Meltdown 77

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

A massive explosion of pyro begins the 77th episode of Meltdown. The fans are going mad as the atmosphere in the arena ramps up. The feeling amongst the fans is extremely positive in this post-Chaos era and they loudly cheer the name of their favourites.

“Welcome everybody to WZCW Meltdown. We are on the road to Apocalypse but we have to look back at Redemption because we have a new Elite X champion in Mick Overlast and new tag champions in Action Saxton and Saboteur."

“Not forgetting Drake Callahan is our brand new Heavyweight Champion of the World!”

“But perhaps above all that, Chris KO has vanquished Ty Burna in the Casket Match to wrench control of the company away from the Harbinger of Chaos.”


Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening and will be contested as a Casket Match. In this match, the winner will gain control of the Ouija Scroll and, more importantly, control of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling!


Ty pulls the lid down but a hand shoots up from within the casket, stopping it from reaching it's end and finishing the match. Inside, whatever is left of Chris KO will not quit. Both hands are now stuck to the wooden lid as Ty struggles to force it down. After an immense struggle, Chris manages to get to one knee, using his back to force the casket lid open. Ty allows a look of sheer hatred to cross his features as Chris, again, fights back from the edge of losing. With Chris now on two feet once again, Ty battles with him, both men letting each other have what is left of them with stiff shots to whatever part of the body they land upon. After a moment of sheer brawling, Chris takes the initiative and grabs Ty's head before pulling it down onto the wooden edge of the casket. Ty's head opens up as blood begins to coat his face in the crimson colour. Chris grabs Ty and pulls him over the edge of the casket and inside. With Ty on his back, Chris grabs him by his blood soaked hair. Hoisting him to his feet, Chris knows that the end of the match is night. He positions him accurately, looking for The Butterfly Effect! Ty struggles and eventually wriggles free of the move. Chris recoils and upon charging at Ty once more is nailed with the Consecrated Banishment! Chris hits the inside of the casket hard as Ty begins to pick himself up. He slowly makes his way to his knees, deeply lodged within the mess of limbs and blood that now line the large casket's satin base. He looks down at Chris before slowly hoisting himself over the edge. The crowd boo with intense feeling as Ty begins to pick himself up.

Cohen: Ty Burna is still our boss, folks. Don't get me wrong, Chris KO put up a Hell of a fight but Ty is the Master Of Chaos, he revels in this sort of environment.

Copeland: As sad as it is to say this, I think you're right, Jack. Barring a major miracle from Chris KO, this match is as good as over.

There is a hushed appreciation of the moment as Ty makes his way to his feet, catching a glimpse of the defeated figure inside the casket before him. He raises one hand to the lid and begins to pull it down. He gives a small acknowledgement to a worthy foe as the lid gets progressively closer to closing. With that, the familiar figure of Serafina makes an appearance. Wasting no time, she runs down the ramp before grabbing the lid too. Ty cannot believe what he is seeing as his loyal companion for so long stares at him intently. Surprisingly, Ty freezes. There is a look in his eye that no one has seen before. Inexplicably, he freezes. There is no movement in his body and a vacant look in his eyes. There are no words between the two as both share a silent understanding. In the casket, Chris is beginning to come to. He pulls himself up to his vertical basis, looking at the meeting of two people that stand before him in silence. He cannot quite believe what he is seeing but he is taking nothing for granted as he pulls Ty into the casket. Ty still seems completely petrified by what has happened as Chris pulls him to his feet and nails him with The Butterfly Effect finally! Chris immediately gets to his feet and rolls out of the casket and onto the mats below. With a massive cheer from the crowd, he rises to his feet before looking at a departing Serafina. Serafina gives Chris a nod before Chris raises his hands, grabs the lid and slams it shut!

Harrys: Here is your winner... The White Knight Of WZCW... Chris KO!!

There is a stunned silence around the arena as the fans struggle to comprehend what they are seeing. The oppressive reign of Ty Burna is finally over. Chris himself cannot believe what he is seeing. He staggers backwards, looking at the casket as he does so. His eyes will not be shifted from it's gaze. He slides under the ring ropes and into the middle of the ring. The referee grabs his hand and raises it up. Chris is still stunned; he simply cannot believe what has transpired in the last few minutes. The referee leaves Chris for a second before retrieving the Ouija Scroll. Placing the scroll in Chris' hand, the referee leaves him in the ring. Chris looks down at the scroll in his hand before a determined look begins to crawl across his face. He immediately rolls out of the ring before asking the fans at ringside for something. The fans search their pockets before presenting Chris with a lighter. Chris grabs it and slides under the bottom rope. He opens the hatch before setting the lighter ablaze.

Copeland: No way...

Chris raises the scroll to the flame and gives the casket one final glance. With little hesitation, Chris puts the scroll into the flame. It immediately engulfs the paper, glowing with a beautiful and frightening green glow. Chris allows a look of sheer relief to cross his face as the paper continues to burn. As the flame approaches his hand, Chris tosses the flaming document onto the casket before rolling out of the ring. The fans go wild and chant his name as he begins to head up the ramp.

Copeland: Well, there you have it! Chris KO has wrestled control of WZCW away from the oppressive clutches of Ty Burna. And in scintillating fashion no less.

Cohen: I never thought I would see the day that Ty Burna was defeated in a casket match. What the Hell was Serafina doing out. Ty is going to be utterly pissed at her wh-


There is a sudden explosion as the casket is struck by a huge bolt of light. Immediately, the casket and resting place of Ty Burna is engulfed in flames. Chris stumbles back before falling onto his knees in sheer shock. There is a silence now as fear for Ty's safety becomes paramount. Chris expression tells a story of worry as flames flicker off of his face. Without hesitation, some paramedics and fire wardens appear, each holding a fire extinguisher. The immediately begin dousing the casket as flames build and build.

Flames continue to bellow from the casket as the screen goes black.

“That was one of the most explosive endings in the history of the company.”

“We haven’t seen anything like it before and after it’s all said and done, Ty Burna is gone and in explosive fashion.”

“We do not know the whereabouts of Ty Burna at this time and that is a significant tragedy.”

“But the new owner of WZCW is Chris KO and who can say what that is going to mean for the members of the rosters, new and old, who will compete on Meltdown, Ascension and Aftershock.”

Chris KO’s music hits to a significant roar.

“Well here he is, WZCW’s hero! The White Knight who ended Ty Burna’s reign of terror!”

“The man who got rid of WZCW’s greatest competitor should not be called a hero!”

“But he is now the owner of the company? What is he going to do with that power?”

He makes his way out to the stage and is engulfed by a white light from the Titantron. Another massive pyro sequence greets his entrance as he walks down the stage.

“He’s going to abuse it. It’s inevitable!”

“Of course it’s not! This isn’t Ty we are talking about here. Chris is a pure soul, with good intentions! He is not going to pursue the route that Ty went down. Ty was evil and Chris is naturally a good guy.”

Chris waits for the noise to die down but it starts again as he tries to speak.

