Matt Hardy's heel turn: Is it working...?


I'm better than you!
I don't know about anyone else but when i saw Matt and Helms on Smackdown! I was a bit dissapointed. Matt's first promo on Smackdown! where he explained his actions was pretty good i thought, but the fight between him and Helms was a bit lame. I was actually impressed with Helms's promo before he fought Matt, but Matt is not selling it to me as much as i had hoped.

I'm hoping that once Jeff is back it will really explode, but it doesnt feel like this fued/heel turn is blowing up like i expected would happen. I would have expected Jeff and Matt to go at it the very first Smackdown back, would you wait more than 2 weeks to get back at your brother if he screwed you out of the title.

I really hope this heel turn and hardy fued works because at the moment it isnt as exciting as i had hoped. I think Matt really needs to shave his head, change his ring attire, maybe go the spandex way or something and get some new music, he needs a complete heel makeover lol.

What are your thoughts? Is Matt selling it as well as you had hoped? Is the fued as exciting yet as you were expecting?
I think it'll blow up once Jeff enters the picture. What I'm guessing since I haven't seen either show is that Matt will say he's tired of Jeff getting the spotlight or something like that. If that's the case the only person he'd want to vent his anger and frustrations on would be Jeff himself. From what I understand Jeff is sellign the injuries from the chair shot and the other injuries from earlier in the month which explains his absence. When he finally returns the pop will be huge for his confrontation with Matt, hopefully leading to a match at Wrestlemania and not a thrown together one at NWO.
I think it'll blow up once Jeff enters the picture. What I'm guessing since I haven't seen either show is that Matt will say he's tired of Jeff getting the spotlight or something like that. If that's the case the only person he'd want to vent his anger and frustrations on would be Jeff himself. From what I understand Jeff is sellign the injuries from the chair shot and the other injuries from earlier in the month which explains his absence.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing, once Jeff returns it should hopefully explode! But Matt really needs a change of look, he said on Smackdown! that he has no brother, yet, he is still dressing the same and has the same lame haircut.

For me to really see Matt as a heel, he needs to lose the old Matt Hardy look.

When he finally returns the pop will be huge for his confrontation with Matt, hopefully leading to a match at Wrestlemania and not a thrown together one at NWO.

It shouldnt be at No Way Out now that Jeff is getting his title rematch in the chamber.
Well it's too early to call, but I think in the long run this is the best possible option for Matt. There is no denying that when he was a face he got a pretty decent pop, but it was never anything close to what Jeff get's. As a face he will always be compared to Jeff and always lose the popularity battle.

But Matt has the ability to play a decent heel(something I don't know if Jeff could). With Matt as a heel he will be able to map his own career out and not always be compared to Jeff.

As for if the heel turn will work, tonight he got some pretty good heat. He was getting boo'd and the fans were cheering for Jeff not Matt. I think Hardy looks more like a mainevent talent as a heel since it is different for him. I think once Jeff get's back and they begin to wrestle, it will only help Matt go over even more as a heel. I think this is the best possibility to make Matt a true mainevent contender.
Matt Hardy IMO is much more versatile Jeff for exampe was always the guy that gave it his all, loved the fans and until recently just fell short of the "big one".
While Matt on the other hand went from that to vengeance obsessed man, to heel with an entourage (Shannon Moore and the late great Crash Holly) back to original character then he went heel and attcked his brother Jeff.
Anyway Matt's heel turn I think is going to skyrocket him especially if they have a ladder match at WM 25 and Matt wins. I think Matt went heel though for two reasons, one going heel really separattes him from being compared to Jeff in pops, two this is a really good idea
everyone's been wanting to see this feud ever since they became big. I think Jeff's spots and Hardy's mat work will really mesh together well. Jeff will hopefully put out some really great promo's about how could he attack his own brother and screw him out of the title.
It will definatley get better once they are face to face selling it. But what the thread was about is if you think the fued has lived up to your expectations so far. Like, I really expected more, it has been 2 Smackdown's since the Rumble and it really hasnt escalated. I guess they are trying to sell Jeff's injuries but still, Matt could be having matches where he is giving us a look at the new him before we see him with Jeff.

I really cant wait for Jeff to get in Matt's face though and see what happens. It's gonna be good that's for sure. But please, post how you think it has gone so far and if you feel like me that it hasnt 'popped' as high as it maybe could have, please explain how you think WWE should have done it after the Rumble....
Well Matt's first promo was good, and him knocking a childhood friend (I think that's what Helms said) unconscious with stiff elbows was a decent enough start for me. I don't want fireworks straight away, I want a nice slow build up that intensifies as each week progresses before hate is in the air for their big mtach up, probably at Mania.

