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Match Of the decade so far


Pre-Show Stalwart
Lets take a look


Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle: This was my favorite match at this years Wrestlemania. I believe the first fall was for the ic titlte and the
2nd fall was for the europeon titlte. And what made this a funny match was that Angle lost both his titles but was never pinned

Judgement Day: The Rock vs Triple H in a ironman match
has to be my 2nd favorite ironman match of all time(my 1st being HBK and Bret of course) it was a pretty good match. And Taker also returned with his new biker gimmick

No Way Out Austin vs HHH in 2 out of 3 falls match
This is the best match these have ever had together. And was a good way to end their feud. I thought it was great how it ended. It put HHH over with the victory and it didnt hurt Austin seeing how it was an acident Trips fell on top of him

Wrestlemania: Undertaker vs Triple H
I honestly didnt expect Taker to win this one. Back then his streak was never really mentioned. I loved the spot where Taker chokeslammed Trips off that thing they were on top of and then jumped on him even though the shit they landed on looked soft as hell it was still a good spot

Austin vs Rock
Their 2nd and imo best match they've had at mania. The Austin heel turn at the end was great and was = to the hogan heel turn imo

Undertaker vs Flair
This match was 11 years in the making since Flair helped Taker win first championship over Hogan. I truly didnt expect this match to be all that good but it was and Flair proved he still had it.

Hogan vs Rock
Without a doubt, hands down, the greatest match on the card, and one of the greatest of all time. Not necessarily for the maneuvers performed, but just due to the incredible electricity and energy put off in the match. I was really hoping Hogan would pull it off, but deep down I knew the WWF could never have their new poster boy beaten up by and old dude. After the match Hogan and Rock shook hands, but Hall and Nash came out and beat up Hogan. Then Rock saved Hogan and the two posed in the ring

Judgement Day:
HHH vs Chris Jericho in a Hell in A cell match
great somewhat forgotten hell in a cell match. Brutal for both men, and there was plenty of barbed wire, chairs, sledgehammers, and more. Triple H finished off Jericho with the Pedigree on top of the cell. Even referee Timmy White gets some props, because he took a hell of a bump on the cage

King of the ring:
Angle vs Hogan
I was very suprised that it was a clean win for Angle, and Hogan actually tapped out. Angle was going to leave, but came back when Hogan put on Angle's toupe. Angle grabbed a chair but missed Hogan, hit the ropes, and the chair bounced back in Angle's face. Hogan went for the leg drop, but Angle got up and slapped on the anklelock. Hogan tried to kick Angle off, but Angle would not be denied. great match

Great return match from HBK who still proved after being retired for 4 years he still had it. As if there was ever any doubt about this one, Shawn Michaels got the victory. A good match, pretty bloody and lots of high spots. After the match, Hunter gave some awesome shots to Michaels with the sledgehammer.

Royal Rumble:
Angle vs Chris Benoit
The best one on one match these 2 men have ever had togther. This is the first match where i felt Benoit really deserved to be in the main event

Lesnar vs Angle
Brock Lesnar won the title for the second time in what my opinion was the most pure wrestling main event there will ever be at Wrestlemania. Kurt gave it his all, but there was really no doubt who was going to win in the end. Lesnar nearly killed himself when he boffed a shooting star press off the tope rope and landed on his head. But he recovered and was able to deliever another f5 to get the victory

Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit
The great type of match you would expect from these two.
Which saw Eddie lying cheating and stealing as always with help from Rhyno to pick up the victory and become the first ever U.S. champ in the WWE

Lesnar vs Angle 2
It was a good, technical match which saw Kurt as the face and Lesnar as the heel this time. Kurt slapped on the anklelock and Brock was forced to tap. Even McMahon's interference couldn't help Brock win.

Royal Rumble:
HHH vs HBK in a last man standing match
Jeez. Quite a battle, here. Shawn took a risk and ended up backflipping through the announce table. But, as much as it pains me to say it, he is a resilient bastard and didn't give up, even with 2 pints of his own blood pouring down his face. Triple H wasn't left out of the bloodbath, getting cut open from a steel chair. After a prolonged bout, Triple H connected with the Pedigree, but Michaels recovered and spent his last breath planting a superkick in Hunter's jaw. Both men collapsed and were counted down. There are countless dumbass fans who do not like this decision, but a draw NEEDs to happen every so often. It creates the sense of legitimacy, and adds drama and relevance for the future. It does not take away from the fact that this was a hell of a match. Hats off to both men.

