Ascension 44

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

The crowd go nuts as the show begins with an incredible pyro display. The camera sweeps around the arena before reaching the announcers desk.

Connor: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is the 44th Ascension. I’m Cat Connor alongside Seb Cohen and we have got a fantastic show lined up for you here tonight.”

Cohen: “After a suitably Chaotic episode of Meltdown, we will see the after effects of Ty Burna’s run as half owner of WZCW and general manager of Meltdown. His desire to see WZCW overrun with his special brand of Chaos reached a new high last night and as a result, our main event is Blade vs Drake Callahan.”

Connor: “These two should have been in the Meltdown main event but a backstage altercation led this match being made.”

Cohen: “And I can’t wait to see Blade finish off the job. He will want to lead by example as his fellow Sons of Destiny, Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast are in action as well the WZCW Tag Team Champions Runn Reynolds Runn.”


The Sons of Destiny stroll down to the ring with Blade leading the way. Hammond and Overlast are in their ring gear while Blade is in more casual attire.

Cohen: “Blade is among the leading contenders for the Lethal Lottery. He has been on a tear in recent weeks and his faithful allies, Mick Overlast and Scott Hammond have a great shot at claiming tag team gold.“

Connor: “Blade is one of thirty people in the Lethal Lottery. As good as he is, a bad draw could see him struggle to make the end. It is the ultimate endurance test and we don’t know how anyone will react.”

The Sons enter the ring and Blade already has a mic.

“We are a few days away from claiming our destiny. It is a matter of time, simply inevitable that we are going to come out after the Lethal Lottery and be the absolutely dominant faction in the company.”

“The sooner that you can comprehend this, the easier it will be to understand. We are simply better than you and no one will be able to stop us claiming our destiny! The two men in this ring with me are the finest athletes we have and they are at my side. They are going to win the tag team titles to establish themselves as the premier tandem and then they will enter the Lethal Lottery to assist me in my quest.”

“Now Scott, Mick, I don’t need to tell you anything more than what we discussed in the back but Everest and Alexander Steele pose no challenge to you. Go and destroy them and give Reynolds and his monkey boy a taste of what is coming when you become the new WZCW Tag Team Champions.”

“Now I’m going to enjoy your dominance from the safety of our locker room, make me proud.”

Blade walks out the ring as Hysteria recommences. Blade ignores the hateful crowd as he makes his way up the ramp.
Anderson: Already in the ring, at a combined weight of 510 pounds, Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast, the Sons of Destiny!

The Sons look straight ahead at the ramp, completely focused after Blade’s speech.


The crowd cheer as Everst emerges, looking slightly distracted as he walks down the ramp.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

He slaps the hands of some fans, though without his usual enthusiasm and gets up on the apron.

Connor: Everest was in a very strange mood during his interview earlier this week.

Cohen: Maybe he’s finally going senile.

Steele struts out with a knowing smirk on his face as he looks at Everest.

Anderson: And his tag team partner, weighing in at 249 pounds, Alexander Steele!

He walks down the ramp and gets up onto the apron. He extends his hand to Everest who hesitates before shaking it. Steele gets into the ring to start things off against Overlast. They go to tie up but Steele instantly goes behind Overlast and takes him down to the mat. Steele gets back up smirking, but Overlast doesn’t seem fazed. They tie up again and Steele hits a double leg takedown followed by a jacknife pin, 1… Overlast kicks out. Steele backs off again and Overlast starts to look a little frustrated as he gets up in the corner. Hammond whispers something in his ear and he seems to calm down for a moment. Overlast and Steele begin to circle each other but suddenly Hammond jumps down off the apron and starts going towards Everest on the opposite side of the ring. The referee looks out at ringside, telling Hammond to get back on the apron and Overlast takes advantage, hitting Steele with a low blow. Steele crumbles to the mat and Overlast gives a little smirk of his own.

Cohen: And that’s why they’ll be the next tag team champions!

Connor: Because they cheat?

Cohen: Because they’re simply smarter.

Overlast picks up his opponent and Irish Whips him. Steele comes back off the ropes and Overlast lifts him up and hits a Backbreaker. He keeps his knee out and pushes down with his hands on Steele’s chest and legs, stretching him out. Steele looks in agony as Overlast takes his hand off the leg and digs his elbow in Steele’s gut. Overlast pushes Steele off his knee and gets up. He backs himself into the ropes before and hits a knee drop to the skull. Overlast picks him up and brings him over to the corner before tagging in Hammond. Hammond picks up the pace a little, hitting a Snap Suplex followed by another followed by a third. After the third, Hammond floats over into the cover, 1… 2… Kick out by Steele. Hammond gets up, dragging Steele up with him and locks in a bearhug. He begins to squeeze the life out of Steele, even lifting him off his feet. With the encouragement of the crowd, he begins to elbow Hammond in the shoulder and neck. After one particularly stiff shot, Hammond lets go and Steele runs off the ropes. As he returns, Hammond catches him with a Tilt-A-Whirl but Steele lands on his feet and grabs Hammond, launching him across the ring with a Belly to Belly! The crowd are cheering for Steele to make the tag as he crawls across the ring as Hammond does the same. Each man tags in his respective partner and Everest charges at Overlast, hitting a Spinning Heel Kick. Both men get up quickly and Overlast swings a right hand but Everest ducks under it and hits a German Suplex with a bridge, 1… 2… Kick out by Overlast!

Connor: Everest and Steele are finally getting a foothold in this match!

Cohen: They better enjoy it while it lasts.

