May 19th vs 2.21.11

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Championship Contender
Well, when I think of dates, specific dates as far as stories go, these two stick out in my mind. And today is May 19th. Happy May 19th.

So, being that we just had 2.21.11 occur this year, I was wondering...

Which date in wrestling did you enjoy more, including the story behind it? Which was more appealing to you?

To me, I'd have to go with May 19th. It was more mysterious in my view. It dragged out longer than the 2.21.11 vids too. They were cool and it had me on edge, but I could narrow that down to Taker or Sting, but with Kane's May 19th story, I truly couldnt even guess at what would come of it and through all of it, I was fascinated with that date.

When I saw the other Kane, imposter Kane, walk down the ramp, I was just happy to see the mask again period. Yes, it couldve been better than what it was in the end. This Kane was shorter, weak (chokeslam was horrible) and the face and height were noticeably way off, as well as the hair, but it couldve been done a bit better

I hated the fact that it never played out further and felt that if the initial debut of the imposter went over better it may have, but other than the slight let down there, in the way it happened, not it happening because I liked the Kane vs Kane thing since they had Taker vs Taker @ SS and that was cool. (and actually he was off too, imposter Taker)

2.21.11 was damn awesome all around and way more appealing in its delivery, seeing a huge match made without a single word. That date definately had the better payoff, but...

When it comes to the hype for each date I have to go with May 19th, sure it wasnt on The Road to WrestleMania, but damnit, it was fun to see Kane in that time, the demented (I hear more voices than Randy cares to hear) Kane, freaking out and going nuts on ppl including Bigshow

on a side note how bouts:
Jacob Goodnight (May 19th) vs Freddy Krueger (Friday the 13th)
I prefered the 21-2-11. Everyone knew that it was 1 of 2 people, but that was what made it good, we all knew that it wasn't going to be a disappointment either way. The May 19th just felt so forced, it seemed like WWE were doing it to push See No Evil, then as the date got closer realised they needed some kind of pay off for it to make sense. I think the only bit off the angle that i actually enjoyed was the HBK match.
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