No Way Out:
Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar
Brock started out dominant, but Latino Heat fought back. But in the end, it was Goldberg that decided the outcome of the match. Hebner took a boot to the chops and went down (the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree), and Brock went and grabbed the title belt. Goldberg entered the ring and speared Brock, having escaped those tough security guards. Eddie went for a cover but Brock kicked out, and nearly hit Eddie with the F5. But Guerrero turned it into a DDT onto the gold, connected with the Frog Splash, and Hebner recovered again just in time to count the fall. One of the most emotional matches ive ever seen.

Eddie Guerrero vs Angle
A good match for these two. Angle kicked out after the Frog Splash, so Eddie had to come up with a different plan. Kurt had been using the anklelock, so Eddie untied his boot. Angle used the anklelock again, but Eddie got out of it when his boot flew off. He was then able to quickly pin Angle in a small package, and grabbed the ropes for good measure. Vintage Guerrero :D

Chris Benoit vs HHH vs Shawn Micheals
Really exciting all around. I thought Triple H might retain, but I was surprised to see him tap out to the Crossface.At least that made it more exciting too. Michaels and Triple H were bloodied, but Benoit took his licks, too. He was suplexed through the announce table. But he still managed to realize his dream of winning the title in the main event at WrestleMania. After, Benoit's longtime friend Eddie Guerrero came to celebrate with him.

Randy Orton vs Mick Foley
One of my all time favorite Orton matches and the best match Foley had in years. this was definitely hardcore. Aside from the barbed wire-wrapped bats, Foley dug out what was basically a barbed wire mattress. Orton tossed out the thumbtacks and went for an RKO onto them, but Foley tossed him onto them instead. Soon after that, Foley threw Orton off the stage onto a large wooden structure. To top that off, Foley jumped and connected with an elbow. Blood was flowing by the gallon, but the deciding factor was one RKO onto the barbed wire bat. Truly brutal stuff here.

Bad Blood: HHH vs Shawn Micheals in a hell in a cell match
This is my 3rd match between these 2 on this list but damnit these 2 guys just have great chemistry. What brutality. Started off as just a match, but then a steel chair was brought in. Then the steel ring steps. Then a ladder, and then a table. The only thing missing was Triple H's infamous sledgehammer, but this match really had something for everyone. And after everything that transpired in the cell, it still took three Pedigrees to put Michaels down. And the length of the match! It was nearly a Hell In A Cell Iron Man Match.

Angle vs Eddie 2
Captain America personified really took it to Eddie. Kurt just dissected Guerrero's leg, and even began to unlace Eddie's boot. Later, Son of Hebner went down, and Eddie used his boot on Kurt. He then scored with the frog splash, but Kurt kicked out of that. Angle eventually slapped on the anklelock, and there was no way Eddie could take that kind of punishment for very long. Kurt could not be denied at the WWE's version of the summer games.

Orton vs Benoit
If may not be the best match of the decade but it surely was of this years summerslam. Orton really rose to the occasion here, and he had a great look of determination as the bell rang to start things off. At one point I thought Benoit was legitimately hurt, perhaps seriously. Benoit saw Orton on the outside of the ring, and catapulted himself through the ropes at Orton. Randy dodged it, and Benoit went head first into the security barrier. It looked rough. The crowd was pro-Orton, which surprised me. And it was a title match in Canada with Hebner as the ref, so the "You screwed Bret!" chants were dusted off for another night. It was a great match, but it should be watched to fully appreciate it. Randy fought out of several submission holds and connected with the RKO out of nowhere and became the youngest champion in WWE history. Benoit was leaving the arena but went back into the ring. In an unexpected show of class, Orton took Chris's outstretched hand and shook it. The era of Orton had

Taboo Tuesday:
Orton vs Flair
Well, the old man still had it in him. It started out being vintage Ric Flair. The two men were bloodied right away, and both faces were raked against the cage. Slick Ric also had his bare butt exposed to the crowd, and Hebner had to hitch up Ric's shorts. In the end, Flair was trying to go out of the door, but Orton grabbed his leg and pulled him back in. But Ric grabbed the steel chair that the referee was sitting on. He swung at Randy but missed. And that's when Randy connected with the RKO and got the pinfall.Def the greatest match they've had at the taboo tuesday or cyber sunday ppv