Everest looks pumped as he picks up Overlast and sets him up for the Rock Slide but Hammond leans over the ropes grabs Overlast’s free arm so Everest isn’t able to perform the move. Everest lets go and goes for Hammond, but he jumps off the apron. Everest turns back around into a running clothesline from Overlast. Overlast tries to catch his breath for a moment before picking Everest up and Irish Whipping him across the ring. He doesn’t notice Steele blind tagging himself in as he hits Everest with the Powerslam and gets back up, signalling for the Overlasting Impression. But Steele gets into the ring and turns him around hitting a series of right hands. Overlast blocks the fourth punch and kicks Steele in the gut, trying to hit a DDT but Steele reverses into a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge! 1… 2…. Overlast kicks out! Steele grabs Overlast’s legs and locks in a Boston Crab. With Hammond urging him on, Overlast inches towards the ropes but Steele puts more weight and pressure on him and Overlast screams out in pain. Suddenly he shakes his head and grits his teeth and manages to finally drag himself to the ropes to break the submission. Steele looks drained as he tags in Everest. Overlast gets up and stumbles back into an awaiting Everest who hits a Russian Leg Sweep and goes for a pin, 1… 2… Kick out! Remaining calm, Everest picks him up and grabs his arm, going for a Short-Arm Clothesline. But Overlast ducks under clothesline and manages to tag the outstretched hand of Hammond, who had been anticipating the tag.

Cohen: It’s incredible how these men can read each other’s thoughts after two weeks of teaming together!

Connor: It kinda seems like Blade drilled it into their minds.

Hammond turns Everest around and hits the London’s Calling! He covers Everest’s legs, 1… 2… Steele breaks it up! Hammond gets up looking frustrated and tries to clothesline Steele but Steele catches Hammond’s arm and goes behind him before hitting Twisted Steele! Both legal men are down with Steele standing over Hammond until Overlast charges at him, hitting a clothesline with such force that it sends them both over the top rope. The referee begins the count as the legal men are starting to stir inside the ring. Everest is the first to make some progress and uses the ropes to get up, breaking the count at 8. He leans back in the corner, motioning for Hammond to get up. Hammond eventually gets to his feet and Everest goes for the Rock Slide but Hammond reverses it, taking Everest down to the mat and locking in the Anaconda Vice! Everest struggles for a moment but the earlier damage has taken a large toll and he taps out!

Anderson: Here are your winners, the Sons of Destiny!

Hammond lies on his back in the ring, breathing heavily before Overlast, slides into the ring and helps him up. They raise their arms in victory as Steele pulls his tag team partner out of the ring and helps him up the ramp. Hammond and Overlast get up on opposite turnbuckles and look out into the crowd, signalling that the belts will be around their waist soon to deafening boos.

Cohen: With dominant performances like that and the guidance of Blade to help them along, can anyone stop this team?

Connor: I think I speak for both myself and the crowd when I say I hope Reynolds and Runn can!


We see Vance Bateman entering his office, pulling out his phone to make a call as he goes over towards the desk and sits down in the chair. It is a moment before the phone is answered.

Bateman: Hey Titus! How are you doing buddy? How was your week vacation?

There is a long pause for Vance.

Bateman: That's great to hear... look, I'm calling up on a business matter that I thought you'd find interesting.

A short pause this time.

Bateman: It concerns the Lethal Lottery and how you aren't on the card.

Vance tries to continue but he is cut off by Titus. He rolls his eyes and continues his sentence when he has the chance.

Bateman: I know, I know... that's why because of the lack of chances you had for qualifying, I'm entering you into the Lethal Lottery.

A smile crosses the face of Bateman as he hears the reaction.

Bateman: I just thought I'd let you know. Alright then, goodbye.

Vance ends the call and then scrolls through his phone for a second before staring at it for a moment. He hits the call button and puts his phone to his ear, waiting for the person to pick up on the other line.


The scene changes to Hammond and Overlast walking backstage after their match when suddenly Reynolds and Runn come from behind with chairs. Hammond and Overlast turn around and look shocked for a second before each taking a hard chair shot to the head. The champions throw their chairs down and stand over the number one contenders as the crowd can be heard going nuts.

Reynolds: You should know it's not a good idea to piss us off.

They leave sharply and Blade enters the shot looking furious as he tries to help his team up.

Cohen: Why is it that everyone seems to be out to get the Sons!?
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


S.H.I.T emerges onto the stage, it’s head twitching and arms outstretched in front of it. The crowd are giving a mixed reaction following the strange behaviour on last week’s Aftershock. It marches towards the ring, arms still outstretched.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 230 pounds, S.H.I.T!

Connor: Between the attack of Jack O’Lantern and the aggressiveness towards its last opponent, it seems something is very wrong with S.H.I.T.

S.H.I.T gets into the ring and walks to the opposite side of the ring and turns around, facing the ramp.


The crowd cheer as Ricky Runn struts out, his belt over his shoulder. He poses on the stage for a moment before heading towards the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, one half of the tag team champions, weighing in at 225 pounds, Ricky Runn!

Runn slaps the hands of some fans as he walks down the ramp. He jumps up onto the apron and goes to get into the ring but S.H.I.T knees Runn in the head while he’s between the ropes! Runn falls off the apron to the floor and S.H.I.T goes out after him. He picks up the tag team champion and Irish Whips him into the steel steps. Runn hits the steps hard and grabs his shoulder in agony on the floor. The referee tries to get S.H.I.T in the ring, but he pushes the ref away.

Cohen: The match hasn’t started so S.H.I.T can’t get DQed for anything he does at the moment!

