over him. I've always felt that the man who CAN defeat the Undertaker but "CHOOSES" not to would earn more respect from the WWE Universe. I can see both sides to my feeling. One side tells me that if Punk did that people would view that as a total act of disrespect as Undertaker wouldn't want to go out being handed the win. On the other hand some people would see it as Punk showing the upmost respect for the streak and not wanting to put personal gain over the value of the streak. If he went thru it in that sense though it would essentially destroy the amazing heel run he has had. Oops...rambling again.. I do apologize it's been a long day...

Anyways, Undertakers last opponent logically should be Kane. Let Kane either end the streak or have the deadman retire undefeated. After the final bell sounds and Undertaker is declared the winner they could have Kane rise back up, grab the microphone and have Kane look at the Undertaker laying on the mat and say something like "You can now Rest in Peace" and have Kane do the Undertaker bow *lights go dim* and have the druids come out and carry the Undertaker out of the arena never to be heard from or seen again.

Just some ideas...Sorry if they don't make total sense it's been a long day...
To most fans the logical choice for his last WM opponent is the one who defeats him. Whether that be CM Punk this year or Kane next year.

I have always had a few ideas of how to let the Undertaker remain undefeated while not making his opponent look weak.

I wouldn't be opposed to a match playing out in this fashion:
Punk hits the GTS 3-4x on Taker and clearly has him defeated. But Punk out of "respect" lays down and drapes Undertakers arm over him. I've always felt that the man who CAN defeat the Undertaker but "CHOOSES" not to would earn more respect from the WWE Universe. I can see both sides to my feeling. One side tells me that if Punk did that people would view that as a total act of disrespect as Undertaker wouldn't want to go out being handed the win. On the other hand some people would see it as Punk showing the upmost respect for the streak and not wanting to put personal gain over the value of the streak. If he went thru it in that sense though it would essentially destroy the amazing heel run he has had. Oops...rambling again.. I do apologize it's been a long day...

cause the last two matches that someone laid down for another went over great. This would be the worst idea ever for the most important winning streak in history to become worthless because of someone laying down.
I'd have it be Punk. Have him beat Taker this year only to have Taker go over Punk at WM30. 20 & 1 gives Punk a fresh new face to his gimmick starting "The One, The Only, CM Punk" phase. Then have 30 built around Taker being dead & gone only to come back to show the world he can beat Punk & does. Retiring a great career with a handshake with Punk.

But yeah wishful thinking so if not Punk then Cena, Lesnar & Kane would be good ideas. I'm just a Punk fan but I can still see an argument made for a lot of guys. Either way it probably will disappoint because successfully retiring Taker is like finding lighting in a bottle. You cannot please everyone but retiring Taker needs to come close, it needs to be larger than the life the character lived.
So last year there were people complaining nonstop about HHH getting a 3rd crack at Taker and now people are clamoring for Taker/Kane III? Taker is much too large a character to even consider having him finish his career against a mid-card talent like Kane.

As far as who I'd pick to end the streak... (and I say end the streak because all the greats finish with their backs on the mat) There are a few choices.

Cena: It's been said for years that whoever beats Taker at Mania would be vilified by the entire crowd. It would be a singular way to unite the entire audience against Cena. You see, even if he pseudo-turns on Rock (see Austin-Taker SS98 for how that works) one side of the crowd or the other will still side with him. The same thing happens if he would do a full heel turn against the Rock (as we all know as soon as he goes heel the portion of the audience currently booing him will become his biggest fans) However, if he turns by beating Taker (especially if he were to cheat), the casual fan would be against him because he beat Taker and the smarks would be against him because he got yet another accolade handed to him that he didn't deserve. Might be the only way to get a unified reaction one way or another about Cena from the audience.

Ryback... Yeah I know, green, stiff, plodding. However, he has the size and the aura to be a major player. If they were to become more confident of his ability to be a top guy, this would be an easy way to solidify his spot at the top.

Brock: The most believable choice, however his heart's not in the business and for something like the streak I think it would have to be for Taker to agree.

Sheamus: HHH is big on him, wants him to be one of their top guys.

