MD 24: Zander Young vs Chief Anoki (EurAsian Title Tournament)

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

The second round of the EurAsian Championship Tournament continues on MD 24!

Deadline is Monday, June 15, 11:59 PM EST.
A video package plays on the screen featuring clips of Zander Young in WZCW. Becky Serra’s Voice Is played over the top of the video.

Becky - One man has arrived to change the face of professional wrestling. He has risen above the competition and all expectations. Zander Young brings to you, Zander TV.
Zander TV text flashes on the screen as the introduction comes to an end.

Zander young, wearing a pair of aviators, is in shot sitting in front of a green screen topless, on a directors chair, with a picture of a Meltdown show where Zander Young is making is entrance. The picture is taking from the top of the cheap seats.

Zander - Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, WrestleZone Championship Wrestling proudly brings to you its next, Heavyweight Champion of the ‘woooorrrlllllddddd!’ The Road Dog… I mean Zander Young.
Damn it Neil don’t mess about with the cards please, this is the 1st show and I don’t want to screw it up!

Neil McCulloch, Zander’s ‘partner in crime’ and only backstage worker chuckles in the background.

Zander - Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to ‘Zander TV’. ‘Zander TV’ is my latest project where I can express my own personal opinions on whatever I want. Just because I can!
Last week I won my 1st of many WZCW matches and earned my place in the 2nd round of the Eurasian tournament.
My Opponent, and a worthy one of that, Anoki is my latest obstacle in becoming your new champ. As we saw last time out he has some pretty interesting ways of hyping up for a match.

Camera cuts to a night time scene, moonlight shines down upon a man sitting cross-legged underneath a plain black towel.

A man in a bad wig stands next to the other, unknown man. Its apparently Johnny Klamor, although he has a stubbly beard.

‘Johnny’ - Ah, so this is where you’ve been hiding, your dinner is on the table, hurry up before it gets cold.

The man under the towel does not respond but lets out a grunt as he acknowledges Klamor‘s presence.

‘Johnny’ - God damn it Anoki if your dinner gets cold and you need to put it in the microwave again, so-help-me God I will hit you with my ring hand!

The man under the towel does not respond but lets out a grunt as he acknowledges Klamor‘s presence once more.

‘Johnny’ - Anoki are you in there?

He said with a slightly worried tone.

‘Johnny’ starts getting mad and walks closer towards the towel

‘Johnny’ - That’s it, you will go and eat your tea, I’m sick of having to give the rest to the dog

He whips the towel off the man

‘Johnny’ - What the..? What in Gods name do you think you are doing here?

Camera spins round to the man under the towel. The camera slowly moves down the man, starting from the top of his head. We move now and we see a pair of eyes, moving back and fore as fast as bullets, as If watching a tennis game. We can tell that this man is angry, he looks demented and ferocious, maybe as if he is watching a bad tennis game perhaps.

We move further down, Zander Young appears to be the man under the towel and the camera zooms out.

Zander - Arghh! He screams loudly

‘Johnny’ - what the hell are you doing here?

Zander - Anoki said it would be cool if I came over.

Zander is still focused down onto something, perhaps thinking about a bad tennis game he had just played.

‘Johnny’ - What!? Why would Anoki invite you round, he has literally never spoken to you in his life before. And for God sakes put that thing down.

Camera spins back to Zander, clumsily, and the camera man has to focus back on Zander. Zander is holding a PSP in his hands.

Zander - Come on! Come on!

‘Johnny’ - Well, what are you playing? He asks

Zander - Tennis game

‘Johnny’ - Oh yea, well… want to play multiplayer?

Zander - Go for it. he says without looking up at him.

‘Johnny’ whips out a PSP from his pocket and starts tapping buttons furiously

‘Johnny’ sits down cross-legged much like Zander as they both stare at the screen.

‘Johnny’ - Ok we’ll play doubles, I ‘bags’ Andy Murray.

Zander - whatever.

‘Johnny’ - Ohhh nice serve.

Camera fades out as both men stare at their games.