Connor: That spells bad news for Ricky Runn…

S.H.I.T gets into the ring and waits as Runn is slowly getting up outside the ring. With his opponent up, S.H.I.T runs off the ropes and leaps out of the ring, taking out Runn again. S.H.I.T picks him up and brings him over to the crowd barricade. He lifts Runn up into a Suplex position then drops him stomach-first onto the barricade. With Runn draped over the barricade, barely moving, S.H.I.T then takes a few steps backwards before running forward and using the barricade for a step-up Enziguiri. The force of the kick makes Runn fall off the barricade. S.H.I.T picks him up and rolls him into the ring before getting in himself and finally the referee calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. Runn is trying to get to his feet but S.H.I.T keeps up the pressure, hitting a Snapmare and slapping on a Sleeperhold. Runn reaches out for the ropes as his face turns red, but S.H.I.T has him in the middle of the ring. Runn manages to elbow S.H.I.T in the gut and is released from the Sleeper. Runn runs off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but S.H.I.T reverses into a Spinebuster. He goes for a pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Runn.

Cohen: It’s incredible how aggressive S.H.I.T has been lately!

Connor: I think there’s something strange about it…

S.H.I.T gets up and backs into the ropes before hitting the Rick Roll! He goes for another quick pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Runn! S.H.I.T’s head starts shaking wildly and strange noises come from the head. He picks up Runn and goes for The Ricky Runndown but Runn holds onto the ropes and S.H.I.T crashes to the mat! S.H.I.T gets up quickly but Runn catches him with an Armdrag. They both get up again and Runn hits a clothesline. S.H.I.T gets back up only to be caught with a Snapmare followed by a Dropkick to the face. The crowd cheer Ricky run as he leans against the ropes to catch his breath, urging him on to complete his comeback. He goes out onto the apron and jumps onto the top rope. He springboards and hits a Corkscrew splash on S.H.I.T! With the crowd on their feet now, Runn climbs up to the top rope and calls for the R&R. He leaps off, but S.H.I.T rolls out of the way and Runn crashes and burns. S.H.I.T crawls over and drapes and arm over his opponent, 1… 2… Runn gets a shoulder up. The referee starts the count to ten as both men are down on the mat. S.H.I.T manages to get up first and sizes up Runn, who is getting to his feet in the turnbuckle. S.H.I.T runs at Runn, but he gets caught with a Dropkick to the legs and hits the middle turnbuckle headfirst! Runn lifts him up onto the top rope and climbs up after him. After a few shots to the head of S.H.I.T, he leaps onto his shoulders, going for a Hurricanrana off the top rope! S.H.I.T grabs the top rope with both hands and Runn falls back to the mat with him. S.H.I.T stands up on the top rope and leaps off, hitting the R&R. He hooks both legs, 1… 2…. 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, S.H.I.T!

The crowd aren’t sure how to take the S.H.I.T’s victory, remaining mostly silent. Suddenly, Chris K.O. and Alhazred rush down to the ring, with Wasabi Toyota marching down behind them. They get into the ring and surround S.H.I.T. After a few tense moments, Alhazred grabs S.H.I.T’s arm and raises it into the air and begins laughing maniacally!

Connor: This explains everything! The Apostles have done something to S.H.I.T, he’s now one of them!

The crowd are booing loudly as Chris K.O. picks up Runn and holds his arms behind his back before Toyota hits a huge headbutt. Alhazred says something to S.H.I.T, making him instantly pick Runn back up and hit the Ricky Runndown. Finally, Sam Smith and Austin Reynolds come bolting down the ramp and they slide into the ring. The Apostles immediately back push Runn towards them and back off. There’s a staredown between the Apostles and Reynolds and Smith, the crowd buzzing in anticipation. But Ty Burna walks out onto the ramp and beckons the Apostles to come backstage. They all roll out of the ring and head up the ramp. Inside the ring, Reynolds is trying to help Runn up as Smith watches. Finally two refs come down to the ring and help Runn up the ramp.

Connor: Smith and Reynolds are allies when it comes to stopping the Apostles, but they will face off as opponents later tonight!


We come back from commercial and Mr. Baller is standing in the ring, a scowl on his face and a microphone in his hand. Every time he tries to talk, the boos get louder, much to his annoyance. Finally the crowd dies down a little and he puts the mic to his lips.

Baller: Now, I wanna know what the hell is going on! I am the best damn wrestler in this pathetic company and I have proven it time and time again. So why the hell am I on Aftershock when I should be headlining Meltdown?! I don't care if it was Ty Burna's or Vance Bateman's idea, I just want an answer to why my world class skills are not being appreciated and utilised.

Baller lowers the microphone and stands in the ring, waiting for a response from someone. After one long minute, he rolls out of the ring, much to the relief of the audience. He's about to head up the ramp but he stops, turns around and walks to the announcer's area. He grabs a folding chair and slides into the ring. He sets up the chair and sits down in it, making the crowd boo almost deafeningly.

Baller: I'm not going anywhere until I get what I deserve!

After several more moments of nothing but booing...


The crowd give a big pop as Matt Tastic walks out onto the ramp, mic in hand.

Tastic: Y'know what, you're right. You shouldn't be wrestling on Aftershock. So how about we have our match right here, right now?

Tastic runs down to the ring and slides in. Baller quickly rolls out of the ring and walks around to the ramp.

Baller: Look at me! I'm not ready to wrestle tonight, you moron! But I'll see you tomorrow night!

The crowd boo and Tastic shakes his head as Baller walks back up the ramp and goes backstage.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!