Shawn Micheals vs Kurt Angle
Michaels was keeping up with Kurt's wrestling prowess, displaying some moves of his own. But soon Kurt gained the advantage and Michaels had to start taking chances, which included doing a springboard off the ropes and into Kurt on top of the announce table. The pace quickened at this point. Michaels connected with his elbow from the top rope and started warming up the band. But Angle would have none of it. Shawn went for his superkick but Angle grabbed his leg and turned it into the anklelock. Shawn eventually countered with a rollup, but Angle connected with the Angle Slam. Kurt then decided to go high-risk, trying for a moonsault. He missed, so Shawn decided to try something from the top. But Angle recovered and BAM! Angle Slam from the top rope. Somehow, Shawn kicked out. Angle then talked some trash right in Shawn's face, but got a superkick to the chops for his trouble. After that, Angle played a bit of possum, waiting for the opportune moment. When Shawn least expected it, Angle slapped on the anklelock again. Shawn fought and fought, but had to tap out. Easily the best match of the evening.

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio
Great match, but that is what I always came to expect from Eddie. And he could have gotten the win too, except for the space-case kid trying to shake the ladder (quite funny), and then Eddie's own wife knocking him off the ladder. Plenty of high spots here, despite the kind of lame storyline buildup.Still a great ladder match

Hogan vs Shawn Micheals
Clearly the best match on the card. Hogan dominated early, using his power to beat down Shawn. Michaels used thumbs to the eyes on a few occasions, and gained the upper hand after some action outside of the ring. Hogan was bleeding pretty badly, but I've seen worse. HBK missed with an elbow from the top, and then there was some "hulking up", but Michaels gave Hogan a flying forearm when Hogan went for the "big boot." The ref went down, and then Shawn pulled out the Sharpshooter, but Hogan got out of that. The next ref went down, and Michaels was able to put Hogan down with a low blow and a steel chair. HBK connected with the flying elbow, and began to warm up the band. Sweet Chin Music connected, but Hogan kicked out and "hulked up" all the way this time. Big boot, leg drop, and it was all over but the shouting. Michaels became the latest addition to the long list of wrestlers laid low by the immortal leg drop. Hogan still has some gas left in the tank. On a side note, I love the way Michaels took his big shots--flailing around and flopping over like a fish out of water...priceless. The two men shook hands after the bout.

Survior Sereis:
Triple H vs Ric Flair last man standing match
Just a brutal match.Trips even busted out a screwdriver and used it on Flair's forehead. And yes, we also had to see Flair grab a handful of Trips' testicles. I hate that move. Trips had been verbally trashing Flair on the mic, and he used it to make Flair release the "hold". HHH was preparing the Raw announce table and Coach helped remove the top portion and put it aside. He grabbed his binder and stuff and got out of the way. Kind of funny. But Flair ended up backdropping HHH through the Spanish announce table. There were chairs and stairs used as well. HHH put down Flair with three Pedigrees and then finally a sledgehammer


No Way Out
Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker
Outstanding match. There was brawling. There was wrestling. It had it all. Both men really put on a great match, and it was the way a championship match should be. No run-ins, no ref bumps, etc. The ref even counted the men when they left the ring, and they had to repeatedly break the count when the action was outside the ring. Nice attention to detail that is often neglected. Undertaker had Kurt Angle in a Triangle Chokehold when Angle rolled over and pinned the Undertaker. There was some confusion as to the outcome, though, as Undertaker thought he had won. I guess the thought Angle gave up or something. But Kurt was given the title and announced as the winner. Undertaker got in Kurt's face and told him that he had Kurt's number and that he wasn't done with him yet. This was easily the best match of the night.

One Night Stand
Rob Van Dam vs John Cena
Cena tried throwing his shirt to the crowd, but each time it came flying back. One tool even spit on it about 10 times, and threw it...right into the head of another fan five rows up. Dumbass. The crowd was chanting something every five minutes, including an "overdue" chant for RVD. Cena gave as good as he got in this one. The crowd chanted "same old shit" for Cena, although RVD has been doing his schtick for a lot longer. Ah, the double-standard. Eventually a man in a helmet entered the ring and speared Cena while the refs were down. It was Edge, and the crowd thanked him. Rob then looked around blankly, and then did the frog splash. . With no ref, fatassed Paul Heyman chugged down to the ring and made the count.

