Maybe Awesome But Nowhere Near Ready!


Pre-Show Stalwart
So everybody keeps coming up with these ideas...
And the idea goes like this. John Cena vs The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho (or Royal Rumble Winner) for the Unification of the World Titles. The Undertaker wins the match and The Miz turns in his briefcase and beats The Undertaker and the streak and winning the Undisputed Championship.

First of all I want to say this before I continue. I like The Miz! I think he has an bright future in the WWE. He is great on the microphone, but decent in the ring and I'm being nice by saying that. But I just want to say that this kid no matter how over he is HE WILL NOT BE THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION! And HE WILL NOT defeat Undertaker at WrestleMania! Now I'm not saying he will never be the Undisputed Champion just simply not under these circumstances.

Like I said, I like The Miz, but there is no chance this will happen. Everybody thinks this kid is a GOD now, but The Miz has his flaws. He may be getting this push to the stars. He is good on the microphone, but his In-Ring Ability is nowhere near perfect. The Miz has not yet had a lengthy feud with any of the top guys in WWE. Let him have a feud see how he does against guys like John Cena, Randy Orton, or Triple H and lets see how that goes before we put the whole company on this kids shoulders. The Miz has not had a memorable singles match that I can remember right now. He is still only developing and is only fresh with all this attention being shot his way. Putting the Undisputed Championship on The Miz at this point in his career is just to much pressure for him to cope with. Like I said I like the The Miz, but he is not ready for that kind of responsibility yet.

If anybody wins the Undisputed Championship it will be somebody like John Cena, Randy Orton, Undertaker, Triple H, or Chris Jericho. John Cena and Randy Orton are over at this point in their careers and they will be the future of the WWE. Chris Jericho, Undertaker, and Triple H are all veterans of the ring and WWE cannot go wrong with crowning any of these guys as Undisputed Champion. These guys have been at the top before and these guys can carry a company on their shoulders. What I am trying to say is The Miz maybe awesome, but nowhere near ready. What do you think about this?
Im with you. I like The Miz, I always have but as you have said he hasnt had a memorable feud. He has held the US Title for a while and has yet to do anything remarkable with it. The only 'REAL' feud I remember is the few times he called out Cena and when they finally had a real match, it was good but not amazing. His Tag Team with Morrison was some of the best Tag Team work in a long while. I do see Miz being the first to cash his MITB and lose unless some bad happens to Cena, Edge, and Orton! I do believe he will win the World Title sometime in 2011 but he wont be the FIRST New Undisputed Champion...
Okay I'll agree with you that everybody here is a fantasy booker and most likely this scenario won't happen. But think about it; Chris Jericho, John Cena, Randy Orton, The Undertaker, Triple H, they're all already at the top of the WWE. What exactly do they have to gain from being the (second not first) undisputed champion? Absolutely nothing. But think of how much The Miz can use it as a talking point whenever he is challenged or just cutting a promo.

Let's rewind back to the first undisputed champion: The Best At What He Does himself, Chris Jericho! No one and I mean no one saw him winning. He was going up against The People's Champ The Rock and The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin. And who does WWE desperately want us to think are those two of the PG Era? The Champ John Cena and The Viper Randy Orton. Even their handles are similar.

But who would be considered the underdog yet impressive up and comer? Who is this era's The Best At What He Does himself, Chris Jericho? That is undoubtedly The Awesome One himself, The Miz.