On his way to the ring from Union City, New Jersey, he weighs 198lbs, SABOTEUR!!

“This guy is crazy popular.”

“For the life of me, I can’t understand why. He’s got a screw loose.”

Saboteur unsheathes his katanas at the top of the ramp and poses before walking down and high-fiving his fans. As he reaches the ring, he climbs the turnbuckle and poses again with the katanas making his signature X above his head.


“Sab’s no crazier than this guy.”

And his opponent, from Manchester, England, he weighs 223lbs, Johnny Scumm!

Saboteur’s posing is interrupted by the loud, raucous of God Save The Queen and the crowd react negatively as Scumm enters the arena. Scumm spits as he walks down the ramp and looks at the crowd with more than a little disdain. He gives the crowd the middle finger as he gets on the turnbuckle.

“Scumm’s got an idea of what he wants. Saboteur just runs around chasing his tail!”

Instead of tying up in the normal way, Saboteur is slapped in the face by Scumm in the centre of the ring. The masked man is ignorant to it for a second before Scumm repeats it. Saboteur immediately fires back with a series of slaps. Scumm tries to cover up but Saboteur batters him, Scumm lashes out and catches Saboteur but the assassin only spins, yelling GOAL!!! As he does, he hits a back kick to Scumm’s head! Cover, 1....2....Scumm kicks out.

“Saboteur is so lethal with these kicks.”

“If he was so good, would he not have won with that kick?”

Saboteur brings Scumm to his feet, whips him into the corner and charges into him. Scumm brings his boot up before Saboteur can hit the splash. As Saboteur backs away, Scumm goes for a back suplex, Saboteur escapes with a shiranui but Scumm drops him in mid-air and then drops him again with a bulldog! Cover, 1....2, Saboteur gets a shoulder up.

“This is the kind of thing Scumm needs to do. Hard strikes, brutal offence.”

Scumm locks in a sleeper hold, Sab fights and as the crowd get behind him, he desperately kicks off the nearby turnbuckle into a roll up! 1...2....Both men are up quickly and Saboteur goes for a DDT, lifts up Scumm turns and drops him on his head! 1.....2.....Scumm kicks out again. Sab heads up to the top rope and goes for a spinwheel kick but Scumm ducks out of the way and crashes and burns!! Scumm gets up slowly while Saboteur uses the corner to steady himself. Scumm hits the turnbuckle splash twice in succession before signalling for the Facebreaker! Saboteur doesn’t fall, instead he lifts Scumm and hangs him across the ropes! Scumm bounces away and clutches his throat!

Saboteur hits the Super Saboteur lariat then a Bell Clap to leave Scumm lying. Saboteur nimbly climbs the top rope but misses the Airborne Assassin! Scumm moved at the last second and Saboteur landed right on his chest. Scumm gets up and hits a messy Facebreaker! Cover, 1....2....No! The ref points to Saboteur’s foot underneath the bottom rope!!

“How the hell did he kick out of that?”

“Saboteur’s done incredibly well and had great ring awareness to get his foot under the rope there!”

“That’s BS!!”

Scumm is going loopy as he kicks the bottom rope and backs the ref into the corner. Saboteur is slowly getting up but is able roll Scumm up, 1....2....Scumm fights out! As they both get up Saboteur takes him down and pummels him hard with strikes to the head. The crowd roar as Saboteur sets up the Death Blow but Scumm ducks the kick but he doesn’t see the GOAL!!! Kick coming as Saboteur uses his momentum to hit the Pele kick to the back of Scumm’s skull....cover, 1.....2.......3!!!

"Your winner by pinfall, Saboteur!!"

“Great innovation by Saboteur! Scumm avoided the Death Blow but didn’t see that huge back kick coming. He got tremendous velocity behind that!”

Saboteur celebrates with his katanas as he takes stock of his victory at ringside.

“Scumm got done over!! The ref should have counted three after the Facebreaker!!”

"That's another very good win for Saboteur as he approaches the Lethal Lottery. He's a dark horse for that one! Whether you like it or not!"


Constantine and Holmes are seen walking backstage together until Vance Bateman shows up, catching up with them and gets in front of them, stopping them from continuing.

Bateman: Sorry for blocking your way gentlemen but I'd wonder if I could take to you Constantine for a moment.

The two men look at each other before Holmes nods and walks off, leaving a curious Constantine behind.

Constantine: What's wrong, Vance?

Bateman: I'd like to apologise for something I did on Meltdown.

Constantine looks confused.

Constantine: I don't recall anything happening to me by your hand?

Bateman: Technically, I did but your name wasn't mentioned. When I had that argument with Ty out in the ring about how all the champions were automatically qualified in the Lottery... it wasn't exactly supposed to go that way. I was going to rectify the situation with your tag team match last week and automatically qualify everyone who was involved. However, I said something else and I apologise.

Constantine can be seen to look disappointed that he would have been in the Lottery if not for Vance's mistake.

Bateman: But... despite my mistake, I'm here to tell you that you have been officially entered into the Lottery... just don't screw up the opportunity because I don't give out freebies all the time.

Vance pats Constantine on the back before leaving. John has a smile on his face and nods then decides to catch up with Holmes.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Sam Smith makes his way out to a loud pop from the crowd. He slowly walks down the ramp, methodically making his way to the ring. He climbs up onto the apron and enters the ring, going up to the second turnbuckle to pose for the fans.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 lbs, Sam Smith!

