Matt Morgan is something of a mystery to me. He's a big guy that's got a lot of athletic ability, especially considering his size, he has a good look, he's much better inside the ring than most guys in his size range & can often deliver pretty good matches, he's got solid personality and can cut some good promos. The mystery regarding Morgan lies with wondering exactly why TNA hasn't decided to just pull the trigger on him yet in terms of taking his career to the next level.
Over the past few years, we've seen several instances in which Morgan is pushed to the main event scene, has been built as a solid threat to the reigning champion, has had a couple of matches with the champion and suddenly finds himself depushed in the mid to low-card picture immediately and then have the cycle start all over again at some point. They did it in feuds against AJ Styles, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy. Once I can understand as a bit of a test run, maybe even two, but three? Makes me wonder if Morgan has reached the peak of his career in TNA.
Morgan's biggest accomplishments in TNA amounts to two mediocre runs with the tag titles, after which he engages in two even more mediocre feuds with the other half of the mediocre team.
Morgan has said several times that TNA has been good to him and he's returned that loyalty in kind. I can respect and understand that. Personally, I think that if Morgan hopes to rise to another level and really become somebody in wrestling, he's going to have to go to WWE and he's going to have to go soon. While he's a young man all in all, the guy's in his mid 30s and, quite frankly, he hasn't really done squat. Not saying he hasn't had good matches or doesn't have talent or any of that stuff, but there are guys in wrestling right now the same age as he is, been in the business for as long or longer than he has, and have 10 to 20 times more to show for it than he does.
He has ability and if WWE makes him a solid offer, I think it'd be in his best interest to take it. Like I said, while he's still young, he's not getting any younger and hasn't really done all that much. If he decides to wait another year or two and stick with TNA, WWE might not be interested.