Matt Morgan to WWE?

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
According to a report on the main page (I know, I know,) Matt Morgan is no longer under contract with TNA and the WWE has been interested in signing him. It also that states that in a recent interview, Morgan said that a WWE return was possible.

Bolded questions time.

Do you think Morgan is coming back to the WWE?

Do you think he should?

I personally don't care too much. I used to be a big fan but as I quit watching TNA, I completely forgot about him. I'm not opposed to a return, but I'm not clamoring for one either.

Remember boys and girls, SPAM is for *****.
There's just too many big men in the WWE right now for me to really care to see this. We already have Ryback, Mark Henry, Tensai, Big Show, Khali, Kane, Brodus, etc. And plus, they've already signed Brodie Lee, and I'm much more excited to see him in a WWE ring then I would be for Morgan. So, I have to say that he probably will, but I sure as hell hope not.
I'd hope he takes some time off and come back maybe later in the year or next year because like benson said there are a lot of big men and a lot of big men just debuting and getting their starts it would be chaos if they kept adding more people to the mix... brodus, tensai, and ryback trying to progress as monsters is going to be hard enough for creative to balance and get all 3 of them a good story or feud to start out with


Maybe? :shrug:

Honestly I have a bunch of mixed feelings for Matt Morgan. He is a very solid big man and is still fairly young to have the WWE sign him back to the roster for a long while. And he has been a way from the WWE for a long enough time to where they don't need to completely repackage him and change his name to something silly like Lord Tensai or Ryback.

The thing is, what can the WWE do with Morgan to get him over and make him a draw that TNA didn't already do? He's got great size and he's good enough on the mic to where he doesn't need a mouthpiece but as a heel you can't help but like him because of the goofy looks on his face when he tries to get angry. (Don't act like you haven't laughed at Morgan's angry faces) and as a face you can't take him seriously because he walks around the locker room like the jolly green giant. Simply put, he's too big in size for his personalty, and his personalty just don't fit his size.
If matt morgan was good enough he would have made it in wwe already, he had an earlier forgettable stint in wwe the really tried to make his name in tna. WWE have no reason to sign him unless one of the powerhouses quits or gets injured, and if they do sign him he will probably end up like test, underused and passed over
Why so they can misuse him again?

Matt Morgan would just get lost in the mess of big men/monsters.
Do you think Morgan is coming back to the WWE?

If WWE make him an offer he will take it in my view.

Do you think he should?

Yes, it's not like TNA are doing much with him so you might as well be getting paid better on the big show at least.

Personally I think he'd be ideal as Dolph's insurance policy instead of Mason Ryan.
I don't see why WWE wouldn't want to secure him under contract. Mark Henry and Big Show aren't gonna be around much longer. Henry will probably be done be for the end of this year in terms of being an active wrestler. Big Show how much longer does anyone here really think he has as an active competitor he has gotten so slow his time is very limited. Undertaker wresltes once a year!!!! So we have Brodus Clay,Tensai,Ryback,Lesnar(in a limited capacity)and Kane. Those are the only big men I can see being possible players. In Rybacks case he is still being built up as a major force in the WWE. Matt Morgan brings another True GIANT body to the WWE who can move who can work very well. Matt Morgan is one of the best Big Men in Pro Wrestling and TNA isn't doing anything with him but having him put over a half talented semi hack in Crimson who can't wrestle isn't fun to watch and is being pushed like he is the second coming of Goldberg. Matt Morgan needs to leave the sinking ship that is TNA go to WWE sign a big deal for a couple WWE or World title reigns some big fueds and get to where he should be in the sport.
For all the big men that WWE have under contract, none of them really have the agility and creativity that Matt Morgan does. I wasn't really a Morgan fan when he was in WWE the few times before. They failed epicly putting a great gimmick with him and did a piss poor job making him look credible. Which I'll admit, was partly Morgan's fault being a rookie and all. All things considered, I'd rather see Morgan stay in TNA and help them grow[if that's even possible]. At least he gets occasional world title shots in TNA. In WWE, I doubt he'll even be challenging for mid-card belts. It'd be interesting to see if WWE made an actual effort this time, but, somehow I'm doubting it.
I agree there are alot of big men in WWE right now.. but I also think TNA has really under-used Morgan. Give the chance, I think he could be a top heel in WWE. His mic skills keep getting better, and there's nothing wrong with his in-ring work either. WWE is the way to go for Morgan.. TNA would rather give fuck-ups like Hardy a top spot than those with real talent
I'm a cunt so I am gonna spam like a mother fucker in here.