Austin Reynolds makes his way out to a roaring cheer from the crowd. He points out to the fans before making his way down the ramp and slides into the ring. He unbuckles his WZCW Tag Team Title and holds it up as the crowd cheers again.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 190 lbs, he is one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Austin Reynolds!

Connor: Reynolds and Smith saved Ricky Runn earlier tonight from a worse beatdown from the Apostles of Chaos, but now they square off one on one right now!

Cohen: If Smith were half as smart as he thinks he is, he would have let Reynolds go out by himself and get destroyed by the Apostles. This would have been an easy win for him.

Connor: I think Smith has more honor then that Seabass.

Reynolds hands over his Tag Team Title to the ringside assistant and the ref signals for the bell. The two men shake hands before sizing each other up. Smith goes for a typical lockup but Reynolds brushes his hands away and hits a kick to the midsection. He goes to whip Smith but Smith reverses. Both go for a shoulder block but Reynolds ends up on the mat. Smith hops over him and bounces off the ropes. Reynolds rolls onto his stomach as Smith jumps over him again. As he bounces off the ropes once more Reynolds springs up and connects with a picture perfect dropkick. He quickly goes for a cover, 1.....2..Smith kicks out. Reynolds drags him up and connects with a stiff chop to the chest, backing Smith into the corner. Reynolds whips Smith across to the opposite corner and rushes at him. Smith gets his foot up though and Reynolds gets knocked back. Smith runs out from the corner and connects with a bulldog, dropping him face first into the mat. He flips Reynolds over and goes for the cover, 1......2...Reynolds kicks out!

Connor: Back and forth action two of our best Elite X Champions!

Cohen: What title was that CC?

Connor: The Elite..

Cohen: That's right, the Elite Title, the title that Steven Holmes has single handedly made more relevant then the title these two idiots carried.

Smith grabs hold of Reynolds' arm and and applies an arm wrench, pulling his arm back in a submission hold. Reynolds holds his shoulder as he shakes his head. He turns and gets onto one knee as Smith tries to hold the lock in. Reynolds gets up and grabs hold of Smith's arm and begins to reverse the hold but Smith hits a knee to the midsection before lifting Reynolds over with a Northern Lights Suplex. He bridges the suplex, 1.......2.....Reynolds kicks out! Smith quickly drops a knee across the forehead before lifting Reynolds up and whipping him across the ring. Smith telegraphs a back body drop which Reynolds counters with a kick. As Smith stands straight up Reynolds goes around Smith and jumps, hooking his legs and arm around Smith's arms and rolls him over with a crucifix, 1........2......Smith kicks out! Smith gets up quickly and rushes at the slower rising Reynolds. Reynolds however reacts in time, dropping Smith down with a drop toe hold. Reynolds and Smith both get to their feet at the same time now. Smith goes for a right but Reynolds blocks and connects with a shot of his own. He backs Smith into the ropes and whips him across. Reynolds rolls through and springs up with his spinning heel kick, connecting with the Millions and Millions! Reynolds exits to the apron and motions for Smith to get up before turning back to the crowd and firing them up. As Smith gets to his feet Reynolds comes springing off the turnbuckle, landing on Smith's shoulders. He tries to flip him over with his Dragonrana but Smith holds on and lifts him back up before delivering a crushing Spinebuster! Reynolds' head bounces off the mat but gets covered quickly by Smith, 1.......2........Reynolds kicks out!

Connor: A great counter by Smith has Reynolds back down once again!

Cohen: As much as I hate to admit it, that was an impressive counter.

Smith stands up and walks around the ring for a moment, wondering what must be done to finish off Reynolds. He walks to the corner and goes through the ropes to the apron, slowly climbing up to the top turnbuckle. He takes too much time as he steadies himself for an elbow drop as Reynolds suddenly runs up the turnbuckles and hooks a headscissors before sending Smith flying off the top rope! Smith crashes to the mat hard as Reynolds lifts himself back up with the help of the ropes. Reynolds comes out of the corner with a roaring elbow as Smith slowly gets to his feet. Smith ducks under however and lifts Reynolds up for the Final Judgement! Reynolds hits a few elbows however and slides off of Smith's back, connecting with the Ego Crusher on the way down! Reynolds hooks the leg, 1........2........3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Austin Reynolds!

Connor: Austin Reynolds picks up the victory with the Ego Crusher! Smith got caught trying to match high flying moves with arguably the best flyer in WZCW.

Cohen:/B] Smith got desperate and he got caught. That headscissors from the top rope was a thing of beauty, even if in my prime I would have done it better.

Reynolds gets to his feet and the ref raises his arm in victory. Smith is still down as Reynolds climbs to the second turnbuckle and poses for the fans. He drops down and exits the ring, walking up the entrance ramp. Just as he reaches the top of the stage, Blade suddenly walks out with a mic in hand, cutting off the winner's path.

Blade: You know, my boys didn't really appreciate that little sneak attack on them earlier. But we're a forgiving group. In fact, I have a gift for you Austin... A little preview of what's to come at the Lethal Lottery to you and the kid you're babysitting.

Blade motions towards the ring as Smith slowly gets gets to his feet. Suddenly the Sons of Destiny come flying through the crowd, hopping the barrier and entering the ring. Hammond quickly lifts up Smith and delivers the London's Calling. Not to be outdone, Overlast lifts Smith up and hits The Overlasting Impression. Reynolds tries to run down to help Smith but Blade grabs him and clocks him with the mic. Blade sits Reynolds up facing the ring, holding his arms back as Overlast and Hammond continue to attack Smith. Hammond exits the ring and grabs a chair from the ringside area, sliding back into the ring and placing it around Smith's leg. With Smith completely out Overlast climbs to the top rope and comes flying off, connecting with the Steel City Statement right across the steel chair. Smith's leg contorts in an odd way and he revives enough to scream out in pain. He backs up as best he can, pulling the chair off his leg but only for Hammond to lift him up in a military press, holding him up for some time before tossing him over the ropes to the outside. Smith lands on his injured leg and hits his head hard on the ground. Blade laughs as Reynolds struggles against his hold.

