Meltdown Episode 7 Card

The Enforcer

The Heel John Cena!
Elite X tag Team Match

Mohammad Hasheem and El Guerrero vs. The One Big Will and Gus

Nate Thorpe vs. Tom Mcbrady

Steamboat Ricky vs. Sammy Orwell

Plus the explanation of the apparent alliance of Titus, BigWill and the WZCW Heavyweight Champion Joseph Rios on the debut segment known as 15 Minutes of Fame hosted by the one and only Big Will!

Main event

Titus vs. Everest with Joseph Rios Special Guest Ref

there is more to come
Elite X tag Team Match

Mohammad Hasheem and El Guerrero vs. The One Big Will and Gus

do u mean that the winners will be the Elite X Tag Team Champions?

I know there is no such thing but is that what u meant?
Its an Elite X "Wildcard" match-up. (Heel/Face v. Heel/Face) Its a build-up for our Fatal Four Way, Fan's Choice, Elite X Championship match.
oh oh gotchA!!!!

When is the ppv gonna be...the real date..

October what?

November what?
Why have a heel/face vs Heel face? Surely it would make more sense to have Hasheem and Will vs Gus and El Guerrero
Why have a heel/face vs Heel face? Surely it would make more sense to have Hasheem and Will vs Gus and El Guerrero

Not when its deemed/billed as a "Wildcard" match. (noone added that name to it, but thats what its suppose to be) Also, it'll add "drama" to our Fatal Four Way match at the p.p.v. -- I agree with the Heel/Face v. Face/Heel match-up, think of the possible outcome. It'll be explosive.
It's only done cos of the real heat between AE and SC, imagine WWE doing that, I don't
It's only done cos of the real heat between AE and SC, imagine WWE doing that, I don't

Actually, it was done for other reasons. The main one is actually to add overall drama to the Fatal Four Way. With a heel/face team on each side, do you honestly think either side will get along & work together?

And regarding the real life stuff with Aerandir & Coconut, do you think the W.Z.C.W. staff would attempt bringing in real life heat to fuel its own personal gain?! :rolleyes: :twak:

Who? Me? Heat? :icon_rolleyes:


Well, you ARE a Guerrero.. sooooo, heat runs in your vains.
What, WWE playing off the real heat between real life people? Nah, much to uppermarket for WWE....

... Edge & Matt Hardy, Bret Hart & Shawn Micheals are two off the top of my head. I'm sure I can give you more if you really need them.
And regarding the real life stuff with Aerandir & Coconut, do you think the W.Z.C.W. staff would attempt bringing in real life heat to fuel its own personal gain?! :rolleyes: :twak:

A very simple answer is yes, yes it would
It's only done cos of the real heat between AE and SC, imagine WWE doing that, I don't

hahaha...dude...rep for u...but i have to spread some first...i am telling u i was on the floor laughing so hard and i took a piss bc i was laughign too hard...that is 1 funny thing...

and it isnt really a big heel heat thing but wtvr lol

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