Slightly going off topic, but I would personally like Jeff to come back and refuse to lay a hand on his brother, no matter how much Matt provokes him. Then have Matt somehow get into the EC (sneak in as someone leaves when eliminated) and hit Jeff again with a chair. After this Jeff is again unwilling to lay a hand on his brother until Jeff gets one more shot at the title, on Smackdown, and Matt costs him it again, THEN Jeff can flip and they can go at it.
Well Matt's first promo was good, and him knocking a childhood friend (I think that's what Helms said) unconscious with stiff elbows was a decent enough start for me.
Yeah, his first one was pretty good. I liked that. And i like the idea of Helms trying to beat him down but i just thought the fight looked lame, Helms should have had blood on his face, or Matt could have hit him with chair or something. Matt needed to be BRUTAL, more so than he was. He needs to be really really bad, more than just being an egotistical heel but one that is almost a monster. I want to see him absolutley enraged.

Slightly going off topic, but I would personally like Jeff to come back and refuse to lay a hand on his brother, no matter how much Matt provokes him. Then have Matt somehow get into the EC (sneak in as someone leaves when eliminated) and hit Jeff again with a chair. After this Jeff is again unwilling to lay a hand on his brother until Jeff gets one more shot at the title, on Smackdown, and Matt costs him it again, THEN Jeff can flip and they can go at it.
Yeah, I actually like this idea man, sounds good. Matt needs to try and push Jeff to react every meeting though and needs to be (as i said above) more than just a heel, he needs to almost be evil, brutal and just want to inflict pain on his brother.
Yeah, his first one was pretty good. I liked that. And i like the idea of Helms trying to beat him down but i just thought the fight looked lame, Helms should have had blood on his face, or Matt could have hit him with chair or something. Matt needed to be BRUTAL, more so than he was. He needs to be really really bad, more than just being an egotistical heel but one that is almost a monster. I want to see him absolutley enraged.

Yeah that is a fair point, it would have looked better if he had gone crazy on Helms. I thought the elbows to knock him out were good, and believable in a fight, but I'd have liked to see him hit a twist of fate at least, maybe pushing the refs away to do it.

You are right, he needs to look like all his frustrations are coming out at everytime he fights. He needs to see Jeff in all his opponents and just destroy them as much as possible.

I hope WWE have some big plans for this feud, and it ends woth both being worth main event players, I don't want to see Matt squashed, he needs to be evil and brutal and take his brother to the limit.

Also, if this is just a short run thing and Mania is the end it will be a disappointment. If handled correctly it could be up there with HBK vs Jericho, albeit with not as good promos.
Its too early to tell. its been two weeks and all that he has done is make one good (for him anyway) promo, and have an ok match with Helms. but why should he of had to have an epic heel match against Helms? He is pissed off at his brother. instead of going around hotheaddedly destroying everybody in the locker room he just wants Jeff.

Wait until Jeff returns. Matt hardys heel factor will blow up hardcore, and most likley rival or come close to at least Vicke G. I think this will work well, as anybody destroying JEFF will get massive heel heat.
You are right, he needs to look like all his frustrations are coming out at everytime he fights. He needs to see Jeff in all his opponents and just destroy them as much as possible.

Definatley. He really does need to go psycho at anyone that questions his issues with Jeff or tries to get involved.

Also, if this is just a short run thing and Mania is the end it will be a disappointment. If handled correctly it could be up there with HBK vs Jericho, albeit with not as good promos.

I agree, if handled well, Matt could very well be a heel for over a year, maybe longer. It really needs to go past Mania.

Its too early to tell. its been two weeks and all that he has done is make one good (for him anyway) promo, and have an ok match with Helms. but why should he of had to have an epic heel match against Helms? He is pissed off at his brother. instead of going around hotheaddedly destroying everybody in the locker room he just wants Jeff.

I didn't mean he needs to have epic matches straight away. I just think if Matt has been holding all this anger in for over 10yrs or whatever he should be exploding with rage when someone sticks up for his brother (like Helms did). The fight was ok, but i was expecting Matt to be smashing him, seeing Jeff when he fights. If Matt is going to pull off being an awesome heel then he is going to have to get very very angry at people who talk Jeff up, or are involved with Jeff, or don't listen to him, or belittle him. Matt needs to show us that he has a much more brutal side.

