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Matt Morgan's Title Shots; A Waste?


Has Returned.

A quick pointer, I would like to apologize for potential wrong information on events, mind you I don't follow TNA religiously like some others.

Meet the guy that challenged for the TNA world title at both Turning Point and Final Resolution in 2010. During both Pay Per Views Matt came out on the loosing side.

Matt Morgan was taken from Fourtune and turned face, with what looked to be the coming of a potential push for Matt, perhaps a potential world title reign even. The guy has shown massive potential for being a main eventer that could hang with the best. He's build, being approximately 7 feet tall (Billed like that at least) and billed as 328 pounds, and it's all mixed into a pure muscle build.

However, this guy has yet to be world champion. He has yet to truly mingle with the cream of the crop in TNA, and I can't help but think that challenging for the championship at the two above mentioned Pay Per Views was an absolute waste. Matt Morgan, who was seeming to be put in a position for a good push that could really establish him as a top face, was now instead being jobbed out to the top heel of Jeff Hardy and Immortal. And while some of you might be quick to go "Well Jeff Hardy needed a long reign, and Mr. Anderson was the only one that had any sense in taking the belt off Jeff", well that's fine, but don't you agree that there was really no sense in "burying" Matt Morgan?

To me Matt Morgan's time in the title picture was a wasted opportunity. Here TNA had the chance to build a guy into a main event monster face (In opposition to monster heel) and really run with the ball that is Matt Morgan. I've often said that had Matt been able to stick around with WWE, he would've been a world champion long ago.

So, why doesn't TNA do this? Why do they "insist" on keeping Matt Morgan off the world title?

Why would they waste an opportunity to build Matt, just in order to feed him to Jeff Hardy?
Matt Morgan is someone that's been in the title picture off and/or the main event scene for a couple of years now. From the perspective of a fan, I would've preferred Matt Morgan get the title instead of Ken Anderson but TNA obviously had different ideas.

I said a while back in another thread that I think Morgan is someone that TNA will primarily keep in the hunt for the title rather than be champ. Crockett Promotions and WCW really did the same thing to Lex Luger for a very long time. He always came within an eyelash of taking the title off of Ric Flair, for instance, but it just never happened. I see Morgan having something of a similar future in the World Championship picture. I think he will eventually have a run with the title but it might not be this hugely important deal by then.

As for why they went this route, who can say. It might not make sense to some people but perfect sense to them. After all, you have to consider that these are the same people that decided to put the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on Jeff Hardy despite major drug felony charges hanging over his head.
Some guys need a belt to be "over" other guys need a belt to get to the next level. Some guys are main eventers who can add to a mid card feud without demeaning themselves.
Morgan doesn't need a belt to be a threat- he's seven feet of jacked up muscle.
He can lose and still be a beast.
Little assed Hardy loses, and he is suddenly just a hick, flippoon loser.
Morgan doesn't have a belt because he doesn't NEED a belt.
both Hardys are washed up. Matt for some reason thinks he's a main eventer, the only thing he can do for a main event would be a curtain jerker. Morgan is being wasted and will eventually end up back up North where he belongs.
WWE didn't know how to use Morgan and wasted him on stupid gimmicks, TNA under JIM CORNETTE gives Morgan his current persana and makes him a star, then Cornette leaves and Morgan is used well for a few months, jobbed out for a few months, and is really just another young guy Russo and Bischoff dont know how to use.

The sad part is that Hogan is said to love Morgan but Hogan has been in and out of the hospital for the majority of the past year with back issues, his most recent stint he had his spine rebuilt. Do you really think Russo is going to use a guy like Morgan right without the boss there to make sure he does? No.

Also Bischoff is nothing more really than an on-air talent an adviser to Hogan, while he can give his two cents it's Russo running the show creatively with Hogan out, so until Hogan comes back I don't see Morgan being anything more than another misused young talent by Vince Russo.
So, why doesn't TNA do this? Why do they "insist" on keeping Matt Morgan off the world title?

The answer is quite simple. Matt Morgan isn't very good. Outside of his look he doesn't have much going for him at all. Very average in the ring, not very good on the mic, and the crowd just doesn't react to him like they should for a guy that supposedly has world championship potential. Any reign Matt Morgan gets would be a waste because it wouldn't be very good.

