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Mark Henry Is The #1 Contender For The WHC

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Henry's character has been on a HUGE momentum swing over the past couple months, and his heel character has been pretty impressive so far. He's the big mean bully, who wants to destroy everything in his path, and he doesn't show mercy to anyone. Henry's character isn't too complex, but his heel character is simple and effective, and Henry is receiving the big push of his career.

Also, I know a lot of people don't like Henry's in-ring work. A lot of people aren't too crazy about the old school monster heel style, but I think Henry and Orton can have a good match. Orton has been pretty sharp in the ring this year, and everything shouldn't take a turn for the worst. Henry has been involved in a series of solid matches, so we shouldn't see anything horrible at Night Of Champions.

What are your thoughts?
I love Mark Henry at the moment, but man i really hope he doesnt win the title. Mark Henry vs Randy Orton isnt going to be a great match. It wont be bad but it will be average at best imo. If Mark Henry wins, that means we will have the match again, which will probably lead to Orton winning. THAT MEANS there will most likely be a rematch and Orton will most likely retain. This is how i see it going if Mark Henry wins the title. I cant deal with 3 straight Henry vs Orton matches on ppv.
I am afraid they will make Randy beat the odds just like John Cena but with one move the RKO so I am interested on what will happen next week.Also where does Christian come into this cause of his rematch he still has.
Orton vs Henry one on one doesn't really rock my world but I am glad they are moving away from Christian. Yeah Henry has been kicking a lot of ass lately, he's put Kane and Big Show on the shelf, technically beat Sheamus at SummerSlam and eliminated Khali all by himself tonight, so he's a pretty good representative of the heavyweights and wouldn't be degrading the WHW championship any but I remember Orton spanking Henry a month or two ago on S.D. already. I think if they threw Sheamus in the mix and make it triple threat then that would definitely be worth watching.
I dont see Henry as the world champion but he has had a nice run as of late. Maybe a match or two with Orton before they move on to the nex challenger but I dont see him getting the strap. On a different note I hope they bulid someone up to take the title off Orton soon as I have really grown tired of the man. It seems like he is regressing at times especially on the mic. Problem is right now on Smackdown! there arent too many guys who would be a credible champion. Not saying Henry wouldnt be credible I just dont see him as a guy who could carry the strap and if he does it could be for his long time loyality to the company.
I haven't watched the battle royal yet (California time) but Mark Henry coming out the winner does not surprise me at all. While I did enjoy the Orton/Christian feud, it is nice to see them finally moving away from that and into something more fresh. No, I'm not a huge Mark Henry fan but he has been on a roll lately and his match with Sheamus at Summerslam actually exceeded my expectations (though granted, my expectations were low) by a lot.

However I gotta wonder, is this the end of the short feud between Sheamus and Henry? I was actually kinda hoping it would've gone a little longer, especially with the countout ending of their Summerslam encounter.
I don't understand people who don't like Henry's in ring work. He's 6'3" 400 pounds, super strong, he wrestles a style that fits this. What the fuck do you want him to do? Chain wrestle? Throw some suplexes? Or anything else that would be out of character.

I love Henry's in ring style, character, everything. It's really well rounded. It's why it's over.

Orton and Henry can have a great match, Henry is a good beatdown, Orton sells stuff well (especially head injuries), and has great, firey comebacks.
Idk how I feel about this. I can't deal with another Christian and Orton match for the next 2 years at least but Henry vs Orton seems extremely boring. I was hoping for Rhodes vs Orton but that will probably come soon. Orton is becoming stale extremely quick like Cena and SD needs some face pushes like Gabriel, Ryder, or maybe even a Dibiase face turn (since DB is tied up in the mid card till WM 28). This match just seems so boring on paper and Orton is just stale.
Yup I'm cool with this. As long as Henry doesn't win the title it should be solid. Henry's style of wrestling sets up easily for basic psychology so all Orton has to do is sell until he makes his big comeback. It's not going to set the world on fire or anything and it will certainly be a bit of a letdown after the classic feud Orton and Christian put on, but after it's all done Henry will be a re established force and anyone who goes over him will gain instant credibility. He's been booked brilliantly.