Connor: Oh my god.....Smith, he's hurt, he's hurt bad Jack.

Cohen: This was a statement by the Sons of Destiny. Reynolds and Runn better kiss their Tag Titles good bye!

As Hammond and Overlast glance at their handiwork, the crowd erupts in boos as Hammond and Overlast pose. Blade pushes Reynolds away and walks to the back clapping as Reynolds rushes over to check on Smith. Hammond and Overlast exit the ring and back up the entrance ramp, motioning for the titles around their waists.



The crowd boos loudly as The Elite Champion Steven Holmes walks onto the stage ramp being followed behind by John Constantine. Holmes looks rather displeased as the walk to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing now, being accompanied by John Constantine, he is your Elite Champion, Steven Holmes!

The crowd continues to boo heavyily at Steven Holmes as he stands in the middle of the ring with a mic. He waits for the audience to quiet down.

Holmes: Shut up all of you, you disrespectful little vermin.

The crowd boos even louder but Holmes’ patience has grown very thin.

Holmes: Quite honestly I do not care what foul things you have to say right now. Gordito was no longer in that match per orders of Meltdown owner Ty Burna. Therefore Gordito was not in that ring to have a match with The Elitist Steven Holmes, he was there to pick a dirty underhanded fight with a wrestling champion. His tag never should’ve counted. His participation should have been thrown out immediately. For the good of my team, I had to tag out no matter what. Gordito was a wild unruly mad man looking to injure a true gentleman and accomplished champion, two things Gordito has no idea about.

Having defended The Elite Championship at Meltdown 67, I was no longer required to defend the belt at Lethal Lottery. Still I pondered long and hard about what wrestler I would like to put face down to the mat and humiliate as I successfully defend my title as The Elite Champion of WZCW, and Gordito’s name popped into my name. That disgusting piece of garbage. What business does he have to be in my ring or any ring in WZCW for that matter. Well after his unruliness last night I am no longer defending my title at Lethal Lottery. Instead myself and John Constantine will focus solely on winning the Lethal Lot...


Gordito walks down the stage ramp with a mic in hand. He walks up the ring stairs and straddles through the ropes and into the ring.

Gordito: Holmesy baby. Honestly I’ve been so busy of late I had no idea that you wanted to have a match with me. That excites me. The Elite X... sorry... The Elite Champion was considering defending his title against The Dirty One. That gives me goosebumps. The issue I’m having is though, I really wish you would’ve asked it to my face... instead of beating me from behind with a steel chair.

The crowd boos Holmes loudly. Holmes smiles and shakes his head claiming it wasn’t him.

Gordito: I may not have the up bringing and pedigree that you have, but I’m no fool and I know an underhanded scoundrel when I see one. Now there is hardly a person working in WZCW that I don’t like. Even Ty Burna, who’s turned so dark and evil right now, I still have huge respect for him as a wrestler and if I happened to bump into him at the old Sludge Pit I may have a drink with him. But you Holmes. Ever since we first came into WZCW together I knew you thought less of me. I don’t take it personally. A lot of people have looked at me and thought less of me but they usually warm up to me and they see the real me, the fun loving easy going personality. And I’m a lot harder of a worker than they thought too. You though... had this barrier around you. You thought you were better than me and everyone else in this company and wouldn't think anything else about it. I wanted so much to get into the ring with you and show you otherwise, but the opportunity never came up. Instead... I ended up being in a few World Title matches. I bet that must’ve stung baby.

Gordito pauses as the crowd laughs at Holmes.

Holmes: Those matches mean nothing to me Gordito. Whereas you failed to win the gold, I have been champion twice, and currently hold The Elite Championship.

Holmes holds up his belt in front of Gordito.

Gordito: That’s true... and ya know something else, that’s another thing that’s bothered me about you. On top of the pompous, arrogant, egocentric attitude and the bashing of chairs from behind. It’s the fact that you felt compelled to remove the ‘X’ from the Elite X Championship. Is that another shot at the roster? That you’re the Elite and we’re all just the ‘X’ that you don’t want to see. That is the X-Factor Holmesy. The essence that keeps guys like me breathing and keep going in the ring for the real X Factor, these fans.

The fans cheer as Gordito continues.

Gordito: The ‘X’ also stands for a lot of other things. Like, Xceptional, like Dragon has been fighting the good battle against the AOC, or Xtraordinary like Kurtesy becoming the new WZCW World Champion baby, or Xtreme..... yea... something I think a lot of people view me as. Holmesy baby... I want a shot at your championship, whatever you want to call it. I’ve talked with Bateman and he’s okayed it if you okay it. Holmesy you better be Elite in two weeks, because I’m bring the ‘X’ alright to this match. How about we make things interesting. How about we make it an... Xtreme Rules match at Lethal Lottery! The Elite verse The X Factor!

The crowd pops loudly. Holmes looks around at the audience and then looks at Gordito and speaks.

Holmes: That will not do dear Gordito. An Xtreme Rules match is a tantalizing feat to overcome for WZCW’s Elite Champion, but if you’re willing to bring the “X” to this contest than I wish to up the ante slightly. How about an Xtreme Submission match! No count outs. No rope breaks. Do DQ. Submission anywhere inside the arena.

