Meltdown 107

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
The Hottest Battle of the Year is Coming. As the WZCW's Latinamerican tour makes it's final stop before Lethal Lottery.

The 30 man battle for the most coveted prize in wrestling, the World Heavyweight Championship draws near. And everyone looks to make their final impact to make it to the match. Who will show they deserve the spot?

Who will fall? Live from Santo Domingo. It's WZCW Meltdown.



Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Live from the Dominican Republic! The beautiful capital city of Santo Domingo! Man, Cohen. Did you try the Mangu?

Cohen: I can't even pronounce it. But yeah, this is wonderful. Just like our matches tonight. Love the main event.

M&M vs the entire Elite and Ricky Runn with Becky Serra and Vance Bateman officiating? Stacked much?

Cohen: Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to show you can be a main event star. These two brag a lot. Here's their shot. We also have Theron Daggershield and Diabolos one on one, Blade vs Mr. Butty and much more. Lets get it started.

Becky Serra walks down the aisle accompanied by Vance Bateman and Ricky Runn to a sea of hard booing and hissing. They all enter the ring ignoring the negative fanfare as the Meltdown GM takes the mic.

Bateman: Welcome everyone to Meltdown.


Bateman: The premiere show of WZCW.


Bateman: The longest running bi-weekly episodic television series.


Becky: I'm afraid the Neanderthals here don't understand us, Mr. Bateman.

Ricky snickers in the background.

Whatever. We're out here for one reason and one reason alone. To demand an apology from the tandem calling themselves “M&M”. They've gone around disrespecting my wonderful associate. Her talented boyfriend. Performing unadvertised product placement. And of course displaying very poor dietary behavior. Matt Tastic, Mikey Stormrage security has found you. I demand you step on out here and give a formal apology.

Bateman: Why the hell is Mikey wearing a sombrero and mustache? And why is Matt Tastic clad in Angels uniform? And what the hell is that music?

Matt: “No-no. Mister Tastic no here.”

Mikey: Orale.

“I'm......... Albert Pujols. Star player of the LA Angels. This is my compadre. Miguel Rabia De Tormenta.”

Mikey: Orale.

Matt:He's half Mexican.

Mikey: Orale.

Matt: We-

Ricky: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. Stop it. Just how gullible do we look? You can't hide your lack of swag from someone as stylin' as me or Becky. Or as wise as Mr. Bateman. Drop the comedy act, you unfunny hick.


You too, fatty! This is why you su-

OH SHUT THE HELL UP!! Week in and week out you come out here and piss about swag and good looks. You're in a damn wrestling ring! Not a modeling runway, Zoolander. No one gives a rat's ass about how you look! And you expect us to take you seriously?! Meanwhile Bateman and Becky have become a pair of very bitter, bitter lemons. Except of course Becky gets her seeds squeezed out daily by a clown with a vent shaft framed on his face and a dead animal hiding his lack of physical presence.

Well I'm a former World Champion. Neither one of you have come close. And at Lethal Lottery, I'll be the only to 2 time Swagtastic World Champion.

Ricky. Wow, man. You're amazing. You really are amazing. You're pretty much the only person in the world who is an asshole. A dick. And a pussy. All at once. You deserve a medal. With a doge face pasted on it.

Bateman:Just keep burying yourselves, boys. By the end of the night, we'll be sure to finish the job and put the tombstones above your graves.

Becky: They don't deserve it. They should be under a pile of trash, not dirt.

Mikey: Isn't that you when you go to bed?

Suddenly, Mikey and Tastic are attacked from behind by Showtime, Steven Holmes and Constantine and thrown down the ramp. They stay standing on the ramp and refrain from doing any further damage as they grab a mic.

Steven: Retched scum like you needs to be dealt with. You two bloody assclowns are a stain to this great sport.

Showtime: Boys........ Playtime is over. You're messing in the big leagues now. The Elite. Tonight, you're gonna find out just how truly out of your league you really are. And Matt...... Be sure to polish my title. Polish it real nice. It's courtesy to keep other people's property nice and clean after all.

