Meltdown 58

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Redemption said:
Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a triple threat match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Showtime makes his way out to boos from the crowd.

Reynolds makes his way out with enthusiasm, the crowd cheering loudly as he points out to them.

Static lights begin to flicker as Ty Burna makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, flames spewing forth across the stage.

All three men stand in different corners as the referee and Truman Harrys stand around looking at the competitors.

The referee raises the championship belt high and displays it to the crowd as all three men eye up the prize that is on the line here.

Ty and Reynolds stare at each other and there’s an exchange of looks between each other to which they both smile to as Showtime paces near and they both knock him down with strong fists, they pull him up and double team him with an Irish whip and hit a double back drop on him before take him out

Ty then picks up Showtime, looking around to decide what to do but that immediately changes when Reynolds comes leaping over the rope and taking both his opponents down with a body splash, the crowd roars on in excitement at the pace of the match.

Showtime smirks on his knees as he rolls the champion up and pushes him into the ring before kicking Reynolds in the head and following after Ty.

Connor: This is anyone’s match to take, who’s going to keep the momentum long enough?

Showtime runs through the ropes with a spear and takes down the champion but it takes both of them down as Reynolds is slowly getting back up from the earlier neckbreaker.

Reynolds runs and hits a shoulder between the ropes to knock Showtime back, getting caught by Ty who throws him backwards onto the remaining announce table which doesn’t break and the crowd wince at the pain Showtime’s abs must be in. Copeland, Cohen and Connor start walking away for safety as Ty takes a deep breath and turns to see Reynolds is waiting on the turnbuckle, he leaps and takes a boot from Ty as he staggers forward. Ty then looks at his two opponents and pulls Reynolds up, he turns him around and crosses his arms across his chest and then hits the X plex to send Reynolds over on top of Showtime on top of the announce table as the impact breaks the table apart.

Reynolds hits a lariat followed by a quick dropsault, he doesn’t go for the cover and leaps at the ropes to springboard into the air and land with a headbutt, he goes for the cover, 1…….2……Showtime knocks Reynolds off of Ty.

Copeland: Reynolds could have had the title won if it wasn’t for Showtime.

Reynolds tries to go for a second Ratings Killer but Showtime shoves himself out of it and hits a sluggish enziguri to take down the Ratings Winner, he eventually struggles over and goes for a pin, 1…….2…….Reynolds gets a shoulder up as Showtime holds his head.

He has a possessed look in his eyes as he goes back on the outside and ascends the turnbuckle, he looks at the crowd and laughs at them knowing what he’s about to do, but the distraction is long enough as Reynolds gets back up with the chair and throws it at Showtime’s head which knocks him back as he staggers on top of the turnbuckle as Reynolds heads over to his adversary. After a couple of rights, Reynolds ascends the turnbuckle to be on the same level as Showtime as he looks around to see Ty is down, so he prepares to send Showtime from the top until the showman hits a low blow on him, giving Showtime a chance to stand up tall, he pulls Reynolds up with him and holds him ready, he looks into the distance and feels the moment coming and goes for his deadly Final Act. As he takes flight, time seems to slow down and the sound of a heartbeat can only be heard but reality snaps back in as the momentum is stopped flat by the impact of a Consecrated Banishment from Ty who kicked Showtime head on, he drops down and makes the cover on Showtime as he shoves Reynolds out of the ring, 1…….2……3.

Harrys: The winner of this match and still WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Copeland: Wow, what a match, such a pace, such intensity, Reynolds and Showtime put on a challenge like no other but it was Ty who walks out with the championship still around his waist. Close calls everywhere but Ty took advantage of an opening, but his challengers are worthy opponents.

Ty has the World Heavyweight Championship presented to him as he has his hand raised in a kneeling position. He looks around to see Reynolds is still down on the outside and nods in acknowledgement, knowing Reynolds came close to winning the title. He takes a moment to stand up slowly before picking up the belt and raising it high to the crowd who respond positively though some boo him. He loos around the arena and knocks his task is done as he slowly heads out towards the ramp as Reynolds and Showtime are slowly coming to.

Copeland: What challenges lay ahead next for the champion?


“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Ratings Winner, Austin Reynolds!!”


Austin strolls down to the ring, with a mic in hand. He poses at the top of the stage and then moves down to ring, tapping hands as he moves down the aisle.

“I come to you here tonight as a humble man. A failure; a man who didn’t accomplish what he set out to do at Redemption and become World Champion. And for that I apologise.”

“But with that being said, I demand anyone to come out here tonight and tell me that I don’t deserve one more shot.”

Austin goes to speak again but he gets interrupted.


The World Heavyweight champion comes out on stage to his usual, massively loud reception.

“Austin.......for a man of so many words, you are decidedly lacking on your actions.”

“Ty, you couldn’t resist coming out here could you? I assume you have come out here to agree to my being your opponent for that belt at Apocalypse.”

“Austin, you need to have some patience. Firstly you have to earn my company at Apocalypse.”

“I knew it.” Austin’s sarcasm and bitterness shines through opposite Ty’s confidence.

“So you heard? Yes, it’s true; I have some part to play in your next opponents. Not only did I hand pick Barbosa to face you on Ascension, but I also have ensured that you will face two very important people in the next two shows. Now I am not one for spoilers so you can speculate all you want.”