We’re back in the studio, the background has changed to Zander in his last match as he has his opponent in the Spiral Staircase (STF finishing manoeuvre)

Zander - And that’s how I spent my week.oh, nice acting Neil by the way

He stands up

Zander - Anoki, you’re clearly not focused enough this week. Yeah I’m a rookie, but I’m undefeated! And I’m on fire right now. If there’s gonna be one way that I can prove myself to the roster it will be by defeating you.

He takes off his glasses.

We all know this is gonna be a great match, I’m an up and coming top athlete, future hall of famer, you’re already up there with the best, but I can sense it, your not alright up here.

he points to his head.

I plan on taking full advantage this week and earn my shot in the next round for the title. I respect you Anoki, I really do, but when we’re in the ring together at Meltdown, I’m gonna but you out of your misery and push you down the ‘Spiral Staircase’.
I plan on shocking the world at your expense, Anoki.

May the best man win

More Zander TV Next Week appears on the screen and the Camera fades to black
Making a Moment.

Meltdown 23 – Anoki Vs Michaels

Michaels stands, broken body not willing, face a mask of pain. Anoki stands, frowns, feints a kick. Michaels flinches. Anoki dives the other way. Arm reaches round, back bends, Michaels is rolled up for the count of three. Mercy seldom makes a moment, but some things have to be done.

Backstage – Entrance to the Gorilla Position

People are scattered like sand. Drums are heard in the background. Anoki comes through the curtain. The fight took no toll on him but his body has withered like a plant in darkness. Mouth is dry. Eyes are gray. He knows that he should rest, but sometimes you need to make a moment. Some things have to be done.
Feet tread heavily. Anoki slowly wades his way through the dunes, heading for the door. Leon tries to catch his eye, but Anoki ploughs onwards. Tonight’s match was not a victory. There is no honour in taking down a wounded man, and he has no desire to revel in it. Tonight’s victory came before the match, and there is only one lady who would truly understand. She has been with him every day since he left, but this is a convocation that should happen face to face.
Reaching the back door to the arena, Anoki disappears into the night.

Three Days after Meltdown – A Hill outside Carson City.

Anoki stands acrest the hill. The journey has taken a toll. His clothes are stained with dirt, but his eyes are soul are cleaner then when he set out. This is where he always came when he wanted to talk to her. Sometimes she let him sleep up here when the shadows of the pit became too much.
He gazes down into her neon face.

I’m Back
I say I’m back; but we both know you’ve been following me all this time.

He pauses. He has walked all the way here, thinking about what to say to her. Now he has arrived she has once again bound his tongue and mind.

I think we’ll always carry a piece of each other. I sold you my soul for your silver for fourteen years, I guess some things rub off after that much time. I think I’ve gained more daemons than you have angles though, but then I guess you had more to give.

I met some new faces. I think they’re what got me thinking about you again. You’d like them. I think that’s why I started spiralling again. I was afraid. Afraid that if I kept loosing then I’d have to come crawling back to you again. Pay you the last vestiges of my humanity and live my life as a shadow.

Anoki pauses. He knows he hates her, but she always listens. He can express himself better to her than any person he’s ever met. Until now.

I’m not afraid of you anymore.​

Silence. The moment has been made. The declaration made. Either she will cut him loose or kill him now. He stares down at her, almost willing her to respond. All that emanates from her is the ceaseless drone of traffic. Always the same.

It occurs to me that I never really said goodbye before. Just turned and ran like a scared little boy. I think that’s best. I may not be the scared little boy any more, but I’m still running.

He turns his back to her. Twelve months ago this simple gesture cost him almost everything he had. Some things get easier with time. He walks away. He stops. Some things need to be done. He turns back to take one final look at the city. His city. He’s seen inside her rotten streets, but from here she always managed to look beautiful to him. He stands still, moonlight bathing his frame, gazing at her beauty. The face of the young interview girl flashes across his mind, and he remembers that he has a job to do.

He leaves. In the darkness atop the deserted mount his words echo.

I’m not afraid of you any more.

Anoki will never return to this hell. Moments stay made.

It’s been a week of revelations for me.
Before I thought that everything I gave to win was lost.
No I know that if I give everything to win, risk everything on a throw of the dice and lose,
Then I still have everything to give.
Tonight I fight, as ever everything will be given to win,
But should the dice fall wrong, should I fail,
Then everything is still there.
The walls will still stand, the journey will continue,
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