Aftershock 18

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the Frog
We open with a double screen, Becky Serra and Johnny Klamor are on the right but it’s the action on the left that draws your attention.

Serra: “Good evening, we are starting off hot here tonight. After the tumultuous events of Ascension, Mikey Stormarage is once more in pursuit of The New Church."

Klamor: “The Grand Mystique is nowhere to be seen but Mason Westhoff is dominating. He is doing his leader proud.”

Serra: "Where is GM? Why isn't he here?"

Klamor: "Isn't that obvious?"

Mikey turns things around and whips Westhoff into the shutters that block off the parking lot. Mikey sends a load of punches into the midsection of Westhoff. Finally, Westhoff is able to block a punch and throws Westhoff up against the shutter. Westhoff then proceeds to send punches into the gut of Mikey. Security rush in before the two behemoths can continue. They try to separate the two, but their first attempt fails. Mikey and Westhoff meet each other again and keep trading blows. Mikey gets Westhoff in a bent over position as he beats on his back. The security tries to pull them away again. Finally it seems that they may have succeeded! Once they are pulled apart we see Big Dave of Meltdown and Chuck Myles, Aftershock GM who wear fierce scowls.

Dave: “Enough!”

Myles: “You think you can bring this mayhem, this anarchy to my show?”

Dave: “Get Westhoff out of our sight. Mikey, our office, now!”

Security pulls the men in different directions. Dave looks on at the scene, exasperated.

Myles: “I thought Vance had this sorted.”

Myles and and Dave exits off camera, but we pan over to see a limousine arriving. The camera watches as the door opens. Out steps WZCW Legend, Titus! We can hear the crowd pop inside of the arena.

The split-screen ends and we go back to the arena with Serra and Klamor.

Serra: “That was chaotic! And what is Titus doing here tonight?”

Klamor: “Why they couldn’t have let these two go at it a little while longer?”

Serra: “Because we have jam-packed show to get on with Johnny! Welcome to Aftershock 19!”

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and it is a Fatal-Fourway match.

The crowd pops for the opening bout as we see that The Angel and James Carter are already waiting in the ring. For each one, we see a nameplate below them with their respective name.


Thrash comes out, throwing the "Metal" sign in the air as the crowd tries to figure what to make of him. He runs down halfway to where the crowd are, hitting as many high-fives as he can. This gives him a little pop.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 227 pounds, Thrash!

Klamor: Trash?

Serra: Thrash.

Klamor: That is what I said!

We see Thrash taunting on the turnbuckle as the next set of music begins to play.


Dustin Hunter walks out onto the stage with his hoodie covering his face. The crowd is relatively quiet.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230 pounds, The Hollywood Nightmare!

Klamor: Who is this joker?

Serra: He goes by moniker, The Hollywood Nightmare, but his full name is Dustin Hunter. He is a powerful brawler with the Dream Crusher as his finishing move.

We see Hunter in the ring just in time for him to throw his hoodie out of it. All for men get settled in their respective corner as the referee checks on them. Four nods means that it is time to go. The referee signals for the bell and the match is underway!

Serra: Here we g-

???: Excuse me..

The four men in the ring look around confused.

???: Excuse me Mr. Thrash, Mr. Hunter, and Mr. Carter.

All at once, the four men look up at the titantron. They all see this face.


???: Excuse me Misters. My name is Mama Paradyse.

The crowd pops huge at the revelation of the woman’s name!

Klamor: Did she just say Mama Paradyse?

Mama Paradyse: Most of you do not know dis, but I have been looking for my son Armando. Armando Paradyse.

The crowd pops once again. All four men in the ring look confused.

Mama Paradyse: He has been missing for some time. I have reason to believe that he has been hiding out under another name. Because I love my pobre Armando, I must take extreme measures to know. I am offering a 500 peso bounty if any of you in the ring can unmask The Angel for me and let me know that my Armando is safe. I am sorry Armando, you leave me no other choice.

The crowd pops huge as Mama Paradyse disappears from the screen. Carter, Hunter, and Thrash all look over at Angel. The chase is on! Angel slides out underneath the ropes, but Carter and Hunter are quick to stop him. Thrash joins them and starts yanking on the mask as the other two hold onto his arms. Thrash can’t seem to get it off, so Carter joins him in yanking at it. Finally, after much tug and pull, Carter is the lucky one to yank it off. The crowd pops! Angel quickly covers his face and hops the barricade.

Klamor: Is it him? I can’t tell!

We see him running out of the arena as Carter jumps up and down with Angel’s mask in his hand like he just won the World Title. As he celebrates, there appears to be a fan that reaches out and grabs onto Angel’s mask. Carter looks upset and tugs back on the mask, however the fan won’t let go. We get a camera close up on the fan and it appears that he rather rotund with a “Matt Tastic 4 President” shirt on. Carter pulls up his hand for a punch, and the fan flinches, which causes him to let go of the mask. The crowd boos Carter heavily. Carter chuckles to himself, but is taken off guard whenever the fan at ringside pulls him to the barricade. Carter screams like a little girl as he gets pulled into the crowd by the large man. It appears that several members of the audience begin slugging Carter in the process. The security just watches as this occurs.

Serra: It appears that all of the audience has had enough of James Carter’s show-boating.

Klamor: You mean no-show boating.