“What else Ty? How else do you want to stack the deck against me?”

“Temper, temper Mr Reynolds. Save some of that for Apocalypse.”

Austin kicks the ropes in frustration.

“I’m sick of you Ty! Your words are nothing but a slick disguise and I see through it! You don’t care about anything or anyone but that title! These fans are nothing to you. You may fool them but I am not buying it. You are a fraud.”

Austin points accusingly at Ty who laughs him off. They are soon interrupted by something that they weren’t expecting.


Showtime comes out and walks by Ty at the top of the stage. He walks with a determined confidence down the aisle and while Austin is clearly cautious, he steps into the ring opposite the Ratings Winner.

“Austin, well this is interesting. I don’t think we have ever been so close to agreeing on something.”

“Cougar, this is a surprise. Why aren’t you impounded somewhere? Go stroke the furry wall.”

Cougar takes the joke and laughs along with the crowd. He is appreciating Austin’s defensive stance and is suitably stood off on the other side of the ring.

“No Austin, please don’t interpret my presence here as anything but a demonstration of my agreement for your current situation. That man is a two-faced snake who slithers in and out of life’s predicaments and causes chaos no matter where he goes.”

“And just because he has these people falling over themselves for every word that he says, I am not one of them and I think that you are not either Austin. We don’t have to trust him anymore or buy into his crap.”

“Look you two. I’m tired of hearing you bitch. Do I have to come down and kick your asses? I’ll spoil it for you - It would end up the same as Redemption with you two flat on your backs and nursing headaches.”

“Ty, I dare you to try it. You are facing a losing battle. Do what you want to me. You won’t stop me coming for you at Apocalypse.”

“Austin, look despite what you may think of me I only have honourable intentions. I don’t have an overwhelming desire to kick the skin off your face unless we are in direct competition. Why else would I invite your better half to join mine at Ascension tomorrow night?”

“I don’t know if I can trust you!”

“And why should you Austin?”

“Stay out of this Cougar!” “Stay out of this Cougar!”

Austin is particularly aggressive in his stance to Cougar, unsurprising perhaps given his proximity.

“Look, I think you will enjoy this next few shows. You want to face the best? Well I want that too, so I made it happen. Enjoy the road to Apocalypse Austin.”

“You want to put me on trial Ty? Then consider it done. But one thing is for certain. You won’t stop me turning up to the pay per view. I may be broken in half but I will be there to take the title from you and take this company to the next level.”

Ty lifts up the title in response to Austin’s defiance and the Ratings Winner climbs a turnbuckle. The crowd looks on and delivers a rapturous cheer to both men, complete with duelling chants. Cougar looks on but he motions to Austin, clearly warning him against Ty as he exits the ring.
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match set for one fall!


Armanda Paradyse and Sean Cruz emerge onto the ramp, grinning at the capacity crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 504 pounds, Paradyse Cruz!

They high five the fans as they make their way down to the ring and slide in.

Copeland: If Paradyse Cruz have an impressive outing here, a tag title shot could be in the pipeline for them!


The crowd boos loudly as first James King emerges, then followed by Dr. Alhazred and Mister. They stand beside each other and raise their newly won titles, to the annoyance of the crowd.

Harrys: And their opponenets, the new tag team champions, the Forgotten Powers!

Cohen: I'm not a fan of the Brothers in Arms, but I know it needed a strong team to beat them. This is that team.

They get into the ring, with James King standing on the second turnbuckle raising his title while Alhazred gently strokes his title in the corner. The referee takes the belts and calls for the bell and the match is underway with King starting out against Paradyse. They lock up in the middle of the ring, with King backing his opponent into the ropes. The referee makes them break up the grapple, but the break isn't clean as King kicks Paradyse in the gut and Irish Whips him. Paradyse reverses, sending King into the ropes. King returns and Paradyse hits him with a Shuffle Sidekick! The crowd applaud as Paradyse goes for an early pin, 1... Kick out by King. Paradyse drags King to the corner and tags in his partner. King slowly gets up and Cruz does a headlock take down into a chinlock. King tries to struggle out of it, slowly managing to fight his way to his feet before hitting Cruz in the gut with an elbow. Cruz releases the hold and clutches his stomach as King runs at the ropes. He returns and hits a Shoulder Block and Cruz goes down. King quickly picks him up and follows up with a German Suplex, bridging into a pin, 1... 2.... Kick out by Cruz!

Copeland: Back and forth action from these great teams!

Cohen (chanting): Po-wer Glove! Po-wer Glove! Po-wer Glove!

King tags in Alhazred who hits a quick Fistdrop on Cruz and goes for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by King. Alhazred hits Cruz with several elbows and goes for another quick pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Cruz. Alhazred climbs out of the ring onto the apron and waits for his opponent to get up. Cruz gets up and Alhazred goes for a Springboard Clothesline, but Cruz dropkicks him out of mid-air! Cruz crawls toward Alhazred and goes to pin him, 1... 2... Kick out by Alhazred. Cruz starts to crawl towards his tag partner with the crowd cheering him on. He's about to gat Paradyse, but Alhazred grabs his leg with his glove and drags him away from his corner. Alhazred Cruz with a series of right hands before going up to the top rope and hitting a Diving Fistdrop before going for another pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Cruz! Alhazred remaind calm and tags in King. The two set Cruz up for the Post Traumatic Stress double team, with King hanging Cruz off the ropes. But Cruz struggles and manages to get his feet off the rope and onto the mat. He launches King over the top rope to the floor and dodges Alhazred's diving knee drop! He collapses to the mat and tries to crawl towards Paradyse!