I only say that I don't want him to win the title because I'm a bit weary of this hot potato with the WHC bit they'd be playing. The only way I'll be okay with Henry winning the strap is if he were to lose it down the line to Sheamus or something and Orton move onto something else. However, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense at this point since Orton is head and shoulders above anyone else right now in terms of drawing power and you obviously have to have your best in the title picture. So Henry winning the title and losing it back to Orton in a month or 2 doesn't sound all that appealing to me. But a little month long program between the 2 could be okay.
I was wrong about Mark Henry. They have really built him up into a great monster heel. I thought him just beating up on some of the eliminated wrestlers during the battle royal was great.

Its basically a complete opposite type of opponent for Orton. Christian was the cowardly heel that hid behind lawyers. I like how Mark Henry told Orton that he smelled fear. If its booked right it can be very entertaining.
I am very happy about this, as long as they don't just let Orton defy the odds and take out Henry when Kane, Show and Sheamus couldn't. (Which will probably happen).

Can see Christian perhaps getting involved somewhere along the line, which could mean Henry can lose without losing his momentum.
even though im not really a fan of mark henry i think it was the best move they could have made right now to name him #1 contender to the whw title! hes getting a monster push right now and hes taking out everybody in his path...it kinda reminds me of the wwe title match at royal rumble a few years ago between john cena and umaga...except now mark henry is the monster heel with a big path of destruction instead of umaga and orton replaces cena as the superface in the match it wont be a great match but i expect it to be decent ill be shocked if mark henry wins the title between superorton refusing to put guys over and sheamus could interfear to screw henry out of the title to keep their fued alive but im just glad christian vs orton fued is over with...should be interesting to see what christian does next though
I have liked his current push and also enjoyed him beating on people that were eliminated from the royal, but when it comes down to it Henry is just atrocious on the mic. He is being built at this terrifying monster but when talks he isn't scary or dominant in the slightest. I think it actually kills his momentum everytime he talks because he's so bad. Maybe just have him keep doing what his doing silently or whatever I don't know but him on the mic does not work.
Idk how I feel about this. I can't deal with another Christian and Orton match for the next 2 years at least but Henry vs Orton seems extremely boring. I was hoping for Rhodes vs Orton but that will probably come soon. Orton is becoming stale extremely quick like Cena and SD needs some face pushes like Gabriel, Ryder, or maybe even a Dibiase face turn (since DB is tied up in the mid card till WM 28). This match just seems so boring on paper and Orton is just stale.
Why does it sound boring? Not enough moves for you? Orton was just built up as this awesome pscyho-badass babyface and Henry has been built up as this awesome warpath-raging heel. The matches will be basic but very good. You can't just look at the moves. Look at the mannerisms and selling both guys will do. It'll be beautiful pro wrestling.

Orton is stale maybe to you (and which top babyface isn't stale to the IWC, let's be honest, every one of you mufuckers wants everyone to turn into a boring ass anti-hero or some bullshit) but Orton isn't stale to the audience.

The matches will be intense. The crowd will be into it. Orton starts out hot, then Henry cuts him off. Stalks him and uses his weight to keep him down, Orton gets some dropkicks for his hopespots but Henry cuts him off with brutality. Orton finally makes his comeback, most likely culminating with finally taking Henry off his feet. Then back and forth signature moves and reversals until the finish.

It's like this, the match will be like a painting with only 4 colors, but it will be a brilliant painting because of how well these guys do their characters and all the little details they do and how well they sell. I love how Henry pretty much always has an Ice Cube type of scowl on his face and how Orton sort of convulses like a crazy person on his comebacks. If you ever wanna know why guys like Tyson Kidd can do a million moves but not get much of a reaction, but Orton can hit a powerslam, convulse, and drop to the mat to get a huge one, this would be a match to watch. It's taking very little and getting a lot out of it.