The trio poses at top of the stage as Matt and Mikey lay on the ramp. Ricky, Becky and Bateman look on satisfied by what they see.


Johnny Klamor is at the parking lot area as a car arrives.

Ladies and gentlemen, it seems Blade has finally arrived in the building.

Blade gets out of the car as Johnny goes after him.

Klamor: Blade, do you really believe Mick Overlast involved in the mysterious Men In Black attacks going around the past few months?

Blade: …..........

You still don't trust him, huh?

Blade: …..........

Klamor: What about your match tonight with Mr. Butty?

Blade:…...................... What a stupid name.

Blade just walks off leaving Klamor watching on.

Copeland: That match is next, on Meltdown!
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Sheffield, England, weighing 227 pounds, MR. BUTTY!

The music hits and Butty makes his way through the curtain to some steady boos. He walks slowly towards the ring in his shirt, trousers and tie combination and with his glasses on the tip of his nose, looking down on people. He shouts at some ringside fans as he walks up the steps. Once in the ring, Butty climbs to the middle rope and holds his arms out beside him and smiles.

Cohen: You know, I like this guy Seabass. He is a quality educator and a damn fine wrestler. He could teach you a thing or two.

Copeland: He is on a nice little role since his return, there is no denying that. That said, he is everything wrong with teachers. They should nurture and encourage children, not belittle and chastise them.


And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade steps out onto the stage to cheers as he greets the crowd. He walks part way down the ramp, before he performs his signature taunt. The crowd eats it up before he rolls into the ring and throws his hands up like the ceiling can't hold him.

Copeland: The former EurAsian champion Blade in action tonight. You have to wonder if his head is on straight in recent weeks with Mick Overlast trying to win back his favor.

Cohen: Not likely. Since his return to WZCW, Blade has been a shell of his former ruthless self. He just doesn't have that killer edge anymore.

Keith Morse checks both men for foreign objects and then calls for the bell to start the match. Butty cautiously hangs on the outside, but Blade goes right after him with a couple of right hands before he tries to tie his opponent up. Butty is able to elude the grappling, but Blade stays aggressive and keeps up the jabs as he gives chase. The former EurAsian Champ fakes a big right hand, causing Butty to cover up, then quickly closes the gap and secures and side headlock. He wrenches on the hold hard, despite Butty getting a free hand on the rope. The ref steps in and Blade takes full advantage of his five count to wrench on the hold before he lands a punch to the head. Butty drops to a knee, but with his hand no longer on the ropes Blade goes back on the attack with a kick to the side of the head. He then plants the kneeling over Butty with a quick DDT. He forgoes a pin attempt and instead begins to stomp away at Butty. The teacher covers up and does his best to crawl to the ropes, prompting yet another ref break. Once again Blade takes full advantage of the five count to continue to kick away at Mr. Butty. The ref gets to four and Blade breaks long enough to allow Butty to pull himself up in the corner before he starts to pound away with short, stiff shots. This time the referee has to forcibly pull Blade away from his foe, prompting Mr. Morse to give him a stern talking to.

Cohen: Maybe I was wrong. This Blade is coming out on fire, showing a real edge.

Copeland: He needs to watch himself as he is dangerously close to disqualifying himself here.

Blade pushes past the ref and goes back to Butty, but he is met with a boot to the gut. He tries to come back in, but once again Butty kicks away at the midsection, giving him enough space to hop to the second rope and connect with a crossbody. He immediately rolls into a chinlock and then drops an elbow to the top of the head. He then throws Blade to the mat and covers him. 1!....2!...but Blade gets a shoulder up with ease. Butty pounds away with a couple of punches before he drags Blade to his feet and whips him across the ring. Off the rebound he connects with a big flapjack. He rolls back into a cover. 1!...2!...but Blade kicks out again. Butty pounds his fist into the mat and tries to set up for the figure four, but Blade manages to kick him away.