Copeland: The crowd are fully behind Sean Cruz here!

Cohen: How is he still moving after that beating?

He makes the tag and the crowd let out a collective cheer as Paradyse comes into the ring. He clotheslines Alhazred over the top rope. King slides into the ring behind him and turns him around but Paradyse blockes the right hand and hits a Snapmare and follows up with a dropkick to the back of King's head. Paradyse gets up and goes up to the top rope. He poses for the crowd for a second before hitting a Moonsault! He goes for a pin again, 1... 2... kick out by King! Paradyse signals for the end and motions for Cruz to get into the ring. They get in position for the Double Superkick. But Alhazred runs in and hits the Level 5 on Cruz as King catches Paradyse's leg and twists him into the Gorilla Clutch! Paradyse tries to reach for the ropes, but they're too far and he soon taps out!

Harrys: Here are your winners, the tag team champions, the Forgotten Powers!

Copeland: Cruz and Paradyse were impressive but they couldn't quite pull off the win.

Cohen: They'll need to get much better if they want to be a threat to Forgotten Powers!

Alhazred and King walks up the ramp holding their titles up as Paradyse clutches his shin and Cruz stands over him, staring down the champions.

Backstage, we see Big Dave warming up in his locker room to a good ovation. He's suddenly interrupted by the presence of Barbosa who looks to bring a message but Dave raises his hand to stop him and just stares into his eyes intently, sending a message clear to Barbosa who tilts his head in some sort of acknowledgement before he heads off as Dave shakes his head before resuming on with his warm up.

Copeland: Well no words were spoken, but you know what's going on in their minds. Big Dave will defend the ownership of the briefcase later tonight, it is his to lose, can he overcome the pursuit of Kravinoff?

Cohen: Of course he won't, Kravinoff's in the perfect position to get the case and Dave's fallen for it!
Harrys: The following contest is a Mayhem Eliminator match where the winner will receive a title shot against the Mayhem Champion. 5 men will start this match and compete under Mayhem rules and eliminate each other until 1 men remains!

The arena turns pitch black. A soft drum beat is heard picking up volume before "Soul of the Shadow" by T.S.S Whinstien. The lights turn on and the Black Dragon appears on the entrance ramp. The crowd gives a respectful applause before Dragon begins to make his way down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 180 lbs, he is the Black Drag...

Before Harrys can finish, The Agony runs in behind the curtain and assaults Black Dragon as he is making his way to the ring. Agony looks to be enraged and immediately starts stomping on the fallen Dragon.

Copeland: Agony has forgone his scheduled entrance and decided to start things off early in this match.

Cohen: Mayhem rules Seabass. And with the elimination factor of this match Agony has a chance to eliminate someone before everyone else enters the ring.

Agony picks up Dragon and hurls him into the guard rail. He grabs him again and throws him into the steel stairs before lifting him up off the ground and rolling him into the ring. Agony looks under the ring and pulls out a baseball bat. He stares up and down it before sliding into the ring. He waits for Dragon to stand up on his feet before taking a vicious swing. Dragon reacts in time and rolls down and underneath the swing. Agony turns around only to be met by a Roundhouse kick from Dragon. The move causes Agony to stumble back and drop the baseball bat. Dragon quickly grabs the bat before Agony can and takes a shot right at the ribs of Agony. Agony bends of slightly, clutching his ribs. Dragon stands over top of his and with an overhand swing brings the bat down had on Agony's head, splitting it in two. Dragon drops down and applies a Fujiwara Armbar. The ref calls for the bell as Agony is unconscious.

Copeland: And Agony is the first one to be eliminated.

Cohen: Yes but not the last and here comes two of Dragons other opponents.

Ale and Masters run out from behind the curtain as Dragon applied his Shades of Grey on Agony. Before they can get there Dragon quickly gets to his feet with the broken baseball bat in hand as his 2 opponents stop just before entering the ring.

Hold up there Suckas!

All 3 men look up at the entrance ramp where Action Saxton is standing.

Damn we got some crazy shit going on here in this match so far. Now I can't speak Master Sammy or the 500 lb keg of Ale but I can damn as all hell tell you Action Saxton would like his name introduced for his fans.

So here we go. Introducing next, arriving straight from your moms bedroom, weighing in at 270 lbs of unbelievably straight up tripping black powers..... Actiooooonnnnn Saxtooooonnnnn!

Action drops the mic and marches down the ramp. Ale heads towards him and the two begin trading blows on the entrance ramp. Masters gets into the ring with Dragon only after Dragon has discarded the bat. The two lock up and Masters gains control and twists Dragon's arm around. He puts Dragon down to one knee with a standing armbar. Dragon holds his shoulder. Masters weakens his hold and goes to drive an elbow into Dragons shoulder, but that split second allows Dragon to grab Masters head, performing a snapmare. Dragon quickly follows up with a kick to the back of the head and a pinfall attempt that gets a short 2 count. Meanwhile, Saxton and Ale continue to trade blows along the entrance ramp. Saxton is struggling to overpower the much larger Ale. Saxton decides to change his approach and knife-edge chops the bare chest of Ale. He follows it up with another as Ale holds his chest. Saxton then climbs onto the top of the guard rail a waits for Ale to face him. He leaps at Ale with a diving overhead chop, but Ale is able to catch and hold him up in the air with his strength. He throws Saxton up into the air and Saxton lands hard on the guard rail. Ale then boots the side of Saxton's head which cause him to fall off the rail.