As for the mic work. As I said about Orton elsewhere, he's a badass. If he talks deliberately because he's making people wait on him. He doesn't talk fast and fluctuate his voice and use lots of little cute catchphrases, he's a badass, he talks for him, no one else. It's kind of how HHH used to cut his promos (they're really similar, don't let nostalgia tell you they weren't). Mark Henry's character is kind of the same way, he talks how he does without talking fast and without fluctuations because he's a badass.

Not only that, but I think this will be more of a physical feud than a mic feud.
I am not gonna pretend that I care about Mark Henry, but for last few months he is definitely making me notice him again. Randy (b)orton on the other hand is not bland anymore, since it seems that he is back to his menacing best in this feud with Christian.

I can't help but notice that there is a lot of similarity between Mark Henry and Randy Orton's character. Both of them are ruthless, raring to take any one head-on, destroy anyone in their path. Both of them are angry for their own reasons, and looks like a man on mission. So, the point is, is it possible to have a feud between the two? and if it is possible than it should be based on what, since non of them is baby face, non of them whine, non of them is cocky, and neither of them have lost anything because of other one. Only way I can see a long term feud happening between the two (if at all it will happen) is "who is the better man" types, with Randy playing little bit of an underdog. But, i definitely don't think that this feud will be longer than 6-7 weeks. I guess this feud would just be to give Christian a break and bring some other super star at main event level (possibly a new main event heel), before Christan comes back and go full monty on Orton, leading to wrestlemania 28 (i just can't see Orton having a match with anyone else in WM28)

Assuming that this will be short-term feud, so this is how the storyline should play out. Randy orton is having a main event match, Mark henry interrupts and do his standard beatdown on Randy Orton ruthlessly (similar to what he did to Big show). Randy is angry but there is very little he can do to counter Mark henry's power. Also, Mark Henry doesn't care about Randy's anger, so he keeps on belting Randy down for two SD shows in a row. Randy, known for his anger management issues, keep yelling at Teddy long to do something about it. Mark henry is silent, assertive and straight faced anger is sinking in Randy. On night of champions, Randy should defeat Mark henry in a tough brutal match, but only by disqualification which it will make mark henry even more angrier. Then, at last he will be interrupted by Big show, who will unleash his anger on Mark henry.

This feud can establish Mark henry as big force, and also show some vulnerability to Randy Orton's character to be exploited later by Christian.
I am not gonna pretend that I care about Mark Henry, but for last few months he is definitely making me notice him again. Randy (b)orton on the other hand is not bland anymore, since it seems that he is back to his menacing best in this feud with Christian.

I can't help but notice that there is a lot of similarity between Mark Henry and Randy Orton's character. Both of them are ruthless, raring to take any one head-on, destroy anyone in their path. Both of them are angry for their own reasons, and looks like a man on mission. So, the point is, is it possible to have a feud between the two? and if it is possible than it should be based on what, since non of them is baby face, non of them whine, non of them is cocky, and neither of them have lost anything because of other one. Only way I can see a long term feud happening between the two (if at all it will happen) is "who is the better man" types, with Randy playing little bit of an underdog. But, i definitely don't think that this feud will be longer than 6-7 weeks. I guess this feud would just be to give Christian a break and bring some other super star at main event level (possibly a new main event heel), before Christan comes back and go full monty on Orton, leading to wrestlemania 28 (i just can't see Orton having a match with anyone else in WM28)

Assuming that this will be short-term feud, so this is how the storyline should play out. Randy orton is having a main event match, Mark henry interrupts and do his standard beatdown on Randy Orton ruthlessly (similar to what he did to Big show). Randy is angry but there is very little he can do to counter Mark henry's power. Also, Mark Henry doesn't care about Randy's anger, so he keeps on belting Randy down for two SD shows in a row. Randy, known for his anger management issues, keep yelling at Teddy long to do something about it. Mark henry is silent, assertive and straight faced anger is sinking in Randy. On night of champions, Randy should defeat Mark henry in a tough brutal match, but only by disqualification which it will make mark henry even more angrier. Then, at last he will be interrupted by Big show, who will unleash his anger on Mark henry.