John Cena vs Edge in a TLC Match
Pretty good TLC match. There was one blown spot when Cena was supposed to get powerbombed through a table from the top rope, but he didn't get any distance and kind of just fell right to the mat. Edge also ran up a ladder that was set up like a ramp and dove off the top rope to the outside onto Cena. John also put Edge in the STFU while Edge was sandwiched inside the ladder. Edge went from one to the other and speared Cena off his ladder. At one point, Cena was about to win the match when Lita ran in and tipped the ladder over. Cena rode the ladder down and spilled outside the ring through a table to the floor. When she later interfered again, she got an FU for her trouble. Cena won the match after FU-ing Edge off the top of the ladder and through two stacked tables. I'm not a Cena fan, but he worked his butt off in this match. That goes double for Edge.


Batista vs The Undertaker
Crowd was really behind 'Taker right from the get-go, cheering for him and booing Batista. Undertaker still has it, too. He flew over the top rope to the outside, and was even powerslammed through an announce table. Batista was a fighter, though. He battled valiantly, but Undertaker was not to be denied. Undertaker countered another powerslam attempt, threw Batista into the ropes, and when he came out stumbled right into the Tombstone.

John Cena vs Shawn Micheals
Michaels proved he can still get it done. He did a sweet springboard moonsault onto Cena onto the table. The crowd was behind HBK all the way, much like they were for the Undertaker previously. Match was slow at first, but built up. Referee Chioda took a superkick to the face, and HBK used the opportunity to deliver a spike piledriver to Cena on top of the steel steps. It wasn't enough. A new referee came down, but Cena kicked out. What followed was a series of reversals and near-falls, which ended in Michaels tapping out to the STFU. And the place was silent. And now it is a different year, but the same result as last year. Cena retains the gold, and 60-70% of fans are pissed

Randy Orton vs John Cena
Match was s the most exciting of the night, even with numerous rest holds. Crowd was hot, with the usual strong, anti-Cena contingent. Orton is so great in this "assassin-like" persona. Cena was able to kick out of a pinfall after an RKO, but Orton wasn't able to kick out of the FU

No Mercy:
Randy Orton vs HHH
Orton dominated early, pretty much until he went for an RKO on the announce table, but Triple H shoved him off and through one of the tables. Orton took an awesome shot from the steel steps. But not to be outdone, Triple H took a nasty RKO onto a steel chair, that busted him open. Hunter answered that count, and defiantly gave Orton the DX crotch chop. Triple H rebounded and delivered some big offense, but Orton connected out of nowhere with the RKO on top of the announce table. Triple H crawled around, but was down for the ten-count.

HHH vs Jeff Hardy
Triple H knocked Hardy around for the first few minutes, causing HHH to yell at Jeff to "fight me!" It seemed as though Trips was just toying with him. Basically HHH would beat on Jeff, Jeff would counter and get in a few moves, then HHH would take over again. Hardy reversed the Pedigree a couple of times, the second of which he turned into a pinfall.


Ric Flair vs Shawn Micheals
So the career of Ric Flair has come to a close. Thanks, Ric. And how fitting was it that the referee for the match was Little Naitch, Charles Robinson. At points this match was quite the chop-fest. HBK brought out some of the big moves, doing a springboard that Flair dodged, causing HBK to land quite awkwardly on the announce table. It looked like the edge caught him right in the gut. To Flair's credit, it took three superkicks to finally put him out. After the second, Flair got up, still determined to fight. HBK was in the corner, said "I'm sorry" and "I love you", and then put Flair down with the third superkick. HBK quickly left, leaving Flair to soak up the standing ovation. He kissed his family and then made the walk out one last time. Space Mountain is now closed.

