Meltzer Gives Punk vs. Cena *****

I've watched it twice and thought it was just as incredible the 2nd time.

I love the "Well the crowd made it interesting." Um no shit Sherlocks. Hot crowds always make matches good. Hell the only reason anyone remembers Hogan vs. Rock was because of the Toronto crowd going bat shit crazy. Everyone seems to forget the actual matched sucked dick, but it was still enough to win match of the year (bullshit imo) for 2002.
I can't believe how highly some of you rate Michaels vs. Angle from 'Mania 21. That match was boring as hell for the most part and the crowd was dead all throughout. Moreover, Shawn Michaels overselled his ass off throughout that thing as well IIRC. Their Vengeance match was far superior in my eyes.

Anyways, haven't watched this match yet... will when the DVD is released. I'm sure it's going to live up to the hype.

And I definitely agree with others that there have been more than just one 5 star match since 1997.

Angle vs. Benoit - RR03
Rey & Edge vs. Benoit & Angle - No Mercy 2002
'Taker vs. Angle - SD 04.09.2003
'Taker vs. Jeff Hardy - Raw Ladder Match
'Taker vs. HBK 1 - Wrestlemania 25

Jesus it's amazing how late into his career Undertaker was able to become so good in the ring. Throughout the nineties and early 00's the guy fucking sucked.

And thinking about it now... Meltzer's 5 star criteria is heavily flawed without including one Kurt Angle match on the entire thing. That's just mind-blowing when you think about it.

But yeah... those were the matches that first come to mind, though I'm sure there are some more.
I can't believe how highly some of you rate Michaels vs. Angle from 'Mania 21. That match was boring as hell for the most part and the crowd was dead all throughout. Moreover, Shawn Michaels overselled his ass off throughout that thing as well IIRC. Their Vengeance match was far superior in my eyes.

....Did you go into my brain and rip this out? Its always been my exact feelings on that whole thing
The only problem I have is the fact he hasn't given out a 5 star WWE match in, what, 15 years? There's been plenty of opportunities over the years and while I loved this match and the atmosphere, there's no chance it's a better match than Angle/Beniot from the 03 Rumble, just to name one off the top of my head.

Edit: Sorry, didn't read through the thread. All of this has been said
No love for Benoit vs. HHH vs. HBK?

Yeah I fucking know that it should have been one on one, but fuck you.

As for Cena/Punk, I noticed the botches during the match and the ridiculously loud spot calling far more than I usually do, but I suppose that comes from not liking wrestling anymore.
He's a big Cena fan too, the enemy of the supposed ignorant smarkdom masses. I agree it was a bit tedious to complain about Cole's announcing because we know Cole sucks, but he gets caught up in minor details like that alot. He never says anything about Punk carrying Cena or anything though and praised the whole thing and gave it five stars, so it didn't come off as very smarky to me. Generally anytime a John Cena match is being praised as a five star affair, that doesn't seem "smarky" to me, atleast not according to the smark stereotypes.

I can't believe I'm saying this, especially in a discussion about John Cena, but I support everything you just said here.

I don't read the Observer, but reading over the ratings Cena matches have gotten over the years, it seems pretty obvious he likes Cena's work.

I don't get this at all. Let's be honest, as long as Punk won and the whole thing wasn't a complete fiasco, we all knew it'd get five stars from him.

For those keeping track, that's better than every single match in the careers of Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho, and the post-injury comeback career of Shawn Michaels. Meltzer was pretty unflinchingly calling it WWE's best pay per view ever. Does that make sense to anyone? It was a great PPV but I don't see it being above Wrestlemania X-7 or Summerslam 2002.

Past mistakes shouldn't determine future mistakes. I haven't seen the match, but saying it doesn't get five stars because other matches didn't get five stars is kind of silly. Why not say those other matches also deserved the five stars? It makes a lot more sense than setting some arbitrary level of quality and then deciding nothing can ever live up to it.

Besides anyone who takes Meltzer's ratings as serious is dumb. I've said that for years and still believe it. You can take Meltzer as a general guideline, perhaps, but never seriously. As I pointed out in the non-spam thread about this, Meltzer claims Kenta Kobashi had nearly 20 matches, from 1990-1995, better than Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage from Wrestlemania 3, a match many consider the best ever. That's just silly.

As you can see from the example, taking Meltzer's word seriously is just foolish, and trying to say one match cannot be good because another wasn't considered is good is equally foolish.
I can't believe how highly some of you rate Michaels vs. Angle from 'Mania 21.
I've said this for years, as well.

There are two reasons people think that match was so great. The first is the names of the wrestlers involved and the second is the length of match. Nothing an IWC fan holds more dear than the names Angle and Michaels, and matches which push nearly 30 minutes or more.

Anyways, haven't watched this match yet... will when the DVD is released. I'm sure it's going to live up to the hype.
Same here.

Jesus it's amazing how late into his career Undertaker was able to become so good in the ring. Throughout the nineties and early 00's the guy fucking sucked.
He certainly wasn't consistent, but he wasn't usually working with top flight guys either. His work with Hart and HBK was pretty good. And if his match vs. Mankind in the Cell hadn't been about how much pain Mankind could take, I think they would have worked a great match as well.