Now I'm not agreeing with the people who are claiming this will happen because there's a good chance it won't. However, there is no reason for you to claim it impossible especially when there is already precedence. Jericho was the underdog no one saw winning and ever since he has been using being the first ever undisputed champion as a talking point. So WWE finding a way to have a match involving Cena, Orton and Miz for the undisputed championship with Miz going over is not completely ludicrous.
Thank you. While I disagree with you opinion of The Miz-I can't stand him, & I don't think he has what it takes to wear the big belt-you are absolutely right about the WM 27 scenario. It would be one thing if he cashed in MITB against someone else, but the Undertaker? There is absolutely no way he should even be considered as the man to end the streak. I don't think the streak will ever end at this point, but if it does, The Miz won't be the guy to do it. Cena & Orton would definitely be ahead of him on the list of possibilities. But again, I firmly believe the Undertaker will end his career undefeated at Wrestlemania. As for The Miz, he's a horrible US Champion. He's had zero interesting feuds, he never defends the title. In terms of in ring ability, he is one of the weakest champions of any kind in recent memory. Everyone is ready to make him the face of the company, & I just don't get it. Hell, he has less in ring ability than Cena, & everybody hates him. There's more to being a star than working the mic. I don't care how much WWE pushes The Miz, I'm not buying.
wwe has already been talking about someone to end takers streak. they also stated they dont want it to be someone who is already established. when ted dibiase jr debuted in the wwe they were thinking of building him up to be a big enough star to end takers streak. wwe wants a young talent who is on the rise to do it. wwe have been very unpredictaable lately. i wouldnt put past them to have the miz drop the title to daniel bryan and build up the miz for mania. i see kane and taker fueding until mania and taker winning them world title. thats when i think the miz will cash in. its something that would be talked about all over the world. like i said i wouldnt put this past the wwe. its very plausable in my opinion. in my opion the miz is the best candidaate. wwe has been building him up for a while already. think about it hes been the most productive star in the past year and a half. he has already been the wwe tag team championship twice with morrison. in the past year alone the miz has won the us championship and the unified tag team championship. hes the first ever person tho unify both tag titles and the us title. he was the leader of his own team at survivor series and won. he also was the only raw superstar to win at bragging rights. the miz has also been a pro on both seasons of nxt and he recently won money in the bank. without a dought he has been the most productive superstar in the wwe. his in ring talent is getting better, alot better in my opinion and one of the best in the buisness on the mic. i think he deserves a shot at the biggest stage of them all.
Now before you look at my pic, name and sig...please note that I am not saying the following just because I am a huge Miz fan... So without further or do...YES THE MIZ WILL BE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION! (If the tites get merged) Here's my argument. First off, when Jericho won the Undisputed title, he was at just about the same point as the Miz is at or will be at by Wrestlemania 27. Nobody expected Jericho to win any match that night and BAM! Jericho ends up becoming Undisputed Champion!!! That night and the status of becoming the Undisputed Champion shot Jericho's career to the moon. So all these people that say Miz isn't ready or Miz isn't worthy. Just look back at Jericho. I do agree with the fact that he will not end Undertaker's Streak because after thinking about it I do not believe Undertaker needs a title match at Mania since the streak pretty much is a "title" now. Anyways, Cena vs Orton at Mania probably. Let's Say Orton wins WWE Title and Cena wins Rumble but decides he wants his match before mania. Cena challenges the World Champion on Smackdown and wins. He then defends it sucessfulyl at Elimination Chamber and so does Orton. Now we have no challengers... Vince comes out and says the WWE is ready for a change. Sets up the match and now we have Cena vs Orton (the 2 biggest faces in the company) for the Undisputed Title (which they should call WWE Heavyweight Championship) Anyways....let's say Cena wins and becomes the Undisputed champ but the match was so tiring that he can barely stand. (Now the best way to make this next part "suprising" would be to do this.) *Miz gets "injured" on the same night Vince announces the match and we're told he'll be out for 6-8 months. Anyways, Cena wins, can barely stand and suddenly "AWSOME!!!" and out comes the miz with the MITB briefcase. Crowds going nuts. Miz runs to the ring as Orton is getting up and nails him with the case. He then hands the case to the ref and nails Cena with the SCF. 1..2..3!!! The Miz is the new Undisputed Champion and thus the Age of Miz has begun...The next night on RAW Miz comes out and says he faked his injury when he heard about the match so that nobody would see it coming. Just my idea but it works...
Alright, so I see your points. Nobody believed that Chris Jericho would beat Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, and yeah the stones are practically being put into place to set it up. John Cena and Randy Orton being The Rock and Stone Cold and The Miz being Jericho. It would be a good thing for Miz to work with and brag about, but here is the thing... Chris Jericho is 10x better then The Miz both on the microphone and definitely in the ring. So Chris Jericho even though he was an underdog you cannot deny that he was ready! Chris Jericho had something The Miz doesn't and that's experience! I believe (and correct me if I am wrong) Chris Jericho was in both WCW and ECW prior to joining the WWF/E and he has won championships and was pretty successful in both (again correct me if I am wrong). So even though Chris Jericho was the underdog he had credibility to back it up.