Edge vs The Undertaker
The match started off a bit slowly, but built nicely. 'Taker had all his vintage moves here, including the leap over the top rope to the outside. Edge pretty much reversed all the finishing attempts the Undertaker threw at him, and Edge drilled him with a tv camera. He could do that because referee Korderas took an Undertaker boot to the face. Edge tried to give the Tombstone but Undertaker reversed that into a Tombstone of his own. At this point referee Charles Robinson did a mad dash down to the ring but only to deliver a two-count. Hawkins and Ryder appeared at this point, but 'Taker chokeslammed one on top of the other. Edge used the distraction to get in a spear, but it still wasn't enough. He connected with another one but hesitated for just a moment, allowing Undertaker to lock in that triangle choke of his, causing Edge to tap out.

John Cena vs Batista
A really fun match. Lots of back and forth action. Cena even countered a bodyslam attempt into an FU. Batista did catch Cena coming off the top rope and turned it into a powerbomb. Batista was really pissed that Cena kicked out after that, and bombed him again, Batista-style. And that was that. I thought it would have gone on longer, but apparently Cena was injured. So perhaps they had to cut it a bit short. But it was good while it lasted, and the crowd was into it. I only wish they would have saved this for WrestleMania.

Edge vs The Undertaker-Hell in A Cell
Things got a little crazy when Edge got a running start, launched himself off of the steel steps and speared the Undertaker through the cage wall to the announce tables. The then speared him through the ECW table. By this time they made it back into the cell, and Edge used another camera on 'Taker. Edge gave it everything he had, using ladders and anything else he could find. I think the Undertaker eventually had enough. He chokeslammed Edge through two tables that were set up outside the ring, speared him, smashed the camera on his face, gave him a con-chair-to, and finally a Tombstone piledriver before making the pin. If all that weren't enough, the Undertaker was walking out when he saw Edge moving on the Titantron. So he went back, set up Edge on a ladder, stood up on one himself, and chokeslammed Edge through the mat to "hell".

No Mercy:
Chris Jericho vs Shawn Micheals-ladder match
Ooo...HBK jumped on one end of a ladder while Jericho was pulling it into the ring through the ropes...Jericho took it to the face and I think that's when he lost his tooth. Lots of good moves here, a lot of which are hard to describe. Both men came off a ladder at one point and through an announce table. Match went on. Both men were climbing the ladder but Jericho fell and got his leg caught in the ladder. Michaels had a clear shot but Lance Cade ran interference. Both men were then back at the top, each pulling on one strap of the belt. Jericho knocked off Michaels and won the match. Great ladder match

Shawn Micheals vs The Undertaker
I hadn't been an awe of a match like this since HBK and Angle had their classic at Maina 21 just a great back and forth match with 2 legends who will no doubt be in the Hall of Fame 10 years from now

So those are my my favorite matches from this decade so far what are yours?? and sorry if theres already thread for this. I looked for one but never found it
2003 Royal Rumble - Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

Still the greatest match that I've ever witnessed on live PPV. Not saying it was the greatest match ever, but I was watching it live, and I couldn't believe how amazing it was.
One of my favorite matches was actually in the new ECW it was in July of 2006 when Big Show was champion and Ric Flair went on ECW to fight him in extreme rules. This was probably the most hardcore thing I've seen Ric Flair do which is why I enjoyed the match.
Nice list, if you want to go by year I'd have to go with something like this.

Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho 2/3 Falls Summer slam (short match but sweet, could of done with an extra 5-10 minutes tho)

Rock/HHH/Angle again from Summerslam 2000, good main event for the time, Angle got hurt and returned showed he was a tough sob, and the Rock winning was little surprise to be fair but these 3 pulled one of the best summerslam main events.

Wrestlemania 2000 - Triple threat Ladder match, need I say more, was given ample time and was basically the Original TLC match.

2001 now
No way out 2001 was probably the best "regular" PPV's I've seen, two matches from here could be considered match of the year winners, 3 stages of hell along with IMO they BEST Rock/Kurt Angle match.

Rock/Austin Mania 17 great build up and a surprise ending.

Austin/Jericho/Benoit - King of the ring 2001, not many people seem to remember this match but it's worth checking out, probably best known for Benoit breaking his neck, but the build up was good and Austin had became the goofy heel around this time.

Rob Van Dam/Jeff Hardy, both Summerslam and InVasion matches both gelled well together, shame WWE dropped the ball on RVD/Jeff Hardy match at Mania 18 rather then RVD being in a 7 minute match with Regal and the forgettable tag match at Mania 18.

and finally for 2001 The Rock/Chris Jericho from No Mercy along with the RVD/Austin/Angle match.