“Thank you for your kind words. There’s no-one happier than me to be here right now.”

This draws another ovation that brings an emotional look to Chris’s face.

“So right here and now I can announce that I have made sure that the WZCW Board of Directors is going to be in full control of the company once more with orders to never allow this to happen again. At my request, Vance Bateman has been reinstated to his position as General Manager of Ascension and Chuck Myles will take care of Aftershock. And talking of Aftershock, there is a huge announcement that will affect rookies and veterans alike so make sure you tune in.”

This draws a cheer but Chris carries on.

“Now that leaves this great show. And the flagship show needs a face capable of leading the show in the right direction and that choice has still to be made. We hope to announce that very shortly once the right choice has been made. In the meantime, I have assumed the role myself, for this week only.”


"Now this is more like it!"

The arrival of Steven Holmes draws an incredibly negative reaction from the crowd and even gets a surly look from Chris KO who looks like his night has just been rained on. Holmes on the other hand looks like the cat that had all the cream, despite showing a number of bruises on his face.

“Christopher, Christopher, how long will it take before you drop this White Knight facade? It’s quite pathetic to see. These sheep can’t see it but you won’t fool me. I see what you have done.”

“Steven you arrogant so & so, what on earth are you talking about?”

Holmes makes his way down the ramp, with his typically cocky strut in full swing.

“It’s quite simple Chris but I’m not surprised that you don’t see it. You and these people who clamour around you are stupid and blind but I see it. You are a weakling and this has been highlighted further because you are trying to shift that magnificent power that you have. You see, you don’t understand but I do and I am willing to help.”

“Steven, I have nothing that you could possibly help me with.”

“Ah you really are simple. Let me explain myself. I wish to purchase WZCW from you. I wish to acquire that remarkable power that you are so willing to discard. Let me have it, I’ll be more than willing to give you a fair price and I will show you what that power can really offer to someone who is really able to exploit it to the fullest.”

“Have you just got off the train from the lunatic hospital?”

Steven has finally made his way into the ring and Chris is keeping a firm eye on Holmes.

“Chris, Chris, I am perfectly lucid, I can assure you.”

“Then I’m confused. What makes you think that I would allow someone like you to be given any power when you will surely go on to abuse it like Ty did.”

“Well for one thing I know you still own more than a controlling share in WZCW because the paperwork has yet to be signed off fully. But it’s more about claiming what I truly deserve. I am the one who should be next in line to face Drake Callahan or whoever the World Champion is at the moment. I need that championship to create my immortality, I deserve it more than anyone else and I am willing to furnish any relevant parties with a great deal of cash to do so because once I have the opportunity, I will not relinquish it because I take my chances better than anyone on the roster. I have been utterly dominant and I will continue that when I become WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.”

“Steven, I’m going to enjoy saying this but as sure as I have been through hell at Redemption, I will not allow you to purchase WZCW for your own devious intentions. This company, these fans do not deserve to have you in charge or as World Heavyweight Champion.”

“The wheels are in motion Chris, You can’t stop it and I won’t let you. Now get out of the ring because I have another helpless soul to rip apart.”

KO leaves slowly. Words are exchanged between the two men as The White Knight walks backwards up the ramp.

“That was some extremely tense exchanges between Steven Holmes and the man in charge for tonight, Chris KO.”

“Chris KO resents the man who should be number one contender. Steven Holmes is facing the likes of Stevenson Marquel because the people in charge don’t want him to get a World Championship shot!”

“You don’t believe that?!”

“Of course Seabass. I mean, it’s logical really. If Steven Holmes ever gets a shot at the World Championship then I guarantee he will win it!”

“Well hate him or loathe him, Steven Holmes is a divisive issue and he is in action next on WZCW Meltdown 77.”
Holmes disrobes in the ring as his opponent makes his way out.


“On his way to the ring from Brooklyn, New York, Stevenson Marquel!”

Marquel emerges to a good reception but he doesn’t have the time to enjoy it because Holmes has sprinted up the ramp and clubs Marquel across the chest. The strike dazes the big man and that allows Holmes to attack the leg that Marquel has bandaged up. Holmes yells as he repeatedly stomps on the leg.

“Steven Holmes is becoming an animal and Stevenson Marquel is getting torn apart!”

“The former Mayhem champ is helpless!”

Marquel is in agony and tries to roll away but Holmes is unrelenting. He drags Marquel down to ringside when he whips him into the steel steps that are attached to the corner of the ring. The steps crash but barely budge as Marquel is thrust into them with all the aggression that Holmes can muster. Holmes reaches under the ring and grabs a steel chair. With no hesitation, it is slammed over Marquel’s back. With Marquel screaming, Holmes discards the chair and shoves Marquel into the ring. Holmes follows into the ring. He yells at the referee and forces the official to agree to ring the bell which he does eventually.

“This is scary. I think we need the EMT’s out here.”

“I love what Steven Holmes is doing here!”

When he hears the sound, Holmes pounces once more with boots to the head. Marquel is reeling and has no response to this offense. Holmes grabs Marquel into position for the Imperial Impaler and nails it in the centre of the ring. Holmes covers him with barely any effort and a boatload of arrogance. 1.....2......3!!!

Your winner by pinfall, The Elite Steven Holmes

“That was a dominant performance.”

“That wasn’t a performance, it was a snack. Holmes chewed him up and spat him out.”

“Stevenson Marquel never had a chance.”

“And you know what, if Chris KO thinks he can stop Steven doing what he would like, he is going to have to face him in the ring like a man. And Steven Holmes is in the form of a lifetime.”

Holmes takes the absolute hatred lavished upon him by this capacity crowd as he poses on the turnbuckle. He grimaces as he looks down at the man who he has just destroyed.


We see Rush with his belt and Sam Smith walking backstage with Rush taking the lead, seemingly more determined to get somewhere than Smith who is following at a bit more casual pace, taking his time to survey the areas.

You don't need to be so worried, Sam. Dragon isn't the type of man to strike behind the scenes.

Smith looks directly at Rush whilst both men continue walking.

As long as we have each others' backs and no-one bails on us then we should be fine, right?

Rush stops walking, turning to Smith.

Look Sam, we've already talked about this. It's in the past and I don't intend of having this conversation again, I've got your back.

Suddenly, Smith looks away from Rush to see something of interest. Smith alerts Rush and they walk over quickly to someone, eventually revealing to be Chris K.O. who had been walking in the opposite direction. The two men confront Chris, making it difficult for him to continue walking. Chris puts away his phone he was using and addresses the two.

Is there a reason why you two have decided to block my path? If you wanted my attention you could have called...

Rush screws his face, not having time for games.

We're not in the mood for idle chit-chat, Chris. Now that you've taken care of your problem, we've got a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.

Chris changes from a friendly face to a more serious one.

Okay, what can I do you for?

Rush is in disbelief now and looks like he is about to blow a fuse. Smith keeps an eye on the big man.

