Melina is BETTER than McCool

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
First off let me say I'm not a McCool hater.

Last night,
McCool became the first ever woman to be the Unified Womens Champion,
This was a mistake,
I think this victory/title should have easily gone to Mel.

Shall we look at the reasons why people think she should not have won,

1. She screams to much :disappointed:
As childish as this is,
It's been said countless times.
So let me get this straight,
When K2 is hopping around the ring screaming, and botching everything in sight (No offense she has improved dramitically), No one complains,
But when Melina screams to either,
A. Show her passion in the ring for what she's doing
B. About to execute her finisher or signature (THE PRIMAL SCREAM),
It's annoying

That's the first thing I need explained for me ?

2. She's Dull and or Borring :disappointed:
Wrong again folks,
Compared to anyone,
Let alone McCool,
Is neither,
Granted she's 10 times better as a heel,
Melina is a good face,
Just because she's not screaming at the top of her lungs in the MIC,
Doesn't mean there's something missing,
It's called having a cool demeanor,
The hellcat doesn't come out until she get's in the ring,
Which leads me to my 3rd point

3. She's not all that good a wrestler,
If I may,
Who in the blue hell are you watching people?
Melina has one of the most innovative movesets we've seen from a diva in a long time,
I'll give it to McCool that she's a better wrestler than Melina,
But she certainly can't match her move for move.
and this is the killer,
I heard someone say that she tries to hard to be innovative,
So when Eve botches a drop kick,
Or A.Fox completely screws her own finisher,
That's just another diva moment,
But when Melina tries to do something good for the crowd,
More than another hairflip from Maryse or a shake from Rosa,
She's trying to hard:disappointed:

I'm dying to hear this explanation?

All while Melina has been scutinized by the "fans",
McCool has been getting push after push,
So very conviently after she starts dating UT:

She's been the First ever Divas Champion,
Where she went over Natalya.
By this point in her career,
McCool is the most borring diva in history,
She had a monotonous voice and the same face expression evey night.
I'd be silly to forget that she went over Natalya in this match,
Moving on

The first ever Woman to hold both the Divas Championship and Womans Championship,
She again went over Melina in this feud,
Not as dull, but still pretty terrible,
By now she's an acomplished wrestler and we have the humble begginings of Lay-Cool,
She has now beaten Mickie for this title

& The first Unified Womens Champion,
Lay-Cool is now the hottest thing in the Diva Division,
Though there still lucky to get a cricket when they come out,
When just a scream from Melina,
You know those things that annoy you so much,
Get's the crowd involved 10-fold.

So by now she is an all around good diva,
PWI's number one as a matter of fact

& What has she done to deserve this:
She's been a Diva who can wrestle,
Make all the jokes you want,
This is not uncommon,
McCool gets a damn near free ride to the top,
While Melina has been working her ass off from tag-team till now,
Only too have all this crap said about her,
So someone PLEASE speak up and explain all the hate,
I'm Begging Ya
nooo way michelle mccool is way hotter and a better wrestler than melina.. Shes was the first diva and woman champ and now unified, she is a beast better than trish yeaah thats right i said BETTER THAN trish.. she a awesome heel and she doesnt cry like a lil girl everytime she wins a match like melina...
i agree with you 100% melina is a great wrestler and very sexy. mccool is only where she's at b/c of the undertaker and i hate she stole the styles clash.

wow how wrong can you get?! thats like saying Randy Orton stole the Diamond Cutter. Fact is that AJ Styles did NOT create the Styles Clash or the Front Splash Piledriver or whatever names it has been called.

And Melina is pretty boring, good wrestler, but boring. McCool has an AWESOME stalble going with Layla, you gotta admit that aside from some annoying chick antics, they make Diva wrestling pretty interesting. The Diva's division is thriving off of LayCool.
I gotta give it to McCool. In my opinion, while Melina is getting hurt, Michelle is off winning and making divas matches interesting. Something rare these days.
You know as much as I felt the same way.
Honestly, it was better to go with McCool last night.

They have a lot of Momentum right now, and are getting a lot of Airtime.
But most importantly, having Heel Champs makes it more Entertaining so a Face chases after the Title.