*They both chuckle*

With that, Carter disappears underneath the audience like he would if he sank underneath water. Everything becomes calm once again. Meanwhile, it seems that Thrash and Hunter cared not for the distractions outside the ring. They now both find themselves inside of it and trading punches. Thrash goes for step-up clothesline, but Hunter ducks it and positions himself behind Thrash. He grips the mid-section and pulls Thrash back for a crashing German suplex! Hunter climbs back to his feet as Thrash tries to slowly recover back to his. Hunter is able to grab a head of hair and pull Thrash up to his feet. He grabs the arm of him and whips him into the ropes. On the return, Hunter picks him up and drops him back down for a spinebuster! He makes the cover, 1......Kick Out!

Serra: Hunter looks impressive early on. Kudos for both of these men for being able to compete after those two early “mishaps.”

Hunter curses under his breath at the referee for not making a longer count. The referee just shrugs in response. Hunter proceeds to get back up to his feet, and picks Thrash up along with him. Thrash thanks him by sending a stiff uppercut into the jaw of Hunter. Hunter flails backwards. Thrash steps up and sends a kick to the mid-section of his opponent, which prompts him to bend over. Thrash grabs onto him and executes a gut-wrench suplex out of nowhere! This receives a small pop from the crowd. Thrash makes the cover, 1......Kick Out!

Thrash gets up to his feet and targets the legs of his The Hollywood Nightmare. He proceeds to roll over Hunter and grasb him by a single ankle and foot. He pulls it up and drops the leg down for a toe-hold drop! Hunter reaches down at his leg in pain as he rolls over onto his back. Thrash quickly runs over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He looks back over his shoulder and sees Hunter still laying down. With that, he flips backwards and tries to nail a moonsault! No! Hunter rolls out of the way and Thrash eats the mat.

Klamor: That man is far too large to be doing moves like that!

Hunter gets up to his feet as he looks at Thrash grabbing his stomach in pain. He walks over to him and uses his foot to roll Thrash over onto his side. After doing that, Hunter runs towards the ropes on the other end. He bounces off of them and returns with much momentum. He comes in for a sliding kick into the chest of Thrash! This causes Thrash to roll backwards and out of the ring and underneath the bottom rope. Hunter follows after him. He grabs the downed Thrash on the outside and pulls him to his feet. He then proceeds to grab Thrash and pick him up in a carrying position. Hunter grunts as he drops Thrash on the outside mat with a sidewalk slam! The crowd gasps. Hunter shakes his head in delight over his own work. He shouts, “it’s over,” and picks Thrash up and rolls him into the ring and underneath the bottom rope. Hunter slides in and makes the cover. The referee slides in to the make the count,

Kick Out!

The crowd pops slightly and Hunter looks pissed.

Serra: Wow, nice kick out there by Thrash!

Klamor: Okay I’ll admit it, these two are not that bad. For curtain jerkers at least.

Hunter hops off of Thrash and proceeds to get into the referee’s face. The crowd boos him. Hunter demands that the referee changes the count to three, but the referee refuses and says that the count his right. Hunter is fuming as he turns back around. It appears that the argument had left enough time for Thrash to rise to his feet in a dazed stupor. Hunter approaches him and grapples towards his head, but Thrash ducks his shoulder and hoist Hunter up on top of them. The crowd reignites as Thrash walks over to the center of the ring with Hunter on his shoulders. Hunter tries to kick his legs, but it is no use! Thrash drops him with For Whom The Bell Toll!

He crawls over Hunter’s body and makes the cover,


Serra: Great opening match between these two!

Anderson: Here is your winner by pinfall, Thrash!

Thrash jumps up and does the air guitar as his music begins to play!

Klamor: What a rockin way to start off our show tonight. Thrash and Hunter are two new guys that I think we can bank on. We have much more still to come. We will see SaboSax in singles competition and WZCW's Hero Chris K.O. will take on the gauntlet. Don't go away!

The camera cuts out with the final shot being Thrash celebrating on the turnbuckle.


We cut backstage and see Saboteur and Action Saxton standing by with Leon Kensworth.

Kensworth: Guys, recent internet rumors have stated that you two had a visible outburst at a local fast food restaurant this past week. I have to ask: Is the team of Saboteur and Saxton still going strong?

Saxton grabs the microphone.

Saxton: Let me tell you something sucka, you can't judge an e-book by it's cover! Saxton and Saboteur had some beef over some beef, but that has done been settled fool. Ain't no hamburger, nor burglar stealing ham that can bring our team down.

Saboteur takes the microphone.

Saboteur: That is beautiful Sax.

Saboteur wipes underneath where his eye would be on his mask.

Kensworth grabs the microphone.

Kensworth: That is great, but if you don't mind I have another question. Tonight you two will compete in one-on-one competition against the opponents you will face at All or Nothing for the Tag Team Championships. How do you think that you will fair apart from each other?

Saboteur grabs the microphone.

Saboteur: What a silly question Kensworth. You know as well as everyone else that Saxton and I apart are the two "baddest to the bones" in this company. Not to be confused with Baddist Du Bones, which is a terminal illness on an island off the coast of Hawaii.

Saxton grabs the microphone.

Saxton: What he is trying to say is that we are the two baddest motha suckas in this company. It doesn't matter if we are together or alone; we are still lethal weapons.

Saboteur grabs the microphone.

Saboteur: But not Lethal Weapons 4. That movie sucked!

Saxton: Sucka! Let's put the movie puns aside and go out there and do what we do best. Kicking ass and taking names!

Saboteur: And let's not forget who made this all possible. Our great friends at Pepsi Co!

Saxton shoves Kensworth out of the camera shot. Saboteur and Saxton both pull out a can of Pepsi from their pockets and pop it open before taking a drink. They both smile as the camera fades out.