You've got to be kidding? We've had this masked maniac stalking every move I do, blind-siding me with attacks whilst stealing my personal possessions. Plus, he's got supporters who are aiding him even though none of them have access to get inside the arena's in the first place. I've had to ask my good friend Sam Smith here to stay with me at all times as an insurance policy because no-one has resolved this situation. So, what the hell are you going to do about it?

Chris bursts out in laughter, making Rush quite livid. He goes to step forward and do something but Smith holds him back. Chris quickly quiets down.

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you by laughing but I would have never taken you for the lawyer-type, Rush. I think you're hanging around Sam too much... anyway, listen. I know full well of your situation and at this point in time, I don't see any grounds of complaint.

Excuse me?

The decisions made prior and up until Redemption cannot be undone. All I can do is make the best choices I can from what has happened. Now, I have established some sort of contact with Dragon and we have an accord that will allow him to continue wrestling for WZCW: this is why the two of you are facing him tonight with sanctioned rules. However, in the process of this, I have recognised that his title stripping under Ty's reign was unnecessary and removed it from the record books. Therefore, his reign as Eurasian Championship is still in affect.

Smith moves away from Rush and puts his hands on his hips, walking around in a circle looking to blow a fuse. Rush is about to literally snap.

But before any of you do something you might regret, I also recognise that you won the right to become the Eurasian Champion when you defeated Matt Tastic. Under the circumstances, I am not removing you as Eurasian Champion and you are still the champion. But... so is Black Dragon. At this moment, the two of you are the co-Eurasian Champions. Now, until such time as I can find a suitable replacement for the General Manager position of Meltdown, this is the temporary solution. I understand this isn't what you want but if you want that title, this is what you're going to have to live with.

Good luck with your match tonight guys and have a nice evening.

Chris K.O. nods at both men before walking off, pulling out his phone. Rush and Smith stand there, looking more confused than anything however, Rush seems quite ropeable. Smith sees this and calms down the big man.

It could be worse. Hey, let's get ready for our match tonight. It'll give us something else to focus on.

With that, Rush nods and the two men walk off.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!

“This match is one of those combinations that could be awesome!”

“A returning superstar versus a man who is desperate to move up.”


“On his way to the ring from Toledo, Ohio, he weighs 247 lbs, Alex Bowen.”

Bowen walks out, ignorant to the very mixed reaction he gets. When he gets to the ring, he poses on the corner taking in his reaction.

“Bowen is going to be hurting after the Stairway to Hardcore match. He’ll be desperate to get a good follow up to that win.”


And his opponent from Miami, Florida, Mr Baller!

Ballers’ music hits and the crowd offers up a mixed reaction to the returning superstar but he doesn’t appear. The Titantron cuts to backstage where Baller is seen laid out on the floor. The crowd begin to boo some more. Bowen has grabbed a mic from ringside.

“Why are you all booing? Do you think I did that? Just because I am the King of Mayhem, you think I could do such a heinous act. That’s awful, just awful! I’m much bigger than the Mayhem division and it’s now time for me to show that I am much bigger than the legacy that I have left behind. I’m going to win much bigger and better prizes, whilst taking on all challengers instead of the dregs of the Mayhem Division. I am the single toughest wrestler on the WZCW roster and I don’t care who I have to beat up to show it!”

Bowen throws the mic back to the timekeeper and goes to leave, eating up the crowds’ disdain. He puts his legs through the ropes when the lights suddenly cut out. The Titantron shows interference and several house lights move from turnbuckle from turnbuckle while a voice booms around the arena.

“Alex Bowen, your destiny is not to escape the Mayhem Division and your desperation to do so will hold you back as you try to escape. Ask yourself, is it really your destiny to be known as anything but the Master of Mayhem. You know the true answer. The hand of Prophecy can show you the way.”

The lights come back up and Bowen screams to be handed the mic back but when he gets it, it fails to work and the King of Mayhem is left to scream in anger.

“That voice and those words sound damn familiar”

“I think Bowen recognises it too. That explains the reaction, the tantrum that he is showing right now!”

“Bowen is going to be looking for answers, no doubt.”


Steven Holmes is walking backstage. He wears a suit and is perfectly coiffed after his brief outing earlier in the night. He runs into Becky Serra and almost knocks her over as he blanks her.

“Er, Mr Holmes, a word for us?”

Holmes gives her a dirty look.

“Not really Becky. I have many more important things to see to.”

“But Chris KO....”

Holmes barely stops himself to talk as he heads to the door at the end of the corridor. As he reaches it, a trio of suited men open the door for him and within a second, he is in a car with blacked out windows that speeds away without hesitation. The haste of his exit leaves Becky speechless in his wake.
Harrys: The following Eight Man Tag match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 538 pounds, Strikeforce!

Copeland: What a match up this should be; eight men going at it in the ring at once. This has the potential to be completely chaotic.

Cohen: Strikeforce should be looking to gain some revenge here; a win tonight will help regain their confidence after losing the tag team titles. Unsurprisingly, they don’t look happy.

Howard and Stormrage make their way to the ring; Howard practically marching down the ramp whilst his partner shadowboxes around him. As they enter the ring and climb their turnbuckles, Howard reaches down for a microphone; Stormrage sits on his turnbuckle with his back to the audience.

Howard: It’s been one full month since Redemption, since those two jokers took our titles away from us.

Stormrage jumps down from his turnbuckle and grabs the mic.

Stormrage: I think it’s time we had our say don’t you?

Howard: Exactly, you see in the past month we’ve had to resolve our private lives, lives that had become all too public. Action Saxton and Saboteur don’t seem to have private lives, after all Ken dolls are smooth down below. Our girlfriends were mad at us because we were trying to out-crazy those two lunatic cartoon characters who masquerade as people. Our lives became turmoil spread to the locker room and from there it spread to Twitter and dirt sheets. All because of you two clowns.

Stormrage: The good news is, we’re fixed now, we know we can’t out crazy you guys. Trying is madness. So here’s the plan, we’re only a few weeks away from Apocalypse, we want our rematch, I don’t even want to think about what you guys have done to belty!

Howard: Not only that but if we lose, we’ll officially retire Strikeforce from tag team competition. If we lose, Strikeforce are done.

Stormrage: But if we win, we as well as being the Tag Team Champions, we get to name your team. So, what’s your answer jackasses, you guys men enough to take the challenge.

Harrys: And their partners, weighing in at a combined weight of 523 pounds, they are the team of Mason Westoff and Derek Jacobs, The New Church!

Howard and Stormrage both look at the top of the ramp as Derek Jacobs and his debuting tag partner Mason Westhoff make their way onto the ramp, Westhoff is holding a microphone.

Westhoff: Brothers, my congregation will surely have something to say about this night, not only am I, Mason Westhoff making my debut on the prestigious show that is Meltdown, but I have already converted a disciple of my own. Mister Jacobs is a formidable ally in my battle to rid WZCW of the evils of the modern world. Sadly our battle must start not only battling a man who claims to be an angel but by teaming with a demon and a man who demonstrates the evils of videogames with his fat, lazy appearance. Please, I beg you, be quiet. It is important that we work together to defeat the opponents the Lord has sent to us this evening and the longer you talk, the longer we have to wait.