The Miz like being explained is only good on the microphone. He doesn't have the In-Ring Ability like Chris Jericho. He doesn't have the credibility like Chris Jericho. All he has to his name is a few tag team championship reigns and the United States Championship which he barely defends anyway. He has not had a singles match that blew me away or hasn't even been placed in a feud that has blew me away. So even comparing The Miz to Chris Jericho is out of the question. The Miz is still a young star and still has time to develop. So him being Undisputed Champion it would be interesting, but The Miz is not ready.
What The Miz lacks in in-ring ability, he surely makes up for his microphone skills, the bloke oozes charisma and truly has the crowd in the palm of his hands. Now him winning at Wrestlemania is wishful thinking and i also think he is not completely ready but he is more than halfway there, i enjoy the slow build up of stars and that's what Miz is receiving now be patient and big things will happen with this guy. So as good as he is in many key aspects he is still just a tad off main event level. In time.
Now before you look at my pic, name and sig...please note that I am not saying the following just because I am a huge Miz fan... So without further or do...YES THE MIZ WILL BE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION! (If the tites get merged) Here's my argument. First off, when Jericho won the Undisputed title, he was at just about the same point as the Miz is at or will be at by Wrestlemania 27. Nobody expected Jericho to win any match that night and BAM! Jericho ends up becoming Undisputed Champion!!! That night and the status of becoming the Undisputed Champion shot Jericho's career to the moon. So all these people that say Miz isn't ready or Miz isn't worthy. Just look back at Jericho. I do agree with the fact that he will not end Undertaker's Streak because after thinking about it I do not believe Undertaker needs a title match at Mania since the streak pretty much is a "title" now. Anyways, Cena vs Orton at Mania probably. Let's Say Orton wins WWE Title and Cena wins Rumble but decides he wants his match before mania. Cena challenges the World Champion on Smackdown and wins. He then defends it sucessfulyl at Elimination Chamber and so does Orton. Now we have no challengers... Vince comes out and says the WWE is ready for a change. Sets up the match and now we have Cena vs Orton (the 2 biggest faces in the company) for the Undisputed Title (which they should call WWE Heavyweight Championship) Anyways....let's say Cena wins and becomes the Undisputed champ but the match was so tiring that he can barely stand. (Now the best way to make this next part "suprising" would be to do this.) *Miz gets "injured" on the same night Vince announces the match and we're told he'll be out for 6-8 months. Anyways, Cena wins, can barely stand and suddenly "AWSOME!!!" and out comes the miz with the MITB briefcase. Crowds going nuts. Miz runs to the ring as Orton is getting up and nails him with the case. He then hands the case to the ref and nails Cena with the SCF. 1..2..3!!! The Miz is the new Undisputed Champion and thus the Age of Miz has begun...The next night on RAW Miz comes out and says he faked his injury when he heard about the match so that nobody would see it coming. Just my idea but it works...

See, now starting out I agreed with some of what you were saying.. Till one point. Then it didn't matter anymore because I couldn't get past it. I bolded that exact point. No.Wrong.No, No No, and Wrong.

By the time Jericho won the title, he was already a:
4 IC champion
1 European champion
2 time Tag champion
1 time WCW champion (WWF version)

And not to mention had been known around the world before even stepping in a WWE/F ring. Jericho was a Vet by time he won the title, Miz is still very much a rookie, and admits that too. So no, Miz is not "where jericho was" and wont be even after his first title win. Do I think Miz will be the first champ? No. Only due to the fact that too many people expect that. I remember thinking Angle would do it the first time. Was storming up the ranks, had already been champ a few times, and was still getting a big push. That's why I think it's going to be another wild card. Someone none of us expect, and when we see him in the running we'll say "Ya right.. Why is he even there"
Ya but just think about how much more heat and credibility the Miz will get by cashing in on Cena that way. It doesn't have to be exactly liek the Jericho story (which is good). Look at it this way. Miz has the following under his belt.
1 time World Tag Team Champion
1 time WWE Tag Team Champion
2 time US Champion
1 time WWE Unified Tag Team Champion
First and only person to hold US and Unified Tag Titles at once
MITB 2010 winnner
Slammy for tag team of the year
Hell even PWI ranked him the #12 wrestler of 2010 out of 500!

Now ya sure, Jericho had much more credentials by the time he won the Undisputed title but who cares? Everytime I see the Miz he reminds me of a young Jericho. The story just makes sense to me. I'm not saying it will happen but if it did I sure wouldn't complain.
Now ya sure, Jericho had much more credentials by the time he won the Undisputed title but who cares? Everytime I see the Miz he reminds me of a young Jericho. The story just makes sense to me. I'm not saying it will happen but if it did I sure wouldn't complain.