This feud can establish Mark henry as big force, and also show some vulnerability to Randy Orton's character to be exploited later by Christian.
That's an insanely simplistic and almost stupid way of looking at it in your first paragraph. "who's the better man" is the only way they'll feud? REALLY? That's all you get out of what's happened so far?

No, more like Henry has been rampaging anyone and killing anyone for no reason, Orton had enough of Christian's bitching and killed him. babyface vs heel.

The story will be "is orton badass enough to overcome the fierce Mark Henry?" Henry does mean things, Orton retaliates with his aggression.
I doubt that he will win the title. At most, he might be beat Orton up with a chair and be disqualified at NoC.
I am more interested to see what Christian and Sheamus will be doing during that time.
The way Henry has been booked leading up to his upcoming title match has been great. I'm no fan of Mark Henry in general but he's on a legit hot streak that makes him a very credible threat to Orton's title. I don't expect the matches to equal the Christian-Orton matches because in my opinion, Christian and Orton have great chemistry in the ring, but their match(es) can be very decent because,as TWJC said, both guys can sell their moves,emotions and their opponents' moves.

A little issue I have going in is: The chance that Orton wins cleanly and walks out like as if it were just a regular title match.

That shouldn't be the case and I believe(hope as well) it wouldn't be because Mark was not booked as an unstoppable force only to receive an RKO 10-15 minutes into the match and have Orton walk out as if he fought some midcarder on Smackdown! How their first encounter ends would have a big impact on the future credibility of their feud.
I expect Orton's win to be portrayed as "narrowly escaping with his title". Could be a DQ(On Henry's part as he loses control and gets DQ'd by the ref),countout or a roll-up.

Some detailed scenarios for the finish:

*Orton wins via pinfall. To be exact, a roll-up. Then post-match have Henry give Orton a beatdown OR have Orton get out of the ring immediately as a sign of "Wow, I barely escaped from that one".
*Orton wins via DQ. Henry snaps and gets DQ'd.
*Orton wins via countout.
*Henry wins via DQ. Orton gets frustrated by Henry's toughness that he snaps.

Does Henry have to win? I wouldn't mind. He's on a roll and from what I've read in some articles, he is near retirement(A year from now if my recollection of the info is correct) so from that point of view, him being rewarded of a title is okay also, he has had the better build-up than Swagger and Sheamus(His first reign) prior to them becoming champs. In the scenario that he doesn't get the belt, I wouldn't mind also because he would have served his purpose as a new and credible opponent for the top star for a specific amount of time while the next guy to challenge Orton(Presumably Cody Rhodes) gets another feud to further add credibility.
That's an insanely simplistic and almost stupid way of looking at it in your first paragraph. "who's the better man" is the only way they'll feud? REALLY? That's all you get out of what's happened so far?

No, more like Henry has been rampaging anyone and killing anyone for no reason, Orton had enough of Christian's bitching and killed him. babyface vs heel.

The story will be "is orton badass enough to overcome the fierce Mark Henry?" Henry does mean things, Orton retaliates with his aggression.

Honestly man, you're actually starting to get me more interested in this match and have been making think a lot more about it. Well you're getting more interested in the feud. Randy will be the underdog, he hasn't been that in a very long time, not since he moved to SmackDown anyways. And since I've been thinking more about it, I realized they haven't announced that it will be at Night of Champions yet. Also they have a live SD coming up on the 30th. I will not be surprised if they have the title match then and Mark wins the belt. It really wouldn't be that easy to wait a whole month for these two to have a match at the PPV and keep it fresh.
But what if they have the title match at the live SD and and Henry loses? I'll bet he gets a rematch at Night of Champions in some kind of stipulation match then. He's been working his ass of all summer and deserves to at least get a PPV match for the title. I just don't want these two to feud for a whole month, that's going to get boring. They need to bring in something else to keep it mattering, like already having the title change or making it a stip match. Either way, we will get a few pretty decent matches out of all of this, I'm just afraid for the feud but also kinda of caring about it because of that TWJC up there.
Completely understandable. Am I happy with it? Not hugely. I don't see Orton and Henry having great chemistry. They're both quite similar. They're very serious, intense characters and their promos aren't hugely interesting. I mean, they're both very competent on the mic, they're just slow and serious. I don't know how well that will bode for them in this angle.