Westhoff and Jacobs calmly enter the ring in silence, immediately Howard is standing toe to toe with Jacobs and Stormrage with the priest.

Howard: So, I’m a demon am I? Wait until you see what I do to you and knucklehead here as soon as I get the opportunity.

Stormrage: Fat! You’re a priest who knows the Bible and the best you can come up with is that I’m fat!

Saboteur starts hopping up and down pumping his fists in the air while Saxton rubs his hands together ready for a fight. They make their way halfway down the entrance ramp together, with Saboteur jumping in circles around Saxton and high fiving fans.

Saxton: You four are fighting us this week, not yourselves. Strikeforce, we'll have an answer for you chumps soon enough. Get ready you super suckas!

Saboteur and Saxton make their way half way down the ramp before waiting for their partners.

Haryys: And their opponents, first, weighing in at insane manly kilograms, they are the NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW WZCW tag team champions, Action Saxton and Saboteur!

Copeland: The tag team champs look ready for action here tonight.

Cohen: I heard they had quite a bit of fun at the expense of the All Stars event; those two guys are as wild and crazy as they come.


Harrys: And their partners, first, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 225 lbs, Titus!

Titus comes out to the stage to a huge pop as he sprints lightly down to the ring, high fiving the fans as he goes. He gets into the ring he climbs a turnbuckle and points to the fans, before turning to face his opponents who are eyeing the legend from across the mat.

Copeland: Titus came up short in the 6 Pack Challenge at Redemption, hopefully a win here with his teammates can jump start his momentum again.

Cohen: The ever popular Titus will be looking to do everything that he can to help his team win.


The music hits as Angel slowly goes out to the Stage. He kneels down on both knees and looks up and throws his arms out, accepting god in his life. He looks at the ring and begins to walk down the ramp, high-fiving all the fans in the front row telling them to embrace god. Saboteur and Saxton run into the ring, forcing Strikeforce and The New Church to scarper. They both climb up the turnbuckles and pose for the audience: Saboteur unsheathes his katanas and makes an X with them, and Saxton dramatically rips off his shirt. Titus and Angel follow enthusiastically.

He climbs into the ring next to Titus, as they eye their opponents from across the mat.

Harrys: And his partner from Mexico City, Mexico, he weighs in at 180 pounds, The Angel!

Copeland: Big opportunity for Angel tonight; teaming with the tag team champs, and WZCW legend Titus. If his team wins, that’ll give him plenty of momentum.

The bell rings as all eight men stare each other down. Angel and the Derek Jacobs are the first to start things off. Jacobs circles the smaller man, but Angel holds his ground not giving an inch. He lunges forward, but Angel rolls out of the way. Jacobs back him into the corner and starts hammering away, beating him into submission with elbows and shots to the head. He whips him in the opposite corner but Angel ducks a clothesline attempt but the larger man catches him as he bounces off the ropes, and hits a powerslam. Jacobs follows up with an elbow drop which leaves the blessed one incapacitated. He drags him over to his corner and tags in his partner. Westoff begins to pound away on Angel; he hits a standing leg drop and locks in a headlock. His opponent gets to his feet and elbows Westoff away before striking him with a series of kicks to the side of head. Angel ducks a clothesline attempt and takes him down with a shuffle side kick. He leaps to his corner and tags in Titus to a huge pop. Titus charges into the ring, taking Westoff down with a series of clotheslines; he whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a DDT. He plays to the crowd before hitting a knee drop and goes for the cover. The Almighty one kicks out after 1. Titus then locks in a sleeper hold, but the larger opponent powers out and counters, taking him down with a back suplex. Westoff gets to his corner and tags in Mikey Stormrage. The big man climbs into the ring, but instead of attacking Titus he motions towards the tag team champions, yelling at him to tag one of them instead.

Copeland: Stormrage is not interested in fighting the former two time World Champion, wanting instead to face the man who pinned him at Redemption.

Cohen: No doubt losing the titles has cost Stormrage a few free meals. Tonight he should be hungry for some payback.

The former actor gets to his feet, backtracks to his corner, and tags in Action Saxton. Saxton and Stormrage face off, with the latter challenging for a test of strength. The two grapple, with Stormrage getting the upper hand, driving Saxton to his knees; but with the crowd behind him Saxton pushes himself up and frees himself by kneeing Stormrage in the stomach. Saxton pushes him back towards the turnbuckle with a series of chops to the torso, before pounding him with body blows. Stormrage covers up the best he can, and counters by grabbing Saxton and throwing him against the turnbuckle delivering a series of body shots of his own.

He pulls Saxton from the corner and hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. Stormrage quickly follows that up by locking in a neck crank. Saxton struggles before elbowing himself free of the hold. He begins to lift the larger man up to his feet with chops and punches sending him reeling. Saxton stands up into a spin and hits a massive punch to the face, sending Stormrage crashing to the mat. Saxton goes and tags in his tag team partner. Saxton picks up Saboteur and throws him over the ropes. Saboteur flips over and drives both knees into Stormrage’s gut. Saboteur goes into an early cover, but the big man kicks out quickly. Stormrage rolls over onto his stomach and starts to stand. Saboteur runs over and begins to forearm the back of his opponent. Stormrage continues to stand up. Saboteur grabs his arm and attempts an irish whip. He pulls Stormrage from the ropes, but his opponent reverses the move. Saboteur is whipped hard into the ropes and comes back running fast. Stormrage attacks with a knee; Saboteur baseball slides under to avoid the move. Stormrage turns around slowly to find his opponent in front of him. Saboteur does a bell clap to the head and follows with a headbutt. More Cowbell!!! The move causes Saboteur great amounts of pain as he slowly turns around. Mickey holds his head in pain and then lowers his hands. At that moment Saboteur flips backwards and hits a pele kick.


Stormrage teeters standing up and then falls back on his butt. Saboteur looks at him and waves his arms repeatedly in an unrhythmic fashion that he is about to do something. That something is the death blow. Saboteur bounces off the ropes and is greeted by a vicious clothesline from Howard. Howard exits the ring quickly as Saxton jumps in to defend his partner. The ref is occupied with Saxton, allowing The New Church to enter the ring. They pull Stormrage towards their corner, allowing Howard to tag in. Howard enters quickly and kicks the head of Saboteur as he tires to stand. Saboteur keeps trying to get up and his opponent continues to knock him down with kicks. He grabs Saboteurs waist and lifts him to his feet; hits a German Suplex into a pin. 1... 2.. Saboteur kicks out. Howard gets up and tags in Westhoff. Westhoff jumps on Saboteur with a elbow drop to the head. He continues this attack until Saboteur stops getting up. Westhoff raise his arms to boos and then lifts Saboteur to his feet. He grabs him by the neck and holds him above his head. Saboteur slips down behind him, but right into the wrong corner. Saboteur elbows at Howard and then punches all three off the apron. Saboteur turns and is met with a running boot. Westhoff calls his partner and tags in Brother Jacobs. Jacobs pulls Saboteur from the ropes and chocks him on the mat. The ref counts to 4 and Jacobs lets go. He gets up to his feet and lands a leg drop, he quickly follows with a pin attempt 1... 2.. Saboteur kicks out. Westhoff calls his partner and Jacobs tags him in. Jacobs lifts Saboteur to his feet from behind as Westhoff is on the top rope. Westhoff leaps and hits a double hand axle. Westhoff goes for the pin and gets a close 2 count.