2002 the only match that sticks out in my mind is Rock/Hogan, HHH/Hogan backlash 2002, and they Elimination Chamber, along with Kurt Angle/Chris Benoit at Unforgiven 2002, a couple of matches that were on TV and were awesome was Eddie/Edge No DQ match AND the Jeff hardy/Undertaker Ladder match.

2003, I thought the Kurt Angle/Brock Lesnar/ Big show match from Vengeance was the best match of the year,

2004 either triple threat involving HHH/HBK and Benoit, and also Orton/Mick Foley.

2005 I can't really recall one match that was great, HBK/Hogan was the mega match tho so I guess HBK/HHH or John Cena/Chris Jericho/Christian, and the HBK/Kurt Angle Mania 21 match.

2006 Edge/John Cena TLC,

2007 I enjoyed MITB that year, but Undertaker/Batista had some good matches, and I enjoed the Orton/Cena match from Summerslam apart from that the only other two matches that stick out are HBK/Cena RAW in London and Edge/Orton on a RAW before Edge moved to SD.

2008 best match of the year Undertaker/Edge hell in the cell.
my only regret for this match is that WWE DIDN'T have Edge win, imagine had Edge won he'd of been the most mega heel in wrestling, Taker won got no complaints tho.

2009 I can't really comment thus far the best tho is probably the Undertaker/HBK but look at what we've seen this year and really there is no competition.
The 2 out of 3 falls match between HBK and HHH from Armageddon 2002 is my favorite. The street fight was the best of three, HBK stole the show in the cage match, and by the time they got to the ladder match, both of them just didn't have anything left. But they gutted it out, HBK took one sick fall at the end of the match, and we even saw interference from Ric Flair.
For me it was easily the 60 min iron man match between lesnar and angle in 2003 on Smackdown. It was such an epic match with two great wrestlers, the ending was excellent too edge of your seat tv it was excellent I though the desperation of Kurt Angle to gain some falls really shone through.

Even more it wasn't even ppv it was on an episode of Smackdown. IMO the best match of the decade so far.

Others include for me

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2003 - once again an excellent match featuring the best two technical wrestlers in the wwe at the time, beautiful straight up solid wrestling.

Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit Summerslam 2004 - What an amazing match up, one of te best reversals and quickest out of the blue RKOs ever excellent finish.

Shelton Benjamin vs Triple H Raw Draft 2004 - There was just something about this match that made you tingle felt for sure trips would go over then all of a sudden stinger splash and a roll up and all of a sudden one of the greatest commentators lines ever "It's all about the Benjamins".

Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels - Awesome Awesome Awesome epic match was just amazingly epic match.

Shawn Michaels vs Shelton Benjamin Raw 2005 - Excellent fantastic match with some great wrestling from benjamin and a ridiculous superkick at the end.
Hogan v Rock at Wrestlemania 18!
Best match of the decade!!

Since then..there has not been a match with that much energy, electricity, star power and significance!!

Wrestling wise the match was also quite good! They told a phenomenal story!
I know a lot of people don't like him, but I think it's worth mentioning the match between Cena and HBK on Raw after their Wrestlemania match. I'd definitely vote for the HBK-Undertaker match from this year's WM though.
Shelton vs Shawn, Gold rush on raw... was the best 12 minute match of all time in my opinion.

everyone seems to dislike 2006 but I loved Edge vs Foley at Wrestlemania.

but best match of the decade...

god this is impossible...

im goin with anything with bret hart... hes retired... um
Shawn vs Angle at WM.. i suppose

i cant believe u didnt bring up the triple threat tag team TLC at 'mania

OOOO and you know what... I dont remember when this was, but it was at a nothing PPV..
Triple threat between..
Another match worthy of mention I think is Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XIX.

Perhaps not the best of the decade, but definately worthy of mention as I feel its better then a few of the matches on that list.

Keeping in mind I havent seen all those matches, I would go with Michaels vs Angle at 22, or Angle vs Benoit at Rumble 2003

Probably Angle vs Benoit
Let’s take a look at the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Matches of the Year from 2001 to 2008.