Copeland: Our opponents have squared off, who do you think will come out on top Jack.

Cohen: Some talented new comers are among this bunch, but size and strength go to Ale and that's who I believe will come out on top.

Back inside the ring, Dragon has been working over Masters with a series of slams and arm drags. Masters is up in the corner and Dragon Irish Whips him across the ring. Dragon stands in the opposite corner and then runs going for a handspring elbow. Masters gets both his feet up, hitting Dragon hard in the back of the head. Masters grabs Dragon by the waist before he can he recover. He lifts him up to his feet and then throws him over his head with a release German Suplex. Dragon's back and neck bounce off the corner instead of the mat and Dragon then falls forward to the mat in a heap. Masters with the cover. 1... 2... kick out by Dragon. Outside the ring Ale continues to work over Saxton. He lifts him up over his head and walks along the ramp before throwing him onto the steel ramp with a Military Press Slam. Saxton holds his back in pain. Ale quickly follows up with a huge leg drop. He goes to pin Saxton and waves the ref to come make the count. The ref quickly hops outside the ring and makes the count. 1... 2... Saxton manages a shoulder up.

Copeland: The physicality in this match has been turned up a notch.

Cohen: Yea, and the fact one group is outside the ring while the other is inside is preventing the ref form doing a good job.

Back in the ring Masters has his arms locked around Dragon's waist again and hits a german suplex into a pin. The ref slides in and Dragon kicks out after 2. Masters is frustrated by the refs call and quickly knocks Dragon back to the mat with a running knee strike. Masters rolls out of the ring and grabs the steel stairs. He throws them into the ring and then slides back in. He lifts the stairs over his head and goes the strike Dragon. Dragon counters with a drop toe hold as causing Masters to smash his face into the steel stairs. Outside the ring Ale has Saxton in a bearhug and looks to make him tap. Saxton struggles to break free of the hold. He punches Ale in the face, but to no affect. He then holds Ale's face with one hand and with a bit of winding up delivers a Megaton Punch to Ale. The punch causes Ale to stumble and Saxton follows it up with 2 more shots. Saxton the hits a Mongolian Chop which causes Ale to break the hold. Saxton follows that up with a few Karate Chops which wears the big Ale down to his knees. Saxton walks towards a counter and grabs a steel tray. He then smashes it over Ale's face 5 times until the pan is dented. Ale remains on his knees until Saxton knocks him to the ground with the Kung Fu Kick.

Copeland: The tide has turned for both Saxton and Dragon. Can they put away Masters and Ale?

Masters has recovered from the stairs and goes for a clothesline on Dragon, who ducks it and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Dragon then waits for Masters to stand up and hits an Enziguri on him. Before Masters can drop to the mat, Dragon quickly grabs him and hits Darkness Falls. Dragon makes the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Sam Masters has been eliminated!

Hey fool!

Dragon looks up and Saxton is standing on the steel bars above the entrance, Ale is lying some 8 feet below him.

You think that was pretty cool. Watch this.

Saxton holds the mic under his elbow and then jumps dropping onto Ale. The sound of the elbow hitting is heard throughout the entire arena. So is Saxton as he counts the 3 count himself.

One... Two... Three... ding ding ding

Ale has been eliminated.

Saxton drops the mic on Ale and then makes his way to the ring.

Copeland: We are now down to 2 men, the newcomer Black Dragon and the man who lost his match at Redemption for the Mayhem Title. One of these men will receive a Mayhem Title shot.

Cohen: Who cares, my bookie screwed me over again.

Dragon lets Saxton climb into the ring and the two men lock up. Saxton overpowers Dragon and pushes him to the mat and half way across the ring. Dragon gets up and approaches Saxton who quickly gives him a backhand across the face. The crowd responds loudly to the shot, which seems to trigger something in Dragon. Saxton goes for an overhand chop but Dragon side steps it and hits a Roundhouse kick. He follows it up with a dropkick that cause Saxton to stumble back into the ropes. Dragon quickly on his with stiff elbow shots, goes for an Irish Whip. Saxton reverses. Saxton goes for a Twirling punch to the face. Dragon slides underneath Saxton. Saxton spins around quickly to catch Dragon, but the momentum allows Dragon to get his hands underneath for a Snap Powerslam followed by a pin attempt. 1... 2... Saxton kicks out. Dragon lets Saxton up and then follows with a series of kicks that knock Saxton back into the corner. Dragon wastes little time in going for a handspring elbow and connects. He follows that up with 2 more elbow shots and then turns to charge at Saxton with a forearm. Saxton pulls himself to the side and uses Dragons momentum to ram his head into the ring post. Saxton locks Dragons arms and then repeatedly starts hitting headbutts on his masked challenger. Dragon falls and Saxton goes for the cover. 1... 2..... Dragon just kicks out.

Copeland: The resilience of Black Dragon may be too much for Saxton to overcome. Can he put Dragon away?