Copeland: Strikeforce and The New Church have Saboteur trapped on the wrong side of the ring.

Cohen: He’s on the right side if you’re his opponent.

Copeland: He needs to make it back to his corner and tag in one of his fresh partners.

Westhoff slowly picks up his beaten down opponent and tucks his head between his legs. Westhoff has Saboteur over his shoulders and walks around the ring ready to give an alabama slam to his opponent. As he faces his corner, Saboteur slips down behind Westhoff and rolls him into a pin, Westhoff rolls out it and very slowly rolls onto his bum. Saboteur is on his fours and springs at his opponent with the Death Blow shinning wizard. Westhoff falls back under and Saboteur misses. Westhoff sits up and points to his head that he outsmarted him. What he does not realize is Saxton tagged in after Saboteur landed in their corner. Westhoff rises to his feet and turns around right into a backhand by Saxton. The blow drops Westhoff to mat. Saxton picks him up quickly and hits a headbutt; knocking Westhoff back to the mat. Saxton lifts Westhoff to his feet angrily and grabs his arms. He starts hitting repeated head shots on him, only stopping when Jacobs runs in to make the save. Saxton drops Westhoff and blocks Jacobs first punch and hits an Overhead Chop. Howard and Stormrage run in and Titus and Angel are there to intercept them. Titus is punching Howard against the ropes and Angel kicks Stormrage at the other end. Stormrage grabs the smaller opponent and irish whips him towards there partners. Titus hears them coming and drops down. Angel leaps over and hits a calf kick, knocking Howard out of the ring. Stormrage runs at them and Titus and Angel lower the ropes, sending Stormrage over as well. Saxton has Jacobs by the head and runs him towards the same ropes and throws him over top as well.

Copeland: Saxton and Co have cleared the ring of all their opponents and are now in control.

Cohen: Strikeforce and New Church had the right strategy and need to get back that advantage to get back in this match.

Westhoff greets his partners and they huddle together outside the ring. Saxton calls over Saboteur and gets on his hands and knees neat the ropes. Titus wonders what they are doing and then nods as he sees Saboteur climb onto his partner in the same position. Titus does the same thing beside Saxton and together they make a two step. Angel lines up and then runs towards them, climbing each step. He stands on Saboteur and then leaps onto his four opponent outside with a crossbody, dropping them all to the floor.

Copeland: What a move by The Angel.

Angel gets up and rolls back into the ring. Saxton and Saboteur raise Angels arms to a modest applause from the crowd. Westhoff rolls into the ring, but only to tag out to Jacobs. Jacobs runs into the ring towards Saxton. Saxton time’s Jacobs perfectly and hits a Megaton Punch, putting Jacobs flat on the mat. Saxton lifts Jacobs to his feet and tags in Angel. Angel grabs Jacobs arm and leaps onto the top rope. Angel stands there and then jumps onto Jacobs shoulders; throwing him across the ring with a hurricanrana. Jacobs slowly climbs up to his feet. Angel runs at his opponent and goes for a victory roll. As he is held up in the air, Stormrage reaches into the ring and slaps Angel in the face, throwing him off Jacobs. Stormrage tags himself in and runs at Angel; knocking him to the mat with his body. Stormrage lifts his smaller opponent to his feet and kicks him in the midsection. He follows that up with a knee lift to the chest and then lifts Angel up and drops him with a scoop slam, crashing his body on top of his. Stormrage goes for the cover. 1... 2. Angel kicks out. Stormrage tags in his partner. Howard straddles into the ring and waits for Angel to get to his feet. Howard rushes at Angel and takes him down by the legs onto his back. Howard is on top of Angel and starts to punch at the midsection. Angel attempts to block as many shots as possible. Howard gets up to his feet and picks Angel up. He hooks his arms and hits a snap suplex; throwing Angle towards a corner. Howard lifts Angel to his feet and starts punching away at his face. Howard backs up to the centre of the ring and starts to taunt Saxton and Saboteur. Howard runs at his opponent and hits a high knee. Howard follows that up with a bulldog and goes for the cover. 1... 2..... Saboteur is able to break up the count in time.

Copeland: The momentum has shifted once again in this 8 man contest. Will Strikeforce and New Church be able to put it away this time.

Cohen: Seabass look inside the ring. Angel right now doesn’t have a prayer in the world that could save him.

Howard reaches to his corner and tags in his tag team partner. Stormrage climbs onto the top rope. He stands there and poses for a long while before he goes for the Stormrage Splash. In that time, Angel was able to roll out of the way and avoid the move. The crowd has come alive as both men try to make it to their corner. Stormrage is first and tags in Jacobs while Angel is able to tag in Titus. Titus climbs onto the top rope and leaps with a clothesline on the running Jacobs. Titus is quickly to his feet and Jacobs is not far behind. Jacobs attacks first with a punch. Titus is able to block it and counter with a kesagiri chop. Titus turns around and bounces off the ropes. Jacobs goes for a clothesline; Titus is able to duck the move. Jacobs turns around and Titus hits a spinning heel kick. Jacobs gets up too quickly and doesn’t maintain his balance. Titus takes advantage of Jacobs stumble and puts him to the mat with a northern lights suplex. Titus goes for the cover. 1... 2... Westhoff breaks up the pin. Saxton and Saboteur enter the ring and knock Westhoff to the mat. They turn their attention to Strikeforce and knock them off the apron before they can enter the ring. Saxton and Saboteur leave the ring as Titus is back to his feet and grabs Jacobs leg, locking in an ankle lock. Jacobs looks like he’s about to tap when Westhoff hits Titus from behind. Westhoff looks to continue the offense when Angel flys out of no where with a hurricanrana, throwing both men out of the ring. Titus and Jacobs get to their feet at the same time. Jacobs grabs Titus first and lifts him off his feet. Jacobs runs to the corner and drops Titus down on the turnbuckle, Snake Eyes. Jacobs raises his hand and waits for the stumbling Titus to turn around. He does and Jacobs grabs him by the throat and goes for a chockslam. Titus hops to the side as Jacobs lifts and lands on his feet. Jacobs turns right into a boot to the gut which is followed by a Tit Drop. Titus with the cover, 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here are your winners, Titus, The Angel, Action Saxton, and Saboteur!

Copeland: What a match we just saw Jack. Eight men with very different careers in WZCW collided to put on an entertaining bout tonight.