We head backstage to see Chuck Myles sitting at his desk and Big Dave sitting next to him. Both men look concerned and address someone beyond the camera.

Myles: “I know you aren’t happy but we can’t have this going on backstage at every show. First you, Saxton and Saboteur run roughshod through the arena, then you cave Derek Jacobs’ skull in. What’s next?”

Dave: “You say it ends at All or Nothing but you don’t believe that do you? Men like him don’t give up that easily.”

Myles: “We know Vance warned you last night that you had to leave The New Church alone. But as it turns out, you can’t take good advice, we now know that we have to consider other options.”

Dave: “We have to punish you Mikey.”

The camera swings around to reveal a heavily bruised Mikey Stormrage who nods silently.

Myles: “So we have spoken to Vance and he agrees. This is what we are going to do; you will face Mason Westhoff at All or Nothing. Should you be victorious then you will have earned the chance to face The Grand Mystique later that night.”

Mikey responds, once more only with a short, silent nod of the head.

Dave: “And he won’t be allowed to run away because you will face him in a steel cage match.”

That gets a pop from the crowd and a small smile from Mikey.

Mikey: “Thank you.”

Dave: “That’s all kid. Now get out of here already.”

Mikey leaves the office after shaking the hands of both men. The two General Managers breathe a sigh of relief.

Dave: “Well that’s that done. Now I need to address the other chaos that is going on in this company.”

Myles: "Lay it to them partner."

The camera fades out.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing in at 198 pounds, Saboteur!

Saboteur makes his way out to the ring, waving to the fans with a beauty pageant wave as he makes his way down. He rolls into the ring and makes one final lap of the ring while waving before turning and awaiting his opponent.

Serra: Perhaps WZCW's most unique personality, Saboteur is going to look to get some momentum over one of his All or Nothing opponents in the finals of the tag team championship tournament.

Klamor: It's going to be one of the oddest tag team matches I've ever seen, but both teams, I'll admit, have gone through a lot to advance to the finals. I think both teams see these matches as an advanced scouting opportunity to get hands on experience with the people they need to take down.


Anderson: And his opponent, from Paris, France, weighing in at 175 pounds, Le Gentleman Masqué!

Masqué makes his way onto the stage twirling his cane and looking every bit the dashing gentlemen. He makes a few courteous bows to the ladies of the audience before taking his time up the ring steps and then slowly removing the pieces of his very fancy attire, until he's in only his ring gear. When he's done, he faces Saboteur and issues him a slight, but respectful bow. Saboteur acknowledges it with a nod of his head, the warriors showing their respect. With everything in order, the referee signals for the bell and we are underway. The two go after each other as Masqué wraps around Saboteur and locks in a waistlock. Saboteur elbows him to break it up and Masqué staggers back. Saboteur follows Masqué into a corner and nails him with strikes until the referee breaks it up. Saboteur backs up and waits for Masqué to come out, when he shoves him into the ropes. Masqué rebounds and Saboteur throws a big dropkick that connects squarely. Saboteur waits a moment then pulls him up, hits a snapmare, and finishes it with a crisp kick to the back of Masqué's head. Saboteur goes for a quick cover and gets one, two, but only two as Masqué kicks out. Saboteur transitions to a headlock that he wrenches on Masqué hard, keeping him grounded. Masqué struggles hard to get to a vertical base and after a while of struggling, he finally forces himself to his feet. With a backward elbow, he breaks out of the hold, but Saboteur immediately takes the advantage back with a kick to Masqué's back. He levels another kick to Masqué's gut and then grabs him by the head, straightening him out. But Masqué reverses it and nails Saboteur with an enzuigiri! Saboteur staggers to a corner and Masqué tries to get his bearings as both are in recovery mode.

Serra: Masqué is going to look to try to get into this one, as Saboteur was doing a nice job in the early running of keeping him in check.

Klamor: Saboteur is crafty, though - I wouldn't count on a sustained advantage here.

Masqué gets to his feet and Saboteur tries a clothesline, but Masqué outmaneuvers him, ducking under it and hitting a mule kick to Saboteur's gut. Staggered, Saboteur is easy prey for Masqué to hit a snap DDT on. Masqué passes on the cover and instead lifts Saboteur up, gets him into position, and NAILS a butterfly suplex! Masqué signals to the crowd that he's going to the top rope, and it looks like he's trying to finish this one off! He climbs up to the top and straightens out, FLIES OFF with the GUILLOTINE LEG DROP - but Saboteur rolls out of the way! Masqué crashes and burns hard! Saboteur gets up quickly and brings Masqué to his feet, throws him into the corner and goes after him - but Masqué throws an elbow at him and catches him square in the face! Masqué goes after him and NAILS a roundhouse kick to his face, sending Saboteur to his knees! Masqué follows up with a clothesline that all but takes Saboteur's head off! Masqué goes for the over and gets one, two, but only two! Masqué looks frustrated but pulls Saboteur to his feet, but Saboteur reverses it, hits a European uppercut, followed by a big Pele kick to Masqué! Saboteur goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two! Saboteur throws clubbing blows at Masqué's head before the ref separates him. He backs off and waits for Masqué to stand up, Masqué gets to his knees, Saboteur charges and goes for the Death Blow but Masqué rolls to the side just in time! Masqué gets to his feet quickly as Saboteur tries to recover his balance - and Masqué nails him with a kick to the gut! Saboteur is doubled over as Masqué hits the ropes and SMASHES HIS FACE TO THE MAT WITH A RUNNING CURB STOMP! THAT'S ALL SHE WROTE as Masqué covers for one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Le Gentleman Masqué!