Copeland: Maybe Butty was going for the end too soon.

Cohen: Never too soon to pick up a victory Seabass.

Blade manages to scramble to his feet and the two combatants are at an impasse. They lock horns and the larger Blade gets the advantage and secures a hammerlock. Instead of wrenching on it, he lifts Butty into the air and slams him with a modified tiger suplex. He bridges and Keith Morse slides into position. 1!...2!...but Butty manages to reverse the roll up, freeing his arms and rolling Blade up in a modified victory roll. Blade's shoulders are pinned. 1!...2!...3!

Here is your winner, Mr. Butty!

Cohen: Wow!

Blade manages to kick out just after the three count, but it is too late. He is livid and argues with the ref, stomping around the ring and chasing Butty off before he is able to celebrate. Blade leaves the ring and slams his hands on the announce table.

Cohen: Hey you lost, deal with it loser. Get out of here.

Copeland: Certainly a surprise win for Butty, and Blade is livid.


We head backstage where we see Aubrey Sloan with a bed sheet over head pacing around. She looks absolutely terrified as if she hasn't gotten any sleep recently. Her pacing is interrupted by the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Young Justice and Lexi Hayes.

Hayes: Girl, what's wrong? It looks like you haven't slept in a while.

Haven: That's not healthy for a fellow crime-fighter.

Sloan: ......Lights.....Explosions.....So loud..... So......

Hyada: Aubrey? What are you talking about?

Sloan: Its the squirrels!! They want revenge! Those lights and explosives!

Um..... Fireworks? Did you see fireworks? Was that last week?

Sloan: Yes.

Haven:Relax. Those were fireworks display celebrating the 4th of July.

Sloan: Just what kind of ungodly celebration was that?!

Hayes: Come on, girl. Lets get you a nice fruit drink to calm you down. Maybe one of those Piragua things they sell outside. The sesame flavor was real good.

Sloan: OK.

Hayes takes Sloan away while the tag team champs look on a bit perplexed.

Mr. Butty: Ladies and gentlemen, I am Mr. Butty. And earlier tonight, I exposed the degenerative nature of a supposed outstanding figure of WZCW in Blade. That's one. But come Lethal Lottery, I will unmask the greatest hoax in the world. The World Heavyweight Championship. Greed. Deception. Arrogance. The root of so many morally corruptive teachings. I will claim it and then make sure it remains dormant. Where no avaricious "superstar" can flaunt it and continue this chain of lunacy that leads this company and by proxy, the United States of America. And the World.

This is Mr. Butty. And thank you for your time.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Multi colored lights begin to flash all over the arena as Theron Daggershield makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp. He poses at the top of the stage as the crowd cheers loudly. He points his sword forward before slashing it in the air to the delight of the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring, placing his sword to the side before entering the ring and taking off his trenchcoat and sunglasses. He poses for the crowd, eliciting one more pop.

Copeland: Theron looks to keep his momentum tonight before he heads to Lethal Lottery with an Elite X Title opportunity!

Cohen: What chance does this penciled neck geek have against someone as elite as Constantine? None Seabass, absolutely none.


The lights dim down and Diabolos's theme begins playing. This continues on for several moments, but there's no sign of him. The crowd begins buzzing as the music stops, and Theron asks the referee James Aubrey what is going on. The ref shrugs his shoulders as Diabolos's theme begins again.

Cohen: Seems Diabolos is taking his time gracing us with his presence.

The music plays again for several moments and cuts off, the lights coming back up. Suddenly the tron cuts to a video backstage where Diabolos is on the ground, covering his face as his mask is torn apart in the back. Several referees and officials rush to his side checking on him.

Copeland: Oh my god, Diabolos has been attacked!

Cohen: But for what?