2001 - April 1 - Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian - WWF Tag Team Championship - WrestleMania X-Seven - TLC Match

2002 - March 17 - The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania X8

2003 - September 16 - Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar - WWE Championship - SmackDown! - 60-minute Iron Man match

2004 - March 14 - Triple H vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels - World Heavyweight Championship - WrestleMania XX - Triple Threat Match

2005 - April 3 - Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania 21

2006 - April 2 - Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon - WrestleMania 22 - No Holds Barred Match

2007 - April 23 - John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - Raw

2008 - March 30 - Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania XXIV - Career Threatening Match

I think the Match of the Decade should be one of these, or maybe whatever the Match of the Year will be this year or next year.

As far as my personal favorite matches of this decade, I would have to say it’s a tie between these two.

2001 – December 9 – Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho – Undisputed WWF / WCW World Title - Vengeance 2001 – World Title Unification Match

2007 – August 12 – Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe – TNA World, X-Division, Tag Team and IWGP World Titles – Hard Justice 2007 – All or Nothing

I’m a Belt Mark, so a match that features more than one Title is something special to me, and of all the Unification matches ever, I think these two meant the most.
Best math of the decade for my money would be kurt angle and shawn micheals at wrestlemania 21. Pound for pound you couldnt have picked two bettert guys to go one on one at mania. It shouldve been the main event this match will stand the test of time mark my words.
it's been said but i've got to go with Angle/Michaels WM21, with Rock/Hogan as runner-up, my explanation is the same as others, just the perfect actual "wrestling" match on the biggest stage!
Here's a few that stand out to me.

John Cena vs Batista: I just loved the match. This match alone made me a John Cena fan. Both men went out there and gave it their all and sent the fans home happy. Definantly one of my personal favorites since I've been watching the WWE. I cant wait for the rematch.

Edge and Undertaker's rivalry: All of their matches were damn good, so I couldnt pick just one. They've had countless classic matches against each other. Most notably at Wrestlemania 24, One Night Stand, and SummerSlam. All of those being in the mainevent slot. They had two of the best gimmick matches in YEARS with their Hell in a Cell and T.L.C matches. Just purely classic stuff.

Randy Orton vs Mick Foley at Backlash 2004: Love the match. It was so much more than a spotfest to me. It was Randy Orton proving to people that he deserved to be a big player in the WWE. Orton and Foley worked great together and delivered one of the greatest hardcore matches of all time.

Edge vs Mick Foley at Wrestlemania 22: This match made me respect Edge. Before this I really couldnt stand him. But after I seen this I became a fan. Foley and Edge put theit bodies through hell for the fans. So that alone deserves to be mentioned in the greatest matches of the decade.

Chris Harris vs James Storm in a Texas Death Match: A fucking brilliant match. Both guys came out with something to prove and they definantly proved it. This match is one of the greatest brawls I've ever seen. It had it all. Emotion, great reversals, cool highspots and good hardcore action. If you havent seen the match you need to go watch it NOW.

Shawn Michael vs Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 21: I think it's overated but it still gets a spot in my "all decade" list. Both men busted their asses and put on a heck of a show. It was a few things I didnt like about the match but it was still great. If Michaels would've just tapped sooner at the end I would've liked it more.

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels Hell in a Cell: Holy Hell, the match was just purely brutal. The match was one of the most gritty things I've ever watched in wrestling. They just beat the living hell out of each other.

Smackdown vs Raw from Survivor Series 2005: Loved the match. It's by far the greatest traditional survivor series match I've ever seen. Just great wrestling and a good storyline. Randy Orton pulled off the win too. So that's awesome. I know a lot of people dont even remember the match. So if you havent you should go find it. You'll be entertained by it.

Randy Orton vs Undertaker: Just pick any of their matches. I personally loved all of them. They always seemed to have great chemistry in ring and always told a good story. The only thing I didnt like was that Taker didnt put over Orton in the end. But their matches were still classic. I still think that if they feuded again it would still be fresh and great and they'd probably have even better matches than before.

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker: Best match of all time IMO. Both of the guys gave it their all. It had me on the edge of my seat with every near fall and every spot. It's just one of those matches that anyone can watch and enjoy it. Honestly it's the greatest match I've ever seen. These two guys deserve huge props for putting on such a great show for the fans.

John Cena vs Triple H at N.O.C 2008: Damn good match. Both guys worked well together and put on a great show. Awesome reversals and it had a big fight atmosphere and at times it was very intense. Cena and Triple H are both huge fans fan favorites so the fans were big time into the match, so that made it even better.

