Matt Hardy Claims Responsibility for Increased Ratings?


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This is the twitter comment posted on the main WZ from Fatt Hardly concerning the ratings of last weeks Impact.

Matt Hardy: "Hulkster & Jeff brought me in & the ratings keep growin-Coincidence?I think not! FACT! .. Dixie, u can thank ME & Jeff 4 the ratings jump-just saying"

Is he freakin' serious? Do you guys think he actually believes this or is this simply an extension of his on-air persona. If it is the latter, I can accept it with no problem since it has become commonplace for wrestlers to remain in character even while interacting on social media sites. However, if he is delusional enough to actually believe this rubbish, then they need to drug test immediately because he is a danger to himself and to others.

I'm curious what all you fine people who grace these forums think about this.
If it's fitting with his on-air persona, big woop. Don't really care about him.

However, if he really believes he's responsible for the ratings increase, he needs to be slapped in the face and shook into reality. Seriously. The ratings increase can be due to a number of factors, such as an "interesting" (using term lightly) storyline or something.
He's in TNA now? Just kidding.

On a serious note: wow! I can't believe his dumbass believes that. What he needs to do is go back and practice some more on the trampoline! Maybe why he's bouncing around he will lose a few pounds and might actually put on a decent match. If anything boosted the ratings it is Fortune turing on Immortal! Matt Hardy should get bitch slapped for saying he is the reason for the push of ratings.
lets not forget that the rating mh is bragging about is a 1.31.... yea you read that right...I think Chair Shot Reality on gets higher ratings...the fact that Tna has Kurt Angle and the ratings are that low shows how shitty it is...say goodbye to kurt angle in august tna hes coming back home to wwe
He is just playing up his character/joking around. Jeez people really take things seriously here don't they? He is just having a bit of fun, I doubt he really believes what he said he was probably just trying to be funny while at the same time playing up his on air persona, noting more and nothing less.
I can't speak for everybody else but Matt and Jeff are certainly not the reason i watch TNA Impact every week. I watch TNA for guys like Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Beer Money, MCMG, Mr. Anderson, Doug Williams etc.
One thing, is it that hard to believe that there is a chance that it would be possible for fans who were around in the attitude era who left watching wrestling have now tuned into TNA because they heard off people that both Hardy Boyz are on there?

I would say it's entirely probable that that could happen. If I'm not watching wrestling in 15 years and someone tells me my faveourite tag team is together in the same stable, I'm definately going to tune in and have a look.

Before we comepletely shit all over Matt Hardy I think we need to wait for a little bit longer and see if this trend of increased ratings plateaus and/or increases to say if it's anything to do with him and/or his brother or if it just goes back down again.

That isn't to say I like Matt and Jeff Hardy, quite the opposite but I think to say that it's not is really jumping the gun.
i started watching tna a tiny bit more for matt. So he did draw somebody. And even though you guys don't like it, matt hardy is a draw. He is over. And you guys can wine and try to be clever with calling him Fatt Hardly (which is saying he is hardly fat you fucking ******.), but you will keep watching him, and he will still be spending the money that he makes off of you watching him.
i started watching tna a tiny bit more for matt. So he did draw somebody. And even though you guys don't like it, matt hardy is a draw. He is over. And you guys can wine and try to be clever with calling him Fatt Hardly (which is saying he is hardly fat you fucking ******.), but you will keep watching him, and he will still be spending the money that he makes off of you watching him.

Yes, spending it on double doubles and Baconators most likely. I do doubt he is stupid enough to truly believe he has any baring on the ratings what so ever however. Somebody really should tell TNA to stop trying the use twitter for advancing storyline thing. Nobody really cares, it is just lazy writing (then again it is Vince Russo - wonder how long til somebody gives birth to a hand again).
Its just Matt being Matt, we've seen it for years. The dude thinks he's gods gift to pro wrestling, but gets put on a show and has 1 shit match and a couple run downs with a group, and now he is single handly raising the ratings to the whole company? Does anyone actually buy into this bullshit? I for sure don't, it could just be him trying to build up some new shit charicter he thought up while reading red fish blue fish in the bathroom, that sounds about right to me.