When Melina finally beats LayCool, it'll be a Great Moment.
And then we can Develop some good stories along the Way
I gotta give it to McCool. In my opinion, while Melina is getting hurt, Michelle is off winning and making divas matches interesting. Something rare these days.

a successful first post! you're right about Melina getting hurt. McCool h.s been doing her thing on Smackdown while Melina comes back from a long injury and poof she's back on top of the divas division. Michelle has been making an impact so this pretty much proves Michelle is better. And The Deadman is hitting that which makes her that much cooler/
Michelle may have had momentum going while Melina was away getting better, but who was the one dominating the women's division before the injury? It was Melina of course, and I'm sorry but the way Michelle and Layla act with their I'm-cooler-than-you attitude is not what I wanna see from a Diva's champion.
Quite frankly, I don't think the Divas division is really worth anything anymore, no matter who the first divas champion or unified champion was (Is anyone gonna remember that there were two female titles anyway?). That division hasn't been any good since 2006 when Trish and Lita retired, Victoria was put on the back burner, and models started taking over. Don't get me wrong, the T&A has been pretty great which leads me to think, why don't we have the Divas Title constantly defended in a bra and panties match. Less chance of botched moves and we all go home happy. Until that happens tho, Bring back the divas of 2000 - 2006 and add Gail Kim, Mickie, Roxxi and Awesome Kong!
and she doesnt cry like a lil girl everytime she wins a match like melina...

you mean emotion,
Call me silly but I like that out of my divas,
It's way better than:
OMG we won again,
This is the WWE not Disney Channel

And Melina is pretty boring, good wrestler, but boring. McCool has an AWESOME stalble going with Layla, you gotta admit that aside from some annoying chick antics, they make Diva wrestling pretty interesting. The Diva's division is thriving off of LayCool.

Is not borring,
If she was she wouldn't have the crowd behind her every night,
Lay-Cool has been around what?, about 2 yrs maybe more,
Yet they don't get a tenth of the reaction Melina get's,
and she's only been back for month or 2

Quite frankly, I don't think the Divas division is really worth anything anymore, no matter who the first divas champion or unified champion was (Is anyone gonna remember that there were two female titles anyway?). That division hasn't been any good since 2006 when Trish and Lita retired, Victoria was put on the back burner, and models started taking over. Don't get me wrong, the T&A has been pretty great which leads me to think, why don't we have the Divas Title constantly defended in a bra and panties match. Less chance of botched moves and we all go home happy. Until that happens tho, Bring back the divas of 2000 - 2006 and add Gail Kim, Mickie, Roxxi and Awesome Kong!

I for one would not be happy,
Why should divas who can wrestle such as Melina, McCool, and Beth.P suffer because K2 can't deliver a proper drop kick,
It's all about management,
If they paid the divas half the attention they pay to John Cena's back side,
We would have a division that would rival the Lita and Trish Era
Is not borring,
If she was she wouldn't have the crowd behind her every night,
Lay-Cool has been around what?, about 2 yrs maybe more,
Yet they don't get a tenth of the reaction Melina get's,
and she's only been back for month or 2

So what you just tried to explain to me is how Melina isn't boring, but all you've done is explain the difference between a face and a heel. Of course Melina(FACE) is going to get better crowd reaction than LayCool(HEEL). It's pretty elementary.
laycool overall is a lot better then Melina she has some more flashy moves but not great on the mic. I would like to see Gail Kim wrestle more and get the titile.
Well, (let me put my glasses on)... I know this is not a TNA post....But, if we are gonna call a spade "a spade" then lets do it right.....

1. on laycool being a good stable....

First off, The real important piece of the puzzle that you all are leaving out is.....LAYCOOL IS A BLATENT RIPOFF OF THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!

2. McCool is a good wrestler....she's even better than trish....

Yeah i will say McCool can wrestle but McCool is no where near trish's level...McCool has not won a title at mania Like trish has... (wmx8 and wm XIX) also Trish has won and lost Titles against Legit champions, Such as lita, jazz, victoria, and mickie etc . (Back when there was a Real women's championship division) trish had awesome mic skills, and her promos were exceptionally well.