And thinking about it now... Meltzer's 5 star criteria is heavily flawed without including one Kurt Angle match on the entire thing. That's just mind-blowing when you think about it.
There are many reasons Meltzer's ratings are flawed.
I don't think his rating system is "flawed" Sly, it's just one man's opinion. Everyone has certain likes and dislikes and nobody can claim to be 100% "objective" in something like determining the quality of a wrestling match, so I don't begrudge him for giving certain matches 5 stars that don't deserve it or not giving matches that do deserve it the honor. It's just one guy's opinion.
I don't think his rating system is "flawed" Sly, it's just one man's opinion. Everyone has certain likes and dislikes and nobody can claim to be 100% "objective" in something like determining the quality of a wrestling match, so I don't begrudge him for giving certain matches 5 stars that don't deserve it or not giving matches that do deserve it the honor. It's just one guy's opinion.

Exactly, while Meltzer has alot of rep, and the end of the day is only an opinion. Like many have already said there have been a couple of matches that were 5 star quality.

Anyway it's a guys opinion who most of the time has an interesting opinion to read, just like us. There's no reason to take him seriously.
It was a 5* match for me. Which really, as stated before, is just one man's opinion.
One thing that bothered me about the whole story line was how they tried to make it SEEM real, but there was still some things they wouldn't say. If Punk REALLY wanted to piss Vince off, and do a real shoot, one name would have done it. Benoit. Mention that on TV, and people would have really wondered.
There are two reasons people think that match was so great. The first is the names of the wrestlers involved and the second is the length of match. Nothing an IWC fan holds more dear than the names Angle and Michaels, and matches which push nearly 30 minutes or more.

I liked how you started your message by pointing out a logical fallacy, only to make one yourself later on.consider me a 3rd reason.

i enjoyed that match - i loved the grappling early on, and the spots as well. i especially liked it when angle held shawns head and screamed at him to give up, only to get superkicked for his trouble. thats probably one of my all time favorite "match moments". but i guess the reason i truly liked it was because its angle and hbk, OMG!

jmt225 - that vengeance match was a rehased filler mostly, intented to satisfy shawns ego. then again, you also included angle vs taker from smackdown in your list(although it was still miles better then the vengeance match), not the NWO encounter, so i have a feeling youre trying to go against the grain on purpose.

btw im new here, hello everybody!:worship:

This match is not a 5 star match at all. The only reason people are speaking so highly of it is because of the atmosphere and that's it.

And atmosphere is irrelevant to how good a match is.

I watched it, it was slow and sloppy at times. And it went on way too long.

I would give it 3 stars at most.

This match is not a 5 star match at all. The only reason people are speaking so highly of it is because of the atmosphere and that's it.

And atmosphere is irrelevant to how good a match is.

I watched it, it was slow and sloppy at times. And it went on way too long.

I would give it 3 stars at most.

Yeah you're not very bright are you?
I guess not. :shrug:

I mean I could explain why the criticisms you just made of the match are bullshit, but I thought it was just kind of obvious how wrong you were. You can't seriously sit here and say that the atmosphere and crowd reaction has nothing to do with the quality of a match. That's ridiculous. It wasn't slow, it wasn't sloppy, and it wowed everyone watching in attendance and at home. Universal praise for this match, but everyone in the world is wrong except for you? Come on now, you don't honestly think that? I hope not.
I'm pretty sure this match will end up getting The Dark Knight treatment. It was awesome when it came out, but then it slowly becomes cool to be the guy that thinks it sucks.
I'm pretty sure this match will end up getting The Dark Knight treatment. It was awesome when it came out, but then it slowly becomes cool to be the guy that thinks it sucks.

Those are evil, evil people Shocky. Beware.
I mean I could explain why the criticisms you just made of the match are bullshit, but I thought it was just kind of obvious how wrong you were. You can't seriously sit here and say that the atmosphere and crowd reaction has nothing to do with the quality of a match. That's ridiculous. It wasn't slow, it wasn't sloppy, and it wowed everyone watching in attendance and at home. Universal praise for this match, but everyone in the world is wrong except for you? Come on now, you don't honestly think that? I hope not.

I don't give a shit what the people in attendance thought or how they reacted during the match, other people aren't going to tell me what a good match is.

People universally praise Michaels/Taker from WM 25 and that match isn't that good, their WM 26 match was a hell of alot better.

You may like it, good for you, you may agree it's a 5 star match. I sure as hell didn't see a 5 star match.
I don't give a shit what the people in attendance thought or how they reacted during the match, other people aren't going to tell me what a good match is.

People universally praise Michaels/Taker from WM 25 and that match isn't that good, their WM 26 match was a hell of alot better.

You may like it, good for you, you may agree it's a 5 star match. I sure as hell didn't see a 5 star match.

... Fuck it. Your thoughts are about as good as a piss flavored popsicle. No need to go into it.

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