Maybe and just maybe this is my idea, if he started to work a bit harder on his stamina and didn't look gassed 2 minutes into the match, and not just work out his biceps and flatten that tummy out a wee bit we would all stop hating on him. Lose the gut, lose the ego, and we will talk about me cheering for your ass sometime in the future.
Yes, spending it on double doubles and Baconators most likely. I do doubt he is stupid enough to truly believe he has any baring on the ratings what so ever however. Somebody really should tell TNA to stop trying the use twitter for advancing storyline thing. Nobody really cares, it is just lazy writing (then again it is Vince Russo - wonder how long til somebody gives birth to a hand again).

Well seems someone seems to care as it gets picked up by all these wrestling news sites then gets analyzed to death by the IWC. Logic sucks man.

He is just playing up his character/joking around. Jeez people really take things seriously here don't they? He is just having a bit of fun, I doubt he really believes what he said he was probably just trying to be funny while at the same time playing up his on air persona, noting more and nothing less.

No, this is the internet, everything here is serious and true and Matt Hardy is fat and it's not like TNA is using twitter as a secondary format for advancing characters or anything. Did I mention he was fat?
If Matt Hardy is the reason why the ratings have 'gone up', then I would advice TNA to hire all the overweight, has-beens of the wrestling world they can find. Oh wait...
He is just playing up his character/joking around. Jeez people really take things seriously here don't they? He is just having a bit of fun, I doubt he really believes what he said he was probably just trying to be funny while at the same time playing up his on air persona, noting more and nothing less.

Lol, seriously people? Did you even read the replies? This guy seems to be one of the few with sense here. Hardy was obviously in character when he said that, just like he was a while ago when he was bashing RVD. If you think he is a dumb ass for thinking him and Jeff were the sole reason for the ratings spike, you're even more of a dumb ass for thinking he is serious. :lmao:
You know, I like Matt. The reason is, I always had sympathy for him. Always thought he was over shadowed by his brother, when overall I think he's better (on the mic and in the ring). Also Matt has been through a lot, with the whole Lita situation as well, so I honestly like the guy from these perspectives and situations. But...

This is just flat out stupid. As much as I like Matt ,I haven't even cared about his return. I watched his return with RVD, and I'm glad he changed his look and all, but aside from that, I haven't bothered watching the product. Rating boost? Please. I don't even know who TNA should thank for the rating boost. Maybe people were just bored.
Hulk Hogan mentioned awhile ago that there would be a lot more "shooting" involved in TNA, I think this is exactly that. Same thing goes with the Kurt Angle thing too. It's all worked shoots.
I'm a big Matt Hardy fan and I hope he said that in character.Also lol @ those who still call him fat when he obviously isn't.
To be honest I think he's just trying to be in character, whatever his character is right now, and in his mind he's heeling it up like a mofo.

I can see why people would think he's being completely serious. I mean we've seen in the past that Matt Hardy is his own biggest fan so there is a chance that he truly believes what he's saying. It wouldn't be the first time that he's said something that makes most rational individuals say "Heh?"

Given the reaction of most of the people on here though I wouldn't put it past him to back track and say "ZOMG!!!!!!!1 I woz just total-e working u marks on teh internetz! LULZ!" just for shits & giggles and to avoid (once again) coming across as the world's biggest Matt Hardy fan.

This time though I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's just playing the heel.
Well seems someone seems to care as it gets picked up by all these wrestling news sites then gets analyzed to death by the IWC. Logic sucks man.

No, this is the internet, everything here is serious and true and Matt Hardy is fat and it's not like TNA is using twitter as a secondary format for advancing characters or anything. Did I mention he was fat?

