Matt Hardy Sent Home From Overseas WWE Tour

According to Meltzer, Matt Hardy is "in a good deal of trouble right now".

I almost always take what Meltzer says with a grain of salt. I mean where does he get his information? Is everyone behind the scenes really THIS loose lipped?
Sometimes I think Vince should instate a policy about this stuff.

Anyway if hes really in big trouble WWE would be stupid to release him. He would simply go to TNA with his brother, and fans still love to see Matt Hardy, regardless of what the IWC thinks.
With WWE, it seems. Management has been said to be none too happy with his recent twitter and blog meltdowns.
Matt should adopt a Hugh Morrus-like gimmick. At least then it would be OK to have a gut. Then we might see Mark Madden write "Fly, Fatass, Fly!" in his columns.
Well Matt is apparently very upset with his current situation. Can you blame him? He was slowly on his way to the main event in 2005/2006 hell commentators were even saying he was a main event waiting to happen but what happened? Jeff Fuckin' Hardy happened
With WWE, it seems. Management has been said to be none too happy with his recent twitter and blog meltdowns.

Like I said before, he just needs to go to TNA to meet up with his broski. A Hardy Boys reunion would be at least semi-entertaining.
Like I said before, he just needs to go to TNA to meet up with his broski. A Hardy Boys reunion would be at least semi-entertaining.

Yes but it could hold them both back, Jeff is in the midst of a semi-Main event push(if hes acquitted he'll be champ) and if Matt just comes back theyre bound to stick them into a tag team; which of course would be a step backwards fr the both of them.
I like Matt.
He is not fat.
Like some others say,
I wish they'd go away.
Oh how Matt seems so sad,
But all people say is bad.
He is losing weight,
A title is his fate.

(yes im very bored lol)
i would have to agree with the others that think a world title for matt hardy is just laughable and would be a huge mistake. it has annoyed me in the last few years that wwe has done so much less with superstars with so much more ability (shelton benjamin for example), and still gave both the hardys decent to really solid pushes. hopefully this is the end for over pushed waaaaay mediocre matt..version 1.whatever..hardy
I like Matt.
He is not fat.
Like some others say,
I wish they'd go away.
Oh how Matt seems so sad,
But all people say is bad.
He is losing weight,
A title is his fate.

Well Matt is apparently very upset with his current situation. Can you blame him? He was slowly on his way to the main event in 2005/2006 hell commentators were even saying he was a main event waiting to happen but what happened? Jeff Fuckin' Hardy happened

Matt was destined to be main event at that time.

When he returned in 05 and feuded with Edge, it was epic.
I thought Matt was gonna start being one of the biggest stars the way VKM introduced him in his return.

WOW, but i was wrong...EPIC FAIL.
For real, in that video at times, when Matt's cutting this promo, he looks just like Ryan Reynolds at the beginning of Just Friends.



I had to switch that off after 30 Seconds because of how stupid he was; 'They Drive on left Hand Side of the Street. I must be in England.'

Yes Matt, and I think calling this video 'E#73 From England With...' Would give the game away :rolleyes:
I don't understand all of the Matt Hardy hate, I really don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm not president of the Matt Hardy Should Be The Next WWE Champion Fan Club or anything, but I just don't undertand why the IWC and apparently several wrestling "news" sites or forums seem to have such a problem with him.

I think Matt Hardy is exactly where he should be. In the WWE as opposed to TNA as so many others suggest. In the mid-card, contending for tag titles or lower-tier titles, as he has no business going anywhere near the WWE title or the WHC.

The guy, whether you like him or whether you don't, is over with the fans and typically elicits a good crowd response. He's loyal to the company as I'm sure he could have jumped ship at some point in the past, where he'd be plodding along in the mid-card in Orlando rather than in the mid-card world-wide. He is a pretty good worker overall. He's not the best wrestler in the world, but you don't really have to be to have a long and successful pro wrestling career in the mid-card. He whines too much in these videos and via twitter, but I'm sure the guy must legitimately be frustrated with the way things are. Plus, we don't really know how much of his whining is reality and how much is kayfabe.

Granted the guy is out of shape, but after the health problems he's undergone, it's a credit to him that at least he's still trying. There's lot sof other guys out there who are as fat or fatter than Matt Hardy (such as Samoa Joe) who are admired and respected by the fans, whereas Hardy gets criticized for having put on a few pounds.

It could be worse, he could be like his brother, with one leg in a jail cell, who is not exactly looking anorexic these days either. I say cut the guy a little slack and give him some time to right the ship. WWE, or TNA as well, could use more guys like him in my opinion.
He's loyal to the company
If this were true, he wouldn't air his dirty laundry about the company in public every other day. I'd cut him just to send a message to the rest of the boys.
The latest posts from Twitter land make me think it's finally over. Not his life. The other thing.
Looks like Matt can finally continue on his hamburger crusade without fear of reprisial.

In all seriousness, I think Matt has an undoubtable amount of passion for his job, to the point where he's making crazed videos on the Internet. But his abdominal injuries and his intestine exploding have really caused his body to suffer.

He may have finally figured out his diet, but it might be too little too late in management's eyes.

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