Saxton has had enough of Dragon and goes outside the ring. He returns with a steel chair and looks to finish off Dragon. He goes to strike him with the chair, but Dragon throws his leg up with a roundhouse kick, knocking Saxton back and causing him to drop the chair. Dragon's leg cracked the side of the chair and shows a slight wobble. He grabs the chair and goes to hit Saxton. Saxton surprises him with Black Lightning. Dragon falls and Saxton makes the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Action Saxton!

Saxton gets up and the ref raises his hand. Saxton bends over to check on his fallen opponent and slaps his face a bit and can be heard saying nice try to him. Saxton exits the ring and celebrates with some fans as EMT's go to check on Dragon. Dragon regains consciousness before any of them can remove his mask. He looks up the ramp at Saxton who turns around and sees Dragon recovering. Saxton nods his head and shouts next time fool as he goes behind the curtain.

Backstage, we see Scott Hammond and Wasabi Toyota backstage, they're in mid conversation and then they embrace each other before heading off in different directions.

Toyota: You can do it Scott! Do it for the good!

This puts a smile on Hammond's face as he heads on before walking into Steven Holmes.

Holmes: See you out there in a moment...sunshine!

Holmes walks off as Hammond looks miffed by what Holmes had to say.

Copeland: Well there's two of the three men competing for a EurAsian Championship shot, who's going to walk out of this one with the opportunity? Hammond? Holmes or Kurtesy? Find out next!
Harrys: The following contest is for one fall and it is to determind the number 1 contender for the EurAsian championship!

Bliss hits and Blade emerges to boos from the crowd. He stands on the stage and looks out at the crowd before performing his signature taunt and throwing his title over his shoulder. He walks down the ramp smirking and walks over to the commentary table. He grabs a headset and shakes Cohen and Copeland's hands before sitting down.

Cohen: Blade, it is an honour to have you here.

Blade: I know.

Beethoven's 5th symphony plays to more boos from the crowd. Steven Holmes walks out onto the stage, his face expressionless.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 240 pounds, Steven Holmes!

He slowly struts down to the ring, and climbs the steps, getting into the ring. He glares at Blade, who mockingly waves back. PSychotically Deranged hits to a good reaction from the crowd, and Kurtesy comes out onto the stage, staring straight ahead at his former tag partner.

Harrys: And his opponents, first, weighing in at 235 pounds, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy breaks into a run as he goes down the ramp and slides into the ring. He gets up and goes straight for Holmes, taking him down and hitting him with a series of right hands. The referee tries to break it up, put he can't pull Kurtesy away.

Blade: Entertaining so far!

: How can you be so cheerful when you have a huge bullseye on your back in the shape of the EurAsian title?

Blade: Who wouldn't be cheerful in my position? From watching this, I feel on top of the world knowing there's no way I can lose my next title defense...

Papercut hits to a big pop from the crowd and Hammond comes out. He stands at the top of the stage, grinning and shaking his head before quickly going down the ramp and into the ring. The referee officially rings the bell as Hammond goes towards Holmes and Kurtesy who are still brawling. Hammond pulls Kurtesy off Holmes and hits him with a series of right hands. Kurtesy stumbles backwards into the ropes and Hammond clotheslines him over to the floor. Hammond raises his arms as the crowd cheer him on. Holmes gets up, looking a bit shaky from the earlier onslaught. Holmes throws a right hand, but Hammond blocks it and hits Holmes with a Belly to Belly. Hammond quickly goes for the cover, 1... 2... Kick out by Holmes. Kurtesy gets back in the ring and runs at the ropes. He bounces off as Hammond turns around and hits him with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Kurtesy picks up Holmes and hits a vicious Facebreaker Knee Smash. Holmes goes down clutching his face as Kurtesy stands over him. Hammond is up now and turns Kurtesy around and they start exchanging right hands. Hammond gains the advantage, backing Kurtesy into the corner. Hammond Irish Whips him across the ring into the other turnbuckle. Hammond runs at Kurtesy, but Kurtesy gets a foot up, hitting Hammond in the jaw. Hammond stumbles backwards and Kurtesy runs at him. Hammond counters, lifting Kurtesy into the air, into Military Press position. He holds Kurtesy above his head but Holmes comes from behind and pushes Hammond! Hammond stumbles forward, going over the top rope to the floor as Kurtesy goes flying into the crowd barricade, causing the crowd to let out a collective groan.

Cohen: Surely you must be worried about the prospect of facing Steven Holmes after clever moves like that?

Blade: Holmes isn't clever. The other two are just stupid...

Holmes gets out of the ring and picks up Kurtesy. He holds up his now rival and drives him into the ring post back first. Kurtesy's face contorts in agony before Holmes follows up with a Neckbreaker on the floor. Holmes gets up, smirking and slides Kurtesy in the ring before going for the pin, 1... 2... Hammond breaks it up! Holmes looks annoyed and hits a few right hands on Hammond. He tries to Irish Whip Hammond, but it's reversed, and Holmes goes into the ropes. He bounces back towards Hammond, who hits him with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Hammond goes for the pin, 1... 2... Holmes kicks out! Hammond catches his breath for a moment before putting Holmes in a Dragon Sleeper to wear him down. With the ropes out of his reach, Holmes starts to fade. With the ref about to check Holmes, Kurtesy comes from behind and locks in the Hypnosis on Hammond! With both Holmes and Hammond in submission holds, the ref can't decide who to ask. Finally, Hammond lets go of Holmes and drops to his knees. Kurtesy drags Hammond to the mat and locks in a Body Scissors while keeping the Sleeper locked in. The ref lifts Hammond's arm, and it drops to the mat. He lifts the arm for a second time and it goes limp again. The ref is about to raise Hammond's arm but Holmes regains consciousness and manages to break up the Sleeper Hold. Holmes throws Kurtesy out of the ring, before going for a pin on Hammond, 1... 2... Hammond kicks out!