What about Mrs. taker? lets see she has never had a title match at 'mania, who has she beaten, let's see....kelly kelly, eve torez, maria, oh and melina (last night) and beth pheonix (thanks beth getting injured)....and to be honest this women's division pretty much sucks....and being the first woman to hold the women's title and the diva's title ... that accolade is a joke because the divas title has no prestiege.

3. McCool is better than melina....

honestly i doubt that....the reason melina cries when she wins, thats because she has passion for her line of work....also melina has not had a real match outside of melina. and also ...the only reason Mrs. Taker won the title off of mickie is because she wanted to pursue her country music career....and Laycool's promos are trash ... the "piggy james" promos weren't even funny, and on top of that mickie was not fat to begin with...oh and my favorite the ol' mcdonald song come on (are you sure this is what you want your kids watching?)

melina beat beth a solid match...(see RR2010) but thats just what i think
Well I actually forgot to add in Melina, Beth Phoenix, and Nattie Neidhart (as I've seen her wrestle more than Natalya...yes I know they are the same person but Natalya hasn't really done anything yet). Beth scares me in a good way and her I Quit match with Melina was one of the best diva matches I've seen since The Trish era. But so far, there's not enough meat in the division to make me care...the moves aren't as smooth and it seems as though most of the divas are lost within the matches and resort to just counting moves instead of having the match flow.
Well honestly I think it was more to make Smackdown look better. Both Kane and Ziggler retained their titles. And SD won the tag titles and unified the women's titles. With their big move to SyFy coming up next week, I think they are trying to get more exposure for SD to draw some more fans back to Friday Nights.
there is no way McCool is better than melina mccool copys other wrestlers moves that are not even in same federation and shes horrible at it she has no talent i get bored whenever she gets in ring she cant even do a finisher thats her own she has to use part of styles clash at least melina has way more moves better talent and her own finisher id rather watch melina anyday than that scrawny annoying talentless mccool and whoever said mccool better than trish are u serious trish blows her away all areas
It's this simple...McCool is better, in every way, than Melina. She is better in the ring, better on the mic, more charismatic, and SIGNIFICANTLY more over. You can put any diva in the ring with McCool and they will instantly get cheered simply because McCool is so loathed by the entire WWE Universe. If you'd put another heel diva in the ring with McCool, the other diva would get cheered. McCool vs Maryse, Maryse would get cheered. McCool vs Alicia Fox, Fox would get cheered. Why? Because Michelle McCool is EXTREMELY over as a heel. LayCool, as a unit, is, but McCool is the person in question so I'll only refer to specifically her. If you'd put another babyface Diva in the ring with Melina, there is a chance either of them could get cheered or booed just because I honestly don't think enough people give a shit about Melina to consistently cheer her on. McCool is better in the ring by far, that isn't even debatable, you said it yourself. McCool is better on the mic, she's better at getting her point across and again, I have to keep coming back to this, she constantly says things that draw heat, whether it's taking a random stab at a fellow diva or just saying something unison with Layla, it all draws heat because it's either annoying or mean. I didn't realize how many marks were on this site until these last few days, maybe weeks.
You've got to be shitting me? Michelle McCool alongside Layla is much better than Melina.

Overall, Melina is overrated, she's a decent in-ring worker and decent on the microphone, yet we all make her out to be the best of the best currently available, which is hardly warranted. LayCool, and Michelle in particular have brought life back to the divas division, something that Melina couldn't do when she was around, hardly makes her better than Michelle now does it?

Michelle has shown that she have been able to run with the championship whenever she held it. She had the best feud of 2009/2010 for the divas division, and arguably the best feud we've seen for a very very long time within the divas division.

To say that Michelle has only achieved something due to Undertaker is just wrong. That's like saying Triple H is only a multiple times world champion due to Stephanie, because that's wrong as well. Michelle, just like Triple H have scratched and clawed her way to the top, to the point where she has truly shown that she is one of the best things WWE has to offer right now within the divas division. She's a good worker, and she has great microphone skills, she gets amazing heat, and she is just overall one of the "total packages" of the WWE divas division.