The elbows were good, but i was expecting more is all.
For me to really see Matt as a heel, he needs to lose the old Matt Hardy look.[/QUOTE]

that real if he maybe cut the hair a little and loss the crappy pants and give him a valent
Well his heel turn isn't as good as every one thought it would be. It is doing ok I guess. I just watched the promo and the "fight" on Smackdown 2 minutes ago and it looked like he wasn't even a real heel. It kinda sounded and looked like he was actually sorry for what he did to Jeff. I hope this doesn't continue because him and Jeff could really put on a good feud and a few good matches if they are good ones like looser leaves brand ladder match or something. A street fight could also work out. Anyways it isn't working because I guess Jeff isn't there to put intensity in the feud. So I hope when Jeff gets back that he will become another bad ass heel.
Um, HOW long has this heel turn even had?? TWO fucking weeks? You cant even tell if ANYTHING is working after two fucking weeks. I have half a mind to close this thread, becuase its asinighn. Hardy has done fine in his two promos but its still just WAY too incredibly early to try and evaluate this, or the angle for that matter. Lets see....its was deadly silent at the Rumble after he hit Jeffy with the chair, and resounding boos every time he gets on screen ever since. So I guess, based on about an hour TOTAL of heel tv time, its doing great :rolleyes:
Wow. Wrestling fans have gotten impatient, haven't we? Two weeks into a heel turn we're questioning if it worked? Okay, let's see. There's been 3 thing Matt's done as a heel:

1. Hit Jeff in the face with a chair, costing him the WWE Championship - The beginning of the heel turn, was a huge shock as everyone expected Christian and no one really expected Matt. Drew huge heat for screwing Jeff over, turned him into one major heel.

2. Cut a promo on Jeff - Excellent promo that established his heel character, furthered the storyline, and drew himself even more heat.

3. Beat up Helms - Drew more heat, made him into a bigger heel, and while he could have gone more hardcore, you have to save something for when he rips apart Jeff.

So frankly, yeah. In the two weeks it's developed, the heel turn is going fantastically. He pulled it off in great fashion, cut an excellent promo, and beat the shit out of one of his best friends. It's a great turn thus far, and I expect it to go well. For anyone who's called it not Give it at least a month, will you?
I think Hardy has the potential of a good heel. Do you remember when he was Matt Hardy version 1.0? That was good, I remember when he was fighting Rey for the Cruiserweight title, he had Shannon Moore as his sidekick? That was good.

But this is a different kind of Heel run, he is following a similar path to Jericho in my eyes, when Jericho was in WWE before he left / was fired in 2004? I think, when he was heel he was a cocky heel who made lots of jokes and now he is heel and he is a REAL crowd disliker and is generally a different type of heel.
Matt before was cocky like when he did his promo at Survivor Series in MSG with Chris Nowinski on New Yorker's being "Lupid." Which is a bit of a love to hate Heel type thing.
But his new heel look is more dislikable, because he had a REASON for the heel turn.

I think it will be interesting to see the dynamic of the Hardy brothers after their storyline is over. Will they be like "The Brothers of Destruction?" Will they re-unite now and then, will Matt stay heel? Perhaps he will go to RAW. But I think it will be difficult to run the brothers along side each other without one being resentful about the other because they are actual brothers, rather than Undertaker and Kane, Edge and Christian.
Wow. Wrestling fans have gotten impatient, haven't we? Two weeks into a heel turn we're questioning if it worked?

Um, HOW long has this heel turn even had?? TWO fucking weeks? You cant even tell if ANYTHING is working after two fucking weeks. I have half a mind to close this thread, becuase its asinighn. Hardy has done fine in his two promos but its still just WAY too incredibly early to try and evaluate this, or the angle for that matter. Lets see....its was deadly silent at the Rumble after he hit Jeffy with the chair, and resounding boos every time he gets on screen ever since. So I guess, based on about an hour TOTAL of heel tv time, its doing great :rolleyes:

Ok ok, calm down....

I started the thread because I was expecting Hardy to come out and smash whoever got in his way and it's gone differently to what i thought. I asked the question to see what everyone else's opinion's were.

I have half a mind to close this thread
A bit over the top i think, but, if it's a shit question go ahead.

I think the turn is working so far but Im sure once Jeff is involved it will work better and be more intense.
Personally I think he's too watered-down. If they are going to do the brother's-stealing-the-spotlight thing, they need him to go over-the-top and do WHATEVER it takes to be better then his brother, as violent as possible. They may need to overstep the PG-13 boundaries, but otherwise the crowd just won't take to it. He needs to do something like bust hardy open, or put him through a window, or hit him with a car. Something that really makes the crowd think he's sick.
Honestly I would probably like it more if Jeff Hardy came back, and apologized to Matt for holding him down, and being a complete fuck up. Admitting his mistakes, and telling his brother thank you for opening his eyes. Thus, turning Jeff heel with his brother Matt. It has never been done before, and beats the hell out of another brother v.s brother feud. This could be interesting if it happened. Jeff could then move on to ECW, and whip Swaggers ass, and take his title.