Still, Henry has been on a roll, impressing everyone. What a push he has had. It would be ridiculous for him not to get a title shot. He's still not much in the ring, but he makes up for that in his brutal looking attacks. He's made himself look like a million bucks, so more power to him.
I have to admit that Mark Henry has made me eat a lot of crow over the course of the past few months.

Like most other poeple, I'd long since written him off as possibly the most irrelevant guy in the WWE roster. Over the past few months, however, he's really shined in the direction they've gone with. him. He's worked hard in his matches and has even done well on the mic. Makes you wonder why WWE didn't do this with the guy 10 years ago.

I can't say that his match with Orton will be anywhere near the caliber we've seen when it comes to Orton vs. Christian, but Henry does deserve to be #1 contender at this time.
That's an insanely simplistic and almost stupid way of looking at it in your first paragraph. "who's the better man" is the only way they'll feud? REALLY? That's all you get out of what's happened so far?

No, more like Henry has been rampaging anyone and killing anyone for no reason, Orton had enough of Christian's bitching and killed him. babyface vs heel.

The story will be "is orton badass enough to overcome the fierce Mark Henry?" Henry does mean things, Orton retaliates with his aggression.

Well, pardon my simplicity, or lack of creativity, or lack of analytical skills, I am just a mark, or you can say a casual fan, and I am simply trying to suggest an idea on how this feud can produce a compelling drama. I wasn't saying what the story would be (your idea of story makes sense to me also), but was simply (for lack of better word :) ) pointing out what could be the motivation for these two to feud with each other. What else would be the reason for them to be beat each other?

Off course, Mark henry is going to unleash the fury on Randy orton (just like he did on Big show), but why? What else could be reason/motivation other than "Who is the better man"? May be Mark henry is pissed at WWE for not giving him enough opportunities and recognition, so he has had enough of it and he is on a rampage to prove a point. May be Mark henry thinks that every other man in this rooster is not as good/powerful/talented enough as him, and he is in a different league, and he has waited and waited for his opportunity, but he hasn't got enough of them. Mark henry doesn't look evil to me, he looks motivated, upset and fiercly angry. I am not an expert like you, so may be that is how a casual fan would look at it, which matters more, isn't it?
I dont get why MH is still in the WWE, let alone getting a push. I feel for Orton who is going to have to take some nasty bumps in order to make MH look good. Unless I missed it there was no public outcry for MH EVER! MH vs Orton does not sell PPV or put asses in seats, sorry Vince or whatever writer presented this idea.

MH is better suited to wrestle on Superstars as a filler guy and primarily used as protection for real talented guys.
I dont get why MH is still in the WWE, let alone getting a push. I feel for Orton who is going to have to take some nasty bumps in order to make MH look good. Unless I missed it there was no public outcry for MH EVER! MH vs Orton does not sell PPV or put asses in seats, sorry Vince or whatever writer presented this idea.

MH is better suited to wrestle on Superstars as a filler guy and primarily used as protection for real talented guys.

Have you been watching Mark's latest run? He's a monster. If you don't buy into Mark Henry as an absolute terror, I'm not sure WWE can convince you of anything.

-He was complacent for years.
-He became angry.
-He started destroying anyone and anything.
-He's challenging for the title.

It's quite simple. He's the biggest, strongest guy in wrestling, so yes, I can easily buy into the theory of him becoming pissed off, which motivated him to starting kicking ass.

What's great about this? It all works in Orton's favor. Here's another monster for him to take out. He's the face of Smackdown, and he needs heels to defeat. I would say a 400 pound monster fits that description.

Then again, I understand where you're coming from. Just a few months ago, I said Mark Henry shouldn't have a job. Well.... I was wrong :shrug:
Hey guys
I think Henry will win the title soon, maybe at NoC. Henry has really earned my respect. I enjoy watching him destroy ringside scenery. :) But in all seriousness, Henry deserves a title run.

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