Serra: A very impressive win for Masqué as he gets the advantage on one of his opponents at All or Nothing, where he and Beard will try to become tag team champions.

Klamor: I might even call this an upset, Becky - remember that Saboteur has pinned many high caliber opponents one on one in the past! He's an accomplished singles star in addition to former tag team champion.

Masqué celebrates his victory with quiet dignity and grace as he acknowledges the crowd with a smile, while Saboteur tries to stir in the middle of the ring as a referee makes sure he's alright, as we fade out to black.



Big Dave comes out to a thunderous applause. He has a microphone in his hand as he makes his way down to the ring.

Klamor: What is the boss from Meltdown doing here on Aftershock?

Serra: He seemed pretty upset over what happened earlier tonight. I wonder if that will have anything to do with it.

Dave is now in the ring as his music cuts off.

Dave: Thank you very much for having me out here tonight. I am honored to be welcomed so warmly on Aftershock!

The crowd pops.

Dave: As you have already witnessed, we had a bit of a scuffle that got out of hand to start the show. I have noticed that this just one of many instances over this past cycle. I am out here tonight to tell the roster in the back that these type of actions will not be tolerated.

Dave pauses.

Dave: I was a wrestler once myself, so I know how tempers can fly and how things can get out of hand. However, it would've saved me a lot of pain had someone stepped up and put a stop to these actions. Therefore, I am out here to take care of some things!

The crowd is very curious as a calm comes over the arena.

Dave: First, I need to re-state to all of you that Mikey Stormrage will be facing off against Mason Westhoff at the All or Nothing Pay-Per-View as punishment for his actions. However, if he can beat Westhoff earlier in the night, he will have an all-access pass to Grand Mystique in a steel cage later in the night!

The crowd pops!

Dave: No more running for Mystique. Good. Now, I need to address the situation that has to deal with the contents of this fan video that was posted on Youtube earlier today.

We cut to a titantron and it appears the setting of the video is inside an airport. The text “earlier today” is shown at the bottom of the screen. The video is very grainy, but we are able to see that WZCW Superstar, Vega, is beating down Triple X. Finally, Triple X gets the upper hand and drops Vega with a punch before fleeing from the scene.

Dave: I have no doubt that Vega was trying to cash-in on the bounty that Steven Holmes put forth a couple weeks ago. As many of you are aware, Holmes has agreed to drop the bounty in favor of a #1 Contendership Match against Triple X at All or Nothing. Let me make this clear.

The camera shows a close up of Dave.

Dave: The bounty is dropped! If anyone on the active WZCW roster tries to cash-in on it again, they will be fined the exact amount of the bounty. Understood?

The crowd cheers for this as Dave looks on sternly.

Dave: Now, I have one more matter of business to take care of. The Empire.

The crowd boos.

Dave: We already have Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen fighting Barbosa and S.H.I.T. at All or Nothing, but I need to ensure that no more funny business will occur. Therefore I am using my powers to alter the World Title match at All or Nothing slightly. I am going to assign a Special Guest Referee!

The crowd pops in excitement over who.

Dave: I needed to pick someone that I knew could handle the two men in the ring. I needed someone that I could trust to be unbiased throughout the match. I needed someone that has experience in the World Heavyweight Title scene.

Everyone in the crowd are on their edge of their seat.

Dave: Therefore, I am pleased to announce that WZCW Legend, Austin Reynolds will be the Special Guest Referee for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship Match at All or Nothing! Thank you for your time.

The crowd is shocked at the reveal as Dave’s music begins to play.

Klamor: What a bombshell!

Serra: Big Dave just announced that Austin Reynolds will be the referee for Constantine and Showtime! I don’t believe it! This is huge! There is some deep history intertwined between those three men!

We see Dave walking up the ramp as he connects with high fives to the fans. His music continues to play as we cut to commercial.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall!


The music hits and The Beard storms out from the gorilla position. The crowd pops for him as he spins around with his arms out to both sides. Finally he comes to a halt and slaps at his hairy chest.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, The Beard!

Klamor: Earlier we saw Saxton’s comrade Saboteur fall to The Masked Gentleman. This is what The Beard had to say just for the match.

We cut to a video on the titantron and we see the text “Before The Match” on the bottom left corner of the screen. The Beard is standing by himself center camera.

Beard: There ain't no manlier match-up then the one that is about to unfold. The Gent just did his share and now I have to do mine. It ain’t nothing personal Sax, but tonight I am going to out-man you in every way possible sucka!

The feed cuts out and we see that Beard is now in the ring.


The crowd comes unglued as Saxton comes out with fists flying. He punches air as the crowd’s approval ushers him down to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Wherever He Damn Well Pleases, weighing 270 pounds, Action Saxton!

Serra: He is one-half of the former tag-team champions and has definitely earned the title of the baddest “motha” on the roster.

Klamor: This is a battle of beer cans and chest hair Becky. I don’t know who will win!

Saxton and Beard both stay in their respective corner as the referee checks on both of them. After the confirmation he signals for the bell and the match is underway.

Both men step up into the center of the ring. They both look at each other and then out at the crowd. The arena cheers them on. Beard beats his chest furiously, and roars. Saxton sizes up the mammoth in-front of him before gripping the center of his shirt that he still has on. He rips it off and the ladies just swoon throughout the arena while the males cheer enviously over his manliness. Beard shakes his head in disagreement and tells Saxton to come on. He then proceeds to walk to the ropes, and Saxton follows behind cautiously. They exit the ring and head over to the announcer’s booth.