Melina < Michelle. Simple.
what if its just
that we
don't like Melina?

and maybe the
would like to continue
the strong booking of LayCool
i mean they've
spent a long time building them up
and it would be stupid to have them drop to Melina
for no reason and with no proper buildup

and really Melina has had enough pushes
of her own I don't understand
why you are acting like WWE doesn't already
treat her like the number one diva perhaps
you need to step back from this and
get so attached
So what you just tried to explain to me is how Melina isn't boring, but all you've done is explain the difference between a face and a heel. Of course Melina(FACE) is going to get better crowd reaction than LayCool(HEEL). It's pretty elementary.

I'm not just talking about heel and face,
I'm talking about crowd reactions in general,
But if you don't understand what i'm telling you,
I'll spell it out in a diffrent way for you.
When Michelle McCool was a face,
She still got horrible crowd reactions if any at all,
& Melina's heel character got a better reaction from the crowd than McCool face and heel (including Lay-Cool),
So yes my friend,
this is very elementary
It's this simple...McCool is better, in every way, than Melina. She is better in the ring, better on the mic, more charismatic, and SIGNIFICANTLY more over. You can put any diva in the ring with McCool and they will instantly get cheered simply because McCool is so loathed by the entire WWE Universe. If you'd put another heel diva in the ring with McCool, the other diva would get cheered. McCool vs Maryse, Maryse would get cheered. McCool vs Alicia Fox, Fox would get cheered. Why? Because Michelle McCool is EXTREMELY over as a heel. LayCool, as a unit, is, but McCool is the person in question so I'll only refer to specifically her. If you'd put another babyface Diva in the ring with Melina, there is a chance either of them could get cheered or booed just because I honestly don't think enough people give a shit about Melina to consistently cheer her on. McCool is better in the ring by far, that isn't even debatable, you said it yourself. McCool is better on the mic, she's better at getting her point across and again, I have to keep coming back to this, she constantly says things that draw heat, whether it's taking a random stab at a fellow diva or just saying something unison with Layla, it all draws heat because it's either annoying or mean. I didn't realize how many marks were on this site until these last few days, maybe weeks.

Head rub,
Where to begin???,
McCool is extremely over,
Melina has been getting constant cheers every night since her return,
WWE has continously shoved her down our throats,
The most heat she's ever gotten was with vickie,
and when vickie left,
The heat did too.
More charasmatic,
Double WOW,
McCool just got her charisma durring the MJ feud,
&Layla was a huge part of that
Melina has always had hers,
Ppl say she's borring since her return,
You try recovering from an injury and comming back even better
Women's wrestling in the WWE is not exactly what I'd call a relevant force and it's probably not ever going to be. The WWE has attempted to make it such at various times over the past few decades and it just hasn't really took.

As for who is the better of the two between Melina and Michelle McCool, well I dunno. As far as just sheer hotness goes, I probably have to give the edge to Melina. The fact that she's extremely limber is just very hot in my opinion, but Michelle McCool is...well I dunno...she just seems to be a little on the bony side for me. Honestly, if she had a boob job, she'd probably be the overall hotter of the two.

As far as in-ring ability goes, I have to give it to Michelle McCool. People have given her crap for a long while now as to how she's only there because of the Undertaker just like they said about Triple H only being where he was cuz he was banging Stephanie. If the WWE didn't have faith in her, she wouldn't be where she was. Vince McMahon isn't a nice guy, he's a ruthless businessman that won't push you if he doesn't think you can't bring in any money. I got a little off track here, but Michelle McCool is honestly one of the better women's wrestlers out there today inside the ring. There are a lot of Divas that are pretty good in the ring, they're just usually placed in matches with Divas that aren't so good most of the time. I haven't been that wild about the LayCool gimmick, but I do believe that Michelle McCool and Layla have both worked hard and have really tried. They're not half assing it at least, but I wouldn't call it great.

I also fail to see how LayCool is even remotely similar to The Beautiful People, I honestly don't. LayCool acts primarily like a couple of annoying, ditzy school girls whereas the Beautiful People, more often than not, behave like a couple cockteasing lap dancers.
You've got to be shitting me? Michelle McCool alongside Layla is much better than Melina.

