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Mark Henry Is The #1 Contender For The WHC

I can buy this. Henry has beaten anyone and everyone over the last few months from Sheamus to The Big Show to Johnny Curtis. He' s been booked to absolute perfection and looks like a huge obstacle for Orton to overcome. Now, can Orton actually beat him? I'm sure he can, and probably will, but, I can buy Henry winning here. I can see Christian screwing Orton to re-ignite their feud for a match at Hell in a Cell while Henry continues to demolish everyone as champion until he's finally put down by Orton in a rematch, or even by Daniel Bryan when he cashes in his Money in the Bank. After all, it doesn't really matter how big you are, you can still tap out.
I never thought I would ever see this happen. Henry may be on his biggest roll ever in his career, but he will never be a world champion because he does not have the skills for it and no one takes him seriously. He has been a monster heel before. Remember his feud with Taker in 2006? Henry got built up as a monster destroying everyone, only for Taker to squash him and he has done next to nothing ever since other than an ECW title reign. They are building him up for Orton to smash in a one sided match, then Henry will be a joke again. Just watch and see for yourselves.
Putting the title on Henry wouldn't work right now because they have moved the titles too much lately. That sure doesn't mean that they have to destroy his heel credibility:

Most likely--The Sheamus/Henry feud seems far from over. Sheamus could easily cost Henry the title in a way that keeps Henry "a monster."

Less Likely--Christian attacks Orton and causes Orton to win by DQ.

Others--Orton snaps and gets DQ'ed; Big Show or Kane shows up in a surprise and cost Henry the title; Henry snaps and gets DQed but beats Orton down for 17 1/2 minutes.

Unlikely--Mike Chioda makes an early return and destroys Henry in a 'Roid Rage; they break the ring on a superplex; Hornswoggle comes into the ring and crushes them both.
I am really excited to see how Randy Orton is going to build up a feud with the unstoppable Mark Henry. Orton sometimes has a john cena-esque superman thing going IMO, so to have him up against the guy who nobody has touched in the past couple months should be really interesting.
this Henry build up reminds me of late 2005-2006...he was being pushed as a monster and for what? To lose to Kurt Angle in the Royal Rumble...he received another title shot (i think) at SD and nothing else...

this time he is more of a monster taking out Show and Kane, but then again...now reminds me of Umaga being so hyped and viewed as a monster for what? To lose his undefeated strike against Cena at NYR and RR 2007...it's all about building up a monster so a top face can beat him and gain more credibility i guess?? (for me, this is bs)
I hope Henry gets a title reign out of this. Honestly, the monster heel is my favorite character archetype. It's simple, the guy wins because he's significantly bigger/stronger than everybody else. Lately in the WWE it feels like monster heel types always just get schooled. A year ago Mark Henry was only used to have a couple spots to showcase how tough he was, and he would get outsmarted/repeated knee shots from whoever was up against them and lose, that was so often the result of Henry or other guys like that who went up against the main event talent. When you are a monster heel, you dont need an expansive moveset, because it doesn't fit the character. The monster heel isn't winning because of finesse, skill, or precision. It's like comparing a sniper rifle with a flamethrower.

Henry's brought back an archetype, in my eyes. I can only hope the WWE gets a young talent that can come in and keep such a classic role alive.
Mark Henry has been absolutely golden as of late. From the fued with Big Show and taking out Kane and Kozlov on top of that, the 'E has done a great job of making Henry look like an unstoppable monster. I'm glad how the Summerslam match came out, so neither him or Sheamus came out looking weak. I'm glad Henry won the battle royal, but I'm still expecting some sort of Fatal 4 Way at NOC so that Sheamus and Christian don't miss out on the card. But all in all, Mark Henry has looked great which he hasn't looked since he was tapping Mae Young.
I said it a while ago that Mark Henry would get a monster push and become the World Champion for a reign befor he retires. Now is the time!!!! Henry has been great during this push. His in ring work has been very good and his mic work awesome. This is how you push a man who is legitametly either 1 or 2 in terms of the strongest men in the world he even in terms of ever Henry is up there. At 400+ lbs this is the kind of destruction you expect from a man like Henry.

Mark has been in the WWE a long time and has put countless people over during that time to boost careers and give validity to characters. Now its Henry's turn and I am excited cause I love MONSTER heels and especially when the guy is the Worlds Strongest Man to boot.
yeah I love the match up smackdowns two best and most entertaining lets face it its big vs bad in this match

and Mark Henry's been in the wwe since like what 1998 and has usually been decently entertaining give him that dang belt
its good for storyline to go from the cowardly heel to the monster heel.

Will this produce long, entertaining matches, no, but hopefully we`ll at least see some stuff only henry can do(cage door anyone).

Will he win the title at NofC, unlikely and I don`t want him to only because we know orton will take the title right back and I`d rather he had one super run then be a 15 time champion by next year.

Hopefully orton retains, henry goes ballastic, sets up hell in the cell where we may actually see the fight leave the cell.
yeah I love Henry though lets face it Henry gonna win at Night of Champions then Orton is gonna RKO Henry threw the roof or something at HELL IN A CELL and Orton will get the title back

though I would love to see Henry do his finisher to Orton at Hell in a Cell or throw him off the top and make a statement
The main reason why Mark Henry is in the position that he's in is that WWE just doesn't have many of those larger than life characters left. Besides The Big Show, Kane, and Great Khali, how many other established monster's does the WWE have?

Henry is one of those characters that can be completely buried one month, and then be built up within a couple of weeks into a massive unstoppable juggernaut the next. His sheer strength and size easily makes him credible.

The match is going to be simple, Henry is going to beat the fuck out of Orton for 10 minutes, until Orton makes a surprise comback that probably won't include anything but a well placed RKO. Henry might get pinned or he might get counted out or even DQed... I can't really tell.

Most likely though, he's not going to win the title the first time against Orton.

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