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Memorial Day

This is going to be a sloppy post, so I apologize.

As most everyone should know, Memorial Day is Monday. I was listening to The Fan, my favorite radio broadcast, and Big Suke encouraged parents to sit their kids down and talk to them about this great holiday, because frankly, kids these days (funny I say this, being 16) know shit about the history of this country. So, I'm posting this to encourage any American to take a bit of time to remember and think about those who died for us and to thank our great troops fighting today.

First though, what is Memorial Day:

Wikipedia said:
Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 25 in 2009). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the civil war), it was expanded after World War I to include American casualties of any war or military action.

Thank you very much, Internet.

Most of the kids that I know (I can't speak for adults, as I don't really interact with them so much) only think of this day as a day off of school. It's the reason for a three day weekend and nothing more. The one day set aside in the ENTIRE year to show a bit of respect to those who died defending our freedom is nothing to them. I think it's a shame. Anyway, there isn't much more that I can do besides encourage any American to set aside just a few minutes to reflect upon what this day means and to show a bit of reverence for those who've died.

In closing, I want to thank each and every soldier for what they do. I know that NorCal serves, and to anyone else on this forum that is in the military or that has served; I want you to know that I respect you immensely and I pray for you everyday. Thank you.
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Alot of people don't celebrate Memorial Day also because it's the cool thing to hate the military as fascist pigs or something. Why can't those little droogies learn that you can support the troops and still be opposed to the wars they are fighting? A good friend of mine is in the Marines doing Recon over in Iraq (for those that don't know, Recon are literally the very first people to arrive to bust down the doors or scope out enemy combatants) for nearly 2 and a half years, yet I'm obviously not exactly the biggest fan of the American government's foriegn affairs.

Living in a town with a very large military presence (Newport, RI has the Naval War College as well as quite a few military bases), Memorial Day is pretty important here. Not to the kids of course though, its just another day to get drunk on the weekend.
Alot of people don't celebrate Memorial Day also because it's the cool thing to hate the military as fascist pigs or something. Why can't those little droogies learn that you can support the troops and still be opposed to the wars they are fighting? A good friend of mine is in the Marines doing Recon over in Iraq (for those that don't know, Recon are literally the very first people to arrive to bust down the doors or scope out enemy combatants) for nearly 2 and a half years, yet I'm obviously not exactly the biggest fan of the American government's foriegn affairs.

Living in a town with a very large military presence (Newport, RI has the Naval War College as well as quite a few military bases), Memorial Day is pretty important here. Not to the kids of course though, its just another day to get drunk on the weekend.

I completely agree with you on everything. I'll be the first person in my hometown to disagree with the governments foreign policy, but I would never disrespect the military. Hamilton has a big parade every year, ending at our local "military" cemetary. After a very somber ceremony, prayer, and other things, all the local Boy Scouts (past and present, myself included) place flags on all the graves of fallen and deceased soldiers.

As for the bulk of my community of rednecks, they treat it like another excuse to break out the booze. Now, I can see drinking a couple of "adult beverages", maybe at your families bar-b-que, or whatever you do that day, but to just drink because it's a national holiday, and you don't have work, is just rediculous. Have some pride in the men and women who died for your freedoms, and control yourselves. I'll now step off my soapbox.
Obviously not an American, but I'll post anyway. I think youngsters don't 'care' that much because it all seems so far away. Many of the older generation were alive during the Second World War, as well as others, and if they didn't serve, it's likely their parents/grandparents did. Many even lost those relatives, therefore this will be a day for them to reflect on that, as well as the loss of life as a whole. A few months ago a rugby player died in the middle of the game. I cried when I heard about that, because it was so close, and something I'd seen in action. Wars etc. just seems so far away to most of the people in our generation, they don't seem real. I'm in no way saying it's fair this way, but that is the main reason people don't seem to care as much as you obviously do. I do history at college, so I'd say I have an okay-level knowledge of the major battles and wars, so I can appreciate what those soldiers did for individual countries, and the world. But most just don't care. Maybe they don't understand exactly what soldiers did for their country.
I don't honestly think Memorial Day has been forgotten, so much as the meaning and true understanding of every important Holiday. Look at the 4th of July, better known as "Independence Day". Yet hardly anyone sees that day as what it original stood for.. they see it as "fireworks day" anymore. Yet one more money making machine, and injury prone accident waiting to happen.