I wouldn't necessarily call weekend buzz in the IWC caring. It struggles to make most front pages on most of the pages I browse around. In fact, I have seen more coverage on Evan Bourne not having tickets to the last UFC event. The media doing their job does not means people care - and it is the IWC analyzing it. What else do we have to do besides talk about Matt Hardy, analyze the 2-21 promo video some more? Not really a whole lot to be done here.
I'm a big Matt Hardy fan and I hope he said that in character.Also lol @ those who still call him fat when he obviously isn't.

This isn't really up for debate. Fat is a word which has a definitive meaning.

Fat- Having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese: a fat person.

Now this is Matt Hardy.

Any questions?

Now on topic, I highly doubt he actually believes he is at all responsible for the 0.1 ratings increase. He's playing up to this character, for which I've seen nothing come of, and he's trying to sound cocky. Ironically, how low would his self worth be if he is legit claiming responsibility for a ratings spike that marginal?
A lot of good responses so far. And for those of you who have hated on me for starting this thread, I believe it was a legitimate question considering his love of self promotion. I also stated that if this was a "work", then I was completely ok with it considering the increased use of social media outlets for furthering storylines nowadays.

I really wish some people would at least attempt to fully read and comprehend a post before flying into a nerd rage.
Like everyone has basically said already, if he really does think he is the reason for high ratings, he is delusional. I like what TNA is doing with Fourtune turning on Immortal storyline...Oddly enough it is really keeping me interested in the product TNA is putting out, given i dont like anything else going on really. I like matt hardy and all but come on, give me a break.
I do not for 1 second believe that Matt seriously thinks he is responsible for the increase in the ratings. He is simply playing the arrogant heel character he portrays on screen, he is stirring shit up which is excellent for TNA and Matt's persona on screen.

It is just the same as Hulk Hogan posting "AJ Styles is a dead man" on his Twitter after the angle where Styles turned on Immortal. Hogan obviously doesnt want Styles to die, but he is tweeting in in on-screen persona to comtinue his character.

I dont think anything of this, Matt is not being a douchebag, he is simply mouthing off in his on-screen character.

And to those who say he is still fat, he has certainly lost weight since that overweight picture of him in WWE was taken, and I have actually enjoyed his TNA work so far. I hope he keeps improving and proves to be an asset in TNA.
Oh please he was trolling on Twitter how stupid are some of you? That's the same guy who created an alter ego on YouTube.

Give me a break. Neither Hardy is responsible for the ratings jump, TNA as a whole is.
He is just playing up his character/joking around. Jeez people really take things seriously here don't they? He is just having a bit of fun, I doubt he really believes what he said he was probably just trying to be funny while at the same time playing up his on air persona, noting more and nothing less.


You honestly wouldn't believe the amount of bile that Matt Hardy is getting from some sections of the IWC, it's quite funny really, people talk about kayfabe being dead, but then prove it all wrong by getting riled up by stuff like this

I mean rembember Kevin Nash's comment about Miz on twitter, and remember the hothead reactions we got from the IWC.
You know, when I read that Fatt and Meth Hardy were claiming responsibility for the ratings increase, I was like, I was like "Is this some kind of Joke? These corn fed carolina country clowns really think they are responsible for the ratings boost?" Then, somebody said it might be Fatt Hardy working his gimmick.

If that is the case, more power to him. But I guarantee you, he really believes it. Are the Hardys oblivious to what they have done to their already weak image as it is?

A message to the Hardys: Guys..nobody EVEN likes you. Really. You might have a few carolina fans and a few scattered people that don't know any better, but the REAL wrestling fans...we don't like you. Wake up! Go rebuild that crappy backyard trampoline "promotion" can rehire all the other egotistical scrubs that have been canned by WWE (Moore, helms, etc...)

Wake up!

PS - He isn't Trolling Twitter because nobody follows his Twitter. I've never ONCE seen his Twitter. Why in the hell would anybody follow his Twitter? Really? REALLY?? really? No way!!!

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