Copeland: I thought Hammond was out!

Blade: Hammond's neck is like a tree trunk, I think it would be hard to make him pass out like that.

Holmes gets up and signals for his finisher. He picks up Hammond and attempts the Imperial Impaler, but Kurtesy comes from nowhere and hits Holmes with a Palm Strike! Holmes goes down and Kurtesy goes towards him, but Hammond gets Kurtesy with a Waistlock, going for a German Suplex, but Kurtesy reverses and rolls up Hammond, 1... 2.... Hammond kicks out! Both men quickly get up and Hammond swings a right hand. Kurtesy ducks and hits Perscripted Sedation! Kurtesy covers Hammond, 1... 2... Holmes breaks it up! Holmes picks up Kurtesy and hastily hits a DDT. Holmes ignores the downed Hammond, wanting to take out his rival instead. He goes for the Aristocracy Reigns, but Kurtesy turns onto his back and grabs Holmes' arms before locking in Kommon Kurtesy! Holmes wildly struggles, trying to get out but to no avail. Kurtesy wrenches Holmes' head forward, and Holmes slowly starts fading. Holmes is trying to reach for the ropes with his last bit of energy. Suddenly Hammond grabs Kurtesy's leg and rolls him backwards onto his shoulders, 1.... 2.... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and new number one contender to the EurAsian championship, Scott Hammond!

Hammond quickly rolls out of the ring grinning, leaving Kurtesy in the ring looking annoyed at himself. Blade stands up and sarcastically claps for Hammonds victory. Kurtesy gets up, glaring at Hammond, who is walking up the ramp with his arms raised. Out of nowhere, Holmes clubs Kurtesy from behind. With Kurtesy on his hands and knees, Holmes spits on him before picking him up and hitting the Imperial Impaler! Holmes rolls out of the ring, shaking his head as he leaves.

Backstage we see Action Saxton walking through the hallways as he encounters the Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen.

Bowen: Hey man, you did good once again tonight. You truly do have the makings of a hardcore wrestler...

Saxton: That's not the only thing that's hardcore about me!

Some of the ladies in the crowd start cheering.

Bowen: That being said, I plan on holding onto this championship for as long as possible. But with the way you're going with this, I might have to dig up something special for my next defence.

Saxton: You name the time and place and I will be there. Nothing stops Action Saxton from getting into any fight.

Bowen: Until then...

Bowen walks off as Saxton nods on, feeling ready to take on any challenges when he turns and faces Baez head on, Baez just looks at him and smirks mockingly before heading off.
The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for possession of the King for a Day briefcase!


Introducing first, standing 6'2" and weighing in at 245 lbs and from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada by way of the East African Republic of Uganda, Hunter S. Kravinoff!

Ecstasy of Gold begins playing as Hunter Kravinoff makes his way out to the entrance stage clutching onto the stolen briefcase and raising it in the air. The crowd boos him loudly as he makes his way down the entrance ramp, his gaze floating over the crowd with a murderous intensity. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, pacing back and forth and shouting "The case is mine!"

“Kravinoff is refusing to let Big Dave enjoy his run as King for a Day.”

“At Redemption we saw Kravinoff earn this shot at the ownership rights of that very important briefcase.”

And his opponent, from London, England, he weighs 268lbs, he is the current King for a Day, BIG DAVE!!!


“But this extremely popular young man is not going to freely give up that hard-earned briefcase. Because the opportunity contained within is far too precious to give away”

Big Dave makes his way out to an enormous pop from the crowd and stares straight at Kravinoffo. With a big smile on his face, he makes his way down the entrance ramp, as he enters the ring, he stares down Kravinoff as his adversary continues to taunt him with his briefcase.

When the bell rings, Kravinoff tackles Dave at speed and the impact forces them into the ropes. Dave begins to fall through but Kravinoff doesn’t let go! They fall through and crash to the floor still tied up. Dave pushes him against the ring but Kravinoff stops that and pushes him against the ringside barrier! Kravinoff pulls back and hits a fierce open hand slap across Dave’s chest. Dave recoils and Kravinoff fires more shots to him, he begins to pepper jabs to his face. Dave tries to stay upright but fails as Kravinoff pummels him down.

“This is typical Kravinoff, a wild dog of a man who won’t let go of something when he has the bit between his teeth.”

"Great strategy is what I call it. He is sending a message to Dave in a way that the English yob will comprehend."

Hunter picks him up and whips him into the apron. He charges but is met with a big boot from Dave. Dave then charges and hits a charging tackle to the mat. Dave then picks him up and rolls him underneath the ropes and into the ring.