Serra: Hey guys, can we-

We hear Beard say, “can we use these chairs for a minute?”

Serra: Sure, why not.

Serra and Klamor both get up out of their seats as Beard takes them both and positions them on opposite sides of a corner on the Spanish announcer’s table. The Spanish announcers begin speaking rapidly as they get out of the way. Saxton looks confused until Beard sits down sets out his arm with his hand extended.

Klamor: I think he want’s an arm-wrestling match!

Saxton smiles as he quickly takes a seat on the opposite side from Beard. He puts up his arm next to Beard's and the two of them lock hands. Meanwhile, the referee is inside of the ring and is at the count of 5!

Serra: You guys better hurry up!

Beard counts to three and then it begins! The crowd pops as the two men begin a struggle of strength. Both of them are gritting their teeth as they try to push back each other’s arm. Beard gets a little advantage, but then Saxton pulls it back to get his own advantage. No! Beard re-centers the arms and we are back to square one! The referee is now at the count of 7!

Both men have begun to sweat as the crowd roars in approval. The referee is at 8. We hear, “Sorry Sucka!” right before Saxton slams down the arm of Beard and sends it crashing through the Spanish announcer’s table! The crowd reignites and the pop is huge.

Klamor: Oh my god! Saxton just sent The Beard’s arm through the Spanish Announcer’s Table! I don’t believe it!

Saxton hops up from his seat and runs to the ring. He slides in at the count of 9! Beard looks shocked over his loss, but he also hops out of his seat and slides in just before the count of 10!

Both men are now both in the ring and Saxton meets the entering Beard with some strikes to the face. Beard staggers backwards and Saxton doesn’t let up. He sends him stumbling back into a turnbuckle. Saxton follows up by mounting the turnbuckle and sending several manly punches into the forehead of Beard!











10 Punches to the dome of Beard! Saxton hops off and holds his fist up in victory as he turns away from Beard. He turns back around and is surprised to see a size 16 boot going straight into his face! Saxton fall back and hits the mat hard. Beard quickly pulls Saxton up by his hair and tucks his head underneath his arm. He grabs Saxton’s waistline and pulls him up for a snap suplex! Beard crawls over to Saxton and mounts himself on his midsection. He bends down his head and begins rubbing his chin against Saxton’s face! Like a steel-wool brush, Beard scratches his beard against the chocolate complexion of Saxton! Saxton screams out as Beard holds his head in place. “Ah! It’s like sandpaper sucka!”

Klamor: I’ve never seen a move quite like that!

Serra: How innovative!

Finally, Saxton is able to push Beard’s face away and off of his body. Saxton tries to quickly return to his feet as Beard does the same. Saxton steps up and sends a spinning kick into the mid-section of Beard. He eats it and bends over from the impact. Saxton steps up and grabs the head of Beard for a quick rolling snapmare! Saxton lands on his feet after the maneuver and Beard is on his back! Saxton slaps his elbow and just falls backwards onto Beard to send a falling elbow into his chest! Beard takes it and rolls away in pain. Saxton jumps up to his feet and runs over to Beard. He picks him up by his facial hair and then whips him into a nearby turnbuckle by his beard!

Serra: That had to hurt!

Saxton runs up to him and sends a stiff knife-edge chop into the chest of Beard. We hear the crowd say “woo!” Saxton whips back his arm and sends another one into the body of the mammoth. “woo!” This time Saxton steps back and gets into position for Black Lightning! The crowd pops in preparation. He roars as he lifts up his leg for the kick. Beard dodges by moving his head to the side! Now, Saxton has his leg hiked up on Beard’s shoulder, so Beard proceeds to pick Saxton up by his leg and slam him down onto his back. He follows up by reaching down with both hands and grabbing the shoulders of Saxton. Saxton grabs onto his arms, but it doesn’t stop Beard from picking Saxton up and throwing him into the turnbuckle he was just in! Saxton slumps into the turnbuckle as Beard backs up a few steps. He holds his arms out as he charges at Saxton with a roar. He delivers a body splash to him in the corner! The crowd gasps. Beard steps back away from Saxton, this time a little farther. He charges once again with a full-on body splash in the corner! The crowd gasps once again. Saxton remains slumped up against the turnbuckle as Beard steps away once more. This time, he finds himself all the way to the opposite turnbuckle. He plans to go for a third body splash! He spreads out his arms rushes towards Saxton. He sends his entire body into his opponent! Saxton eats it and Beard slings shots back out of the turnbuckle from the momentum. The impact causes Saxton to walk out in a dazed stupor, which puts him a prime position for Beard to step in and pick him up for a sidewalk slam! Saxton is now sprawled out near the center of the ring on his back. The Bead is still sitting after the move as he looks down at Saxton.

Serra: Go for the pin!

Klamor: I think both men have enough respect for each other that they will not even try a pin attempt unless they feel like their opponent is down for good.

Beard gets up from his seated position and looks down at Saxton. Then he looks over at the turnbuckle they were both just in. Finally, he looks out at the crowd and they cheer him in response. He proceeds to walk over to the turnbuckle and begin climbing it. He gets to the top and it appears that nearly every member of the audience is on their feet. Beard looks around the arena as he stands up on top of the turnbuckle. He runs his hands through his beard in preparation for what is coming.

After that, with the crowd and a thousand flashing cameras behind him, Beard leaps off of the top turnbuckle and goes for The Flying Beard!