Gordito: Baby... you’ve booked yourself a date at Lethal Lottery.

Gordito drops his mic and goes to leave the ring. He turns around and Holmes goes and sucker punches him in the side. Gordito bounces into the ropes and fires back at Holmes. He knocks Holmes down to the mat and goes to continue the offense. Constantine steps in between and tries to peacefully intervene. Gordito starts to cool his head and is about to leave when Holmes stands up and hits him in the head with the title belt. Holmes jumps over Gordito and fires forearm shots to the back of Gordito’s head. Constantine tries to pull off his partner, but Holmes pushes his partner off and tells him to back off. Holmes rips his jacket off and grabs Gordito by the jaw. he has him set up in a Camel Clutch position, Aristocracy Reigns! Holmes holds Gordito in it for a several seconds when Constantine tires to urge his partner to let go. Holmes shakes his hand off and refuses to let go. Gordito grabs onto the ropes trying to pull himself out of the ring. Holmes finally lets go once Gordito begins to tap. Holmes grabs his Elite Title belt and holds it up to loud boos. He grabs his jacket and him and Constantine both leave the ring.

Connor: Holmes with a cheap attack on Gordito and forcing him to tap out to Aristocracy Reigns just weeks before their match at Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: Holmes was simply seeking retribution for what Gordito almost ruined at Meltdown. And those ropes that Gordito latched onto won’t save him at Lethal Lottery in the Xtreme Submission Match.
Connor: Just a reminder before we start off our main event: since Steven Holmes and Black Dragon were involved on Meltdown's show, the two participants they replaced will be competing in singles competition instead.

Cohen: I'd usually be the first to complain but after seeing Blade and Drake Callahan brutally attack each other, I can't wait to see them get in the ring together.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd goes wild as Drake walks out from the curtain, staggering less than usual as he waves to the fans, clapping some of the outstretched hands as he enters the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 215 pounds; DRAKE CALLAHAN!

Cohen: This man is a complete psycho, viciously attacking Blade last week. Why do we even allow drunks into the company?

Connor: Well considering how he hasn't swayed much since he come out, it looks like he's went a little easy on the beer to focus for this match.


The crowd boos heavily as the leader of the Sons comes out from behind the curtain, doing his signature pose on the stage. Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast follow him as he is about to walk towards the ring but Blade turns around, telling them to wait in the back. They hesitate for a second as Blade continues down the ramp but they make their way to the back as Blade is near the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds; BLADE!

Connor: Blade sent his allies to the back? That's a little strange.

Cohen: Why is it, CC? Does every team need to have their friends by their side to assist them in every match? Blade wants to beat Drake by himself.

Just as Blade enters the ring, Drake attacks him with all he can with Blade covering up and calling for help from the ref before the official pushes Callahan back. The crowd cheers for Callahan as the ref tells him off. The official tells him to cool it as Blade gets back to the ring. The referee focuses on Callahan before asking if Blade is ready. He says yes and the referee turns his back to signal the bell with Blade hitting a low blow on Drake as the referee isn't looking.

The crowd boos heavily as Drake falls to his knees holding his lower stomach as Blade smirks, holding his arm in the air. The referee questions Blade's actions as he lifts up Drake's chin and hits a stiff uppercut. Callahan crawls to the corner as Blade slowly stalks him. He grabs the face of Drake and tells him not to blindside him again before wailing a barrage of punches into Callahan's face. The referee eventually pulls Blade off, warning him of the five count as Blade screams out he is doing justice. He picks up Callahan, hitting another few rough shots on Callahan before setting him up on the top turnbuckle. Blade climbs up and hits a powerslam from the top rope. Callahan clutches his back from the fall as Blade shakes off any damage sustained from the fall to go for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Callahan. Blade stares at the referee for a moment before he smiles at what this opportunity provides for him. He gets up and starts toying with Callahan, giving small kicks to the back of Drake as he tries getting up. Blade suddenly lifts Drake up and hits him with a backbreaker. Callahan screams out in pain as Blade keeps him on his knee and locks in a backbreaker submission. The referee asks Callahan if he quits but he keeps saying no as Blade bends Callahan further and further. The ref eventually tells Blade to stop as he is literally choking Callahan where Blade stops on a 4 count, adjusting himself. However, during his adjustments, Callahan is able to get a few kicks in to the back of Blade's head, forcing Blade to drop Callahan to the ground with the crowd cheering Drake on. Callahan gets a few more kicks from the ground before getting to a near vertical base. Blade catches him however with a harsh clothesline, dropping to his knees after the impact. The crowd boos as Blade flails his arm around as he hurt it with the collision and goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out. Blade stretches out his arm and whispers to himself that he'll never use that move in a while.

Cohen: This is how Blade works well: a sanctioned environment where rules are applied to both men.

Connor: Yet he is allowed to get away with low blows and choking?

Cohen: How is it illegal if the referee doesn't see it?