“Unsurprisingly with this two, this match is shaping to be just as brutal and hard hitting as their Redemption match”

Kravinoff tries to escape the ring but Dave puts pay to that with a boot onto his head. Dave picks him up by the hair and shoves him into the corner. He grabs Kravinoff by the waist and throws him over his head with a northern lights suplex. Cover by Dave! 1....2....Kravinoff kicks out. Dave picks him up again, this time he takes him to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Dave runs at him as he comes back and misses with a swinging clothesline. Kravinoff hits the ropes and holds on. Dave runs at him but Kravinoff takes a step forward and lifts Dave with stun-gun style flapjack onto the top rope. With Dave still resting on the top rope, Kravinoff grabs his feet and throws him over the ropes. He crashes to the floor, landing and crashing hard on his back and neck!

“That could have resulted in some serious injury. Dave will be lucky if he gets out of this match with everything intact if Kravinoff keeps this up.”

“If he keeps this up we will be looking at the new King for a Day!”

Kravinoff jumps ungainly through the ropes and ignores Dave. Instead he goes to grab the new gold briefcase that Dave brought to the ring. He brings the case down to Dave so he can see it and taunts him. Kravinoff throws the case down and kicks Dave in the back. Kravinoff picks him up by the arms and curb stomps his head to the head to the mat! He covers Dave but the referee yells at him that he only win the win match inside the ring.

Kravinoff yells in frustration and goes to lift Dave’s dead weight. He puts him across his shoulders and drops him onto the ring apron. He then gets into the ring himself, he then drags Dave in the ring and hooks a leg, 1....2.....Dave kicks out to a roar from the crowd! Kravinoff is incredulous. He slaps the mat and then goes to get the briefcase. He takes it into the ring and has it unceremoniously wrenched from him by the referee. He argues the point but then shoves by the official and clashes with Dave as he sees the current King for a Day get to his feet. Dave meets him with a powerslam! 1....2....Kravinoff gets a shoulder up!!

“Finally Big Dave has got Kravinoff on the back foot. The wild man hates being on the defensive.”

“That would indicate a lack of control and Hunter is always in control. Even in this position!”

With Kravinoff dazed, Dave sets up for the Stamp of Authority and gets him on his shoulders. Kravinoff fights off, pulls back Dave by the scruff of his neck and goes for the Ugandan Death Knell. Dave twists out of it and nails the high roundhouse kick to the head. Cover by Dave! 1.....2.....Kravinoff kicks out again! Dave is gutted but he doesn’t stop moving. He reaches for Kravinoff, applies a front facelock and lifts him up onto the top rope. He then climbs the ropes himself and hooks his legs in the middle rope. He grabs Kravinoff’s waist and tries to throw him back but Kravinoff stops it with swinging elbows to Dave’s head but Dave is still able to wrench back. Kravinoff is launched from the top rope with the spider suplex! Dave unhooks his legs but is very slow to move down to the ring and cover. When he does get down he hooks the leg, 1......2.......Kravinoff puts his leg on the ropes!!!

“I can’t believe Kravinoff pulled that off!”

“That’s remarkable ring sense on show right there.”

“I can’t believe he kicked out of that.”

Dave is furious with himself. He goes to pick up Kravinoff again but sees the briefcase, discarded to the corner of the ring by the official. He picks it up and looks to wield it as a weapon, Kravinoff gets up using the ropes and Dave charges at him, with briefcase in hand. Kravinoff smartly kicks the case out of his hands and then sidesteps Dave who runs chest first into the turnbuckle. Kravinoff grabs Dave, bends him backwards and hits the Ugandam Death Knell onto the briefcase!!!!!

“Right onto the case!! My god that must hurt like hell! And how can the ref not DQ him for that!”

“It’s not his fault the case was nearby!”

“But he didn’t have to drop Dave’s head on it like that!”

“Well that was just very clever on his part.”

Dave is helpless to stop Kravinoff as he forcefully applies the body scissors and the dragon sleeper. Dave reaches out desperately but can’t reach the ropes and he taps out!!!

“That Ugandan Death Knell is a devastating move, especially onto a briefcase like that!”

“The tap out was inevitable, Hunter just ground him down!”

Your winner by submission, and NEEEWWW owner of the King for a Day Briefcase, Hunter S Kravinoff!!

Hunter celebrates wildly and with a big grin on his face, he picks up the briefcase and embraces it like a lost friend.

“And now we have to see Kravinoff crown himself King.”

“What a sight that will be.

Hunter heads up the ramp holding the briefcase feeling on top of the world as Big Dave is down on the mat and holds his head as Hunter starts taunting him, Dave just stares back and smiles at Hunter which has him looking curiously despite holding onto the case, suspecting something is up but he refuses to let Dave's expression enjoy this moment as he makes his way to the back as Dave still smiles on before rolling out of the ring and heading up the ramp.

"I wonder what Dave is smiling about, he just lost the briefcase, he should be annoyed surely?"

Who know's Jack, maybe that blow to the head knocked him to another place?"

Backstage in front of the Meltdown logo, Leon Kensworth is standing with the EurAsian Champion, Blade.

Kensworth: Ladies and Gentleman, one of competitors of our main event tonight, the EurAsian Champion, Blade!

The crowd boo heavily.

Now Blade, having just overcome a random challenger at Redemption, you are confirmed to face Scott Hammond for your championship, how does it feel knowing your opponent so early...

