Meltdown 78 opens with another extremely loud and passionate crowd eating up an effervescent fireworks display from the top of the stage. The fans in attendance carry a vast array of signs, each with a number of candidates offering a variety of opinions about who the new Meltdown General Manager will be.
Copeland:"What an atmosphere we have at Meltdown 78! Take your pick of highlights tonight but at the top of it all will be revelaton of who the new General Manager of Meltdown will be!"
Cohen: "I hope we find out soone rather than later, I can't wait to find out but beyond it all, I hope Steven Holmes is happy with it!"
The atmosphere rises up a notch when the music of this dastardly fiend begins to signal his arrival.
Copeland: "Get your head out of his ass, Jack!"
The devious Steven Holmes makes his way down to the ring with an immeasurably acerbic smirk on his face. He looks increasingly disgusted with the reaction that he receives. As he raises a mic to his mouth, the boos rain down on him further. Despite this noise, he continues to speak.
Cohen:"I'm just praising the greatest superstar in the company. Now shush while he speaks will you!?"
Holmes: “Good evening to you all, the disgusting, inbred stain of Hickville, USA.” The words barely make it out of his mouth, he utters them so reluctantly. “I am so delighted to be here tonight, to give you all the privilege of seeing the greatest wrestler in this company and the future, elite WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the World.”
Holmes: “But I am here to greet the new General Manager of Meltdown because the first face he needs to see is the man who will lead this company into the future. He needs to meet -”
Steven’s chagrin is exacerbated by ...
Copeland:"Oh boy, I don't think Steven wanted to see this young man again after last week!"
The White Knight is greeted by a ravenous crowd, delighted to see him oppose his rival.
Chris KO:“Steven, I needed to come out and wake these fans up. I mean they needed to be brought back to life because you are killing them out here! They don’t want to see you. I don’t want to see and as of this time, the new Meltdown General Manager doesn’t want to see you!”
Holmes’ anger leads him to the ropes where he yells at Chris.
Holmes: “Who is he? Damnit Chris, tell me who he is!”
Chris KO smiles knowingly.
Chris KO: “Calm down Mr Holmes. Let me explain. As of right now I have no rights to the ownership or control of WZCW. Right now, Meltdown is in the hands of our General Manager. He is currently busy doing the things that GM’s do and he will make his presence known to you when he is good and ready but not before.”
Holmes: “That’s not good enough! I’ve got no hesitations of coming up there and beating this out of you Chris.”
Holmes is drawn by the taunt offered by the young man who seems perfectly neutral to it.
Chris KO: “Well I can pretty much guarantee that will get you suspended or fired. It’s quite simple Steven. Your desperation to wreak havoc and violence on those who don’t agree with you are over or your attacks on those who challenge you will not be tolerated. So save your violence until later please.”
Chris KO: “Until then, I’m sure I speak for everyone including our new General Manager when I say that you need to get out of the ring so we can enjoy this night of action. I’ll see you later Steven.”
Chris’ music plays again as he leaves the arena, leaving Steven looking apoplectic in the ring.
Copeland: "I don't think Mr Holmes is content with this in the slightest!"
Cohen: "And why should he be, it's disgusting that the GM isn't willing to make his presence felt in front of his greatest superstar."
Copeland:"What an atmosphere we have at Meltdown 78! Take your pick of highlights tonight but at the top of it all will be revelaton of who the new General Manager of Meltdown will be!"
Cohen: "I hope we find out soone rather than later, I can't wait to find out but beyond it all, I hope Steven Holmes is happy with it!"
The atmosphere rises up a notch when the music of this dastardly fiend begins to signal his arrival.
Copeland: "Get your head out of his ass, Jack!"
The devious Steven Holmes makes his way down to the ring with an immeasurably acerbic smirk on his face. He looks increasingly disgusted with the reaction that he receives. As he raises a mic to his mouth, the boos rain down on him further. Despite this noise, he continues to speak.
Cohen:"I'm just praising the greatest superstar in the company. Now shush while he speaks will you!?"
Holmes: “Good evening to you all, the disgusting, inbred stain of Hickville, USA.” The words barely make it out of his mouth, he utters them so reluctantly. “I am so delighted to be here tonight, to give you all the privilege of seeing the greatest wrestler in this company and the future, elite WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the World.”
Holmes: “But I am here to greet the new General Manager of Meltdown because the first face he needs to see is the man who will lead this company into the future. He needs to meet -”
Steven’s chagrin is exacerbated by ...
Copeland:"Oh boy, I don't think Steven wanted to see this young man again after last week!"
The White Knight is greeted by a ravenous crowd, delighted to see him oppose his rival.
Chris KO:“Steven, I needed to come out and wake these fans up. I mean they needed to be brought back to life because you are killing them out here! They don’t want to see you. I don’t want to see and as of this time, the new Meltdown General Manager doesn’t want to see you!”
Holmes’ anger leads him to the ropes where he yells at Chris.
Holmes: “Who is he? Damnit Chris, tell me who he is!”
Chris KO smiles knowingly.
Chris KO: “Calm down Mr Holmes. Let me explain. As of right now I have no rights to the ownership or control of WZCW. Right now, Meltdown is in the hands of our General Manager. He is currently busy doing the things that GM’s do and he will make his presence known to you when he is good and ready but not before.”
Holmes: “That’s not good enough! I’ve got no hesitations of coming up there and beating this out of you Chris.”
Holmes is drawn by the taunt offered by the young man who seems perfectly neutral to it.
Chris KO: “Well I can pretty much guarantee that will get you suspended or fired. It’s quite simple Steven. Your desperation to wreak havoc and violence on those who don’t agree with you are over or your attacks on those who challenge you will not be tolerated. So save your violence until later please.”
Chris KO: “Until then, I’m sure I speak for everyone including our new General Manager when I say that you need to get out of the ring so we can enjoy this night of action. I’ll see you later Steven.”
Chris’ music plays again as he leaves the arena, leaving Steven looking apoplectic in the ring.
Copeland: "I don't think Mr Holmes is content with this in the slightest!"
Cohen: "And why should he be, it's disgusting that the GM isn't willing to make his presence felt in front of his greatest superstar."