Then after a month or so Jeff turns back on his brother, becomes face, and stays in ECW. A setup on his brother would be perfect. Placing Matt on the shelf for a bit. While Matt is gone possible Helms starts running his mouth on him like before, and we get that feud all over again. Those two had a classic feud, and perhaps one of the most underrated feuds of all time. Helms, and Matt go a ways back, and it shows in their near perfect matches.
Personally I think he's too watered-down. If they are going to do the brother's-stealing-the-spotlight thing, they need him to go over-the-top and do WHATEVER it takes to be better then his brother, as violent as possible. They may need to overstep the PG-13 boundaries, but otherwise the crowd just won't take to it. He needs to do something like bust hardy open, or put him through a window, or hit him with a car. Something that really makes the crowd think he's sick.

Absolutley! Like when Jericho smashed HBK's face into the Plasma the crowd knew BANG Y2J was going to be ruthless in the fued. Matt needs new music, new look and new attitude. Needs to be more than just a turn, i am still confident that once Jeff returns to confront Matt everything will come together.
I don't know about anyone else but when i saw Matt and Helms on Smackdown! I was a bit dissapointed. Matt's first promo on Smackdown! where he explained his actions was pretty good i thought, but the fight between him and Helms was a bit lame. I was actually impressed with Helms's promo before he fought Matt, but Matt is not selling it to me as much as i had hoped.

I'm hoping that once Jeff is back it will really explode, but it doesnt feel like this fued/heel turn is blowing up like i expected would happen. I would have expected Jeff and Matt to go at it the very first Smackdown back, would you wait more than 2 weeks to get back at your brother if he screwed you out of the title.

I really hope this heel turn and hardy fued works because at the moment it isnt as exciting as i had hoped. I think Matt really needs to shave his head, change his ring attire, maybe go the spandex way or something and get some new music, he needs a complete heel makeover lol.

What are your thoughts? Is Matt selling it as well as you had hoped? Is the fued as exciting yet as you were expecting?

It is as exciting as I expected.
Keep in mind I expect it to be a total bore.
I'm not a big fan of either Hardy, but it seems to me that they both
were quite over with the fans, especially Jeff.
So, if you were the WWE and had a guy like Jeff who was red hot over with
the fans, could perform at 100% effort even on TV matches, and raised
the ratings, what would you do with him ?
Keep him off TV of course...
First they gave him the title, then he did one match on Smackdown and accident, pyro, leprosy, you name it, but they
managed to keep him out of the ring for eons, while Trips got to do 3 matches on one Smackdown and brought back the focus on himself.
I don't know which genius in creative thought up a feud between the
Hardy's, but if it's anything like their previous feud, they should wish him
the best for his future endeavors.
Jeff's promo on SD really didn't work. I don't care how much he 'refuses to live in the past', if your brother did that to you, you wouldn't simply move on. I can only hope they're trying to hold it off until after this Sunday (possibly even during, if Matt gets involved in the EC) and let it really flourish during the build to WM.
Matt Hardy's heel turn was by far the best Screw up of this year soo far. The way he spoke on the microphone on Smackdown the next week was Chilling. His threads toward Jeff Hardy where incredible. I'm looking forward to Matt Hardy's Carrer after his Fued with Jeff. Could this Heel turn earn Matt Hardy a Heavywieght title?
I don't know if it's working yet or not, but it's something that kinda has to happen for Matt Hardy. Matt has gone about as far as he can as a face. As over as he is with the fans, I don't think he could ever be more over than he was, also as a face, he has a lot of faces that are way ahead of him on the WWE food chain, like Cena, HBK, HHH, his brother Jeff, Taker, Mysterio, Punk, Batista, and he will never move up beyond those guys as a face. Compare that list to a list heels who could be world champion and the list is smaller, Orton, Edge, Jericho, JBL, Big Show. Matt will have a better chance to move up in the company standings and possibly get a world title reign down the road if he plays a strong heel character and builds on is character. Also, looking not just at main event heels, but also heels in general on SD, the list of them is scarily thin. Aside from Edge and Show, there's Kozlov, Shelton and..., The Brian Kendrick??? Kennedy, Khali, MVP and maybe Umaga have all gone from heels to faces in the last year and SD is over filled with faces and is desperate for heels. By turning heel, Matt Hardy IMMEDIATELY becomes one of SD's top 5 heels, maybe in a few months he'll be the number 3 or 4 heel. What this does is it gives Matt the chance to work more main event/bigger feuds in general by now wrestling the wrestlers who were once being chosen over him when he was a face. Since he'll then get more exposure, he'll get more chances to wrestle, to work on his promos, to all and all improve in general on his character, his in-ring work and yes even his connection with the fans, especially now as he'll have to figure out a way to make them really hate him.

All in all, I see strong possibilities for Matt as a heel, I look forward to his feud with his brother and am hoping that he will continue to be pushed hard after it is over.
To me, its working and i absolutely fucking love it. Reason being, i predicted months ago, obviously me not being the only one but i was one of the ones who floated it in the air. To me, Matt deserves more he has more mat talent mic talent and has been at WWE for longer than jeff. This should be his first world tittle run and hopefully will happen soon.

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