Cohen: I think Titus saw all of three minutes of ring action. Should’ve just used him from the start and this match would’ve ended sooner. I guess back to the drawing board for Strikeforce and New Church.

The four wrestlers in the ring celebrate as Howard and Stormrage stare on from the ramp. Saxton and Saboteur raise their gold and Saboteur gestures for Strikeforce to enter the ring, but they refuse and turn around to leave.


We see Becky backstage with WZCW Owner Chris K.O., ready to ask a couple of questions.

Thank you for your time Chris. I know you are a busy man but we just wanted to do a couple of follow-up questions.

Chris gives Becky a smile.

Firstly, have you been able to determine the condition of Mr. Baller and who could possibly be the attacker?

We haven't been able to solve that problem yet. On a similar note though, it looks like the match between Marquel and Holmes could be the last for Stevenson. I got a call from the trainer saying that Marquel has done serious damage to his already injured leg and its safe to say that his wrestling career is on hiatus at this point. If we find any information on the Mr. Baller case, I'll let you know.

On the subject of Steven Holmes, do you have any comments about...

At this point in time Becky, I have no comment. If you'll excuse me, I've got something to deal with.

Chris K.O. quickly walks off before Serra can continue asking any questions.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 165 pounds, from Petersburg, Russia, Celeste Crimson!

Celeste makes her way out to the stage, looking surprisingly well given her troubles at Redemption. She waves and smiles warmly to the fans as she makes her way to the ring, slapping hands with a few as they cheer their approval. She slides into the ring and hops lightly from foot to foot, ready for her match.

Copeland: We welcome you to this contest as we see Celeste Crimson make her way to the ring, a woman disappointed at her failure to qualify for a six pack challenge for the world championship at Redemption, a match ultimately won by Drake Callahan.

Cohen: We know how disappointed she was to again fail to get a chance at the world championship, but ultimately, she got exactly what she deserved. S.H.I.T. was the better man...err, robot...that night.


Ricky emerges from the curtain with gusto, but is holding his neck as he makes his way down. The fans are overjoyed to see him and he returns the joy, but looks to be stiff and in some pain as he climbs into the ring and grins and Celeste, shouting something about Gasparrrrrrrri Nutrition and some other various things that have to be censored out.

Copeland: Another man who was disappointed at Redemption, Ricky is looking to get back on the right path tonight. But it certainly seems to me like Celeste is in much better shape than him.

Cohen: In more ways than one! Ricky needs to forget about all the distractions tonight and focus on a one on one match with one of the only people in WZCW here as long as he has been.

The two wrestlers are separated into their corners while the referee checks both for anything illegal. Satisfied that both competitors are clean, he signals for the bell and we are underway. The two circle one another for a moment before grappling in the center of the ring, Ricky forcing Celeste into a corner. Celeste fights out but Ricky maintains control. Celeste tries to force Ricky into the ropes but Ricky pushes her out, sending her rebounding off the ropes to meet his shoulder block. Celeste gets to her feet and the two share a long look before meeting in the center again. Ricky meets her with clubbing blows and forces her to the mat, stomping her on the ground. Ricky hits the ropes and looks to drop an elbow, but Celeste is up, leapfrogging over Ricky and hitting him with a shoulder block of her own on the rebound. It staggers him off balance and he falls to the mat. He gets up and finds her rebounding off the ropes at him. She hits him in the gut and he doubles over, then hits the ropes again and drops him with an Evenflow DDT. She goes for a pin and gets a quick one count before Ricky is out. Ricky rolls to the corner and tries to catch his breath while Celeste readies herself to continue. Ricky gets to his feet and throws a punch at Celeste, which she answers with a stiff punch of her own that sends Ricky reeling. He rolls out to the apron and stands up there; Celeste charges and Ricky drops through the middle rope and spears her through the ropes. Celeste staggers for a moment and Ricky tries to grab her, but she slips out and slips out of the ring, grabbing his feet out from under him and sending him crashing to the ground.

Copeland: So far it just looks like Celeste is faster and a little lighter on her feet tonight.

Cohen: And it will only get worse as we go on, given Celeste's superior conditioning.

Celeste rolls into the ring and calls for a big move. Ricky staggers to the apron only to meet a baseball slide that sends him sprawling halfway to the ramp. Ricky staggers back to his feet rapidly and Celeste springboards over the ropes. Ricky tries to take her feet out from under her but Celeste leaps over and turns. She tries to kick Ricky while turned around but Ricky grabs her boot and sends her crashing face first into the apron. Ricky takes a moment to gather himself and rolls Celeste back into the ring before following her. Ricky grabs her arm and drops it down over the apron, leaving her to gasp in pain. She rolls into the ring and Ricky stomps on her arm a few more times. She gasps in sharp pain after the last shot and Ricky goes for a cover, getting one, two, but only two. Ricky returns to the arm but Celeste starts to fight out of it. Ricky goes for a headlock but Celeste reverses it, whipping Ricky into a corner. Celeste charges and Ricky ducks out, leaving Celeste to slide out of the ring and grab hold of Ricky's legs. She drops him down face first and tries to crotch him on the ring post, but Ricky brings his legs forward and brings Celeste in smashing face first into the ring pole. Ricky takes a moment to recover before bringing Celeste into the ring and continuing the attack. He pulls her up and smashes a knee into her gut before forcing her into the ropes. He tries to force her into a whip but she counters, leaving Ricky to lift her up and send her crashing to the mat face first. He goes for a cover getting one, two, but only two.

Copeland: Early on it looked like Celeste was one step ahead of Ricky, but by slowing down the pace and controlling this match, Ricky looks pretty good!

Cohen: I'm not sure it'll last, but a hard and fast assault by Ricky could win him this one.

Celeste struggles to her knees and Ricky catches her with a shot across the back before forcing her into a corner. He lays into her with stomps in the corner and the ref separates them. Ricky takes a long moment to recover and consider his next move while Celeste struggles to her feet. The two meet in the center of the ring once more and Ricky quickly forces Celeste into the corner again, this time moving her up to the top. Celeste fights out of whatever Ricky was planning, so instead Ricky forcibly shoves her off the top and sends her collapsing to the ground. Ricky follows her outside, lifts her up, and tries to shove her into the ring steps, but Celeste reverses and Ricky finds himself heading into the steps instead. Celeste looks to be recovering but instead desperately charges, climbs over the steps and leaps with a running DDT on Ricky! Both are down on the outside of the ring and the ref is counting, at a count of six, seven, eight, and both are back in at eight! The two fight in the center of the ring and Ricky takes a swing, Celeste ducks under it and slaps Ricky in the face, hits the ropes and rebounds, charges with an axe handle that takes Ricky down! Celeste hits the second rope and comes flying off with a dropkick! She goes for a cover, getting one, two, but only two! She gets up to her feet, clapping her hands, calling for a big one, Ricky gets up, she swings with a high kick but Ricky ducks under! Celeste spins around and Ricky throws a punch, but Celeste ducks under that and trips Ricky up, leaving him hung up on the middle rope. Celeste scoops him up with a roll up and gets one, two, but only two!

