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Meeting The Doctor


Unregistered User
So as I'm sure most of you know, the one and only Doctor came to Boston this weekend to join Charlie and I for Night of Champions. It should come as little surprise to you that Doc is pretty much exactly what you'd expect to meet.

I was actually supposed to meet Doc late on Friday night, but due to the unsurprising ineptitude of the air travel industry, he wound up having to stay overnight in Newark, New Jersey. But it worked out just fine and he got to Boston around noon the following day. This put a speed bump in our plans, but we hit the ground running. We took the T back to my dorm, he dumped his stuff in my room, and as soon as we got to Northeastern we were gone.

I was a surprisingly awesome tour guide, and I combined that with my knowledge of what Doc would like to make our trip a solid one. We didn't have much time, but we managed to check out Northeastern, Berkley, Newbury street, The Public Garden, Boyolston Street, Copley Square, the Pru, and the Christian Science Center in the period of about 3-4 hours. We also stopped into Newbury Comics, an awesome store that sells comics, DVDs, CDs, posters, and just about anything awesome. I got a WWE themes CD and a poster for my currently empty wall. Doc got a Megaman comic and something else... I think. Either way I could tell he really dug the store. We also spent a solid period of time (maybe 30 minutes) sitting in the public garden watching the ducks, which we both found hilarious, and otherwise joking around.

That night Charlie came and we just hung out, played video games, but Doc was pretty exhausted form the trip and crashed around one AM. Charlie and I watched TNA Victory Road 2009 for an hour or so after that. Our original intention was to make fun of it, but the matches were actually halfway decent. Then again, we never got into the MEM crap.

The following day I didn't actually see much of Doc until the night as he went to meet up with an ex-girlfriend. He brought her back to my place after a few hours and I am pleased to announce that she was NOT a mutant. In fact, she was pretty cute. He walked her back to the train station just before we were set to leave for the PPV. I said we should leave around 5:30, and Doc was waiting for us downstairs at 5:25. I was ready to go at about 5:30. Charlie, on the other hand, wasn't ready to go until 5:45, and takes more time than a woman to get ready.

We went and got awesome pizza before the show, and we got to our seats for the PPV with like, 10 minutes to spare. It worked out perfectly.

Our seats... were amazing. First row of the loge, looking into a corner of the ring, and we were maybe 50-75 feet away from the entrance ramp. When the pyro went off we could feel the heat, and we had a perfect view of the wrestlers when they first came out from backstage. It was fucking amazing.

The show itself was awesome too. I marked hard for Rey Mysterio, Sheamus, Orton, and of course, John Cena. As Doc said, I was going nuts when Cena hit the suicide dive, I was running all over the place (and by that I mean back into the aisle and back to my seat as I had the aisle seat). There wasn't a bad match on the card, and it was just awesome getting to see Cena and Punk work that absolute gem.

Doc was an absolute joy to have around too. When we first met I could sense some initial awkwardness between us, but within five minutes were were talking about wrestling and the forums and the BattleZone Tournament, and we were joking around and laughing like we'd been friends for years. That's really the best way I could describe how Doc and I got along this weekend: like we've been friends for years. Even with the NJX, and I consider all of them to be very good real life friends, there was a period of getting to know them better and getting comfortable, but Doc and I were comfortable right off the bat. We were able to talk for hours about various nonsense without missing a beat, and any silences were very natural, not awkward at all.

Doc is pretty well spoken in real life, and he definitely seems to have a pretty clear idea of what he likes about wrestling/video games/cities/people/etc. That makes him easy to get into interesting discussions with because he never seems like he has an agenda he's trying to push, he just wants to talk about what he likes and learn about what you like. The few things we did disagree on were resolved fairly quickly, like opinions on wrestlers and stuff.

We also were able to whip up some pretty fantastic recurring jokes within hours, including (but not limited to): Boone, god of death, hyperbolic JR, and Boring Boston Tours.

I really hope I get to hang out with Doc again, and I really hope he comes to WrestleMania. It was seriously like he was a good friend for years and years, even though we just met.
One day, I'm going to meet you, JGlass, but I worry we'll just spend the whole day arguing about Cena and Ziggler.
I don't think I've verbally conversed with anyone about wrestling since Middle School. None of my friends are into it and it bores my wife to tears.