There goes Beard’s head crashing hard onto the mat as Saxton rolls away just in the nick of time. Beard grabs his forehead in pain as he rolls around the ring. Saxton appears to be climbing back up to his feet. At the same time, both men slowly get back up. We see that Beard is still covering his face by rubbing his forehead in pain, but Saxton is position. In position for what? Black Lightning! The crane kick connects and Beard crashes down! Saxton stumbles on top of him for the pin,


Serra: It’s over; Black Lightning was enough!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, Action Saxton!

Saxton climbs up to his feet as the referee grabs his arm in victory. The crowd is in waves.

Klamor: The score is 1-1 between the two teams that will meet at All or Nothing. The WZCW Tag Team Titles are on the line and I can’t wait!

We see Saxton exit the ring as the referee checks on Beard in the middle of it. Saxton looks back at his opponent with pain in his face. The camera fades out.


We cut backstage and see Mason Westhoff fuming as Leon Kensworth stands by.

Kensworth: Mason, we heard earlier tonight that you will be facing off against Stormrage at All or Nothing. What are your words on that?

Westhoff: Stormrage will get his at All or Nothing, but tonight Chris K.O. is gonna get his. You don't know what fear is until you see a fiery hot preacher Kensworth. Just be lucky that you are not the one standing opposite of me in the ring tonight Kensworth.

Westhoff exits off camera, leaving Kensworth looking a little worried.
Anderson: The following contest is a Gauntlet Match!


Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 lbs, "The White Knight", Chris K.O.!

Chris K.O. walks out from the back in a white knight helmet and stops at the top of the ramp. He slowly lowers his head and removes his helmet, drawing a moderate reaction. He hands the helmet to a ring official and then proceeds down the ramp, ignoring the fans along the way.

Klamor: Our savior is here!


The arena goes black for the intro. After a few seconds, a spotlight shines on the stage, revealing Mason Westhoff on his knees, arms outstretched. Once the lyrics start, he stands up and begins his trek to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana, AR, weighing 238 pounds, Mason Westhoff!

Klamor: Hopefully Chris will teach both Westhoff and Mystique a lesson tonight.

Serra: Give it a break!

Both men are now in the ring and the referee gives the signal. The bell rings and K.O. extends his hand to shake Westhoff's. Westhoff is hesitant, but then shakes the hand. A second into the hand shake, K.O. twists the arm on Westhoff and gets behind him. K.O. tries to lift Westhoff off the ground, but the preacher elbows K.O. in the face and breaks his hold. Westhoff runs and bounces off the ropes. K.O. drops to the mat and Westhoff hops over him. Westhoff bounces back off the ropes and K.O. stands up and swiftly ducks and spins around him. Westhoff comes back off the ropes again and this time K.O. puts him to the mat with a Dropkick. K.O. stands up expecting to be cheered, but instead gets jeered by the audience. K.O. ignores them and lifts Westhoff to his feet. He goes for an that gets reversed by Westhoff. K.O. bounces off the ropes and Westhoff charges him with a Clothesline. K.O. ducks the move and comes to stop near centre as Westhoff stops himself by the ropes. K.O. raises his arms and charges with a Clothesline. Westhoff bends over and lifts K.O. over the ropes. K.O. lands on the apron and goes to grab Westhoff, but he grabs K.O.'s head first and snaps it into the ropes. K.O. flys backwards onto the floor and holds him neck.

Serra: K.O. sent hard to the floor following that guillotine. Can Westhoff capitalize on it?

Westhoff wastes little time letting K.O. recover and slides out of the ring and begins to stomp down on him. Westhoff rolls K.O. back into the ring and immediately starts to drop some elbows on the back on K.O. as he tries to stand up. After five elbows, K.O. does not try and get off the mat and Westhoff rolls him over for the cover. 1... K.O. kicks out before the count of 2. Westhoff gets to his feet and stomps the hands of K.O. as he tries to stand up. Westhoff lifts him to his feet and Irish Whips him across the ring. K.O. runs back and Westhoff sends him to the mat with a Hip Toss. K.O. rolls into a seated position and Westhoff bounces off the near ropes and hits a low Dropkick. He goes for the cover again. 1... 2 K.O. kicks out right after 2. Westhoff begins to show frustration, but continues the attack with a standing Leg Drop. He grabs K.O. by the neck on the mat and locks in a Sleeperhold. K.O. tries to pry Westhoff's arm off him and slowly works his way up to his feet. K.O. starts to elbow free of the hold, but Westhoff counters with a knee to the face to end K.O.'s attack. Westhoff backs him up into the ropes and goes for an Irish Whip. K.O. reverses the move and bends over to lift Westhoff up coming back. Westhoff stops short of K.O. and drives his face into his knee. K.O. shoots straight up, but stays on his feet. Westhoff ducks down and lifts K.O. off his feet in an Alabama Slam position. K.O. wiggles down and rolls Westhoff into a cover. 1... 2.. Westhoff kicks out. Both men get to their feet and run at each other, each taking the other down with a clothesline. The ref checks both men quickly and begins his 10 count.

Serra: Both men are down as K.O. was able to get some offense in and stop Mason's attacks.

Klamour: I don't understand this crowd though. It's clear The New Church are behind the attack on Titus as they have been behind just about every attack in WZCW. K.O. is trying to right their wrongs and the crowd just won't get behind The White Knight.