Copeland: These two look to be evenly matched! Who will take a sustained advantage?

Cohen: Whoever does, just might be victorious!

Celeste pulls Ricky to his feet but he suddenly counters with a high knee to her face. Celeste collapses to the ring while Ricky recovers. He goes to the top rope, looking for an elbow drop, but he was too slow and Celeste is up and pursuing him to the top. She steps up and leaps all the way to the top with a massive enzuigiri that sends Ricky crashing to the mat! Celeste follows and covers, getting one, two, but only two! The two struggle to their feet trading blows and Ricky gets the better of it with a shot to Celeste's weakened arm. He shakes his head trying to catch his breath and pulls Celeste to her feet, locking her into a full nelson and elevating and dropping her with a full nelson slam! He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two! He pulls her up once more and perhaps looks to repeat the move, but Celeste struggles out and hits Ricky with a leaping backflip kick! She goes for a cover getting one, two, but only two! She stands on top of Ricky and calls once more for the Spirit Crusher! He staggers to his feet, she swings, almost connects but Ricky ducks out of the way! Celeste's momentum sends her spinning around and when she turns to face Ricky he catches her with a kick to the gut, and smashes her jaw with the BLUNDERBUSS! He covers her and gets one, two, and three!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, Steamboat Ricky!

Copeland: Tonight we had two veterans who matched wits and in the end, it was one right move that was the difference here.

Cohen: A contest between two old veterans of our trade that could really teach some of the young bloods a thing or two, Seabass.

Copeland: That's uncharacteristically positive of you, Jack.

Cohen: Well, let's just say recent events have given me a new appreciation for the veterans of our business, alright?

Ricky takes a few long deep breaths and engages in celebration with the fans at ringside as he takes his leave. Celeste stares a hole through him on his way out, looking disbelieving at her loss.


We are backstage where Chris K.O. is standing around, waiting. He doesn't have to wait long though as the man he wants to see, Black Dragon, approaches towards him, smoking a cigarette with a few of his BD clones following close behind.

Hey, Dragon. I need to talk to you.

Dragon stops at Chris, looking in his direction and continuing to puff on the cigarette.

You haven't got a tag team partner organised yet, have you?

Dragon blows out some smoke in the direction of K.O., not responding in usual BD fashion. Chris nods.

Oh right, the vow of silence thing. Well, I don't know what you have planned but I booked the main event as a tag team match, not as a handicap so you're going to need a partner. I would love to help you but considering the encounter that I had with Rush and Smith before, me assisting you would stir some controversy and I can't have that. You understand, right?

Dragon grunts and takes another puff, about to walk away. Chris stops him.

Look, I know we've had our fair share of encounters in the past but believe me, I'm not that same person. I'm not here to cause you any grief or ruin your life, I'm just trying to get this place running back to normal. I don't care if its one of your cronies but you're going to need a partner for tonight. Please find one before you go out there.

Dragon drops the cigarette, stomps it to put it out and snaps his fingers. His men disband in different directions running whilst Dragon walks off alone. Chris sighs and shakes his head, trying to figure out what to do.
Harrys: The following contest is your main event for this evening and it is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos heavily as Sam Smith walks out first, looking out towards the audience as Rush follows behind him with the title over his shoulder. The two meet on the stage before they walk down together with slow and methodical pacing to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 557 pounds, the team of Sam Smith and the co-Eurasian Champion, Rush!

As the announcer finishes up, Rush gets a little twitch and grunts at the statement of being a co-champion. Both men use the steps and enter the ring at the same time, pacing around it looking at the audience.

Cohen: I'd hate to be in the Dragon's shoes right about now: Rush doesn't seem to be in the best of moods since that announcement of making him half a champ.

Copeland: When has Rush ever been in a good mood recently? At least he'll have a chance to vent that frustration against his co-holder. I just hope Smith keeps him in check.

Rush stands in the middle of the ring as Smith is on the turnbuckle, looking around the audience. He spots something in the audience and calls over Rush. The crowd begins to cheer as multiple copies of Black Dragon can be seen rushing through the audience, standing near the barricades. The crowd cheers even louder as Black Dragon appears at the top of the stage. This angers Rush and he begs for the Dragon to come down. At this point, Smith has gone over to the stage hands and requests a microphone.

Smith: Dragon, we're getting a little sick and tired of these drones coming through the crowd and ambushing us. Why don't you send them on their merry way and actually fight us like a man?

Dragon ponders this for a moment before making the decision.

Copeland: Hold on to your seats, ladies and gentlemen. This could get ugly.

Cohen: Don't be such a pansy, Seabass. Nothing wrong with a good ol' fashion brawl.

He walks down to the ring and waves off his men. They hesitate for men but they oblige when Dragon waves them off a second time, with more emphasis. As soon as this happens, Dragon runs into the ring and begins to attack both men by himself. One of the cronies turns around and stops walking, looking at the action. He manages to fend off both men with shots until Rush hits a clubbing blow from behind, allowing Smith and him to double team Dragon. The referee tries and breaks it up but they ignore him as they continue the attack. The single BD copy who stayed behind watches the attack unfold and the crowd around him egg him on to help him. He hesitates but he rushes for the ring, eliciting a huge reaction from the crowd.

Cohen: What the hell does he think he's doing?

Copeland: He's coming to save the Dragon.

The BD copy hops over the barricade and slides into the ring, taking Smith by surprise with an ambush. Rush turns around and sees this, going after the slighter bigger BD. The copy walks backwards and pulls down the rope, forcing Rush to go over the top and crashing down to the floor. The copy see Smith recovering and he sends him over the top with a clothesline. The copy goes over to Dragon to see if he is okay whilst Rush and Smith recover on the outside, angry at what has happened. In the midst, the referee tries to make sense of it all and attempts at restoring order. Dragon recovers and waves him off, signalling him to go away. The copy employs to reconsider but Dragon is insistent. The BD double does what he is told and hops on the apron. At that same time, Smith has slide into the ring as Rush gets on the apron. The referee sees this opportunity to control everything in his favour and rings the bell, officially starting the match.

Dragon hits the oncoming Smith with a dropkick out of instinct, knocking him down. He gets up and looks at the ref, pointing towards his double on the apron. The ref assures him that the double is his partner for the match and Dragon looks over at his double, shaking his head. The double apologises as Dragon turns around to see Smith just about recovered.

Copeland: I think the Dragon didn't appreciate the ref calling for the bell and allowing his double to compete.