Least I still have you, internet.
Disappointed by lack of JGlass meeting Matt Smith... :/

In other news, I'm very likely going to WrestleMania next year. I have actually never been to a Mania, and it's one of the great tragedies of my life. I'm trying to swing having Wrestlezone or Crave cover my trip, as Nick already lives out there and they might be willing to spend some money on me. We'll see. If not I'll probably just have shitty seats and be really cheap the whole week/weekend. My plans for Mania week, thus far:

-Hang out with some of the WZ crew. Ideally that means Chris Cash and Adam Gorzelsky, as they seem the most fun to just chill with and talk wrestling, life, etc. Maybe go to the party if there's going to be one, depending on who we get to guest it. I'll probably get wasted with the guys...
-Buy Martyn Nolan a drink, as he won a bet we had going last year and I ended up not being able to go.
-Go to Ring of Honor's show, and potentially hang out with some of the wrestlers and management. Do some interviews, get content for WZ to justify their sending me on the trip, etc.
-Go to as many Axxess events as I can afford, maybe kick some people's ass in WWE13. I'd really like to just shake John Cena's hand and tell him thank you, from an internet guy who likes him; we do exist!
-Go to the Hall of Fame in a tux with Frank the Clown

And last but not least, I'd really like to hang out with some forum guys. I don't know who plans on being there, or who would even want to hang out with me, but I'm pretty open to just about any of you. If all goes according to plan I'll be there the entire week going into Mania.
Must attempt to get to WrestleMania next year as I said I would try. That could be amazing. Sounds like you fellas had a good time though, hope at least Charlie did the JBL marking for me.
JGlass' Bromance Meet Ups are some of my favorite posts. They are well written, descriptive, positive, and make me feel like I am part of the meet up as well.

At the same time I can't help but think he sits at his desk with a single candle lit and listens to Endless Love with his pants around his ankles as he writes them.
Disappointed by lack of JGlass meeting Matt Smith... :/

Who the eff is Matt Smith?

JGlass' Bromance Meet Ups are some of my favorite posts. They are well written, descriptive, positive, and make me feel like I am part of the meet up as well.

At the same time I can't help but think he sits at his desk with a single candle lit and listens to Endless Love with his pants around his ankles as he writes them.

You're wrong. I write them with a single candle lit, listening to Endless Love, and wearing a worn out dress.

But thank you.

Барбоса;4128353 said:
It certainly made up for the gap left in Barbosa's annual Boston trip after the closing down of Borders.

We have a few Barnes and Nobles. It's pretty much Boarders, but not out of business.
Барбоса;4128391 said:
Would only have been any use to me if it was within 5 mins of Quincy Market

There was a Boarders in that area? The only one I knew of was the one on Newbury street.
Good, you left something out
I wasn't awkward, you're just, like, ten.

Now before I break it down, I just want to say that I also had a fantastic time. JGlass was a great host and a great guy, and really really damn funny. I mean, I expected it considering his WZCW work never fails to crack me up, but it was really nice to bear witness to it in rapid-fire form. I'm also really glad we share the same sort of humor in-person. Boring Boston Tours really did make my stomach hurt from all the laughter.

I'm surprised you didn't tell the story of the Korean lady with the giant suitcase. Because of that, every time I saw someone with a suitcase at the airports on the way back, I got Gangnam Style stuck in my head. So it falls to me...

After I arrived, we tried to board the T [or it might have been a bus at this point, can't remember too clearly] to leave the airport. Unfortunately, there was this Korean lady at the foot of the stairs in front of us with this massive suitcase. It was legit larger than her, and she couldn't even lift it. To make matters worse, there was another woman at the top of the stairs with an equally large suitcase. The two stared at each other like deer in headlights, neither one of them wanting to give quarter. In the end, JGlass had to grab the giant suitcase, make the top-of-the-stairs-lady leave, and help the Korean lady stow her luggage.

When it was her turn to get off, however, she seriously did not want our help. She was so intent on getting this suitcase she couldn't even lift down the stairs herself, but JGlass was having none of it. We made her go down the stairs and offered her her briefcase again. As soon as she took it, she just dropped. It was seriously like an anchor just weighing her down and keeping her grounded. Surprised it didn't make a crater.