K.O. and Westhoff slowly get to their feet by 6 and Westhoff hits K.O. K.O. hits him back and neither receives any cheers for the attacks. K.O. blocks a punch by Westhoff and unloads on him, drawing a minor reaction from the audience. K.O. has Westhoff against the ropes and hits him with a European Uppercut. Westhoff bounces off the ropes and K.O. goes for an Irish Whip. Westhoff finds the strength to reverse it, but K.O. comes running back off the ropes and hits a running knee strike. Westhoff flips onto the mat and slowly gets to his feet. K.O. grabs him as he turns to face him and throws him to the mat with a Scoop Slam. K.O. raises his arm to little reaction and then climbs to the top rope. He stands up and raises his arms and then becomes annoyed the crowd is not behind him. This allows Westhoff to get to his feet and shake the top rope, dropping K.O. into a seated position on the turnbuckle. Westhoff walks over to the corner and puts K.O. up on his shoulders.

Serra: Westhoff sets K.O. up for an Electric Chair drop, this could end it.

Westhoff moves from the corner, but as he does K.O. reaches down and gouges the face of Westhoff. K.O. slides down the back, grabbing Westhoff's arm as he does and locking in The Burning Crusade. Westhoff reaches out to try and get near the ropes, but he is far away and has no choice but to tap out.

Anderson: Mason Westhoff has been eliminated!

K.O. raises his arm to little fan fare until the lights go out and...


GM walks out with his eyes set on the ring.

Klamour: The White Knight has dispatched of the evil GM's apprentice. Now he has the monster left to slay.

K.O. stands in the ring ready to fight Grand Mystique. GM stops in front of the ring and K.O. dares him to enter the ring. He is so focused on his opponent outside the ring that he pays no attention to Westhoff who jumps K.O. from behind and knocks him to the mat. Westhoff gets a few stomps in before the ref gets in between them and forces Westhoff outside the ring. GM enters the ring and runs to the adjacent ropes. K.O. stands up and GM drives him to the mat with a Shoulder Charge. K.O. slowly gets to his feet again and GM again bounces off the ropes and pounces on his opponent, knocking K.O. to the mat. K.O. is slower to get to his feet this time and GM lifts him off the mat and drives his knee into his back, Side Backbreaker! GM rolls K.O. over and goes for the cover. 1... 2... K.O. kicks out! GM mounts himself on top of K.O. and starts punching him in the mat. The ref gets to the count of 3 and then GM lifts his legs up and drives his knees into K.O.’s ribs. K.O. holds his side as the larger GM walks around him, pushing him towards the corner with his foot.

Klamour: GM’s size gives him the advantage while K.O. grounded. The White Knight may need his trusty sword soon to escape this predicament.

GM lifts K.O. is his feet near the corner and Irish Whips him hard into the corner. K.O. crashes into the turnbuckle and falls back down to the mat. GM picks him up again and Irish Whips him hard into the corner. This time K.O. stays up on his feet as he hits the corner. GM steps back and then runs towards K.O. He goes for a Body Splash and K.O. just moves out of the way in time. GM hits the corner and K.O. is able to grab him from behind and hit a release German Suplex. GM has the wind knocked out of him as K.O. slowly stands up near the ropes. He sees GM down and rips his sleeve off, indicating he is going for The Sword Clothesline. The crowd gives a mixed response to this as GM gets up to his feet. K.O. runs at GM, but at the last moment GM bends down and lifts K.O. up. 180 degree Spinebuster by GM. K.O. hits the mat hard and GM goes for the cover thinking he’s won. 1... 2..... K.O. kicks out at the last second. GM can’t believe that didn’t put his opponent away and lets the ref know it.

Serra: Grand Mystique was literally an 1/8 of a second away from pinning K.O. One more move good end this match and K.O.’s quest to slay The New Church.

GM turns back to K.O. and slowly helps him to his feet. K.O. acts like dead weight and GM can’t get him standing on his feet. GM decides to grab him by the waist and go for a Dominator. He lifts K.O. off the mat and holds him high above his shoulder.

Klamour: The Hand of Prophecy. This will put K.O. away.

K.O. kicks his legs out trying to slip out of the move. GM stumbles and K.O. is able to slide down the back. He pushes GM from behind and the two crash hard into the corner, GM taking the full force of it. They both wobble away from the corner and K.O. rolls up GM from behind. The ref slides in to make the count and doesn’t see K.O. pulling on the tights. 1... 2... 3!

GM kicks out soon after the 3 count and K.O. celebrates inside the ring.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Chris K.O!

GM is not happy about the decision and starts to argue with the ref as K.O. celebrates his victory. Gm walks over to K.O. who stands there ready to defend himself. GM looks to Westhoff on the outside and then looks back at K.O., spraying red mist in his face. K.O. falls down on the mat and Westhoff jumps in and the two stomp K.O. on the ground.

Serra: The match is over! K.O. should’ve just left the ring knowing he was outnumbered.

Klamour: It’s that damn hero inside of him. Damn this man is heroic.

Serra: I don’t know if heroic would be the word I’d used, but K.O. doesn’t deserve this, and no one can help him. Mickey is barred from interfering.

GM and Westhoff continue the beat down. GM lifts K.O. up to his feet and instructs Westhoff to set him up for an Electric Chair drop. Westhoff lifts K.O. off the ground and GM grabs K.O. by the waist looking like he’ll hit a German Suplex on K.O.


The crowd explodes as Titus walks out onto the stage. The New Church turn to look and Titus runs down the ramp. GM goes to punch Titus as he slides into the ring, but the two time World Champion blocks the punch and counters with a chop. He grabs GM by the head and throws him over the top rope. Westhoff drops K.O. and goes to attack Titus, but he is met instead with a boot to the gut followed by a Tit Drop! The crowd pops loudly as Westhoff bounces off the mat and rolls outside the ring. GM grabs his partner and helps him up the ramp as they make their escape.