For me, I lost Family in the war - but it was Family that were too old for me to remember as a child, so I don't celebrate the day as anything more than just acknowledging it as a Holiday in general. I'll be working, anyhow.

I don't get drunk, (period) nor do I go party. So as a result, this "Holiday Weekend" won't mean anything special to me, either. I'm a grown man who has decided that sitting on my ass, typing on an Internet forum, playing a game, or most importantly being with my Wife & Children is more important than going out because it's a holiday and getting shit-faced.

Do I respect those who've served and lost their lives? Everyday - so why should ONE day be relegated to holding that memory, respect and love? I miss my Family everyday, even those that I don't remember. So once again, yes this is an important holiday for obvious reasons - but it's just another day that even the Government has found new ways to make money off of. (case in point, rising gas prices)
I don't think the adults have forgotten about Memorial Day, but the kids just see it as a day to where it's a school holliday which is fine & dandy, but I personally think that they need to know the history of Memorial Day & show a bit of respect for the people who died for this country.

For me, I have lost family in World War II & I lost my cousin in Iraq & I take 5-10 minutes out of the day to pay homage & respect to them & every soldier that has died for our country in the war whether it be a holliday, my birthday or just a normal day, I still pay respect cause without them, then we wouldn't have all this free speech that some people take for granted.

Yes I do show respect for those who served & lost their lives out there. Fuck I miss those particular family members that I mentioned everyday & wished they were here with me as I type this, but even though this is an important holliday for obvious reasons & whatever reasons of why y'all celebrate it, but like Will said. It's just another day that the Government has found new ways to make some cash money off of.(uppin the gas prices anyone).
It's not as much children don't respect the troops, it's more that children don't remember what Memorial Day is about. We haven't had a huge, knock-down drag out war this generation. Don't get me wrong, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are important wars that should have our attention, whether you're for or against our occupations over there. But since all we get is a number of troops killed, and never the faces or families of the people who died, those numbers look impersonal. If we do get a report on the numbers killed in Iraq, it's more of a "Meh, 12 people died today in Iraq." It's sad, it really is.

And the media not being allowed to photograph the coffins coming home (even if the families consent. I'm in no way in favor of imposing upon the families of dead soldiers) made it that much more impersonal. We never saw the dead soldiers in their caskets, American flags draped over them on one final flight back home. We saw them marching into Iraq, then the soldiers who stayed alive marching back home. When all you see is victory without the negatives, you're not going to appreciate the gravity of the situation.

I mean, students these days aren't saying "Oh cools, good thing those soldiers died so that I can get drunk this weekend." They aren't saying anything at all. They're staying home and taking a break. Which is all good, because that's what the soldiers died for. But I don't know which is worse, the students not knowing and identifying their sacrifice or students knowing, just not observing it on this special day.

Either way, the soldiers deserve it. My grandpa was a decorated soldier in WW2, another grandpa in Vietnam, and my step-dad got out just in time to avoid the clusterfuck that was the Somalian conflict. These guys deserve it, as do every soldier who has ever served/serves right now. It's just a matter of making their sacrifices hit home, instead of becoming nothing more than fables on the nightly news.
I thought that I was being a bit harsh when I posted this. "Surely my friends aren't really that ignorant," I thought. About a minute ago, I received a text message... "What's memorial day for?"

My jaw literally dropped. I responded, ".... Seriously?" and got, "Yes! It's a legit question!" for a reply. I am dumbfounded that people really don't know what Memorial Day is. That's really, really sad.

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