I don't see that. I don't see Miz as a younger Jericho, or Rock, or Flair, or any other person ever. I see the Miz as the Miz. That's it. What good is comparing him to someone else, when you should be looking at how different he is from those people and how it works for him instead. I like Miz, I do. I think he's a bright spot on RAW, and a rising superstar. Just don't see him as the next Undisputed Champion. By that point he should already have 2 or 3 WWE titles under his belt (the way they're handed out these days) so what would be the point? He'd be in the "Kurt Angle position" at that time, why not help develop another younger talent? By the time the titles are planned to unify, 'Taker, Kane, Rey, and maybe a few others will be gone, or leaving. So why focus it all on one guy who will already be a main eventer by that point, when you can help launch the "star of tomorrow" with that one single moment?
I enjoy The Miz's work, I really do. However, before he becomes a true main eventer and holds a world title, let alone the Undisputed Championship that everyone is talking about (which will probably end up on a heel John Cena or The Rock when he returns) there are a number of things he must do:

- Work on his in-ring ability. As champion, The Miz is going to be main eventing PPVS, he's gonna have to come out, wrestle for a good 20 minutes and put on a show that leaves people satisfied. The guy can tell a decent story in the ring, but he's no where near the standards that a world champion should be.
- Be involved in more high profile feuds. As a singles compeitor, The Miz has failed to have any big feuds. Sure he's had mini-feuds over the US title recently, but he has only wrestled in a singles match at ONE PPV since Wrestlemania. That's not impressive. His feud with Daniel Bryan is a good start, but he needs something bigger. Hell, even Kofi Kingston had a big feud with Orton. Miz needs a Kofi-Orton feud, he could even feud with Orton himself. Anything, anyone, just a feud that poeple will remember. Triple H possibly?
- Become a credible main eventer. It's one thing feuding with main eventers, but do beat them (CLEANLY) and establish yourself amongst them is a whole other thing, something that The Miz needs to do before he becomes a world champion. People have to believe it when he retains the title, and i don't think he's at that stage currently. Also, it would be nice to see The Miz winning without the Money in the Bank breifcase, it'll take so much away from his win...

WWE have had a problem creating credible main eventers recently, mainly because it seems as though they're rushing. You can't just give someone a few months mega-push and a couple titles, becoming credible takes a long time (unless you're going with a monster gimmick such as Brock Lesnar, then you just destroy shit and look angry) Look at Edge. The man had lots of big feuds with the likes of Kurt Angle plus five years of singles experience before he touched gold. Randy Orton. This man had been feuding with Hall of Famers, he even faced off against Hulk Hogan at Summerslam before his first world title. John Cena. Sure, he rise to the top was quick, but he still managed to feud with the likes of Big Show, Booker T and Kurt Angle before he was WWE Champion.

Putting the world title around someone doesn't create credibility. Examples? CM Punk and Jack Swagger. Unless the Miz wants to end up like these guys, he has to become credible BEFORE becoming champion. And while he's awesome, that's the main thing he's missing. Until he gets it, he's not ready for a world title in my opinion.
Why are we comparing The Miz to Jericho? Yes, they are both heel. Yes, they both cut good promos and are great on the mic. However, Jericho is still THAT MUCH BETTER than the Miz with his promos and mic skills. Sure Miz will improve no doubt. But we are talking about (arguably) the BEST superstar EVER in regards to promos and mic skills. I only see the Rock above Jericho in that aspect. The Miz third? No, that's a joke.

Also, Jericho is far and away the better in-ring wrestler. This my friends, is not debatable. Not even close. Just no. Stop.

If the titles do merge, I don't see why the Miz wouldn't win it at least once. Everyone is riding this guy like he's the fusion of Stone Cold Steve Austin and Jesus Christ. I don't know why... when I see him in the ring I think it's a diva's match. Nonetheless, the hype is there and if he really is a hard worker like it is believed to be (not doubting it) then good for him he deserves his title run. But at the hands of the Undertaker? Absopositively not.