I just have one question to ask. Have you seen his Direct Auto Insurance commercials? That basically sums up what Matt Morgan is. He has solid enough in ring and mic skills to compliment his look and size but he is so goofy. I have a hard time buying him as a heel because he has a hard time coming off as a legit monster/angry heel because of his facial expressions and what seems a pretty easy going personality.

You could use him as a face but his look just screams monster heel. Look at a guy like Brodus. People are still grumbling over him not being used as a monster heel because of his size and look. I feel the same would inevitably happen with Morgan.
There's just too many big men in the WWE right now for me to really care to see this. We already have Ryback, Mark Henry, Tensai, Big Show, Khali, Kane, Brodus, etc. And plus, they've already signed Brodie Lee, and I'm much more excited to see him in a WWE ring then I would be for Morgan. So, I have to say that he probably will, but I sure as hell hope not.

So what that there are a ton of big men in wwe. I'd sure as hell take Matt Morgan over Tensai, Brodus, Ryback, or Khali any day. Morgan is a lot more agile than the usual big man. I'd like to see Morgan back in wwe and im sure they'd use him properly. I mean come on they've had Albert in the main-event in recent weeks and no way in hell is he better than Morgan. Besides we've seen plenty of guys leave wwe go to tna come back to wwe and have success.
Look WWE is full of big men but look at the best they have now. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. Morgan should take some time to beef up a bit and come in. Honestly though WWE (HHH) will send him to FCW to test him and see if he sticks around. If he does then maybe a nice feud with CENA or The Great White.
Morgan turns 36-years-old in three months. After a five year absence from the major league promotion, he has shown the intelligence to not insult or slander the WWE, almost thriving under the suspicions that he may make a return to his first home. And let’s be realistic, taking into regard his major improvement since we last saw him on WWE television which relates to Matt Morgan in the ring and especially on the microphone, with his size being brought into the equation, WWE would be naive to withhold their attraction to Matt Morgan.

He has all the tools to progress in this industry. Big man, great look, charisma; have you seen the Direct Auto Insurance adverts? Marketable name, “Matt Morgan” just sounds like a name you’d associate with a Champion. Hulk Hogan stated in an interview last summer with ESPN that Matt Morgan could “lead Impact Wrestling into the promise land.”

Whether Matt Morgan completes the transition from TNA to WWE in the near future or not, we’ll have to wait and see. But in my personal opinion, if he does complete the switch, this is entirely TNA’s loss and WWE’s gain.
Yah too many big men in the WWE right now wrong time for Morgan to jump ship. Clearly he has talent and is incredible gifted for his size. TNA has underused him big surprise on TNA's part:shrug: Morgan right now in the E would just be caught in he middle IMO! I hope he does go to the E make a little more money and maybe just maybe he can be a destructive force
Matt Morgan is something of a mystery to me. He's a big guy that's got a lot of athletic ability, especially considering his size, he has a good look, he's much better inside the ring than most guys in his size range & can often deliver pretty good matches, he's got solid personality and can cut some good promos. The mystery regarding Morgan lies with wondering exactly why TNA hasn't decided to just pull the trigger on him yet in terms of taking his career to the next level.

Over the past few years, we've seen several instances in which Morgan is pushed to the main event scene, has been built as a solid threat to the reigning champion, has had a couple of matches with the champion and suddenly finds himself depushed in the mid to low-card picture immediately and then have the cycle start all over again at some point. They did it in feuds against AJ Styles, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy. Once I can understand as a bit of a test run, maybe even two, but three? Makes me wonder if Morgan has reached the peak of his career in TNA.

Morgan's biggest accomplishments in TNA amounts to two mediocre runs with the tag titles, after which he engages in two even more mediocre feuds with the other half of the mediocre team.

Morgan has said several times that TNA has been good to him and he's returned that loyalty in kind. I can respect and understand that. Personally, I think that if Morgan hopes to rise to another level and really become somebody in wrestling, he's going to have to go to WWE and he's going to have to go soon. While he's a young man all in all, the guy's in his mid 30s and, quite frankly, he hasn't really done squat. Not saying he hasn't had good matches or doesn't have talent or any of that stuff, but there are guys in wrestling right now the same age as he is, been in the business for as long or longer than he has, and have 10 to 20 times more to show for it than he does.