Klamour: Titus came, Titus raised hell, and now The New Church have left.

Serra: He definitely extracted some revenge against them and returned the favour K.O. tried to do for him.

K.O. slowly stands on his feet, holding his side. He extends his hand to shake Titus and the crowd boos this loudly. Titus looks around at them and then back to K.O. Chris appears genuine in his sign of appreciation and Titus shakes the hand and turns his back to K.O. The crowd then boos loudly.

Serra: What is he doing inside the ring?

K.O. rotates his arm and then charges at Titus. The Sword Clothesline misses as Titus suspected it coming and ducks in time, sending K.O. over the top rope. K.O. hits the floor but soon springs back to his feet, appearing quite annoyed.

Serra: What the hell has gotten into K.O? Why did he try to attack Titus?

K.O. limbs around the ring tired and grabs a mic from the ring announcer.

Chris: Damn Titus, guess I have to commend you for seeing that coming.

Chris pants as he makes his way up the ramp with a backdrop of boos from the crowd.

Chris: I have been booed the last few weeks for trying to do the “right” thing, so I sure as hell don’t care if you boo me now.

Chris continues speaking as he walks backwards up the ramp.

Chris: You see, I have come to the realization that you people are just a bunch of fickle bitches!

The crowd boos and the camera shows Titus in the ring with a look of disgust upon his face. Chris finally reaches the top of the entrance stage. He turns towards Titus, and smiles before holding the microphone up to his lips.

Chris: I am sorry if I am prolonging the show for all of you. Feel free to exit the arena, but I think the lot of you are going to want to hear what I have to say.

The crowd finally quiets down.

Chris: Rewind the months back to Kingdom Come IV. There was a man by the name of Ty Burna. That man cemented months of torture and chaos in this company by having his minions win a 5 on 5 encounter to take full control of WZCW. In the back it was described as the darkest times ever to hit the company. As I would soon reveal after that night, I spent weeks undercover in an attempt to destroy Ty from the inside out. I took away the money he used to bribe and bend his way to the top. I separated him from his long-time manager and isolated him from the stable that he built with his very own hands. I endured excruciating pain all the way up until I shoved the lifeless carcass of Ty Burna into a casket along with the very thing that empowered him, the Ouija Scroll. Then I watched him burn. I saved this poor damned company.

Chris pauses and smirks down at the ground.

Chris: And what was the thanks that I got? I get booed at house shows and people start talking behind my back. You would know something about that TItus, would you not?

The crowd boos Chris as we see Titus looking out at him from the ring.

Chris: You know, I could handle the boo’s here and there, but then a phony by the name of Titus decided to spit my name out of his mouth. On top of that, he decided to step on my shoulders so that he could compete for one more world title. You know what I don’t get? The fact that Titus can abandon his mentee, Angel, to chase a title that he already has captured twice, and still get applauded for it. Yet, I have to walk around on eggshells so that I don’t piss off the Average Joe who watches the show.

Chris sighs.

Chris: I’m tired Titus.

Chris rubs his face from exhaustion.

Chris: I am tired of trying to please the fans, I am tired of trying to please all the voices in the back, and I am tired of people like you, Titus. You have been the biggest faker since I joined this company. Back when I was cracking skulls of legends like Steamboat and Everest, you turned your head and went after gold once again. The same gold that you lost to Steven Kurtesy. The same man who has lost every single match against me.

The crowd perks up with the boos again.

Chris: So you wait a year and decided to name drop me in a backstage interview before the SuperShow? You called me a false hero, yet you didn’t have the balls to meet me in the ring and tell me face to face. So, I took it into my own hands. I decided to out-show you on a weekly basis by saving your ass in situations. You wouldn’t come to me in that ring until just a few minutes ago. And that is only because I sent a chair into the back of your skull two weeks ago.

The crowd showers Chris with boos over the revelation.

Chris: That is right. It was me who attacked you Titus, as I am sure that you are aware. And now I am glad that I finally have your undivided attention. Before I formally accept your challenge at AoN, I would like to formally respond to the promo you cut on me two months ago.

Chris pauses.

Chris: First thing first. I am a hero and I am the savior of this company.

The crowd boos.

Chris: Your two world title reigns wouldn’t mean a damn thing had I not put Ty Burna in a casket at Redemption.

The crowd keeps booing.

Chris: These people don’t know what they need. They are a bunch of sheep who blindly graze on any one that will kiss their ass. I know what is best for them. I know what it takes to save them.

Chris holds up his wrist and shows the cars from when he was crucified by Ty.

Chris: And at All or Nothing I am going to save you Titus. I am going to save you from having to continue living the lie that you are currently living. Consider your challenge accepted. I will see you at All or Nothing.

Chris’ music turns on as Chris drops the microphone. The crowd boo him out of the arena as Titus just stares him down. The copyright logo shows at the bottom of the screen and we fade out.

FalKon: Moral Support
Harthan: Saboteur vs. The Masked Gent
Kermit: Action Saxton vs. The Beard, The Angel vs. James Carter vs. Thrash vs. Dustin Hunter, Segments, Ending Promo
Number: Opening, Segments
Showtime: Gauntlet Match: Chris K.O. vs. The New Church

There you have it. This was a pretty big show for Aftershock, as we had a lot of last minute things revealed for the actual All or Nothing. Most of you already know your match, but cards should be up sooner rather than later. For those of you without a match, look towards for a special announcement concerning you!

I hope you guys enjoyed the show. Rep these gentleman up there and feel free to drop us a show review!

See you at All or Nothing!
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