Shadows can be seen cast across the screen but they soon disappear as trainers begin checking on Diabolos's condition. We cut back to Theron who looks perplexed but concern. Suddenly he gets dropped as Constantine runs in from behind and chop blocks Theron in the knee! Theron holds his knee in pain as Constantine begins stomping away on the targeted knee before dropping an elbow across it. Theron yells out in pain as Constantine stands up, a smug smirk on his face as the crowd begins booing loudly.

Copeland: Where did Constantine come from?!

Cohen: Appears he's taking advantage of this little distraction. What a great strategy!

Theron tries to pull himself up as Constantine pulls him away from the ropes and delivers a flowing DDT, dropping Theron face first into the mat. The referee tries to stop Constantine but gets shoved across the ring for his troubles. Constantine stands over Theron for several moments before lifting him up and tossing him into the corner, delivering stiff closed fists to the forehead repeatedly. Theron tries to cover up as Constantine continues the assault on the Elite X contender. The crowd continues booing as Constantine tosses Theron to the outside. He follows behind and slams Theron face first into the barricade. He wraps his hands around Theron's throat, beginning to choke him as Theron tries to break his grip. Constantine continually talks trash down to Theron before stepping away from the barricade and tossing Theron back first into the steel steps, sending the top steps flying.

Copeland: Someone needs to stop this!

Cohen: Looks like Theron's not making it to Lethal Lottery to cash in his title opportunity.

Constantine lifts his arms up high into the air, eliciting a fresh wave of jeering from the crowd. He walks over and yells at a fan in a Theron shirt before turning and kicking Theron straight in the face. He yells to the fan to watch his hero be destroyed before rolling Theron back into the ring. Constantine takes his time walking into the ring. He kicks Theron in the ribs as he gets to his hands and knees, mocking him the whole time. He slowly lifts his head up, pointing his face before slapping him hard. Theron falls backwards but remains on his knees. Constantine lifts him up and motions for the end as he sets him up for Collateral Damage. Theron suddenly floats over and as Constantine turns around Theron hits the Critical Hit! The crowd goes wild as Constantine is down flat on the mat as Theron rolls over onto his stomach.

Copeland: Critical Hit! And Constantine has been stopped dead in his tracks!

Suddenly Showtime and Steven Holmes run out as Theron rolls out to the side of the ring. He gets to his feet as the crowd cheers loudly. Showtime yells at Theron from inside the ring while Holmes checks on Constantine, who is slowly rolling over to his back.

Cohen: The Elite is one group you do not want to have as enemies Seabass! Theron may have made a big mistake tonight.

Theron walks over to his sword and picks it up, pointing directly at Constantine as he backs up the entrance ramp, with the crowd still cheering his name around him, holding an arm to his back as he winces a bit, but smiling.

Copeland: Theron caught Constantine with the Critical Hit, but can he do it again at the Lethal Lottery? And can Constantine go as he and the Elite pair up with Ricky Runn against Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic? Find out, coming up!


Backstage we see a dark room with very little to see. All that can be made out are the figures of two men. A mask is highlighted by the small light and in the the second figure opens his eyes. Noticable by their familiar red glow. Califa Dragon and Ty Burna stand in the darkness.

The stage is set. Are we set for tomorrow?

Califa: Si. Mañana, los Caballeros Palidos caeran.

Ty: So it is written..................

The light dwindles and the scene fades before the sentence is finished.
We go backstage where Leon Kensworth stands by for an interview.

Leon Kensworth:
Hello ladies and gentlemen, at this time I have the man who faces Constantine at Lethal Lottery for the Elite X Championship. Now Mr. Daggershield, you just got through dispatching Diabolos. But the question I have is what are your thoughts on Constantine's involvement this week in the main event? A total stacked deck against Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic.

Theron: As far as Dybbuk goes, the roll of the dice simply did not favor him. A simple necromancer with very low level. But Kaiser.

Leon: “Kaiser”? Who's Kaiser. I'm talking about John Constantine. The Elite X Champion.