Shawn Michaels vs John Cena from RAW: Almost an hour of classic wrestling. Nuff said. Michaels and Cena have insane chemistry that makes every match they have a classic. The hour long match was no different. It had the fans on their feet for the entire thing. And the crowd popped huge when Michaels pulled off the win.

Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy at Royal Rumble 2008: Great match. Both men were very entertaining and they made people actually believe that Jeff had a chance in hell of winning the WWE title. I firmly believe that it's one of Orton and Hardy's best matches to date.
I will list my top 3 matches of the decade:

3: The Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Wrestlemania X8)
This match had the perfect setup. Icon vs Icon. Who is the best ever? There were great promos and storytelling going into the spectacle. And the match??? Hogan held his own. The Rock carried the match, but they both delivered. But it was the setting that really helped out. Toronto, Canada... the SkyDome. That venue always has some of the best crowds for wrestling... ever!

2: Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania 21)
The Showstopper vs the Olympic Gold Medalist. The Main Event vs one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all-time. They told a great story in this match, and delivered a classic wrestling match.

1: Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs Triple H (Wrestlemania XX)
In keeping with the era, from 2000 - 2009... Til this day, this is the best match I've ever seen. Triple threats are tough to pull off, which made this match that much better. You had three completely difference styles. HHH; brutal individual who stooped to whatever level to come out on top. Hence the name "the Cerebral Assassin." HBK; the quick, agile vet who pulls out all the stops at the grand-daddy of them all. Benoit: technical expert. Great story leading into the match. HBK wanted HHH 1 on 1. Benoit was the Rumble winner. Benoit never been in the WM main event, and never won the big one. The match was a classic with dead-on perfect spots, and a great ending to the match. The celebration with Eddie and Benoit at the end added to this moment.
no offense but this has been done to death but i'll throw my 2 cents in anyway.

Best match as far as hype and entertainment was by FAAARRRRRR Rock/Hogan at WM18. That doesn't even need explanation really. The biggest name ever going 1-on-1 with the Great One. That's all for that.

Best match as far as wrestling goes... HBK/Angle at WM21. You've got to be insane to not think that match wasn't the most epic wrestling clinic of the decade... and just for argument sake... the best all-time. With just the build for the event and no really memorable "feud" between them, that was the greatest story ever told and again... they put on an absolute wrestling clinic. I never get sick of watching that match. I honestly think if you want to get somebody interested into wrestling that thinks it's stupid or says "it's fake" because that's the only excuse anybody has for hating wrestling is that "it's fake." You then say... well douchebag... movies are also fake, but you watch those. So you're going to watch this match for being so uneducated. They will then retract their previous statement. Works every time.
i Guess most of my generation's wrestling fans stop watching wrestling beceause... if their saying Orton or Cena as their favorite match, then their not over 17 years old.

Their were alot of great matches this decade but from a storyline stand-put, perfect gimmicks, having a main event on the biggest stage and at the given time the 2 best the entire industry had to offer. That match would have to be Stonecold Steve Austin Vs. The Rock for the championship at Wrestlemania X7. This match lived up to the Hype and everything at that time was perfect. Even the Theme music!!.

Second Best match was Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels at Summerslam 2002. for the same reasons as the first best match of decade.
The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan is by far the match of the decade. The match, in terms of actual wrestling, may have been "meh" at best but the hype surrounding this match is unparalleled. I can't recall any other match of the decade where the crowd was that HOT. Definitely the most iconic match of this decade.

Second place would have to be Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker. The match was hyped for two years and it did not disappoint. Much like The Rock vs Hulk Hogan, this was an iconic match as well. Two of Wrestlemania's biggest legends going at it at the 25th anniversary.

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle was probably the best match-wise, but the hype behind it was no where near as intense as The Rock vs Hogan or HBK vs Taker.
IF I had 2 choose it'll be...
1.Eddie vs Lesnar/No Way Out 2004/
This is my fav match of all time jus cuz no1 thought that the wwe was gonna have brock drop the title to eddie
2.The 1st ever elimination chamber match
This match was good shawn returns n wins the world title...n from this the elimination chamber went 2 suceed
3.Randy vs undertaker
1 of taker n randys best wms if not the best they have ever had

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