Blade: Let me just make this clear Leon, it doesn't matter if I know my opponent 10 weeks or 10 minutes before I face them, the only thing that is guaranteed is that I will be continue to walk out with this championship around my waist. Now I'm going to do the one thing that Scott Hammond has yet to do aside from winning a meaningful championship, and that's defeat another World Champion!

Blade gets up in Leon's face before he heads off as Leon tries his best to avoid harm from the EurAsian Champion.

Copeland: Well Blade's feeling pretty confident, but how will fare against Everest in our Main Event tonight? It's up next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Everest heads out onto the stage for a great crowd reaction, he smirks at first before making his way down and rolls into the ring. He raises his hands to the crowd but is all business here.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing 205 pounds, Everest!

Copeland: Well Everest had a hard task of overcoming Barbosa at Redemption, but how will he fare against the EurAsian Champion?

Cohen: Who of which has been on a great roll of late!

'Bliss' hits to a wave of boos from the crowd as Blade heads out with the EurAsian Championship sitting on his shoulders, he shakes his head at the crowd as he makes his way to the outside of the ring, he climbs inside as he keeps his eyes on Everest as the legend is ready to take him on as he raises his championship high into the air to a wave of flashes.

Harrys: His opponent,from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pound, he is the WZCW Eurasian Champion Blade!

Blade hands the championship to the referee who passes the belt to the time keeper and signals to get the match going. The bell sounds and Everest quickly drags Blade down with an arm drag and holds the arm in a lock but Blade rolls forward out of the predicament and Everest awaits for Blade to get up and goes for a second attempt but Blade lifts him up and drops him down to the canvas and follows up with a knee to the face, the referee tells Blade to keep the offence clean, to which Blade just shrugs it off and pulls Everest up to a vertical basis and then proceeds to Irish Whip the legend but Everest is one step ahead of the game and reverses the whip on Blade and follows up with a spinning heel kick to take the EurAsian champion down, he follows up with another arm drag and on the third return he hits a float over DDT. Everest is feeling some early moment going here and pulls Blade up onto the ropes and hits a knife edge chop on him which the crowd “Wooo!” too but Blade shoves Everest back and does a chop of his own before following up with a lifting side slam into backbreaker and shakes his head after making an impact.

He paces around slowly for a bit and pulls Everest up but Everest counters with a small package and the referee starts counting, 1…….2…….kickout by Blade who looks shocked at the suddenly quickness of Everest that nearly caught him out. They both get up to a vertical basis and Blade swings a right at Everest, Everest follows up with one of his own, they both starting exchanging rights in an old fashioned slug out, Blade ducks under one of the rights and hits a German suplex, he keeps a grip around Everest’s waist and looks for a second but Everest rolls forward and Blade is stuck with his shoulder downs on the mat, 1……..2……kickout. Blade is starting to look a bit desperate as he doesn’t want to get caught out by the veteran.

Cohen: Surely those tactics are illegal?

Copeland: Nope, old school wrestling is being displayed here.

Everest gets up as Blade rolls out of the ring, he heads over to the timekeeper and grabs his championship belt and starts to walk out of the arena, to which the crowd boo heavily. Everest is following in pursuit and Blade isn’t keeping track. He starts heading up the ramp and stops suddenly as Everest knocks him down from behind. The camera pans around to show Scott Hammond standing at the top of the ramp as he claps on Everest who picks up Blade and drags him back into the ring, Everest slides back in and Blade hits him hard in the head, keeping him floored as he protests to the referee that Hammond shouldn’t be standing there, to which the referee says there’s nothing he can’t do, causing Blade to shove him, to which the referee shoves him back and Blade responds by shoving him harder which makes the referee trip over the grounded Everest and knocks his head.

Blade uses the chance to get back outside and grab his belt, he slides back and stands waiting for Everest to get back up who is somewhat dazed after the head blow, he turns around as Blade is about to strike but Hammond leans through the ropes and goes to grab the belt but Blade knocks him with the belt back to the outside and as he turns to Everest, he catches him with the Rock Slide but Blade drops and hits the low blow, he then uses the chance to hit The Halo and cover Everest as the referee stirs himself back around, 1…….2……..3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Blade!

Blade has his championship passed to him as Scott Hammond is standing on the outside staring at him as Blade goes to stand up and raises his belt up high before turning to face his challenger, with a sneering smile, he challenges Hammond to come into the ring and take him on but Hammond mouths something back to him along the lines of "Your time will come!", of which Blade shrugs off and continues to celebrate around the ring.

Copeland: Well Blade is telling his challenger to bring it and he's feeling very confident for certain!

Cohen: Of course he does, he's the champion, he's proven himself time and time again. Hammond stands no chance!

Copeland: That remains to be seen, but we'll observe how this one pans out as have run out of time. Ladies and Gentleman, what lies ahead for Hammond and Blade as they will lock horns over the championship? And furthermore, what is going to happen in regards to the King for the Day after the important victory for Kravinoff? We're hopeful that Ascension has more to offer for answers, but until then, alongside Jack Cohen, I'm Sebastian Copeland, we'll see you next time.
Who wrote what:
Opening, Backstage, Blade vs. Everest - Phoenix
Mayhem Eliminator - Showtime
Opening, Dave vs. Kravinoff - Numbers
Forgotten Powers vs. Paradyse Cruz, EurAsian No. 1 Contenders - Blade

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