Theron: Yes, I know. Kaiser does posses the Expert F Championship. He associates himself with The Excellence as well. He and Daniel Jaguar and Sealamin Glimmergaunt. I fear they may attack me. But I have this problem.

Leon: What?

Theron: I wish to ask The Youths Of Righteousness for aid. But.... They have a girl.


I fear-

???: Dude! You've got a huge bump!

Suddenly, M&M stop into the scene.

Mikey: Theron! Hey. How you doing? Hey, listen. I know you're worried about the Elite X match and The Elite and all that. But don't worry. We all have your back. Right, Matt?

Matt: ….......Why the hell do you talk weird? And.... Dammit, I still can't get over you weirdo's. Yeah, whatever.

Theron:Thank you for the support. I'm indebted to you, Mighty Sweets.

Matt: What?



Harrys: The following contest is your main event of the evening! This is a four on two handicap match, scheduled for Mayhem Rules! There will be no countouts and no disqualifications - the only way to win is by pinfall or submission!


Harrys: Introducing first, the team of Steven Holmes, the Elite X Champion Constantine, and "Showtime" David Cougar - the Elite!

The members of the new Elite - Constantine, Steven Holmes, and "Showtime" David Cougar - slowly make their way onto the stage, where they stand, waiting.


Harrys: And their partner, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, "The Swagtastic voice of a generation", Ricky Runn!

They are joined by the controversial former world champion, Ricky Runn! Runn and the Elite look at each other in slight discomfort, but their purpose is unified tonight as they make their way down to the ring.

Cohen: What an unbelievable team. There are three former world champions and the current Elite X champion on that side. I just don't know how in the world Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic can hope to survive tonight.

Copeland: I don't think they're supposed to, Jack.


Harrys: And their opponents, they are the team of Mikey Stormrage and the Eurasian Champion, Matt Tastic!

Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic appear on stage together, sending a message to the Elite as they look all business striding to the ring side by side.

Copeland: Well, the odds are stacked against them, but let's take nothing away from these two - the current and former Eurasian Champion united in a very rare circumstance here, as these two have formed a strange friendship since their match for the title.

Cohen: It's just pure weakness, is what it is! Why would you be friends with the guy that beat you? If I'm Mikey Stormrage, I'd be taking any chance I can get to screw over Tastic and get a shot at my title again.

Referee Jorou Akiyama separates the two teams and tries to ask for sportsmanship on the part of the Elite and Runn, but they only grin in response. Akiyama sighs and signals for the bell and we are underway. With no need for tags in or out of the match, the Elite and Runn immediately mob Stormrage and Tastic. Tastic and Stormrage appear in danger of being overrun, but Stormrage lands a hard right on Runn that knocks him down and out of the ring. Tastic backs up Constantine for a moment with a shot to the gut and uses the opening to nail Holmes in the head with a fist, sending him out of the ring. Tastic and Stormrage suddenly have Showtime all to themselves! Stormrage takes him down with a huge clothesline, and Matt Tastic follows it up with a Skullbuster! The champion and his partner look on defiantly as Constantine pulls Showtime out of the ring and the bigger team takes a moment to regroup. Ricky Runn tries to pull himself up with Steven Holmes's assistance, but Holmes steps aside furiously and goes under the ring, rooting around for some hardware. Runn gets himself up anyway and straightens his hair, muttering to himself. He, Showtime, and Constantine cluster together - and IT'S A BAD MOVE AS TASTIC FLIES THROUGH THE ROPES AND WIPES THEM OUT WITH A SUICIDE DIVE! The crowd is on their feet as it looks like Stormrage is about to join them - he hits the ropes, charges, FLIES - AND STEVEN HOLMES CRUSHES HIS FACE IN WITH A CHAIR SHOT!

Copeland: My God! That was uncalled for. Mikey could have a concussion after a brutal shot like that, and just when it looked like he and Tastic were going to take an advantage.

Cohen: The numbers game always wins in the end, Seabass. Always.