Drake begins to recover as Blade has made it to his feet, still shaking his arm. He picks up Callahan and quickly hits a belly to belly suplex. He has his hands still clutched and forces Callahan to get back to his feet. He pushes Callahan back to the ropes and whips him across the ring, catching him with a Double "A" spinebuster. Blade goes for the cover ... 1... 2... kick-out. Blade doesn't look pleased as Drake still has fight left in him. He picks up Callahan and puts him into a delayed vertical suplex. Blade keeps Drake steady in the air for a while until Drake begins flailing about, causing Blade to lose his grip and Callahan drops behind Blade, countering into a falling reverse DDT. Callahan is out on the ground trying to catch his breath with the crowd trying to will him back into the match as Blade clutches his head. Despite the impact, Blade is up first with Callahan just getting to his first knee. Blade goes over to Callahan but is met with an enzuigiri, making him groggy for a moment as Callahan gets to a near vertical base. Blade recovers and grabs the hair of Callahan to hit him but Callahan picks Blade up and hits him with a sidewalk slam. Callahan doesn't have the energy to pin Blade. Both men are down with the referee beginning a ten count with the crowd behind Callahan.

Connor: This is Drake's chance to finally get some momentum going in this match. He hasn't had any since the bell rang.

Cohen: Blade is smart enough to stop it before it begins. Even if some miracle happens and Callahan gets on a roll, it won't be enough to put away the man of destiny.

The referee has reached a count of 5 before Blade is at his feet and Callahan has just gotten up. Blade hits an uppercut to Callahan before sending him across the ring. He attempts an attack on Drake but he dodges past it and runs back at Blade, hitting him with a running big boot to knock him down. Blade is up again and goes for a wild swing but Drake ducks and hits a front Russian legsweep. Callahan gets up, waiting for his opponent. Blade gets up slower this time and turns around into a snap DDT. Callahan then hits a standing shooting star before hitting a standing moonsault. He crowd cheers wildly as Drake pins Blade... 1... 2... kick-out. Callahan gets the fans riled up as he stalks Blade getting up. He gives a kick to the mid-section before trying to lock in the Hangover. Blade counters and tries going for the Blade Runner. Callahan blocks it and grabs the previously damaged arm of Blade and locks in a scissored armbar. Blade screams out in pain as Callahan puts all the pressure on the arm. The referee asks if he wants to quit but Blade refuses, eventually making it to the ropes. The crowd boos as Drake is forced to break the hold. He moves back and allows Blade to get up, hitting a belly to back suplex. Drake gets up and he sees the crowd cheering which pumps him up to go to the turnbuckles and slowly climb to the very top.

Cohen: This move could make or break the match for Callahan, CC. It's go hard or go home... my money's on crash and burn.

He gets to the top and gets the crowd excited before he jumps off going for a diving elbow but Blade rolls out of the way in the nick of time. Drake clutches his elbow as he gets up off the canvas, trying to get the flow of blood in his arm again. He turns around and Blade Runner!

Connor: Where did that come from?

Blade goes for the cover... 1... 2... 3!

The referee rings the bell as the crowd boos for Blade being victorious in his match against Drake. He gets to his feet and the referee raises his hand as Blade smirks at what he just did.

Anderson: Here is your winner; BLADE!

Cohen: What an awesome match we had on display. Blade inevitably gaining the victory over that idiot Callahan. I told you going to the top wasn't a good idea.

Connor: Actually, you said it could seal the deal if he hit it... but Blade has built up a huge head of steam going into the Lottery and he should be... wait, what's Blade doing?

Blade picks up Callahan from the canvas and sets him up slowly, hitting the Halo for good measure. The crowd boos with the ref trying to stop Blade but he is ignored as he picks up Callahan's head, spitting in his face telling him never to mess with him again. Blade shoves his head down and applies the Texas cloverleaf onto Callahan, who screams out in pain from the submission. The referee tries ringing the bell but Blade doesn't stop.

Connor: Now this is just un-called for. He won the match, what else does he want?

Cohen: He is sending a message not only to Drake for attacking him on Meltdown but to everyone else in the locker room that he is a huge threat heading into the Lottery... hey, what is he doing here?

Suddenly, Steven Kurtesy runs out from the backstage area with the crowd cheering as he makes his way towards the ring. Blade exits the ring before Kurtesy has a chance to take him out and he quickly makes his exit from the ring. Kurtesy checks on Callahan who is beginning to come to and helps him to his feet. The two men exchange a couple of words before giving each other their own variant of a bro-fist. Kurtesy helps Callahan out of the ring with the referee helping Drake up the rampway. At that moment, Ty walks out from behind the curtain and onto the stage, stopping Kurtesy in his tracks as he was about to exit the ring and takes the focus away from Callahan. Kurtesy tells Ty that this isn't his business and should go away. Ty points behind Kurtesy and shrugs. Kurtesy gets pulled back and is hit with a Doppelgänger by Barbosa. Kurtesy is out on the canvas from the impact as Barbosa gets in Kurtesy's face and smiles at him sadistically. The crowd boos as this happens but quiet down when Ty raises his microphone to his face.

Ty: It seems that there have been a lot of assaults recently on some of the members of the WZCW roster recently and I for one am not a big fan of these blindsiding attacks. With the Lottery coming very close to the present, I've decided it would be best if the World Heavyweight Championship match was free from these viciously onslaughts. Therefore, I have made the decision that Steven Kurtesy will defend his title against Barbosa... in a Cage match!

The crowd is in shock at the announcement as Ty laughs before heading to the back, leaving a picture of Barbosa standing tall over Kurtesy with the World Heavyweight title in the hands of the challenger who looks at the gold he once held recently with envy.
Who Wrote What:

Hammond/Overlast vs Steele/Everest, S.H.I.T vs Runn, Backstage segments - Blade
Saboteur vs Johnny Scumm, Backstage Segments - Numbers
Reynolds vs Smith, Backstage segments - Ty Burna
Blade vs Callahan, Backstage segments - FalKon
Backstage segments - Showtime

Rep 'em all! And good luck on your Lethal Lottery RP's!
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