Now, earlier, JGlass had been noticing that there were a LOT of Koreans in that airport, or at the very least they were Asian people dressed suspiciously like they were extras in Gangnam Style. So we decided that whenever anything like this happened, we would just blame it on that. And so we did.

We also stopped into Newbury Comics, an awesome store that sells comics, DVDs, CDs, posters, and just about anything awesome. I got a WWE themes CD and a poster for my currently empty wall. Doc got a Megaman comic and something else... I think. Either way I could tell he really dug the store.

That I did. It was like a Hot Topic combined with a local comic shop, except better and without so many emo teens. I actually didn't get anything but the Mega Man issue, though I did have my eye on a few Adventure Time plushes. Things were adorable. CDs were good too, and if they had a copy of Alive 2007 that wasn't like $22 I would have snatched it up in a heartbeat.

We also spent a solid period of time (maybe 30 minutes) sitting in the public garden watching the ducks, which we both found hilarious, and otherwise joking around.
No lie, one of my favorite parts of the trip. Just the jokes about the swan boat and discussing WZCW and watching ducks be ducks on a gorgeous day made it a ton of fun. Really relaxing, too.

That night Charlie came and we just hung out, played video games, but Doc was pretty exhausted form the trip and crashed around one AM.

That was awesome. I don't remember that one roommate's name so I'll call him Stephen Stills. Because he's The Talent. Stephen Stills. Playing Scott Pilgrim with four people was complete madness and fun, and seeing how many ridiculous crashes we could get in Trials HD was just fantastic. Shame I couldn't have stayed up a bit longer to watch Victory Road but I was just beat by that point. All that travel, all that walking, all that watching Boone kill monsters before you even had the chance to touch the trigger.

The following day I didn't actually see much of Doc until the night as he went to meet up with an ex-girlfriend. He brought her back to my place after a few hours and I am pleased to announce that she was NOT a mutant. In fact, she was pretty cute.

Heh, glad you think so. That was really nice, thanks again for being cool with it. Was nice to get some closure. Me and her are now really good friends.

He walked her back to the train station just before we were set to leave for the PPV. I said we should leave around 5:30, and Doc was waiting for us downstairs at 5:25. I was ready to go at about 5:30. Charlie, on the other hand, wasn't ready to go until 5:45, and takes more time than a woman to get ready.

Seriously. "Shoes. Drinks. More drinks. Let's stop by the store to get a drink. Going to buy a drink at the pizza place. Going to get free water. Going to shove a pizza-holding-thing up my butt. WHY DO I HAVE TO PISS SO MUCH?"

The show itself was awesome too. I marked hard for Rey Mysterio, Sheamus, Orton, and of course, John Cena. As Doc said, I was going nuts when Cena hit the suicide dive, I was running all over the place (and by that I mean back into the aisle and back to my seat as I had the aisle seat). There wasn't a bad match on the card, and it was just awesome getting to see Cena and Punk work that absolute gem.
Absolutely. With every false finish we were just marking harder and harder. When Punk hit that Rock Bottom we all just exploded and started jumping up and down, only to freak even harder when Cena kicked out. Goddamn amazing.

It was also really nice to see my favorite wrestler (Bryan) win a title live. It took me a second to realize because I was too busy chanting "Hug It Out".

We also were able to whip up some pretty fantastic recurring jokes within hours, including (but not limited to): Boone, god of death, hyperbolic JR, and Boring Boston Tours.

Perfectly executed moonsault.

I really hope I get to hang out with Doc again, and I really hope he comes to WrestleMania. It was seriously like he was a good friend for years and years, even though we just met.

Yeah, I'm really hoping that I either visit again for longer, you come down here, or that Mozz really isn't bullshitting me and that I get to go to Mania. Was fantastic meeting you, never a dull moment and I'm pretty sure I spent most of the weekend with this huge goofy grin on my face. I was seriously having the time of my life. Was great to meet up with a bunch of people I'd been wanting to see, in a city I'd been wanting to visit for a long time, and to watch one of my favorite PPV concepts live, and to bear witness to such an awesome show.

Was a damn good time. Would do it again in a heartbeat, despite the speedbumps.
What about the time when Rey and Cara faced off? It must have been tough with JGlass being a Rey fan and Doc supporting Cara.

Also, was the crowd unresponsive during the whole match? It seemed like they were alive only during the ending.

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