Orton/Cena/Miz for Undisputed Championship at WM? Sure it sounds possible. Tweener/Face/Heel. Only thing is one would have to be on SD! and get the title off Kane or Undertaker before WM. But we're starting to have our little prophecies of him beating Taker? Not even in your dreams people. I swear this Miz hype is ridiculous.
I need to digress before I give my opinion on the Miz. 1st - I love MiTB matches, but I hate how the cashing in is being used. Whatever happened to being in a solid match to win the Big Prize? The cash-in process I guess is where I have fault. It should be used to create buzz around one of the shows as it was for the few weeks after Miz won it going after Sheamus, but in no way should it be cashed in instantly at a PPV. Is it great for the people attending or purchasing the event...yes, but I feel like its better suited to be used as a surprise for one of the shows and PPV's should be memorable for the matches and not for a surprise, quick, and cheap win. on to The Miz. If you were to parallel the 2 in terms of time in the business The Miz would be ahead only because he's receiving a bigger push than Jericho ever had at that point, but Miz is nowhere near Jericho in terms of in-ring ability and memorable matches/feuds. Sorry to burst any Miz lovers out there, but I can't think of any match he has been in where I can remember the match or was entertained. Is this his fault? Probably not because WWE creative is only concerned about daily numbers and not long-term. Its just the nature of the business today. A year long feud at best is now 2 PPV's if even that. He needs to be in some meaningful feud where he can show off his abilities or have solid and entertaining bouts. Another detriment is there aren't enough established workers for him to have a solid match with. They really missed the boat with him and Morrison. A long feud between the 2 could've really placed them in a good spot, but WWE let it flop in the wind. So for Miz, would it be nice for him to get the rub from 'Taker by ending the streak? Oh hell yeah, but should it happen at this point or ever? No and its not because I'm a 'Taker fan....I'm not. I don't think Miz is at that point where he deserves it and I don't think the streak should end at this point. If you wanna give him that type of rub then have it be he faces 'Taker at Mania cuz he's Awesome and wants to be the one to end The Streak/retire 'Taker. Let it end so controversial or so close that Miz can say he was cheated out of the streak (like when Andre had Hogan pinned for 3 @ Mania III), but yet he can say he retired 'Taker. Miz gets that rub and 'Taker keeps the streak forever.
Alright, I am happy I am not the only one who thinks that this idea is far out of reach. And I am happy that people agree with me that The Miz is not ready for a prize as the Undisputed Championship. Like what people said, comparing The Miz to Chris Jericho is not the right thing to do. Chris Jericho is all around better than The Miz in every aspect.

Sure, The Miz has his accolades and is receiving this HUGE push right now. But the kid is no freaking God. He is still a rookie in my eyes and to be honest The Miz JUST got good. A few years back people thought that The Miz was mediocre and people hated this kid. People wanted the WWE to get rid of The Miz. It wasn't until The Miz teamed with John Morrison when he got recognized even then people still said that he would be the, "Marty Jennety" of the group.

I like The Miz, but he just doesn't deserve that kind of recognition (atleast this point in his career) or won't be able to hold the responsibility to carry a WHOLE Company/Empire on his shoulders. Give him one or two good long and lengthy feuds and improve his In-Ring ability and then we will talk. Until then I just don't see The Miz holding a title like ending Undertaker's streak and becoming an Undisputed Champion over guys like Cena, Undertaker, Orton, Triple H, and Chris Jericho.
Ok first off, I never said Miz was better or even equal to Jericho so stop that one. Obviously Jericho is far better then the miz but all I said was the way he handles himself is similar to Jericho. Now remember, when Miz/Morrison broke up everyone thought Miz would be the "Jennetty" and look at him now. Just another example of him proving people wrong. I can definately see WWE writing him in to win the Undisputed title at Mania. My idea is simply Cena and Orton will battle at Mania for the titles, Cena will most likely win and then Miz comes down and cashes in... Miz's character is all about bragging about his accomplishments so what better way then to go on about how he won the Undisputed Title at Mania. Sheamus wasn't "ready" when he won the WWE title and look at him now. Wrestlemania is 7 months away meaning ALOT can change. I just want to be the one who calls it.
Is this thread a joke? I have to assume so, because otherwise Anyone agreeing with the OP needs sanctioned. The Miz is obviously the greatest on gods green earth.

I used to be a wrestling fanatic but quit at the end of the attitude era. But came back because I knew HBK's time was running out and im just infatuated with the guy. Howver once I started watching again, one guy kept me interested, one guy kept me watching once HBK left us, and there is no prizes for guessing who that is. My point is, what makes the Miz great is he will get people like me, people who otherwise could take or leave wrestling, he will keep us interested.
Look you guys...
I am not dissing The Miz I am just making a point.
A point that one he will not beat Undertaker at WrestleMania and two that he will not be crowned as the Undisputed Champion. I said it before this whole thing started, I like The Miz, he is entertaining, he is no Shawn Michaels in the ring, but he is decent. But even still people are still missing my second point in which nearly everybody (except The die hard Mizards) is agreeing with me that The Miz won't be THE FIRST ONE TO CARRY THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP! but I do believe that he will carry the title at one point in his career if the WWE goes through with it.

We are all entitled to our own opinions, but for people to think this kid is a GOD! And the best thing in WWE right now really just bewilders me and annoys me just a tad bit. I know I won't be able to change you guys opinions about The Miz, but I can't see WWE choosing The Miz over Undertaker, John Cena, Randy Orton, or Triple H. I want to see The Miz succeed the right way not the Sheamus or Jack Swagger way. And making him the Undisputed Champion is just setting him up for disaster. Build him up to the Main Event first make him an enough credible superstar and then win the Undisputed/WWE Championship.

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