Ambrose: Big things coming for him, while on paper his size would be a disadvantage, Foley wasn't a giant and was one of the (if not the) best opponent Taker ever had. Similar to Ryback, if they finally make up their minds on whether or not he is "that guy", having him kill the streak would instantly make him one of the top guys on the roster.
Ambrose: Big things coming for him, while on paper his size would be a disadvantage, Foley wasn't a giant and was one of the (if not the) best opponent Taker ever had. Similar to Ryback, if they finally make up their minds on whether or not he is "that guy", having him kill the streak would instantly make him one of the top guys on the roster.[/QUOTE]

Didn't even think of Ambrose. Mr Dean Ambrose reminds me of the Joker from The Dark Knight. He reminds of a guy who just wants to watch the world burn. His gimmick shouldn't care less about winning. A victory is a total mind game. If he didn't get into your head then it's a lost in his mind. That's the only type of guy I'd believe taking the credit for ending the streak. He'd be the perfect villain.
I think Taker losing to Punk this year wouldn't be a bad idea. For Taker he can't keep coming back for 1 match a year and it seems this year he had a harder time coming back then other years. For Punk ending the streak would be the one last thing needed to reach the level of Cena, HHH and other top stars in this business. I also think that the streak was always meant to end which is one of the reasons why they made it a huge storyline for Wrestlemania and Taker. So have Punk end the streak and then have Taker inducted into the HOF for WM 30.
Long time reader, First time poster.

It could play out either way with his last match either being this year and going into the Hall of Fame next year, or both next year, but WM30 will be built around the Undertaker in some form of fashion. I do believe he will go into the Hall of Fame the night before WM30 and his last opponent will be Cena.

Before I get into why it will be Cena, I do want to say this.. I completely disagree with letting any rookie have a match with Taker at WM, Let alone end the streak in hopes to "make an impact" for their career. The only person on the roster that is relatively new to "this era" that could be a possibility is Sheamus. Yes, he is a Triple h guy, and also just about every single interview he's done, the answer to his dream opponent, dream WM match, etc. has always been facing the Undertaker. Maybe if they nixed one of the HHH matches or if Punk hadn't have dropped his pipe bomb to get where he's at but Sheamus won't get the Undertakers last match.

Lets face it, Taker is finished after either this year or next. If we do get the opportunity to have him make it to WM30, his opponent will be Cena. I don't think Vince or WWE want to look back and make the same mistake they made with not having Taker vs. Rock or Taker vs. Austin at WM. Hell, I'm sure they're kicking themselves for not trying to set up Cena vs. Hogan earlier if the reports by Hogan are true. Whether you love or hate Cena, not having him face Undertaker at WM (not necessarily end the streak) just doesn't make sense, for many obvious reasons.

As far as if the streak should end, Although Punk has a list of accomplishments already that make him a future Hall of Famer.. to me it just doesn't feel right to have him be that guy to end the streak. How many ppvs in 2012 did he NOT main even being the WWE champion? That shows you what has been said numerous times. Cena for as long as he can go is "their guy". The word on the street about Punk only sticking around for a few more years, not to mention the injuries as of late that seem to get at him more and more. Punk has done a lot in his career, and so much in such a short time but not as much that Cena has done while in the spotlight. When it comes to adding it to someones list of accomplishments, it will go on Cenas resume. On top of all that, When Punk decides to cash out, I believe he will spend most of his time pursuing other interests and make appearances here and there where I feel Cena will stick around Hogan style.

If they were going to end it, Cena gets more heat than just about anyone night in and night out as a babyface so he doesn't need to be a heel in order to face Taker. Am I honestly the only one who sees him using his hustle, loyalty, respect routine to get a match at mania with taker because "he respects him and respects the streak, and win or lose it would be an honor to face him at mania" and take a crack at the streak. I see the ending being very similar if not identical to the way HBK ended Flairs career. Cena in the corner with that look in his eyes going for the 3rd or 4th AA. He doesn't necessarily want to be the one to do it but hey..Never give up, right? If the streak ends, it end like that. I honestly think at this point that Vince and WWE keep the streak alive not only for the reasons of showing gratitude to Taker for his years, the gimmick that brings in money and sells tickets, but for fear of 80 some thousand people causing a riot or more realistically the negative feedback and possible loss of fans.
I think it should be Kane, one more time, at Wrestlemania. In either a Hell in a Cell match or a casket match.

Undertaker would win but then both men would be laying in the center of the ring, after the match. Lights go out, druids come down and carry both men out of the arena, never to be heard from again (storyline).

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