Dragon hits a few hard forearm shots to Smith before trying to whip him across the ring. Smith reverses, whipping Dragon but the Dragon comes back with a sleeper slam on Smith... 1... kick-out for Smith. He locks in a sleeper hold as Smith tries getting up, keeping him pressed on the ground. Smith does his best to try and get up with the pressure locked in, slowly getting to his feet and bringing the Dragon with him. Smith tries a few shots to escape the hold but it doesn't work. He then runs backwards, forcing Dragon into the turnbuckles near his partner. Dragon tries holding on but Smith is about to escape, forcing the double to blind tag himself in. Dragon looks on in disbelief as the double enters in the ring and hits a chop across the exposed chest of Smith. The referee comes over and forces Dragon on the apron as he watches on, not approving of the double in the ring. The double hits another couple of chops before measuring up a punch to the jaw, knocking Smith down to one knee. The double hits a boot to face, pushing Smith on his back. As Smith tries getting up, the double goes to run, rebounding off the ropes. Smith surprises the double however, drilling him with a nasty clothesline.... 1... 2... kick-out. Smith gets up and drags the double towards his corner, tagging in Rush where the crowd starts booing. The two of them double-team the BD copy with a barrage of stomps before the ref forces Smith to clear out on the count of 4. Rush picks up the double, putting him on the ropes. He puts the doubles head underneath the top rope so the double is looking out towards the audience, his chest in front of the top rope. Rush then hits a series of 10 clubbing forearm shots before letting the double go, who drops down to the ground. Rush puts a foot on the double, causing a pin... 1... 2... kick-out.

Cohen: I love it! Rush is teaching the Dragon and his masked cronies what happens when you mess with him.

Copeland: At least this BD double is somewhat resilient.

Rush picks up the double and hits him with a bodyslam, before picking him up and doing it again. Rush finishes it off with a third, following up with a standing elbow drop... 1... 2... kick-out by the double. Rush seems a little frustrated and confused at how this double is surviving as much damage as a normal wrestler. He goes to unmask the double but is proven to be a pointless endeavour as the double does all he can to prevent the mask to be taken off. Rush stomps on the double and lets go of the mask. Instead, he puts both his hands around the neck of the double and picks him up, going for a double handed chokeslam. The double manages to escape the hold but hitting a bell clap, causing the big man to drop the BD copy. The double then hits a quick dropkick to the knees of Rush, causing him to drop to one knee. The double runs off the ropes and goes for a running shoulder tackle but it does little damage. He then runs behind Rush and attempts a bulldog, hitting it and grounding the big man. He rolls over Rush and pins him... 1... kick-out by Rush. The double gets up and he looks over at Dragon, asking him if he wants in. He goes to Dragon and extends his hand for a tag. The Dragon hesitates to tag but eventually does so, entering the ring and going after Rush as the double gets back on the apron. Rush sits up, allowing the Dragon to hit a soccer-style kick to the back of Rush, causing some discomfort for Rush. However, he continues to get to his feet and Dragon hits a couple more stiff forearms. Dragon measures Rush and goes for a kick but Rush grabs the leg, preventing him from doing anything. Before Dragon can transition the shot into something else, Rush pulls Dragon close and hits an atomic drop before pushing Dragon back, nailing him with a big boot. Instead of covering, Rush goes to Smith and tags him in. Smith enters the ring as Dragon recovers, running at him. Dragon counters and hits a snap powerslam... 1... 2... kick-out.

Copeland: There doesn't seem to be any established momentum in this match. It has been very even thus far.

Cohen: Now is the time when it all changes. The first person to get exhausted will be the man responsible for their team losing.

Dragon gets to his feet before Smith, allowing him to whip Smith into his own corner. Dragon instructs the double to hold me back which he does so. Dragon measures Smith and hits a handspring back elbow on Smith, followed by repeated elbow strikes. Dragon backs out and the double lets Smith go, allowing Dragon to hit a standing side slam... 1... 2... kick-out. The Dragon then gets up and surprisingly asks for a tag from his double. He obliges, entering the ring as Dragon gets on the apron. The double picks up Smith and whips him into a different corner. He goes for a turnbuckle splash but Smith evades the contact, causing the double to hit nothing. Smith is ready, waiting for the double and hits a Northern Lights suplex with the bridging pin... 1... 2... kick-out with Smith slapping the canvas. Smith picks up the double and further punishes him with a backbreaker. Instead of going for a pin, Smith points to the turnbuckle and ascends it, looking to go for his signature elbow drop. However, Dragon prevents him and pushes him off the top, causing him to crash to the canvas. The crowd cheers as this happens, causing Rush to drop from the apron and charge after Dragon. He sees this coming and jumps off the apron, taking down Rush. The two brawl on the outside as Smith and the double recover in the ring. The double is up first and meets Smith with a kick to the gut before going for a Stunner-Type Jawbreaker... however, Smith counters and gets a sleeper hold locked in. He wrenches hard on the double, looking for the submission but the double seems to be slipping out of the hold. As he does so, his mask slowly comes off. The double manages to slip out of the hold but the mask comes off, revealing everything. Smith, eager to know who it is, lifts up the double's face to reveal who it is.

Copeland: Johnny Scumm? He's the double?

Cohen: What the hell does he think he's doing dressing up like Black Dragon? Was this planned?

The whole audience, Smith and the recovered Dragon all look at Scumm in shock, now knowing who this double is. Smith turns to Dragon and sees just how confused he is, trying to figure it out. During this time, it gives enough time for Scumm to recover and attempt the Facebreaker but Smith blocks the attempt, pushing Scumm away. Dragon goes to enter the ring but Rush from behind attacks him, leaving them to brawl on the outside. Scumm gets up and turns around, getting met with the Final Judgement. Smith drills him into the ground and locks in the Double Jeopardy. Scumm does his best to find an out but is unsuccessful. Rush picks up Dragon and locks him in a position where he can't move and all he can see is the submission hold where Scumm taps out.

Smith lets go of the hold as Rush slams Dragon into the barricade. Smith exits the ring quickly as well as Rush who grabs the Eurasian championship and both men head up the ramp with smiles.

Harrys: Here are your winners; Sam Smith & Rush!

Cohen: I never expected in a million years that Scumm and Dragon would work together.

Copeland: Judging by the look on Dragon's face, I don't think this was planned at all. He looked as surprised as everyone else.

Cohen: He could be bluffing... this is the same guy who stole Rush's belt, the rightful Eurasian champion.

Copeland: But Dragon is also the champion... this is all too confusing and unfortunately, we haven't got any time for explanations. Ladies and gentlemen, this is goodnight from us here at Meltdown.

Smith and Rush are on the top of the ramp celebrating as Rush holds the championship up high. Dragon looks at them and then turns to Scumm who is on his knees, apologising to Dragon for the damages that have been done as Meltdown goes off the air.
Who Wrote What:

Numbers - Opening, Baller vs. Bowen, Holmes vs. Marquel, Segments
Harthan - Crimson vs. Ricky
Showtime/Echelon - 8 Man Tag
FalKon - Rush/Smith vs. Black Dragon/???, Segments

Rep and feedback would be appreciated.

We apologise for the small delay on the shows. We've been trying to figure out a couple of things and it took us a little extra time in compiling the show. Ascension should probably be done on-time (if not, it will be like MD and a small delay may occur).
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