Because of his size Morgan looks like a credible challenger and that is why he gets the occasional title shot. Beating him looks to be an impressive feat and it makes the champion look strong. TNA doesn't do many things right but I actually think they are using Matt Morgan fairly well.
At first I didn't think it was a waste for Matt Morgan to get a World title shot, but after he consecutively lost to Jeff Hardy and then the #1 contender's match to Mr. Anderson, it made him look weaker than he actually is or should be. I don't understand why they're even keeping Morgan in the World title picture when it doesn't do anything to progress his character. Instead, they should be focusing on him feuding with someone for other titles that could use 'meaning' such as the TV Championship. Why not have Matt Morgan fight Abyss for the TV Championship, win it and actually defend the title successfully several times over around four months? He could use the momentum. He has the look. All he needs is time to improve on his other areas. Why not have him do that in a safer spot where he won't look like a predictable loser? Then after he's been built up to look like an actual threat, they can throw him back into the World title hunt and make him finally win.
At first I didn't think it was a waste for Matt Morgan to get a World title shot, but after he consecutively lost to Jeff Hardy and then the #1 contender's match to Mr. Anderson, it made him look weaker than he actually is or should be. I don't understand why they're even keeping Morgan in the World title picture when it doesn't do anything to progress his character. Instead, they should be focusing on him feuding with someone for other titles that could use 'meaning' such as the TV Championship. Why not have Matt Morgan fight Abyss for the TV Championship, win it and actually defend the title successfully several times over around four months? He could use the momentum. He has the look. All he needs is time to improve on his other areas. Why not have him do that in a safer spot where he won't look like a predictable loser? Then after he's been built up to look like an actual threat, they can throw him back into the World title hunt and make him finally win.

Because people in charge of companies these days dont believe the Mid-Card Championships are worth tv time. When was the last time the TV Title was defended? When Abyss won it? or the week on impact that he won it and beat Doug Williams to retain it? The championship doesnt mean anything so why put an effort into it?
I would not say that Morgan's current push was totally useless especially if you compare to where he was before he got pushed. The problem with Morgan is that his pushes have come at a time when there has been someone better and more deserving of a championship reign. That is what happened when he was opposing the Main Event Mafia and that is what has happened now. AJ and Mr Anderson were more deserving than him and so while he did have a major role to play in both the storylines he just could not be handed over the belt. On the whole, I do find Matt Morgan to be quite talented. He has a great look, is above average on the mic and wrestles quite effectively as well. I think luck has a lot to do with why he hasn't become a World Champion yet.
The first thing that comes to mind when reading this article is Billy Gunn and his title chance in wwf. He had hung around the main event for a short time and basically didn't seize the opprotunity. I see the same in Matt Morgan. I saw his rise to TNA main event chances and him basically get complacent with his character. He hasn't taken that next step, he is young so maybe he will but I kinda think he'll be a middle card wrestler in his career. He won't be in many title matches in the near future with Jeff Hardy, Angle, Jarrett, AJ Styles current champ Mr. Anderson all proven champions. Morgan is going to get lost in the TNA shuffle... TV Title matches with Abyss is in his future from what I predict.
As much as I like Matt Morgan, I don't particularly feel he's the type of performer who belongs holding a championship, or at least not very long in the event he is given a run.

The problem with Matt is that he's quite generic in terms of his actual gimmick. He's got a great personality, especially as a heel, and his confidence and overall look is always there, but he's simply "Matt Morgan". There isn't much else there, really.

That said, was it a waste of time? No, not at all. These types of stories happen all the time. Not everyone who breaks into a main event/title scene needs to win for it to to be a good thing for him, and Morgan IMO is/was one of those guys. He's the type of performer who can slot up and down the card as needed and be successful wherever he's working, regardless of whether he's wining a title there or not.
Morgan has all of the tools to become a future star. He has the size, the look, and he can be pretty charismatic every now and then, so Morgan does seem like the idea candidate to be the top guy, but he hasn't worn the World Heavyweight Championship yet. Morgan has received some big pushes, and he's come oh so close to winning the World Title.

Although, I can't remember a "wow" moment Morgan has had recently. I don't like Mr. Anderson, but he did he have the outstanding match with Kurt Angle at Lockdown last year. When I start to think about Morgan, I can't remember one jaw dropping match or moment he's had recently.

I would like to see a Morgan World Title win, but there's a good chance that it might not happen. The guy has been in TNA for a good while now, and he has come close, but he still hasn't been crowned Champion yet. As others have said, Morgan will probably be a chaser instead of a champion.
I think I'm surprised at what I'm reading.
he had back to back world title matches at PPV, not what I would call jobbing. it's not like he was losing matches to mid card wrestlers and being buried.

I hope once this Immortal thing is over that Matt Morgan ends up being a heel. I think he fits there better. IMO someone from WWE to compare him to is Batista. great size and look. Morgan as a heel is someone who could win the title but not hold onto it very long before losing it back to a face.

before his 2 PPV title matches, I don't think he was right up top on the level of main event. he was entertaining when he had both tag team titles. I don't really remember what he did right after losing those titles, or even really who he lost them too. then he was kind of buried in Fortune and likely would have continued to be, but he broke out and that elevated him. now he is main event, and IMO it hasn't been that long.

his time will come.

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