Overall, Melina is overrated, she's a decent in-ring worker and decent on the microphone, yet we all make her out to be the best of the best currently available, which is hardly warranted. LayCool, and Michelle in particular have brought life back to the divas division, something that Melina couldn't do when she was around, hardly makes her better than Michelle now does it?

Michelle has shown that she have been able to run with the championship whenever she held it. She had the best feud of 2009/2010 for the divas division, and arguably the best feud we've seen for a very very long time within the divas division.

To say that Michelle has only achieved something due to Undertaker is just wrong. That's like saying Triple H is only a multiple times world champion due to Stephanie, because that's wrong as well. Michelle, just like Triple H have scratched and clawed her way to the top, to the point where she has truly shown that she is one of the best things WWE has to offer right now within the divas division. She's a good worker, and she has great microphone skills, she gets amazing heat, and she is just overall one of the "total packages" of the WWE divas division.

Melina < Michelle. Simple.

She is a well above average wrestler, Good on the MIC, and I make her out to be like she is one of the best the WWE has to offer because she is.

Melina didn't bring back life because there was no life needed to be brought back,
I'll give it to McCool that she is/was the backbone of the Diva Division
But when Melina was there she was the heart of the diva division,
Having great feuds with Beth Phoenix and McCool,
Sure McCool looked like a gold star compared to Maryse vs K2

I didn't say that she acheived her succes JUST because of the Undertaker,
But no one is going to tell me that she would of gotten ALL these huge pushes if it weren't from a nod backstage

She is not a total package on the count that she gets no HEAT,
Where is the heat you speak of?
She's sooo over,
Why is there no course of boos when her song plays,
Why is the crowd silent when she speaks??
When it just take Jillian to sing a note or Melina's music to hit to get them involved

Melina > McCool
Very Simple
Head rub,
Where to begin???,
McCool is extremely over,
Melina has been getting constant cheers every night since her return,
WWE has continously shoved her down our throats,
The most heat she's ever gotten was with vickie,
and when vickie left,
The heat did too.
More charasmatic,
Double WOW,
McCool just got her charisma durring the MJ feud,
&Layla was a huge part of that
Melina has always had hers,
Ppl say she's borring since her return,
You try recovering from an injury and comming back even better

I guess I can try and decipher through this horribly constructed post and get to the heart of the matter.

LayCool is 100 times better than Melina. LayCool is more interesting and brought life to the divas division. How did Mickie James get so beloved as she did in the last few months of her career - by feuding with LayCool. Melina is alright but she just screams average in every way to me. I would say she should put over divas but there's not that many to put over who aren't already over in some fashion. She would be the perfect person to put Kelly Kelly over. That is what she should do.
If you're complaining that Melina should have won the Unified Diva's Championship at Night of Champions as a reason why to say that she is better than McCool and deserve the title more, then you're an idiot. The WWE wanted to keep Michelle and Layla as a group since they are doing wonders for a very stagnant division, so by giving them two belts both of them can wear one to the ring as they have been recently doing. Can anyone say Freebird Rule for the Women's Title?

However, if we are talking about just comparing the two... you can't really say that Melina is better than McCool. Both are pretty over as faces and heels, respectively, and are on the same level when it comes to appearances. If you go with characters, Michelle plays hers much better than Melina. The only thing that makes Melina draw back to her character is the paparazzi entrance, and that's it. What does primal screaming have to do with anything? If you see McCool cut a promo, or out in the ring... you can notice she is bff's with Layla. If we are talking wrestling skills... Melina has a lot more moves in her repitore over McCool and is a pretty good worker, but the moves that Melina can pull off seemingly confuse her opponents enough to possibly botch the place up. McCool is more simplified in the ring and for the Diva's, she is much easier to wrestle.

Honestly at the moment, Michelle McCool is better than Melina for two reasons:

1) Lay-Cool
2) Other Diva Abilities

If this was the KO's where all girls were great wrestlers, you'd have Melina pulling off her moves (plus more) more efficiently that would tie them up. But McCool would still have the edge because of her character. Remember, this is professional wrestling... characters are essential.

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