He has ability and if WWE makes him a solid offer, I think it'd be in his best interest to take it. Like I said, while he's still young, he's not getting any younger and hasn't really done all that much. If he decides to wait another year or two and stick with TNA, WWE might not be interested.
So what that there are a ton of big men in wwe. I'd sure as hell take Matt Morgan over Tensai, Brodus, Ryback, or Khali any day. Morgan is a lot more agile than the usual big man. I'd like to see Morgan back in wwe and im sure they'd use him properly. I mean come on they've had Albert in the main-event in recent weeks and no way in hell is he better than Morgan. Besides we've seen plenty of guys leave wwe go to tna come back to wwe and have success.

Sure they'd us him properly? They'd probably saddle him with a stuttering gimmick.

Oh and as for using him properly, yeah, let's look at the gimmicks those big guys have. Tensai has the worst gimmick ever. Brodus is a dancing Dinosaur. And Khali is a dancing, klutzy jobber. Ryback has no gimmick. Also, NONE of them have yet to be involved in a decent feud. So tell me where this confidencen is coming from...
Do you think Morgan is coming back to the WWE?

No. If he is, then whatever. It's pointless.

Do you think he should?

No. He already had two unsuccessful runs in the WWE. He hasn't accomplished shit there, and he hasn't accomplished shit in TNA either (Tag titles? Big deal). He should have won the World title already, but nope. What's there left for him in jumping between the two companies when he's not doing anything memorable? I can't even remember a single Matt Morgan match in the WWE. That's how forgettable his time in the WWE was to me.
Matt Morgan fucking blows. I have never seen anything special in him. He is average at best in the ring, awful on the mic, and he has zero personality. He has been given numerous opportunities in TNA yet he hasn't been able to make it in the main event. IF the WWE wants him and he decides to go there then he won't make it past the mid card. I just see it as a wasted signing if it happens.
WWE can never have enough of big guys. Kane, Big Show,& Henry are already in the 4th quarter of their career, and wont be around long term. Eventually, Brodus, Tensai, & Ryback will fizzle out from their landslide victories and possibly be lost in the shuffle.

If Morgan and improve himself I can see him in WWE, but wont be shocked if WWE isnt interested.
Well if I'm honest - i don't really know - when ive seen him on TNA i always thought he looked good , wrestled well and mic skills were good - a genuine solid performer but as I remember when he was in wwe it was all rather underwhelming - not particulary down to him. So if he came back home to WWE what would he do perhaps tag with Albert ,do Brock Lesnars dirty work - I cant see him being wwe champion
Yeah, I think Morgan should come back to WWE.

No-one will remember his earlier run with the company at the start of the 2000s, he was really green and very poor back then and and come on alot during his time in TNA. I always thought TNA would end up putting the World Title on him to be honest, and I am surprised they never have.

Morgan is a giant of a man, plus he has a great physique, a cool look and a great finisher in the Hellevator. I think he has pretty much everything Vince generally looks for in talent, so I am pretty confident that we will see Morgan making a return to the WWE in the very near future. He is much more talented that guys like Tensai and Henry and would do pretty well at upper-mid card level.

Would he still keep the same ring name? Doubtful, but whatever WWE decide to call him, I fully expect him to be back on WWE TV in a few months
I've watched Morgan on TNA and can say his wrestling is atrocious to say the least . That "physique " is more like an artificial surface chandelier and it will completely break apart once he is subjected to random drug test ...even with untestable igf, hgh . I see nothing in him and do not feel he will pull wwe out of their slump .

On the other hand , Husky Harris can . He is very good in the ring, has great presence and works his character very well .
Matt Morgan coming back to WWE is something I would have mixed feelings about. His last run there wasn't great and he risks being forced into a terrible gimmick. Who knows if they would even push him, they have a tendency to not push talent they pick up from other federations. It could also be good for him though. He is better now than he was back during his last run so that would justify a push, let alone the skills he has for someone his size.

I am surprised that he has not gotten further in TNA yet. They seemed to be pushing him toward the World Championship but then never went through with it. Morgan has lost a ton of momentum since then and I am unsure how he will be able to get back to that point again. Someone as large and skilled as him should have already been a World Champion by now. Whether he would be one in WWE remains to be seen unless he makes the jump, but who even knows what his future holds if he stays in TNA. They had their big chance to push him to the top and did not go through with it, he might never get that opportunity over there again. I'd say he should stay if he likes it where he is, but if he wants to make it further then returning to WWE may be worth the risk.
Matt might end up like getting Ryback like gimmick if ever he comes back i think. He certainly has lot more charisma than Ryback and can be big main event heel IMO

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