Stormrage slumps over the ropes and Holmes slides into the ring after him. He straightens him to his feet, then drops him with a hard right hand. Outside the ring, Tastic is getting to his feet but his three opponents are up as well, all of them fighting with him and trying to get him to submit. Tastic struggles but the numbers overwhelm him as Runn is able to land a hard kick to his gut followed by a DDT to the floor. Tastic is rolled back into the ring and everyone else follows him. With both men down, the larger team takes a long moment to look at everyone, sizing them up. Showtime barks orders at his men to go after Tastic, while Runn lays boots into Stormrage. Showtime nails a Showstopper on Tastic; the champion pops up and walks into an Axis of Evil from Constantine! Steven Holmes goes after him next, pulling the champion to his feet and NAILS THE IMPERIAL IMPALER ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR! Meanwhile, Ricky Runn has ascended to the top rope - he flies off and nails the R&R! Simultaneously, Steven Holmes and Ricky Runn pin their respective man - Akiyama counts and they get one, two, and three!

Harrys: The winners of the this match, the Elite and Ricky Runn!

Copeland: This match's outcome was never in doubt, although Tastic and Stormrage did their best to rally in the beginning.

Cohen: When you're outclassed, you're outclassed. Simple as that.

The winners stand over the fallen bodies of their opponents, victorious, as their hands are raised. As soon as the bell rings, Becky and Bateman bail out of the ring. Ricky Runn and The Elite continue to batter Matt and Mikey. Steven goes outside the ring and fetches weapons as Showtime and Ricky each hold on to their respective rival and hold them up. Steven hands a chair to Constantine who aims at Matt. Steven takes aim at Mikey.

Copeland:Dammit, enough's enough!

This is a lesson to them. Respect authority.

But they're interrupted as Theron Daggershield sprints down to the ring and breaks things up. He goes right for Constantine and Showtime drops Matt to help him out. Steven aims for Mikey, but he kicks Steven while Matt gets up to attack Ricky Runn. All hell breaks loose as the two parties wage war at ringside. Theron tees off on Constantine outside, but it's still 3 on 2 in the ring as Mikey and Matt try desperately to stay strong. Showtime leaves the ring and Steven and Ricky keep going. Show just stays outside looking on. Enjoying the chaos.

Theron keeps brawling with Constantine with neither man getting the upper hand and even head towards the crowd. Steven and Ricky keep beating on Matt and Mikey, but the duo little by little gain their composure to match their foes blow for blow. As Showtime looks on though, something catches his eye. He suddenly turns to the crowd and yanks someone over the barricade.

Copeland: What's Showtime doing?!? That's a fan and he hasn't even done anything!

Everyone keeps brawling as Showtime pulls the fan up to the top of the entrance ramp. He screams out to Matt Tastic and suddenly the action stops as everyone turns to the stage. A look of horror appears in Mikey but especially in Matt's face as they get a look at the victim Showtime has.

Cohen: OH MY GOD, THAT'S MATT TASTIC'S GRANDFATHER! Showtime stop!! Don't do it!

Copeland: That's too far, dammit! Stop it! Someone stop him!

Showtime hooks Granpa up and hits the Ratings Crash on him on the stage. Matt and Mikey snap out of their shock, but before they can go to his aid, Steven and Ricky grab them. Showtime is laughing on the entrance ramp right above Granpa as EMT's charge out to the scene. The last thing we see is Mikey's concerned look and Matt Tastic broken down to tears as blood runs down his face and they're both held back.

Cohen: Oh my God! What the hell did Cougar just do?!

Copeland: We need help out here! Dammit, what's wrong with you, David?!

The scene fades to black.

Ty - Theron Vs Diabolos

Harthan - Main event

Yaz - Mr. Butty vs Blade

KJ - Intro/segments/closing

See ya guys tomorrow for Ascension. Now if you don't mind, Imma watch X-Men Days of Future Past.
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